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Republicans Supporting GOOD Discrimination - the GAZA Act

No. It just shows how xenophobic you are. And here I thought you rightists were all about judging people as INDIVIDUALS rather than groups as you so often sayā€¦guess not eh?
And there you go with the racist shit. I just saw my people intentionally tortured to death in the most agaonizing ways, and youā€™re back to calling the Jew girl a racist.

Yes, we judge people as individuals. But when such an overwhelming majority of a people want to kill all Jews, we canā€™t afford that luxury.

Youā€˜re not Jewish so you donā€™t care what we are going through right now, here in America. We are warned not to wear jewelry that identify us as Jews! Some of the GD antisemites have been so threatening to Jews that we are warned to stay in our homes. People are removing their mezuzzim.

So pardon me if I donā€™t want to welcome in a group of people who will make it even worse. Thereā€™s a reason the other Arab countries donā€™t want them, either.
I have been on this planet for 62 years and there is not a decade that has passed that we have heard of the antics of Israel and Arabs, in fact, you read history books and it was no different in 900BCE between the Hebrews and the others who occupied the land around Ancient Israel, a constant din of violence to survive. This is not unusual as all through the history of humans you have those that conquer and the conquered the only thing that changes is the names.
75% or more of Palestinians want to genocide the Jews, destroy Israel, and supported HAMAS decapitating babies and setting Jewish toddlers on fire. Does that sound like a ā€œgoodā€ group of people to bring to America, especially with the pre-Holocaust level of antisemitism now here ALREADY?

I donā€™t want any more of those people here. We already have a massive problem with Palestinians promoting horrific antisemitism on college campuses.
That 75% is iffy, Palestinian views during conflict are noteriously hard to accurately poll. Your statistics cone from polls attempted in the middle of bombings where the death tolls were already at 16,000 (mostly women and children). HOW do you THINK they are going to feel about Israeli Jews when entire families are obliterated, babies still buried under rubble? So base our policy on who comes by who we think they like or donā€™t like? Maybe we shouldnā€™t let Israeliā€™s in because the settlers are so violent and hate Palestinians? (Sarcasm alert).

There is no massive problem of PALESTINIANS promoting horrific antisemitism on college campuses. There are multiple factors causing this on both the right and the left. Supporting Palestinian rights (not violence) is not antisemitic though Israel is trying to label it so.

Our immigration policy should not exclude anyone purely on the basis of ethnicity or religion nor should our acceptance of refugees be exclusionary in that regard. It is wrong. And those kinds of policies were once used to keep out Jews you know.
And there you go with the racist shit. I just saw my people intentionally tortured to death in the most agaonizing ways, and youā€™re back to calling the Jew girl a racist.
Xenophobic, Lisa, is not racist. Get a grip and stop making yourself a victim, you are not,

Yes, we judge people as individuals. But when such an overwhelming majority of a people want to kill all Jews, we canā€™t afford that luxury.

There you go. You DO NOT judge people individually when they belong to groups you donā€™t like.

Youā€˜re not Jewish so you donā€™t care what we are going through right now, here in America. We are warned not to wear jewelry that identify us as Jews! Some of the GD antisemites have been so threatening to Jews that we are warned to stay in our homes. People are removing their mezuzzim.

Actually I do care about what Jews are going through in this country right now. The rapid and open rise in antisemitism is both shocking and frightening.

NO ONE in this countryā€¦
should have to hide who they are
should be afraid because they belong to a certain group
should hide the celebration of their holidays or remove religious garb because of fear of violence.
no child should ever feel afraid or unwanted on a college campus.

Do you agree?

So pardon me if I donā€™t want to welcome in a group of people who will make it even worse. Thereā€™s a reason the other Arab countries donā€™t want them, either.
Yes. You donā€™t judge them as individuals. of course neither did the man who viciously stabbed a 6 yr old to death, or the man who gunned down three innocent young men on holiday.
Xenophobic, Lisa, is not racist. Get a grip and stop making yourself a victim, you are not,

There you go. You DO NOT judge people individually when they belong to groups you donā€™t like.

Actually I do care about what Jews are going through in this country right now. The rapid and open rise in antisemitism is both shocking and frightening.

NO ONE in this countryā€¦
should have to hide who they are
should be afraid because they belong to a certain group
should hide the celebration of their holidays or remove religious garb because of fear of violence.
no child should ever feel afraid or unwanted on a college campus.

Do you agree?

Yes. You donā€™t judge them as individuals. of course neither did the man who viciously stabbed a 6 yr old to death, or the man who gunned down three innocent young men on holiday.
Whatever. With all the Jew-hate being spread by leftists, I donā€™t feel like dealing with another one who denies itā€™s an issue. Bad enough we have Ivy presidents saying that screaming ā€œDeath to Jews!ā€ can be acceptable.
Whatever. With all the Jew-hate being spread by leftists, I donā€™t feel like dealing with another one who denies itā€™s an issue. Bad enough we have Ivy presidents denying that screaming ā€œDeath to Jews!ā€ can be acceptable.
After I just got done agreeing that it IS an issue :rolleyes:
After I just got done agreeing that it IS an issue :rolleyes:
You just called me a xenophobe and said I am not a victim of antisemitism. So yes, you are denying it is an issue.

I donā€™t want more people here when 75% of them think itā€™s good when Jewish babies are put in an oven or have their heads cut off. Since I canā€™t tell which are the 25% who donā€™t think that way, I want to block all of them. Thereā€™s enough antisemitism here as it is.

Let the Arab countries take in the Jew-haters. Oh right, they donā€™t want them either.
Fortunately it will never pass. Typical racist Republican crap.
Interesting how libs call everything "racist" LOL

Previously, I posted pictures of my paintings in my art gallery. Not going to all them "racist" ? How about my cat ?

What is the difference Jew haters and Palestinian haters, Lisa? Not much. They are just people full of hate and sometimes violence.

You realize we having a long standing Palestinian community in this country, from the early 1900ā€™s Right?
You realize that our close ally Israel is at war with the Palestinians, right ? Or do you realize that ?
I have been on this planet for 62 years and there is not a decade that has passed that we have heard of the antics of Israel and Arabs, in fact, you read history books and it was no different in 900BCE between the Hebrews and the others who occupied the land around Ancient Israel, a constant din of violence to survive. This is not unusual as all through the history of humans you have those that conquer and the conquered the only thing that changes is the names.
One thing that has not changed in 1400 years, is the Koran. Still calls for genocidal murder of "infidels" (non-Muslims)
Sounds reasonable.....The dems with fight it tooth-n-nail.

Its totally illegal since it was not just the British who were obligated to help Palestine become independent after WWI.
The US was also aided by the Palestinians becoming allies and helping to defeat the Germans and Ottoman Empire.
So the US is also obligated to help the Palestinians.
There is no legal obligation to aid in the creation of Israel, and it has no legal precedent.
You cannot legally create a country out of land own by native of another country.
75% or more of Palestinians want to genocide the Jews, destroy Israel, and supported HAMAS decapitating babies and setting Jewish toddlers on fire. Does that sound like a ā€œgoodā€ group of people to bring to America, especially with the pre-Holocaust level of antisemitism now here ALREADY?

I donā€™t want any more of those people here. We already have a massive problem with Palestinians promoting horrific antisemitism on college campuses.

That is a lie.
If any Palestinians had genocidal feelings toward Jews, they would not have invited the Jews in 1920, and the Jews would not have accepted.

The claims of decapitated babies has been totally proven to be deliberate lies, and those still repeating it should be censored for that deliberate attempt at misinformation.
What is the difference Jew haters and Palestinian haters, Lisa? Not much. They are just people full of hate and sometimes violence.

You realize we having a long standing Palestinian community in this country, from the early 1900ā€™s Right?

I don't mean to argue, but there actually is a huge difference between hating Palestinians and hating Israelis.

The Palestinians are the natives who paid for the land and own almost all the properties.
The Israelis are mostly illegal immigrants who deliberately tried to murder the natives and stole 85% of their country.
75% or more of Palestinians want to genocide the Jews, destroy Israel, and supported HAMAS decapitating babies and setting Jewish toddlers on fire. Does that sound like a ā€œgoodā€ group of people to bring to America, especially with the pre-Holocaust level of antisemitism now here ALREADY?

I donā€™t want any more of those people here. We already have a massive problem with Palestinians promoting horrific antisemitism on college campuses.

That is such an outrageous lie that it really should be censored.
Not once in history has there ever been any harm done to Jews by Muslims, over religion.
In fact, Jews did best under Islamic states, and were constantly harmed by the Christians, not the Muslims.
Muslims ruled Palestine for about 1500 years, so if there had been any sort of genocidal intent, then that Jewish 5% of the 1920 census of Palestine, would not have existed.

The problem clearly is Israelis, not Palestinians.
Just look at the 1948 UN partition.
Why is it that over the last 80 years, Israel has invaded 85% of Palestine and murdered hundreds of thousands of unarmed native Palestinians?
One thing that has not changed in 1400 years, is the Koran. Still calls for genocidal murder of "infidels" (non-Muslims)

Total lie.
I have read the Quran, and it clearly says "there can be no compulsion when it comes to religion".
The word "infidel" means one who have switched and is no longer faithful.
It means unfaithful, dishonest, traitor, etc., which is an apostate.
It does NOT apply to those who simply do not believe in Mohammed.
Those are called Kafir.
The Quran says murder is a sin except when necessary in self defense.
That;s because the hate & violence they perpetrate, is not an individual thing. It belongs to everyone who follows the Koran.

How come there has never been an Islamic country that has ever been a colonial imperialist like even the US has been?
Remember, the Turks, Mongols, etc., that attacked Europe, were not Muslim.
They pretended to convert later, but they were not Muslim when they invaded.
In fact, the Mongols massacred the actual Muslim leadership in Baghdad, around 1200 AD.
And there you go with the racist shit. I just saw my people intentionally tortured to death in the most agaonizing ways, and youā€™re back to calling the Jew girl a racist.

Yes, we judge people as individuals. But when such an overwhelming majority of a people want to kill all Jews, we canā€™t afford that luxury.

Youā€˜re not Jewish so you donā€™t care what we are going through right now, here in America. We are warned not to wear jewelry that identify us as Jews! Some of the GD antisemites have been so threatening to Jews that we are warned to stay in our homes. People are removing their mezuzzim.

So pardon me if I donā€™t want to welcome in a group of people who will make it even worse. Thereā€™s a reason the other Arab countries donā€™t want them, either.

Again you are lying.
No one has been attacking any peaceful Jews.

And Israel is not even remotely Jewish.
Real Jews are in atonement waiting for the coming of the Messiah.
You realize that our close ally Israel is at war with the Palestinians, right ? Or do you realize that ?

Israel is NOT at all an ally, and never once allowed us to use any base, information, etc.
In fact, Israel is illegally manipulation our voting system in order to take over $5 billion a year from us.
They are just thieves.

The Palestinians are our only ally, when they helped us in WWI and WWII.
We own the Palestinians, but we owe Israel nothing but prosecution for theft and illegal election tampering.
After I just got done agreeing that it IS an issue :rolleyes:

No its not and issue, because no one has ever said that in the US, ever.
The students are just saying "from the river to the sea", which just means a 1 state solution.

And obviously Lisa is lying because the Palestinians invited the Jews in 1920, and the Jews accepted.
Neither would have done that if there even a hint of animosity.

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