Republicans Support Gang Violence

...demonize half the country ALL because the Democrats had the gall to elect a black man as POTUS!

No evidence whatsoever that the election of a black man had anything to do with anything outside a small minority of actual neo-Nazis and hold over KKK members who have next to no influence in society. You're just spewing the typical ignorant, divisive propaganda of the left. Many people who voted for Trump also voted for Obama as evidenced by the fact both men won swing states like Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Iowa.
Yeah, all the times your national news pundits emphasized his name “Hussein” and claimed he couldn’t possibly be a citizen had nothing to do with his background. :rolleyes:

You lying piece of trash

What does any of that have to do with Valerie claiming half the country got worked up over the election of a black man to the presidency?
Not half the country. A good 20 - 30 percent of the Current GOP though. It was stupid to think the 1st black President wouldn’t face unprecedented hatred and spark a movement towards white nationalism.

A black president has nothing to do with a movement towards "white nationalism." It has to do with the political left engaging in an extremist social justice war attacking any and everything "white." You people preach tolerance and diversity, yet are the most intolerant and divisive people there are.
We didn’t tolerate your right to engage in discrimination and intolerance. I hope we’ve learned our lesson and completely stopped practicing all tolerance towards you all.

Manhattan Republicans Are Defending Their Invitation To A Violent Far-Right Group

Leaders of a Manhattan political club that was once the archetype of moderate Republicanism say they stand behind the decision to invite the founder of a far-right men’s group as police investigate violence by and against his group after his speech at their clubhouse Friday night.

The Metropolitan Republican Club advertised Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes’s appearance as an opportunity to see McInnes reenact the samurai sword assassination of Japanese socialist leader Inejiro Asanuma. In a Facebook post, the club called the Proud Boys founder the “Godfather of the Hipster Movement [who] has taken on and exposed the Deep State Socialists and stood up for Western Values.”

Following McInnes’s speech, a group of about 30 men who appeared to have just left the event were caught on video attacking two or three protesters near the club, while screaming threats and slurs.

Yet despite internal criticism from some club members — and the video capturing the violence — club leaders defended their decision in a statement on Sunday.
That's fake news.

What really happened is 3 antifa thugs assaulted and robbed a citizen. The 3 scumbags were then chased down and subdued. They were held until the police arrived, hauled them off to jail, and booked them for assault and robbery.
pffft i don't melt.

go cry some more over all that hillary FAKE NEWS you swallowed...

You people have done nothing but act like irrational two year olds since the day Trump won the election.

yeah, supporting my country and its chief law enforcement agencies makes ME an irrational 2 year old.

cuz some dumbo said so..? oh there i go using immature words again.

i know you'd prefer more MATURE sexually explicit insults, but that's just not my style... :itsok:
We didn’t tolerate your right to engage in discrimination and intolerance.

And yet discrimination and intolerance is precisely what you engage in. You love discriminating and intolerance as long as you're the ones deciding who it's okay to be discriminatory and intolerant towards.
pffft i don't melt.

go cry some more over all that hillary FAKE NEWS you swallowed...

You people have done nothing but act like irrational two year olds since the day Trump won the election.

yeah, supporting my country and its chief law enforcement agencies makes ME an irrational 2 year old.

cuz some dumbo said so..? oh there i go using immature words again.

i know you'd prefer more MATURE sexually explicit insults, but that's just not my style... :itsok:

yeah, supporting my county and its chief law enforcement agencies

now if you can just upgrade to supporting your country, and it's chief law enforcement agencies...
pffft i don't melt.

go cry some more over all that hillary FAKE NEWS you swallowed...

You people have done nothing but act like irrational two year olds since the day Trump won the election.

yeah, supporting my country and its chief law enforcement agencies makes ME an irrational 2 year old.

cuz some dumbo said so..? oh there i go using immature words again.

i know you'd prefer more MATURE sexually explicit insults, but that's just not my style... :itsok:

You all believe you're supporting the country, but in reality, you're all tearing it apart. You are childish and they are childish.
We didn’t tolerate your right to engage in discrimination and intolerance.

And yet discrimination and intolerance is precisely what you engage in. You love discriminating and intolerance as long as you're the ones deciding who it's okay to be discriminatory and intolerant towards.
Who am I discriminating against. And if you say “Christians,” then you have to include every other religion too because I don’t want the state to adopt or endorse any of them either as in accordance with the Constitution.
We didn’t tolerate your right to engage in discrimination and intolerance.

And yet discrimination and intolerance is precisely what you engage in. You love discriminating and intolerance as long as you're the ones deciding who it's okay to be discriminatory and intolerant towards.
Who am I discriminating against. And if you say “Christians,” then you have to include every other religion too because I don’t want the state to adopt or endorse any of them either as in accordance with the Constitution.

We didn’t tolerate your right to engage in discrimination and intolerance.

And yet discrimination and intolerance is precisely what you engage in. You love discriminating and intolerance as long as you're the ones deciding who it's okay to be discriminatory and intolerant towards.
Who am I discriminating against. And if you say “Christians,” then you have to include every other religion too because I don’t want the state to adopt or endorse any of them either as in accordance with the Constitution.

Separation of Church and State is nowhere in the Constitution.
Maybe you should read it someday.
We didn’t tolerate your right to engage in discrimination and intolerance.

And yet discrimination and intolerance is precisely what you engage in. You love discriminating and intolerance as long as you're the ones deciding who it's okay to be discriminatory and intolerant towards.
Who am I discriminating against. And if you say “Christians,” then you have to include every other religion too because I don’t want the state to adopt or endorse any of them either as in accordance with the Constitution.

Separation of Church and State is nowhere in the Constitution.
Maybe you should read it someday.
That’s why the Bill of Rights was adopted. Maybe you should read it someday.

I suppose you won’t complain if Muslims establish sharia law here and there, right? :rolleyes:
We didn’t tolerate your right to engage in discrimination and intolerance.

And yet discrimination and intolerance is precisely what you engage in. You love discriminating and intolerance as long as you're the ones deciding who it's okay to be discriminatory and intolerant towards.
Who am I discriminating against. And if you say “Christians,” then you have to include every other religion too because I don’t want the state to adopt or endorse any of them either as in accordance with the Constitution.

Separation of Church and State is nowhere in the Constitution.
Maybe you should read it someday.
That’s why the Bill of Rights was adopted. Maybe you should read it someday.

I suppose you won’t complain if Muslims establish sharia law here and there, right? :rolleyes:

It's freedom of religion dumbfuck.
well there is nothing about sharia law in the constitution, so there ya go!

i can't help what dumbos don't "see".

Perhaps you can point it out to me?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

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