Republicans to target unions, expand school choice in states

Who are Republicans fighting for, when they go after unions and union busting? Are they in bed with the Corporations? Certainly not in bed with the citizens who work in Union jobs that pay well....

Now that is another misdirection, right here, what Care said!

Republicans could care less about private sector unions. They are in competition, and they are restrained by economic reality.

What Republicans do not like, is public sector unions. They are NOT inclined to force them to disband, but rather, open them up to competition. This is why people like Joe a flailing away trying to convince everyone that somehow CHOICE is this case.

Freedom is really simple to define--------->the more choices you have, the more free you are. If the government FORCES you to choose their product, then why would their product be exceptional?!?!?! The logic is simple---------->the more entities in competition for your dollars on any product or service, the lower the cost of that product or service, and the higher quality it is!

And then, Joe and friends contend that the good public school teachers will get the shaft. Why? Maybe they will decide to move to the private schools where they would have more control over their curriculum. Their whole argument is a red herring, it really is. They are probably in shock being at least reasonably intelligent, that most of you would even see it fit to argue over their narrative; which we all know, is absolutely ludicrous-)
They lose control of religious choice
The SAME parents who send their students to public school with no home-made lunch

You mean those same parents that when they do pack a sack lunch for their kids, to only have the cafeteria police go through it to decide what the kid can eat?

My kids went to a school that had a closed campus, and also didn't allow them to bring a lunch. We tried to protest to the school but was told that it was "policy to protect the students". They never did answer "from what". What other option is there?
Link to that happening all over the place, please.
The SAME parents who send their students to public school with no home-made lunch

You mean those same parents that when they do pack a sack lunch for their kids, to only have the cafeteria police go through it to decide what the kid can eat?

My kids went to a school that had a closed campus, and also didn't allow them to bring a lunch. We tried to protest to the school but was told that it was "policy to protect the students". They never did answer "from what". What other option is there?
Link to that happening all over the place, please.
Sure, right away. Post up that evidence of Russia hacking
The SAME parents who send their students to public school with no home-made lunch

You mean those same parents that when they do pack a sack lunch for their kids, to only have the cafeteria police go through it to decide what the kid can eat?

My kids went to a school that had a closed campus, and also didn't allow them to bring a lunch. We tried to protest to the school but was told that it was "policy to protect the students". They never did answer "from what". What other option is there?
Link to that happening all over the place, please.

State Inspectors Searching Children’s Lunch Boxes: “This Isn’t China, Is It?”
NC preschooler’s “unhealthy” lunch replaced with cafeteria nuggets
You're assuming that the number, and size, of charter schools is finite. Higher demand = school expansion.

Actually, it would be pretty much finite. There are only so many buildings that could meet the building codes for schools (a lot of them are too old and need to be shut down) and there are only a finite number of qualified teachers. (50% of new teachers quit within 5 years even with union protections.)

I'd sure like to know where you're getting your data from. There are college grads that can't get a job in the field because there simply are no openings. This from the Shanker group:

Who are Republicans fighting for, when they go after unions and union busting? Are they in bed with the Corporations? Certainly not in bed with the citizens who work in Union jobs that pay well....

Republicans are fighting for choice.

I remember years ago when I was out looking for jobs, I'd apply to someplace that had a union. I would be up front and tell them I had no interest in joining a union. They told me either I join the union or they can't hire me.

Do you think that's fair?
What I do not think is fair is YOU getting the government to break up what the workers constitutionally formed, a union.

You could have taken the job, and convinced your co-workers that they should kill their own union and drop out of it.... via a VOTE of ALL union employees,

Instead, YOU are using big government, to break it up on behalf of yourself.

And THAT'S pretty crappy.
Who are Republicans fighting for, when they go after unions and union busting? Are they in bed with the Corporations? Certainly not in bed with the citizens who work in Union jobs that pay well....

Republicans are fighting for choice.

I remember years ago when I was out looking for jobs, I'd apply to someplace that had a union. I would be up front and tell them I had no interest in joining a union. They told me either I join the union or they can't hire me.

Do you think that's fair?
What I do not think is fair is YOU getting the government to break up what the workers constitutionally formed, a union.

You could have taken the job, and convinced your co-workers that they should kill their own union and drop out of it.... via a VOTE of ALL union employees,

Instead, YOU are using big government, to break it up on behalf of yourself.

And THAT'S pretty crappy.
We are doing it for the children....
Who are Republicans fighting for, when they go after unions and union busting? Are they in bed with the Corporations? Certainly not in bed with the citizens who work in Union jobs that pay well....

Republicans are fighting for choice.

I remember years ago when I was out looking for jobs, I'd apply to someplace that had a union. I would be up front and tell them I had no interest in joining a union. They told me either I join the union or they can't hire me.

Do you think that's fair?
What I do not think is fair is YOU getting the government to break up what the workers constitutionally formed, a union.

You could have taken the job, and convinced your co-workers that they should kill their own union and drop out of it.... via a VOTE of ALL union employees,

Instead, YOU are using big government, to break it up on behalf of yourself.

And THAT'S pretty crappy.
All he wants is a right to work without joining. Why are you afraid of right to work?
Republicans in Red States have the worst schools in the nation. Don't be fooled. When they say they want schools changed, they mean they want Noah's Ark taught as history and Magical Creation as science.

For parents that want that kind of education, vouchers are perfect. Of course as a leftist, you believe only government should decide on what is taught instead of the parents.
How much of their own money should the rich be allowed to keep? If it's their money, why is that a question?

I see you refuse to answer my question, and with good reason. You know damn well we can't have a society sitting at home on unemployment simply because they are too lazy to work or don't want to work. If we have a society like that, then I'm quitting my job to sit home on unemployment with tens of millions of others that would join me.

"Just what is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror. For comparison and contrast, Nazis understood fiscal policy:

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

Only the right wing is cognitively dissonant enough to lower taxes during alleged times of war.
Since there will always be crime, recreational narcotics, terror and poverty, are businesses on the hook forever in the United States of America to give away the money they created?
it is about lowering your business tax burden through simplification of government; only the right, never gets it.

Has it occurred to you that they know your company is run by scab assholes who don't provide good benefits and they simply want to make your life difficult?

Oh yes Joe, I'm sure with the dozens of trucking outfits they serve, they research each one to find out how they conduct business.

Well there must be a lot of them out there, because we all just sit there and wait to get unloaded. Sure, we charge for waiting and unloading time, but the workers could care less. They're not paying the bill, and they make great money whether their company does well or poorly.

Would be the title be, "I'm an asshole who couldn't get into a union because no one likes me" ?

I don't want to be part of a union. That's my choice.
That's fine....but don't accept the raises and benefits that the unions negotiate for.

Well we're still not a right to work state just yet and I've had the same employer for over 20 years. I don't plan on being out of a job anytime soon.
But without failing public schools how will Democrats keep their prisons supplied with fresh young minorities? The abortion industry would also tank.
right... that's it. Not because t hey don't know who the companies are and which ones are the assholes.

Sorry, man, I work in a similar environment, and I have to make calls down to the warehouse every day because someone calls me because their truck has been waiting two hours... and that's without union guys.

If they are not union, then at least your company has control over the situation. They can improve their shipping and receiving department or pay the trucking company layover time. That's not what happens in a union because the employees control the department.

But that's besides the fact the employees shouldn't have control over who they feel like loading or unloading. That's not their decision in a non-union environment. You take care of people in order regardless what your opinion of them is.

Oh, right. But you will come on here and bitch that your Scab employer dropped your insurance plan...

I put the blame where it rightfully belongs, and that is the Commie you elected for President.
Well, good for them......if they turned out so wonderful, why are you whining about it?

Because tax money only goes to public schools. At the very least, parents that send their kids to private school should not be funding the public school since their kids don't attend. Then they can use that money to help pay for their own children's education.
Obama lunch anyone?

You one of those lazy parents who can't fix their own child a lunch?

I would ask the same of the parents who's kids are accepting Free Lunch. Are they too lazy to fix their kids lunch? In some areas, the schools even provide free breakfast and dinner year round. At that point, it's no longer a school. It's almost a homeless shelter.
Who are Republicans fighting for, when they go after unions and union busting? Are they in bed with the Corporations? Certainly not in bed with the citizens who work in Union jobs that pay well....

Republicans are fighting for choice.

I remember years ago when I was out looking for jobs, I'd apply to someplace that had a union. I would be up front and tell them I had no interest in joining a union. They told me either I join the union or they can't hire me.

Do you think that's fair?
Then, if you don't join the union, you don't benefit from the union negotiations for raises and benefits. THEN it's fair. Right?

Yes, then it is fair. That's what Right-To-Work is all about. What's not fair is a person being denied employment because they don't want to join a stupid union. That's unfair.
Found this on my local news station site and decided to throw it out there. The meat of the article says this:

"As President-elect Donald Trump leads an attempted makeover in Washington, Republican governors and state lawmakers will be simultaneously pushing an aggressive agenda that limits abortion, lawsuits and unions, cuts business taxes and regulations, and expands gun rights and school choice.

Republicans will hold 33 governors' offices, have majorities in 33 legislatures and control both the governor's office and legislature in 25 states - their most since 1952. Democrats will control both the governor's office and legislature in only about a half-dozen states; the rest will have politically divided governments."

Republicans to target unions, expand school choice in states

So is this such a bad agenda? I predict more snowflakes a falling.
Charter schools want smart kids. Many have more liberals than Republicans.

And you talk out of your ass as usual Dean. I would ask you for evidence, but I know you just made it up as you were typing.
It goes back to what Rush says all the time. Unions are a way of getting tax money from the taxpayers to the Democrat party. We pay taxes for these schools--some of which ends up in the hands of the unions. Election time comes, and unions heavily support the Democrat party. So of course they are going to protect that money as much as possible.

But you have to ask WHY do the Democrats get that money?

Oh, that's right, because they actually protect workers rights.

Here's the REAL problem with our public schools.

And...that's on the parents. The SAME parents who send their students to public school, never show up to support...and whine. The SAME parents who send their students to public school with no home-made lunch...and then whine about what the school provides.

When you're paying your own money for your kids education, you make sure that they learn. You don't see that with public school that much because once that kids is on the school bus, it's the teachers problem--not the parents.
Who are Republicans fighting for, when they go after unions and union busting? Are they in bed with the Corporations? Certainly not in bed with the citizens who work in Union jobs that pay well....

Republicans are fighting for choice.

I remember years ago when I was out looking for jobs, I'd apply to someplace that had a union. I would be up front and tell them I had no interest in joining a union. They told me either I join the union or they can't hire me.

Do you think that's fair?
What I do not think is fair is YOU getting the government to break up what the workers constitutionally formed, a union.

You could have taken the job, and convinced your co-workers that they should kill their own union and drop out of it.... via a VOTE of ALL union employees,

Instead, YOU are using big government, to break it up on behalf of yourself.

And THAT'S pretty crappy.

No. If you refuse to join the union, the company can't hire you. That's the point.

Government is not breaking up anything. Government is giving employees the ability to join the union or not. If the unions break up, then that's the decision the employees made--not the government. The government is merely removing the protection unions now have in some states.

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