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Republicans Supporting GOOD Discrimination - the GAZA Act

Here you go again, with your nasty accusations of bigotry - ignoring that the majority of Palestinians have said they support the deliberate and barbaric murder of Jews.

Your statements are bigoted. Substitute Jews for Palestinians and youā€™d be screaming antisemitism.

When you learn to debate like an adult, and not a typical leftist who loves calling a Jew a bigot because she doesnā€™t want more ā€œDeath to Jews!ā€ Palestinians moving here, then weā€™ll talk.

Now youā€™re just falling into your ā€œIā€™m being picked on because Iā€™m a Jewā€. That is not debating like an adult.

Merriam Webster
Bigotry: obstinate or intolerant devotion to one's own opinions and prejudices : the state of mind of a bigot

You hate Palestinians (Conflating Hamas with all Palestinians). Whatever. Other people hate Jews (conflating Israelā€™s actions as a nation on worldwide Jewry). Whatever.

You are entitled to your opinion. What you arenā€™t entitled to is to use that bigotry to impose restrictions, call for violence, or take legal action on people solely based on their ethnicity.

You sure do expect Jews to welcome in Jew-haters who teach their kids to hate Jews from age 4. I know YOU are happy to tolerate more antisemites in this country, but itā€™s a bit much when you insist Jews do as well.
You donā€™t have to welcome anyone if you donā€™t want to. You are hardly alone in that. People like you refused admittance to Jews, becauseā€¦wellā€¦they Jewish. They didnā€™t want the Italian immigrants because well, they were Catholic. You are probably in good company.
Your statements are bigoted. Substitute Jews for Palestinians and youā€™d be screaming antisemitism.

Now youā€™re just falling into your ā€œIā€™m being picked on because Iā€™m a Jewā€. That is not debating like an adult.

Merriam Webster
Bigotry: obstinate or intolerant devotion to one's own opinions and prejudices : the state of mind of a bigot

You hate Palestinians (Conflating Hamas with all Palestinians). Whatever. Other people hate Jews (conflating Israelā€™s actions as a nation on worldwide Jewry). Whatever.

You are entitled to your opinion. What you arenā€™t entitled to is to use that bigotry to impose restrictions, call for violence, or take legal action on people solely based on their ethnicity.

You donā€™t have to welcome anyone if you donā€™t want to. You are hardly alone in that. People like you refused admittance to Jews, becauseā€¦wellā€¦they Jewish. They didnā€™t want the Italian immigrants because well, they were Catholic. You are probably in good company.
Youā€™re too stuck in your thinking to even consider what Iā€˜m saying.

The Jews under consideration for restriction were NOT supporters of terrorists who massacre Americans. Stop trying to draw a parallel between them and the Palestinians who want Jews dead.

And grow up and have a debate without constantly insulting, belittling, and calling your opponent a bigot.
Iā€™m not slamming the door on them because of their ethnicity. Iā€™m slamming the door because 75% of them support the barbaric massacre of Jews.

Yes. You are. I think I pointed this out to before and you ignored it.

It is extremely hard to get accurate polls on Palestinians, more so during conflict.

The poll you like reference took place after the death toll from the conflict was already around 16,000ā€¦more than two thirds women and children. Entire families exterminated, and likely thousands more bodies buried beneath the rubble due to Israelā€™s bombing. How would you expect them to feel about Jews at that time?

They would probably feel the same hate, anger, and desire for vengeance as the Israeli Jews felt seeing entire towns burned with people trapped inside, entire families massacred, women and children raped and murdered and taken hostage. If you took poll of Jews then, how do you think they would feel about Palestinians?

What makes it doubly difficult is NEITHER side gets much news about the other. Israeliā€™s get very little accurate information on the civilian casualties and the level of destruction in Gaza, likewise there is very little accurate information getting through to the Palestinians.

Going back to the polls you like reference with your constant claims of 75%ā€¦is stuff like this, indicative of how complicated it is to get a finger on them.

Wide public support for Hamasā€™ offensive on October the 7th, but the vast majority denies that Hamas has committed atrocities against Israeli civilians. The war increases Hamasā€™ popularity and greatly weakens the standing of the PA and its leadership; nonetheless, the majority of the Palestinians remains unsupportive of Hamas. Support for armed struggle rises, particularly in the West Bank and in response to settlersā€™ violence, but support for the two-state solution rises somewhat. The overwhelming majority condemns the positions taken by the US and the main European powers during the war and express the belief that they have lost their moral compass

So tell me. Did 75% of the Jews they were trying say they support a barbaric massacre of American Catholics?
See above regarding your 75%.

And my question to you: How would you expect the Palestinians to feel about Jews at the time of those polls?
Yes. You are. I think I pointed this out to before and you ignored it.

It is extremely hard to get accurate polls on Palestinians, more so during conflict.

The poll you like reference took place after the death toll from the conflict was already around 16,000ā€¦more than two thirds women and children. Entire families exterminated, and likely thousands more bodies buried beneath the rubble due to Israelā€™s bombing. How would you expect them to feel about Jews at that time?

They would probably feel the same hate, anger, and desire for vengeance as the Israeli Jews felt seeing entire towns burned with people trapped inside, entire families massacred, women and children raped and murdered and taken hostage. If you took poll of Jews then, how do you think they would feel about Palestinians?

What makes it doubly difficult is NEITHER side gets much news about the other. Israeliā€™s get very little accurate information on the civilian casualties and the level of destruction in Gaza, likewise there is very little accurate information getting through to the Palestinians.

Going back to the polls you like reference with your constant claims of 75%ā€¦is stuff like this, indicative of how complicated it is to get a finger on them.

Wide public support for Hamasā€™ offensive on October the 7th, but the vast majority denies that Hamas has committed atrocities against Israeli civilians. The war increases Hamasā€™ popularity and greatly weakens the standing of the PA and its leadership; nonetheless, the majority of the Palestinians remains unsupportive of Hamas. Support for armed struggle rises, particularly in the West Bank and in response to settlersā€™ violence, but support for the two-state solution rises somewhat. The overwhelming majority condemns the positions taken by the US and the main European powers during the war and express the belief that they have lost their moral compass

See above regarding your 75%.

And my question to you: How would you expect the Palestinians to feel about Jews at the time of those polls?
You think Iā€™m going to read through all that with your constantly calling me a bigot and a liar, and too engrained in your leftism to recognize how tolerant you demand Jews be of antisemitism and antisemites?

Find someone else to harrass.
Youā€™re too stuck in your thinking to even consider what Iā€˜m saying.

Oh Iā€™m considering it Lisa. That is exactly I see the wrong in it.

The Jews under consideration for restriction were NOT supporters of terrorists who massacre Americans. Stop trying to draw a parallel between them and the Palestinians who want Jews dead.
The Jews being restricted were, judged as a group (like you are doing with Palestinians) as associated with communism (which many righties put on par with terrorists groups) during a time of considerable class and national upheavals and revolution. There is your parallel.

The other thing is the idea of basing immigration decisions based on what you assume they think or believe rather than how they act or what theyā€™ve done. And you donā€™t see the wrong in that?

And grow up and have a debate without constantly insulting, belittling, and calling your opponent a bigot.
I said your statements are bigoted, and they are.
You think Iā€™m going to read through all that with your constantly calling me a bigot and a liar, and too engrained in your leftism to recognize how tolerant you demand Jews be of antisemitism and antisemites?

Find someone else to harrass.
That is exactly why it is such a waste of time trying to actually have a discussion. These issues DO NOT fit on a bumper sticker they canā€™t be reduced down to a snappy slogan.

I donā€™t expect you to be toleran
t. No one has to like anyone for any reason. Thatā€™s their, your and my right as citizens of a free country. But what you and the OP are advocating is to go beyond that and take it from thoughts to actions which affects the rights of others to be treated fairly and equally, solely because of their ethnic origin. And you are the one who insists that the right treats people as individuals not groups!

And hell, that is exactly the discrimination Jews have faced in immigration.:rolleyes:
That is exactly why it is such a waste of time trying to actually have a discussion. These issues DO NOT fit on a bumper sticker they canā€™t be reduced down to a snappy slogan.

I donā€™t expect you to be toleran
t. No one has to like anyone for any reason. Thatā€™s their, your and my right as citizens of a free country. But what you and the OP are advocating is to go beyond that and take it from thoughts to actions which affects the rights of others to be treated fairly and equally, solely because of their ethnic origin. And you are the one who insists that the right treats people as individuals not groups!

And hell, that is exactly the discrimination Jews have faced in immigration.:rolleyes:
You are ignoring that the majority of Palestinians want Jews dead, and there is no way to determine who the minority of decent ones are. Thus, I donā€™t want them here.

Why must Jews be so tolerant of those who want them dead? Your parallel doesnā€™t fit because the Jews did not want Americans dead.

You leftists cry and wail about racism and Islamophobia, and then are so content to tolerate antisemitism that you call a Jew who objects to importing more antisemites a bigot.

And question: Iā€™ve been checking out other threads where people are talking about ā€œMuslim scumā€ and the like. Yet here you are, focused on the Jew.

Your bias is obvious. You love insulting a Jew when non-Jews are saying mich worse, and you ignore it.
Mmmhā€¦no. Hamas is a designated terrorist group. The PA is not. Hamas also governs a portion of Palestinian territory making some association between them inevitable. However Hamas hates the PA (forced them out of Gaza) and the PA likewise hates Hamas.

Secondly, no one is talking about letting in terrorists, they would be screened like any other immigrant. There are 14.3 million Palestinians. Hamasā€™s membership is estimated between 20,000 - 25,000. Out of 14.3 million.

So yes, this OS about bigotryā€¦the same kind you claim to oppose.

First, I didnā€™t make a persecution. Not sure why you brought that up. Iā€™m not going argue your bizarre and delusional definition of Islam either (I think weā€™ve been at it before, years ago). You have a right to your opinion and I to mIne, none of which has to do with immigration Of Palestinians.

Good God. :rolleyes: And of course Lisa agreed (no surprise).
FALSE! The PA is every bit as much a designated terrorist group as Hamas, due to their support of Hamas. The Palestinian Authority in the West Bank is directly tied to Hamas, through the ā€œPay to Slayā€ program, which financially rewards families of terrorists, including those associated with Hamas.

America First Legal (AFL), representing Texas Congressman Ronny Jackson, has successfully obtained a court order against the Biden administration, requiring the disclosure of details on how U.S. taxpayer funds are being used (given to the PA) in relation to Hamas, a group recognized as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government.
Jackson, a retired rear admiral and former White House physician, filed this lawsuit under the Taylor Force Act.

Secondly, maybe you have not come to focus on the 2023 Joe Biden, who has ZERO respect for the Constitution, US law, or just doing things appropriately. Biden couldn't care less who is coming into the country, and to him, vetting only slows things down, thereby decreasing the number of VOTES he can pile up, which is what this whole open borders abomination is all about.

So NO, this is not about bigotry, as Biden is willing to let ANYBODY from anywhere into the US, While congressional Republicans are doing the proper PROTECTIONIST thing of being careful (and Palestinians arent so innocent,fre voting for Hamas in 2007).

As for Islam, my definition of it IS NOT my definition of it - it is what is clearly written in the Koran, which perhaps you are clueless about. And it is notable that all the immoral & illegal things I noted in Post # 53, have had 1400 years to be reformed (as Christianity reformed itself centuries ago). But in 1400 years, not one word of the Koran has ever been changed.
FALSE! The PA is every bit as much a designated terrorist group as Hamas, due to their support of Hamas. The Palestinian Authority in the West Bank is directly tied to Hamas, through the ā€œPay to Slayā€ program, which financially rewards families of terrorists, including those associated with Hamas.

America First Legal (AFL), representing Texas Congressman Ronny Jackson, has successfully obtained a court order against the Biden administration, requiring the disclosure of details on how U.S. taxpayer funds are being used (given to the PA) in relation to Hamas, a group recognized as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government.
Jackson, a retired rear admiral and former White House physician, filed this lawsuit under the Taylor Force Act.

Secondly, maybe you have not come to focus on the 2023 Joe Biden, who has ZERO respect for the Constitution, US law, or just doing things appropriately. Biden couldn't care less who is coming into the country, and to him, vetting only slows things down, thereby decreasing the number of VOTES he can pile up, which is what this whole open borders abomination is all about.

So NO, this is not about bigotry, as Biden is willing to let ANYBODY from anywhere into the US, While congressional Republicans are doing the proper PROTECTIONIST thing of being careful (and Palestinians arent so innocent,fre voting for Hamas in 2007).

As for Islam, my definition of it IS NOT my definition of it - it is what is clearly written in the Koran, which perhaps you are clueless about. And it is notable that all the immoral & illegal things I noted in Post # 53, have had 1400 years to be reformed (as Christianity reformed itself centuries ago). But in 1400 years, not one word of the Koran has ever been changed.
Thank you, my love!!!

That particular mod is so engrained with the oppressor/oppressed false narrative that she is blinding herself to the fact that the MAJORITY Of Palestinians supported the most savage, barbaric, torture to death of innocent Jews - including babies and children - and demands that every American Jew tolerate their horrific antisemitism and welcome them to this country - or, you guessed it, she calls the Jews who donā€™t want them here bigots.
That is exactly why it is such a waste of time trying to actually have a discussion. These issues DO NOT fit on a bumper sticker they canā€™t be reduced down to a snappy slogan.

I donā€™t expect you to be toleran
t. No one has to like anyone for any reason. Thatā€™s their, your and my right as citizens of a free country. But what you and the OP are advocating is to go beyond that and take it from thoughts to actions which affects the rights of others to be treated fairly and equally, solely because of their ethnic origin. And you are the one who insists that the right treats people as individuals not groups!

And hell, that is exactly the discrimination Jews have faced in immigration.:rolleyes:
It is NOT because of the ethnic origin. It is because they support and enact terrorism. It is because they are Muslim jihadists, sworn to make war against non-muslims, and are doing just that.

When Donald Trump issued an EO banning people from certain Muslim countries, it was because of their records regarding terrorism. And it so happens that the countries included came from Barrack Obama's Dec 2015 Visa Waiver Improvement Program and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act, which designated Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Libya and Somalia as areas of concern. This was an immigration ban.

In January 2016, one of the victims of the ban implemented during Obamaā€™s administration was BBC Journalist Rana Rahimpour, who was prevented from traveling to the United States, because she was born in Iran.

In addition, In 2011, the State Department under Obama issued a six month ban on refugees from Iraq in response to a case in Kentucky in which two refugees were discovered to have fought U.S. soldiers in Iraq.

Mayb you dont expect us to be tolerant, but I DO expect you to be INtolerant of those who pose a danger to the US, and th American people. Please wake up.
Thank you, my love!!!

That particular mod is so engrained with the oppressor/oppressed false narrative that she is blinding herself to the fact that the MAJORITY Of Palestinians supported the most savage, barbaric, torture to death of innocent Jews - including babies and children - and demands that every American Jew tolerate their horrific antisemitism and welcome them to this country - or, you guessed it, she calls the Jews who donā€™t want them here bigots.
Her support of the Palestinian Authority (and therefore Hamas as well), makes her one of the worst bigots ever to post in this forum.
You are ignoring that the majority of Palestinians want Jews dead, and there is no way to determine who the minority of decent ones are. Thus, I donā€™t want them here.

Why must Jews be so tolerant of those who want them dead? Your parallel doesnā€™t fit because the Jews did not want Americans dead.

You leftists cry and wail about racism and Islamophobia, and then are so content to tolerate antisemitism that you call a Jew who objects to importing more antisemites a bigot.

And question: Iā€™ve been checking out other threads where people are talking about ā€œMuslim scumā€ and the like. Yet here you are, focused on the Jew.

Your bias is obvious. You love insulting a Jew when non-Jews are saying mich worse, and you ignore it.

There is no such thing as Islamaphobia. A "phobia" is an irrational fear of something, but there is nothing irrational about fearing Islam and its marauding maniacs, who are still running around genocidally killing, and imposing ludicrous (illegal) laws upon people.
And when liberals falsely and ridiculously throw the word "Islamaphobia" around, they are committing an injustice against those of us who suffer from REAL PHOBIAs, such as me who has the affliction of agoraphobia.

Attacks by Muslims upon non-Muslims >>

Basra attacked/conquered - 634 AD

Damascus attacked/conquered - 635 AD

Ctesiphon attacked/conquered - 636 AD

Alexandria attacked/conquered - 641 AD

Sicily attacked/conquered - 666 AD

Kabul attacked/conquered - 670 AD

Jerusalem attacked/conquered - 687 AD

Carthage attacked/conquered - 698 AD

Southern Spain attacked/conquered - 711 AD

Narbonne (Southern France) attacked/conquered - 720 AD

Battle of Poitiers (France) - Muslim advance halted - 732 AD

Armenia attacked/conquered - 1064 AD

Battle of Manzikert - 1071 AD

Nicaea attacked/conquered - 1331 AD

Kosovo attacked/conquered - 1389 AD

Bulgaria attacked/conquered - 1393 AD

Constantinople attacked - 1453 AD

Greece attacked/conquered - 1460 AD

Belgrade attacked/conquered - 1521 AD

Siege of Vienna (attacked) - Muslim advance halted - 1683 AD

Many more after. Many in the 21st century.
Her support of the Palestinian Authority (and therefore Hamas as well), makes her one of the worst bigots ever to post in this forum.
She also tries to draw a parallel between Jews and Palestinians, such as when she asked me to replace the word Jew with Palestinian - as if the majority of Jews (or ANY for that matter) support a terrorist organization that hunts down babies to torture them to death.

As far as her support for PA, the best we can hope for is that she is just another ignorant leftist.
There is no such thing as Islamaphobia. A "phobia" is an irrational fear of something, but there is nothing irrational about fearing Islam and its marauding maniacs, who are still running around genocidally killing, and imposing ludicrous (illegal) laws upon people.
And when liberals falsely and ridiculously throw the word "Islamaphobia" around, they are committing an injustice against those of us who suffer from REAL PHOBIAs, such as me who has the affliction of agoraphobia.

Attacks by Muslims upon non-Muslims >>

Basra attacked/conquered - 634 AD

Damascus attacked/conquered - 635 AD

Ctesiphon attacked/conquered - 636 AD

Alexandria attacked/conquered - 641 AD

Sicily attacked/conquered - 666 AD

Kabul attacked/conquered - 670 AD

Jerusalem attacked/conquered - 687 AD

Carthage attacked/conquered - 698 AD

Southern Spain attacked/conquered - 711 AD

Narbonne (Southern France) attacked/conquered - 720 AD

Battle of Poitiers (France) - Muslim advance halted - 732 AD

Armenia attacked/conquered - 1064 AD

Battle of Manzikert - 1071 AD

Nicaea attacked/conquered - 1331 AD

Kosovo attacked/conquered - 1389 AD

Bulgaria attacked/conquered - 1393 AD

Constantinople attacked - 1453 AD

Greece attacked/conquered - 1460 AD

Belgrade attacked/conquered - 1521 AD

Siege of Vienna (attacked) - Muslim advance halted - 1683 AD

Many more after. Many in the 21st century.
Another trophy!
Youā€™re too stuck in your thinking to even consider what Iā€˜m saying.

The Jews under consideration for restriction were NOT supporters of terrorists who massacre Americans. Stop trying to draw a parallel between them and the Palestinians who want Jews dead.

And grow up and have a debate without constantly insulting, belittling, and calling your opponent a bigot.

We don't see too many Jews knocking down tall buildings, slaughtering unarmed Army troops in Army forts, raping & beating their wives and using their religion to excuse it in court.
Excellent idea. But what about Iranians, Syrians and Lebanese Hezbollah? They're all part of the same Shia Islam terrorist cabal.
People are kinda BORN shia---just like most muslims are BORN sunni. and some christians are born Lutheran
The GAZA Act is an acronym which stands for >> ā€œGuaranteeing Aggressors Zero Admission.ā€ It aims to deny admission to the USA to Palestinians,

Both the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Bidenā€™s senior staff would be prohibited under the proposal from granting visas to individuals holding passports issued by the Palestinian Authority, and from facilitating the entry of Palestinians into the US.

The sponsor of the bill, Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) said
ā€œDuring my most recent visit to the southern border, I discovered that since the beginning of October, the Border Patrol has met individuals from Iran, Lebanon, Somalia, Syria, Libya, and Yemen, among other places.ā€

ā€œIn fiscal year 2023, they caught more than 151 individuals whose names were on the terrorist watch list."

Good why would you invite terrorists into the country, oh yeah and Palestinians do not exist they are arabs!

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