Republicans to target unions, expand school choice in states

I noticed you skipped over the whole discussion of supply and demand, didn't you?

You're assuming that the number, and size, of charter schools is finite. Higher demand = school expansion.

Public money poured into the private sector and you'll end up with hundreds of scam schools for profit only.
Even the legitimate schools will raise their tuitions.
You're assuming that the number, and size, of charter schools is finite. Higher demand = school expansion.

Actually, it would be pretty much finite. There are only so many buildings that could meet the building codes for schools (a lot of them are too old and need to be shut down) and there are only a finite number of qualified teachers. (50% of new teachers quit within 5 years even with union protections.)
and there are only a finite number of qualified teachers. (50% of new teachers quit within 5 years even with union protections.)

And that 50% of new teachers may want to teach at a school with a well rounded curriculum and student discipline, instead of the animal farms called public schools.
And that 50% of new teachers may want to teach at a school with a well rounded curriculum and student discipline, instead of the animal farms called public schools.

Actually, what happens is they come in thinking the little darling will appreciate them, instead of finding themselves with 30 people who don't want to be there, and parents hwo didn't bother to discipline them.

But blame the teachers..that's easier.
Who are Republicans fighting for, when they go after unions and union busting? Are they in bed with the Corporations? Certainly not in bed with the citizens who work in Union jobs that pay well....

Republicans are fighting for choice.

I remember years ago when I was out looking for jobs, I'd apply to someplace that had a union. I would be up front and tell them I had no interest in joining a union. They told me either I join the union or they can't hire me.

Do you think that's fair?
Then, if you don't join the union, you don't benefit from the union negotiations for raises and benefits. THEN it's fair. Right?

a real man don't negotiate for a raise, his work does the talking..

And what benefits?

Oh you mean the Union cadillac Heath care plan that obamacare is going to tax it 45% next year, that benefit?


"a real man don't negotiate for a raise, his work does the talking...."
Riiiiiight. :rofl:
Ah...and you buy what Rushbo says, don't you?

Yes I do..........that is unless you can show me where he's wrong.
Ah...a Rushbo worshipper........he's right about you suckers.....:lol:
Ahh the old rush line. You know 20 years and he's still there. You're still lost as to why.
Of course, Rushbo is still there. He knows his audience well.....just like P.T. Barnum did.
So your effort is but useless
When will you be switching to proper English?
"that ain't right"..........the grammar hits keep on coming!
You listen to Rush?
Why would I? I'm not a dittohead sheep.
Then how do you know what he talks about? Oh you're confirming you're a parrot . Got it! believe that one can ONLY access what Rushbo says by dutifully listening to him everyday like a good Sheeple? No wonder you are a Rushbo sheep.
I don't listen at all. I don't talk about him, except to laugh at stupid fls like you who live 20 years berating the man. LOL
Again....when will you be switching to proper English so we can understand you?
Yes I do..........that is unless you can show me where he's wrong.
Ah...a Rushbo worshipper........he's right about you suckers.....:lol:
Ahh the old rush line. You know 20 years and he's still there. You're still lost as to why.
Of course, Rushbo is still there. He knows his audience well.....just like P.T. Barnum did.
So your effort is but useless
When will you be switching to proper English?
So is this such a bad agenda? I predict more snowflakes a falling.

given that Charter schools have worse record than public schools, and that's before all the protections to keep the scams out are eliminated, um, yeah, that would be a bad thing.

The thing about it is, no one wants to set up Charter Schools in the Cleetus states. There's no money to be made there. They want to get into LA and NY and Chicago, where there are big old pots of money to be had.

And that is a lie.....the left creates road blocks to Charter schools that keep them from being don't even try that lie....

Competition works in every area of life to decrease costs and improve quality.....the only objection the left has to education being private is that they lose their tax payer funded left wing indoctrination centers........the 12 years they get to brain wash our children against their own country....

And besides.......who wants charter schools......we want that parents can send their kids to any school they want....anywhere they want.....just like college....
You listen to Rush?
Why would I? I'm not a dittohead sheep.
Then how do you know what he talks about? Oh you're confirming you're a parrot . Got it! believe that one can ONLY access what Rushbo says by dutifully listening to him everyday like a good Sheeple? No wonder you are a Rushbo sheep.
I don't listen at all. I don't talk about him, except to laugh at stupid fls like you who live 20 years berating the man. LOL
Again....when will you be switching to proper English so we can understand you?
Why, again?
Found this on my local news station site and decided to throw it out there. The meat of the article says this:

"As President-elect Donald Trump leads an attempted makeover in Washington, Republican governors and state lawmakers will be simultaneously pushing an aggressive agenda that limits abortion, lawsuits and unions, cuts business taxes and regulations, and expands gun rights and school choice.

Republicans will hold 33 governors' offices, have majorities in 33 legislatures and control both the governor's office and legislature in 25 states - their most since 1952. Democrats will control both the governor's office and legislature in only about a half-dozen states; the rest will have politically divided governments."

Republicans to target unions, expand school choice in states

So is this such a bad agenda? I predict more snowflakes a falling.

The states with strong teachers' unions have the best educational records in the country.

Why fuck with that?

Yeah, tell that to Chicago......and a link would be nice...
Who are Republicans fighting for, when they go after unions and union busting? Are they in bed with the Corporations? Certainly not in bed with the citizens who work in Union jobs that pay well....

Now that is another misdirection, right here, what Care said!

Republicans could care less about private sector unions. They are in competition, and they are restrained by economic reality.

What Republicans do not like, is public sector unions. They are NOT inclined to force them to disband, but rather, open them up to competition. This is why people like Joe a flailing away trying to convince everyone that somehow CHOICE is this case.

Freedom is really simple to define--------->the more choices you have, the more free you are. If the government FORCES you to choose their product, then why would their product be exceptional?!?!?! The logic is simple---------->the more entities in competition for your dollars on any product or service, the lower the cost of that product or service, and the higher quality it is!

And then, Joe and friends contend that the good public school teachers will get the shaft. Why? Maybe they will decide to move to the private schools where they would have more control over their curriculum. Their whole argument is a red herring, it really is. They are probably in shock being at least reasonably intelligent, that most of you would even see it fit to argue over their narrative; which we all know, is absolutely ludicrous-)
And that 50% of new teachers may want to teach at a school with a well rounded curriculum and student discipline, instead of the animal farms called public schools.

Actually, what happens is they come in thinking the little darling will appreciate them, instead of finding themselves with 30 people who don't want to be there, and parents hwo didn't bother to discipline them.

But blame the teachers..that's easier.

You misrepresented what I said. I'm not blaming the teachers, that's why I included "student discipline" and "animal farms" in my statement.

Many public schools are a cesspool, where uncaring parents and students can create havoc. For a teacher that doesn't want to try and teach in such a toxic environment, a charter/parochial/private school may be a godsend.

If they feel that teaching is their destiny, why would they not want to teach in one, instead of a public school?

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