Republicans to target unions, expand school choice in states

It goes back to what Rush says all the time. Unions are a way of getting tax money from the taxpayers to the Democrat party. We pay taxes for these schools--some of which ends up in the hands of the unions. Election time comes, and unions heavily support the Democrat party. So of course they are going to protect that money as much as possible.

But you have to ask WHY do the Democrats get that money?

Oh, that's right, because they actually protect workers rights.

Here's the REAL problem with our public schools.

And...that's on the parents. The SAME parents who send their students to public school, never show up to support...and whine. The SAME parents who send their students to public school with no home-made lunch...and then whine about what the school provides.

When you're paying your own money for your kids education, you make sure that they learn. You don't see that with public school that much because once that kids is on the school bus, it's the teachers problem--not the parents.
"When you're paying your own money for your kid's education, you make sure that they learn"......exactly. So why are people comparing public and private schools so much? Apples and oranges, don't you think?
Who are Republicans fighting for, when they go after unions and union busting? Are they in bed with the Corporations? Certainly not in bed with the citizens who work in Union jobs that pay well....

Republicans are fighting for choice.

I remember years ago when I was out looking for jobs, I'd apply to someplace that had a union. I would be up front and tell them I had no interest in joining a union. They told me either I join the union or they can't hire me.

Do you think that's fair?
What I do not think is fair is YOU getting the government to break up what the workers constitutionally formed, a union.

You could have taken the job, and convinced your co-workers that they should kill their own union and drop out of it.... via a VOTE of ALL union employees,

Instead, YOU are using big government, to break it up on behalf of yourself.

And THAT'S pretty crappy.

No. If you refuse to join the union, the company can't hire you. That's the point.

Government is not breaking up anything. Government is giving employees the ability to join the union or not. If the unions break up, then that's the decision the employees made--not the government. The government is merely removing the protection unions now have in some states.
As it should be....until the day that non-union members don't automatically get the benefits of collective bargaining without having to pay for it in dues. Looks like you support getting all the benefits of union bargaining without having to pay for it........moocher.
The SAME parents who send their students to public school with no home-made lunch

You mean those same parents that when they do pack a sack lunch for their kids, to only have the cafeteria police go through it to decide what the kid can eat?

My kids went to a school that had a closed campus, and also didn't allow them to bring a lunch. We tried to protest to the school but was told that it was "policy to protect the students". They never did answer "from what". What other option is there?
Link to that happening all over the place, please.
Sure, right away. Post up that evidence of Russia hacking
You can't stay on topic, can you? So I accept your concession that you have no evidence to back up your silly claim.
The SAME parents who send their students to public school with no home-made lunch

You mean those same parents that when they do pack a sack lunch for their kids, to only have the cafeteria police go through it to decide what the kid can eat?

My kids went to a school that had a closed campus, and also didn't allow them to bring a lunch. We tried to protest to the school but was told that it was "policy to protect the students". They never did answer "from what". What other option is there?
Link to that happening all over the place, please.

State Inspectors Searching Children’s Lunch Boxes: “This Isn’t China, Is It?”
NC preschooler’s “unhealthy” lunch replaced with cafeteria nuggets
You own first link states that the mother was lying...there was no state inspector at that school.

And NC "preschoolers.".......not a K-12 school now, is it? (BTW, NC is a right to work state with no teacher unions)
Who are Republicans fighting for, when they go after unions and union busting? Are they in bed with the Corporations? Certainly not in bed with the citizens who work in Union jobs that pay well....

Republicans are fighting for choice.

I remember years ago when I was out looking for jobs, I'd apply to someplace that had a union. I would be up front and tell them I had no interest in joining a union. They told me either I join the union or they can't hire me.

Do you think that's fair?
What I do not think is fair is YOU getting the government to break up what the workers constitutionally formed, a union.

You could have taken the job, and convinced your co-workers that they should kill their own union and drop out of it.... via a VOTE of ALL union employees,

Instead, YOU are using big government, to break it up on behalf of yourself.

And THAT'S pretty crappy.
He's a moocher....wants the benefits of union collective bargaining without paying for it in dues.
Found this on my local news station site and decided to throw it out there. The meat of the article says this:

"As President-elect Donald Trump leads an attempted makeover in Washington, Republican governors and state lawmakers will be simultaneously pushing an aggressive agenda that limits abortion, lawsuits and unions, cuts business taxes and regulations, and expands gun rights and school choice.

Republicans will hold 33 governors' offices, have majorities in 33 legislatures and control both the governor's office and legislature in 25 states - their most since 1952. Democrats will control both the governor's office and legislature in only about a half-dozen states; the rest will have politically divided governments."

Republicans to target unions, expand school choice in states

So is this such a bad agenda? I predict more snowflakes a falling.

The states with strong teachers' unions have the best educational records in the country.

Why fuck with that?

You got to be drinking a lot of egg nogg today.


I'm right you're wrong.

Only in your liberal fantasy land a simple google search is enough remember... I am a graduate of the great Union Chicago schools..

And you know how well I use grammar and spell real sweal.

Who are Republicans fighting for, when they go after unions and union busting? Are they in bed with the Corporations? Certainly not in bed with the citizens who work in Union jobs that pay well....

Republicans are fighting for choice.

I remember years ago when I was out looking for jobs, I'd apply to someplace that had a union. I would be up front and tell them I had no interest in joining a union. They told me either I join the union or they can't hire me.

Do you think that's fair?
What I do not think is fair is YOU getting the government to break up what the workers constitutionally formed, a union.

You could have taken the job, and convinced your co-workers that they should kill their own union and drop out of it.... via a VOTE of ALL union employees,

Instead, YOU are using big government, to break it up on behalf of yourself.

And THAT'S pretty crappy.
All he wants is a right to work without joining. Why are you afraid of right to work?
So...he (and you) want the benefits of collective bargaining without having to pay for it.......moochers.
The SAME parents who send their students to public school with no home-made lunch

You mean those same parents that when they do pack a sack lunch for their kids, to only have the cafeteria police go through it to decide what the kid can eat?

My kids went to a school that had a closed campus, and also didn't allow them to bring a lunch. We tried to protest to the school but was told that it was "policy to protect the students". They never did answer "from what". What other option is there?
Link to that happening all over the place, please.
Sure, right away. Post up that evidence of Russia hacking
You can't stay on topic, can you? So I accept your concession that you have no evidence to back up your silly claim.
I answered your question! You're afraid to answer mine! LOL
Who are Republicans fighting for, when they go after unions and union busting? Are they in bed with the Corporations? Certainly not in bed with the citizens who work in Union jobs that pay well....

Republicans are fighting for choice.

I remember years ago when I was out looking for jobs, I'd apply to someplace that had a union. I would be up front and tell them I had no interest in joining a union. They told me either I join the union or they can't hire me.

Do you think that's fair?
What I do not think is fair is YOU getting the government to break up what the workers constitutionally formed, a union.

You could have taken the job, and convinced your co-workers that they should kill their own union and drop out of it.... via a VOTE of ALL union employees,

Instead, YOU are using big government, to break it up on behalf of yourself.

And THAT'S pretty crappy.
All he wants is a right to work without joining. Why are you afraid of right to work?
So...he (and you) want the benefits of collective bargaining without having to pay for it.......moochers.
Who said that FRANCIS
It goes back to what Rush says all the time. Unions are a way of getting tax money from the taxpayers to the Democrat party. We pay taxes for these schools--some of which ends up in the hands of the unions. Election time comes, and unions heavily support the Democrat party. So of course they are going to protect that money as much as possible.

But you have to ask WHY do the Democrats get that money?

Oh, that's right, because they actually protect workers rights.

Here's the REAL problem with our public schools.

And...that's on the parents. The SAME parents who send their students to public school, never show up to support...and whine. The SAME parents who send their students to public school with no home-made lunch...and then whine about what the school provides.

When you're paying your own money for your kids education, you make sure that they learn. You don't see that with public school that much because once that kids is on the school bus, it's the teachers problem--not the parents.
"When you're paying your own money for your kid's education, you make sure that they learn"......exactly. So why are people comparing public and private schools so much? Apples and oranges, don't you think?
Only dishonest Meth head Joe would try to compare Chicago to the richest district in Illinois..

BTW Chicago spends $16,000 per student

Evanston spends $18,000

Washington DC home to one of the worst test scores in the nation they spend $ 29,000 per pupil

Put down the bottle. You've got people coming over later, I hope.

Evanston spends a lot more per student than Chicago... that's the problem.

Again Meth head Joe at work double time plus 8 hour holiday pay

Who are Republicans fighting for, when they go after unions and union busting? Are they in bed with the Corporations? Certainly not in bed with the citizens who work in Union jobs that pay well....

Republicans are fighting for choice.

I remember years ago when I was out looking for jobs, I'd apply to someplace that had a union. I would be up front and tell them I had no interest in joining a union. They told me either I join the union or they can't hire me.

Do you think that's fair?
What I do not think is fair is YOU getting the government to break up what the workers constitutionally formed, a union.

You could have taken the job, and convinced your co-workers that they should kill their own union and drop out of it.... via a VOTE of ALL union employees,

Instead, YOU are using big government, to break it up on behalf of yourself.

And THAT'S pretty crappy.

No. If you refuse to join the union, the company can't hire you. That's the point.

Government is not breaking up anything. Government is giving employees the ability to join the union or not. If the unions break up, then that's the decision the employees made--not the government. The government is merely removing the protection unions now have in some states.
As it should be....until the day that non-union members don't automatically get the benefits of collective bargaining without having to pay for it in dues. Looks like you support getting all the benefits of union bargaining without having to pay for it........moocher.
How? Quote his post stating that you lying fk!
Only dishonest Meth head Joe would try to compare Chicago to the richest district in Illinois..

BTW Chicago spends $16,000 per student

Evanston spends $18,000

Washington DC home to one of the worst test scores in the nation they spend $ 29,000 per pupil

Put down the bottle. You've got people coming over later, I hope.

Evanston spends a lot more per student than Chicago... that's the problem.

Again Meth head Joe at work double time plus 8 hour holiday pay

View attachment 103683

Also can't refute my answer that fucking Washington DC. Pays per pupil $8,000 more per student then Evanston.. Yet has one of the worst test scores in the country?

Yeah I didn't think so.

Who are Republicans fighting for, when they go after unions and union busting? Are they in bed with the Corporations? Certainly not in bed with the citizens who work in Union jobs that pay well....

Republicans are fighting for choice.

I remember years ago when I was out looking for jobs, I'd apply to someplace that had a union. I would be up front and tell them I had no interest in joining a union. They told me either I join the union or they can't hire me.

Do you think that's fair?
What I do not think is fair is YOU getting the government to break up what the workers constitutionally formed, a union.

You could have taken the job, and convinced your co-workers that they should kill their own union and drop out of it.... via a VOTE of ALL union employees,

Instead, YOU are using big government, to break it up on behalf of yourself.

And THAT'S pretty crappy.
All he wants is a right to work without joining. Why are you afraid of right to work?
So...he (and you) want the benefits of collective bargaining without having to pay for it.......moochers.

No, the union wouldn't have to do jack for me as far as I'm concerned. That's why I never wanted to join a union in the first place. If I apply to a company and they offer me less than they are forced to pay their union workers, I'm fine with that if the pay is acceptable.
Where are schools excellent, and teachers low paid?

Where I live the schools are not very good and the teachers are paid excellent. How do I know? My former tenant used to work as a teacher here.
Where is that? I'll check the teacher pay scale and cross reference it with other professionals living in that area.

Teaching in Maple Heights City School District | Salary | Jobs | Employment (Ohio) |
Only dishonest Meth head Joe would try to compare Chicago to the richest district in Illinois..

BTW Chicago spends $16,000 per student

Evanston spends $18,000

Washington DC home to one of the worst test scores in the nation they spend $ 29,000 per pupil

Put down the bottle. You've got people coming over later, I hope.

Evanston spends a lot more per student than Chicago... that's the problem.

Again Meth head Joe at work double time plus 8 hour holiday pay

View attachment 103683

You want to see something funny JC?the dumb ass Iron workers dropped a huge conveyor on their ATV yesterday

It goes back to what Rush says all the time. Unions are a way of getting tax money from the taxpayers to the Democrat party. We pay taxes for these schools--some of which ends up in the hands of the unions. Election time comes, and unions heavily support the Democrat party. So of course they are going to protect that money as much as possible.

But you have to ask WHY do the Democrats get that money?

Oh, that's right, because they actually protect workers rights.

Here's the REAL problem with our public schools.

And...that's on the parents. The SAME parents who send their students to public school, never show up to support...and whine. The SAME parents who send their students to public school with no home-made lunch...and then whine about what the school provides.

When you're paying your own money for your kids education, you make sure that they learn. You don't see that with public school that much because once that kids is on the school bus, it's the teachers problem--not the parents.
"When you're paying your own money for your kid's education, you make sure that they learn"......exactly. So why are people comparing public and private schools so much? Apples and oranges, don't you think?

Not at all. The reason public school parents care less is because they are not paying anything extra for their children's education. You have to pay taxes whether you have kids in the school or not. As you stated earlier, public schools can't hand pick students, so the parents don't get involved.

A few years ago I had a neighbor that purchased a free standing basketball hoop. The entire neighborhood was here; not just a few doors down, but several streets down.

They would play well into dark during the school months weather permitting. WTF were their parents? Why weren't these kids home studying or preparing for school the next day?

If they knew I would allow that to go on all night, they would probably have stayed here playing basketball until 11:00 at night. But they knew I meant business when I told them to cut it out because I did call the police a couple of times.

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