Republicans to target unions, expand school choice in states

Let's put this in perspective:

A couple weeks ago, wasn't it, the Trumpbots were praising Trump for supposedly saving good paying UNION jobs in Indiana.

Today they're championing the idea of destroying teachers' unions.

Are these people mental, or what?
They are going to be so much fun to watch spin...spin...spin during the next few years.
Obama lunch anyone?

You one of those lazy parents who can't fix their own child a lunch?

Why should public school kids be forced to eat a shit sandwich while the Obama girls eat chicken and watermelon?
Shouldn't target Unions too much. American Workers are leaving the Democratic Party in droves. They're beginning to realize Globalists don't care about them. More Unions are supporting the Republican Party.

That being said, Teacher Unions are the most radical Communist of American Unions. They will have to be defeated. School Choice is as American as it gets. It's time for change.
Sorry to hear that you had such an unfulfilling experience in school........But I agree about school choice. Public schools should have the complete freedom to choose what students they will accept and keep.

Your Party is hemorrhaging American Worker support. They're beginning to understand you Globalists have screwed them bigtime. But i do acknowledge American Teacher Unions are the most radical Communist of American Unions. They'll be a tough nut to crack. But i do believe change is coming. Parents should be making the choices. The Federal Government has been given too much power & control. Time for revolutionary change.
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Let's put this in perspective:

A couple weeks ago, wasn't it, the Trumpbots were praising Trump for supposedly saving good paying UNION jobs in Indiana.

Today they're championing the idea of destroying teachers' unions.

Are these people mental, or what?
They are going to be so much fun to watch spin...spin...spin during the next few years.

What spin mental midget?

Don't tell me you are another one who doesn't know the difference between Public Unions and Private ones?

I suggest you study one of your own democrats FDR and his distaste for public unions.

Let's put this in perspective:

A couple weeks ago, wasn't it, the Trumpbots were praising Trump for supposedly saving good paying UNION jobs in Indiana.

Today they're championing the idea of destroying teachers' unions.

Are these people mental, or what?
They are going to be so much fun to watch spin...spin...spin during the next few years.

Also how dare you NY spin it to teachers salary when me and Meth head Joe was talking about cost per pupil..

You know damn well over half that money goes to administration and overhead...

And bod what the fuck how many times do I and others have to post unfunded pensions is a huge problem in America state and local government..

God damn Illinois would of gone bankrupt because of it and if it was legal for a state to do so.

40 of the 50 states have a huge problem with it and Public Unions are the main culprit.. More so in blue city's when they are in cohorts with the Democrats... Like how Detroit went bankrupt.

Freedom is really simple to define--------->the more choices you have, the more free you are. If the government FORCES you to choose their product, then why would their product be exceptional?!?!?! The logic is simple---------->the more entities in competition for your dollars on any product or service, the lower the cost of that product or service, and the higher quality it is!

whenever I hear a right winger talk about Freedom, I grab my wallet and watch my back. What they usually mean is the ability of htose with money and power to abuse the rest of us. No thanks.

And then, Joe and friends contend that the good public school teachers will get the shaft. Why? Maybe they will decide to move to the private schools where they would have more control over their curriculum. Their whole argument is a red herring, it really is. They are probably in shock being at least reasonably intelligent, that most of you would even see it fit to argue over their narrative; which we all know, is absolutely ludicrous-)

Three Generations of my family have worked for the Catholic School system. They have all the same problems the public school system has, inept teachers, bureauracy, egos larger than life, and little bastards that their parents don't discipline.

Thinking they are going to step in and replace what you have now is delusional.

Again, not seeing how you are going to get better performance with less money and less rights at work.

Joe, Joe, Joe.........Obama may have never been transparent, but you surely are. You are one of the best at misdirection, and propaganda, congratulations. We don't believe a thing you say, but that is ok................. you are the type of person who would be destroyed in a debate, because your talking points and narrative, are easily dismantled. But, being on here and not having the world hear you stutter to answer questions for which you have no answers, certainly extends your useful life as a supreme propagandist. Narratives are not answers, they are rote responses, which do not work in debates, lol.

I know this, you know this, and any person with a lick of logic knows it tooo. So I guess you are playing to the uninformed. Good luck with that, because I have a feeling you guys are DOA for the next 8 to 12 years. If you are as old as you say, you and I will probably be arguing and playing pinochle in the sky. I will still win there, but we will prove that when we get there-)
Why don't we let Trump University educate our children?

I mean, what better example of the merits of private for profit education do we need than the PRESIDENT-ELECT'S own signature institution?

I believe you meant to say "What spin, (comma) mental midget?"

You are a product of private schools?

No mental midget I already posted it moron To NY...

I am a graduate of the Chicago Union public school system.

Why don't we let Trump University educate our children?

I mean, what better example of the merits of private for profit education do we need than the PRESIDENT-ELECT'S own signature institution?


What the heck NY have you been hitting the Egg nogg the entire day I was at work?

Why would trump U teach little kids about real estate?

Since when do they have money to invest?

Why don't we let Trump University educate our children?

I mean, what better example of the merits of private for profit education do we need than the PRESIDENT-ELECT'S own signature institution?


What the heck NY have you been hitting the Egg nogg the entire day I was at work?

Why would trump U teach little kids about real estate?

Since when do they have money to invest?


BTW NY....

And bod what the fuck how many times do I and others have to post unfunded pensions is a huge problem in America state and local government..

well, no, it's not a huge problem. You just tax the rich and fund the pensions like we promised.

Joe, Joe, Joe.........Obama may have never been transparent, but you surely are. You are one of the best at misdirection, and propaganda, congratulations. We don't believe a thing you say, but that is ok................. you are the type of person who would be destroyed in a debate, because your talking points and narrative, are easily dismantled. But, being on here and not having the world hear you stutter to answer questions for which you have no answers, certainly extends your useful life as a supreme propagandist. Narratives are not answers, they are rote responses, which do not work in debates, lol.

I know this, you know this, and any person with a lick of logic knows it tooo. So I guess you are playing to the uninformed. Good luck with that, because I have a feeling you guys are DOA for the next 8 to 12 years. If you are as old as you say, you and I will probably be arguing and playing pinochle in the sky. I will still win there, but we will prove that when we get there-)

Guy, you spent two paragraphs whining about me like a little bitch, and didn't address any point.

You guys have two years. Maybe not even that many if Trump does something obviously impeachable. after that, you are done.

Ride it like you stole it, baby.
Why don't we let Trump University educate our children?

I mean, what better example of the merits of private for profit education do we need than the PRESIDENT-ELECT'S own signature institution?


What the heck NY have you been hitting the Egg nogg the entire day I was at work?

Why would trump U teach little kids about real estate?

Since when do they have money to invest?


Maybe if our public schools taught real estate, the stock market, owning your own business, or commodities investing, we might turnout more hopeful graduates in this country.
The states with strong teachers' unions have the best educational records in the country.

Why fuck with that?

Sure c-nt, these people in your state certainly agree:

Thousands of parents, teachers rally in Albany

"Cuomo has accused the teachers' unions of protecting the status quo. New York is among the highest spending states for schools, while many measures show only middle-of-the pack performance, with more than 100 "priority" schools failing to meet some minimum standards."

Funny how the people most desiring of school choice are the very minorities that the democraps build their platform on. But then liberal trash rags like the NYT would never focus on it, leaving low IQ leftist morons like you without a train of thought on the topic. After all, how can liberals think for themselves when their entire existence has been directed by a combination of the NYT and the national democratic party?

And how is it possible that it is blacks and poor minorities who are the most vociferous group seeking charter schools/school choice? How can that be, moron?
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And bod what the fuck how many times do I and others have to post unfunded pensions is a huge problem in America state and local government..

well, no, it's not a huge problem. You just tax the rich and fund the pensions like we promised.

Joe, Joe, Joe.........Obama may have never been transparent, but you surely are. You are one of the best at misdirection, and propaganda, congratulations. We don't believe a thing you say, but that is ok................. you are the type of person who would be destroyed in a debate, because your talking points and narrative, are easily dismantled. But, being on here and not having the world hear you stutter to answer questions for which you have no answers, certainly extends your useful life as a supreme propagandist. Narratives are not answers, they are rote responses, which do not work in debates, lol.

I know this, you know this, and any person with a lick of logic knows it tooo. So I guess you are playing to the uninformed. Good luck with that, because I have a feeling you guys are DOA for the next 8 to 12 years. If you are as old as you say, you and I will probably be arguing and playing pinochle in the sky. I will still win there, but we will prove that when we get there-)

Guy, you spent two paragraphs whining about me like a little bitch, and didn't address any point.

You guys have two years. Maybe not even that many if Trump does something obviously impeachable. after that, you are done.

Ride it like you stole it, baby.

How do you tax people when they keep leaving to the south Joe?

I think that's what Detroit tried and a third of the city left..

So what's next Joe?

And bod what the fuck how many times do I and others have to post unfunded pensions is a huge problem in America state and local government..

well, no, it's not a huge problem. You just tax the rich and fund the pensions like we promised.

Joe, Joe, Joe.........Obama may have never been transparent, but you surely are. You are one of the best at misdirection, and propaganda, congratulations. We don't believe a thing you say, but that is ok................. you are the type of person who would be destroyed in a debate, because your talking points and narrative, are easily dismantled. But, being on here and not having the world hear you stutter to answer questions for which you have no answers, certainly extends your useful life as a supreme propagandist. Narratives are not answers, they are rote responses, which do not work in debates, lol.

I know this, you know this, and any person with a lick of logic knows it tooo. So I guess you are playing to the uninformed. Good luck with that, because I have a feeling you guys are DOA for the next 8 to 12 years. If you are as old as you say, you and I will probably be arguing and playing pinochle in the sky. I will still win there, but we will prove that when we get there-)

Guy, you spent two paragraphs whining about me like a little bitch, and didn't address any point.

You guys have two years. Maybe not even that many if Trump does something obviously impeachable. after that, you are done.

Ride it like you stole it, baby.

hehehehehe, which one of your friends took the poll this time, or is that just your own hurt opinion, lolol. You don't scare any of us, you guys are done-)
Funny how the people most desiring of school choice are the very minorities that the democraps build their platform on. But then liberal trash rags like the NYT would never focus on it, leaving low IQ leftist morons like you without a train of thought on the topic. After all, how can liberals think for themselves when their entire existence has been directed by a combination of the NYT and the national democratic party?

And how is it possible that it is blacks and poor minorities who are the most vociferous group seeking charter schools/school choice? How can that be, moron?

If public schools were funded like private schools, you would have poor people fighting to get into them.

Yeah, for some reason, poor people would like to get their kids into a school where they don't have leaky roofs and 20 year old textbooks... for some reason.
How do you tax people when they keep leaving to the south Joe?

I think that's what Detroit tried and a third of the city left..

So what's next Joe?

Put down the bottle, buddy, it's Christmas morning.

A third of Detroit Left because we don't make cars in this country anymore. We make them in Mexico and Japan.

Tax them on the federal level and then disburse at the local level. Send the IRS after the rich evaders with a vengence, and throw the really bad ones in Big Boy Jail. (We can start with Trump.)
Maybe if our public schools taught real estate, the stock market, owning your own business, or commodities investing, we might turnout more hopeful graduates in this country.

You mean we should teach kids how to grow up to be assholes?

I think we have enough assholes in the country already, thanks.

Aw Joe, don't talk about yourself like that on a holiday.

Yes, those kids go into these schools and come out not knowing a thing about the real world. They've been brainwashed to believe that success in this great country is limited to where you were born, what family you were born into, and what race you happen to be. If you don't fall into any of those categories, you are going to be a complete failure in life unless you can make a good rap song or are very good in sports.

You want to see local success? Look at the guy selling crack or coke. Look at the guy pimping out women for money. Look at the guy making a ton of cash in home thefts.

I think we need more "assholes" in school Joe; teaching kids that everybody has the ability to be successful because they were born in the greatest country on earth. Everybody has a chance here no matter what base you were born on.

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