Republicans to target unions, expand school choice in states

First, there aren't enough private schools to accommedate all the kids.
Supply would grow to meet demand.
Second, the private schools will cherry pick the kids they want, not the ones who probably need the help.
Difficult students could carry with them a higher voucher payment.
Third, you increase demand for something, the price will go up. Which means that it will cost more to voucher a kid than to send him to a public school. That will waste tax dollars.
Supply will grow to meet demand. Private schools are often cheaper than public schools.

Why don't you want to offer students options?
Yes it is. We use the college so that everybody in the country has some representation. The founders were brilliant with this system.

Everybody has representation. One person. One vote.

The founders were racist assholes who frankly did us more harm than good. It's taken us 250 years to fix all their fuckups, and we ain't done yet.

No, it took liberals just a few decades to fuckup everything they created.

If you think one person--one vote is fair, would you have felt the same way if we introduced civil rights legislation that way?
I didn't fuck anything up. The Republicans gave us a bad candidate, the Democratic Party gave us a bad candidate. I went third party because both party's gave us crap. Hell I would have voted for Sanders over Trump. You fucked it up by nominating Clinton and she couldn't get the Electoral votes. The Democratic Party tried to rig the election for Clinton and it backfired because people hated her.

So you were too much of a misogynist to bite the bullet and do the right thing. Got it.

heres how a not crazy misogynist looked at this. Hillary was a flawed candidate. GIVEN. Totally give you that one. But she was also one who understood how government worked and we had the check on her excesses in that the GOP controlled both houses of Congress.

Instead, you guys who copped out and voted 3rd Party gave us this clown. I hold you guys more responsible than the Knuckle-draggers who voted for the Nazi. YOu knew this was wrong, you let it happen anyway.

I did the right thing and voted for a third party candidate. I said early on had you dumb shits nominated a candidate with character, I would have voted for them, but you got the girl that rigged the nomination. I don't vote party, I vote for the best person, if you idiots would have done that, you wouldn't have screwed yourselves over.

Had you assholes had any character you would have let Clinton cheat to get the nomination, you sold out the country, dumb shit.
Trump is as close to Hitler as this country has ever gotten. Ignorance is ignoring the parallels because they make you uncomfortable.
Fascism/Nazism = worship of the state or statolatry. Hillary with her love of pointless & endless wars, her fascination with the nanny state, her ties to the abortion industry, her subservience to the PC thought police, and her devotion to ever expanding bureaucracies (along with the accompanying cash provided by government unions) is the Hitler twin.

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You have a strange concept of what is fair. THAT is the problem. Don't like it? Vote to change it. As it stands, that how we fund schools.

How is that a strange concept?

When you take your family to the movies, do you pay the same or less as the couple with no kids going to the movies?

When you go out to dinner with your family, do you insist you pay only as much as the guy sitting by himself at the counter eating his dinner?

It's not a strange concept at all, in fact it's the standard concept we use in just about everything but education.
Families get a lot of financial breaks in our society, not just education. The IRS certainly gives families a break. Practically everywhere you go, you see half price for kids, kids eat free, half price to families. Apply for just about any social service and families get a break.

I don't see that very much, but even if you did, they still pay more than a single person or couple.

The point is, the more you use a product or service, the more you pay except when it comes to education where you may pay the most for not using the service at all, or may even pay the least for using the service the most.

Thus far, nobody has been able to explain how that concept is fair.
If nobody else has been able to explain the concept of taxes for public education as being fair, I doubt I can but I will get it try.

Let's take a hypothetical example. Mr. Jones, wife and 4 kids live in your town, and rent a small cottage. He sends all 4 kids to public school to get an education because he is required by law to do so. Thru sales taxes he pays part but not all of the cost for education of the kids.

What does Mr Jones get for the money he paid in sales taxes to educate the kids. Absolutely nothing. So if the parents themselves get nothing tangible, why should they be expected to pay the full cost of an education mandated by the state when others are the major beneficiaries of that education. So if Mr. Jones is not the primary beneficiary, who is?

Businesses who will have an educated trained work force which allows them to make money and thus pay taxes which provides not just education for young people but all kinds of services that benefit the community.

Mr Jones's kids will be able to get a job or go to college and contribute to the community, paying taxes and producing goods and services in lieu of being dependent on the community as they most likely would be without education.

Property owners like you have enjoyed a big appreciation of their property value over the years, in large part due to the education of the young who are contributing to the community rather than being dependent on the community.

You are correct on one thing, that made no sense whatsoever.

Our schools are funded by property tax. The sales tax we pay go for other things; something else I'm against, but perhaps a discussion for another time.

What happened where I live is the exact opposite. The schools brought property values down.....way down.

When the neighborhood started to go downhill, the first good people to move out were those with children. People were wiling to stick around and put up a fight, but they would not sacrifice the safety of their children in our public school. That left them with two choices: send their children to private school which most couldn't afford, or use that money to just move to a better area with safer schools.

All this wonderful stuff about kids being able to grow up and work is fine, but what does that have to do with me paying for it? When I think of the tens of thousands of dollars I was forced to give to the school, let me tell you, I don't see that return you speak of.

This entire premise (excuse) about me paying for the education of other people's kids is ridiculous; as if I were not contributing, nobody would get an education.

As time went on, we relieved parents of THEIR responsibility to educate their children and put that responsibility on the community. And if it's not bad enough I pay for your kid to go to school, couldn't you at least get them there? Of course not, so I have to pay for their transportation as well.

I'm sick of paying for other people's kids. I didn't have them--you had them.

How about you change the laws in your state and leave the rest of us alone? Then when your state is bankrupt because of welfare and crime costing you billions, maybe you will see the light.
First, there aren't enough private schools to accommedate all the kids.
Supply would grow to meet demand.
Second, the private schools will cherry pick the kids they want, not the ones who probably need the help.
Difficult students could carry with them a higher voucher payment.
Third, you increase demand for something, the price will go up. Which means that it will cost more to voucher a kid than to send him to a public school. That will waste tax dollars.
Supply will grow to meet demand. Private schools are often cheaper than public schools.

Why don't you want to offer students options?

Keep telling yourself lies and you will wallow in ignorance forever.
They value their right to select the kind of students that their parents want which are typically white, upper middle class students free of the problems that make them hard to reach.
Many minority students are welcomed in private schools. Some minority students receive scholarships. If we had school vouchers more poor and minority students could attend private schools. Why don't you want to give these students options?

Does Black Success Matter?

Third, less than 10% of US public schools are failing or face sanctions and when students and parents are giving the option of attending better schools, 70% choose to remain where they are.
If the NEA is right then they have nothing to fear. But the NEA seems scared of school choice, don't you think?

Can you tell me why you don't want to give students options?
Claiming many
They value their right to select the kind of students that their parents want which are typically white, upper middle class students free of the problems that make them hard to reach.
Many minority students are welcomed in private schools. Some minority students receive scholarships. If we had school vouchers more poor and minority students could attend private schools. Why don't you want to give these students options?

Does Black Success Matter?

Third, less than 10% of US public schools are failing or face sanctions and when students and parents are giving the option of attending better schools, 70% choose to remain where they are.
If the NEA is right then they have nothing to fear. But the NEA seems scared of school choice, don't you think?

Can you tell me why you don't want to give students options?
There can't be that many private schools welcoming minorities or there would be more blacks in private schools, particularly in predominate black areas.

I want students (parents) to have a choice. I just don't want that choice to include privates schools. There are many options developing within public school districts giving parents options. One being Charter Schools. Today there are over 10,000 charter schools and that number has doubled in 5 years.

Charter Schools are not the only option students have. In districts across the country, parents with children in failing schools are being given the option of selecting any school in the district and often neighboring districts with a grade of C or higher.

Some districts have open enrollment where students may apply to go to any school within the district.

Students with disabilities or IEP's are being given options of privates schools as well other schools in the district.
How is that a strange concept?

When you take your family to the movies, do you pay the same or less as the couple with no kids going to the movies?

When you go out to dinner with your family, do you insist you pay only as much as the guy sitting by himself at the counter eating his dinner?

It's not a strange concept at all, in fact it's the standard concept we use in just about everything but education.
Families get a lot of financial breaks in our society, not just education. The IRS certainly gives families a break. Practically everywhere you go, you see half price for kids, kids eat free, half price to families. Apply for just about any social service and families get a break.

I don't see that very much, but even if you did, they still pay more than a single person or couple.

The point is, the more you use a product or service, the more you pay except when it comes to education where you may pay the most for not using the service at all, or may even pay the least for using the service the most.

Thus far, nobody has been able to explain how that concept is fair.
If nobody else has been able to explain the concept of taxes for public education as being fair, I doubt I can but I will get it try.

Let's take a hypothetical example. Mr. Jones, wife and 4 kids live in your town, and rent a small cottage. He sends all 4 kids to public school to get an education because he is required by law to do so. Thru sales taxes he pays part but not all of the cost for education of the kids.

What does Mr Jones get for the money he paid in sales taxes to educate the kids. Absolutely nothing. So if the parents themselves get nothing tangible, why should they be expected to pay the full cost of an education mandated by the state when others are the major beneficiaries of that education. So if Mr. Jones is not the primary beneficiary, who is?

Businesses who will have an educated trained work force which allows them to make money and thus pay taxes which provides not just education for young people but all kinds of services that benefit the community.

Mr Jones's kids will be able to get a job or go to college and contribute to the community, paying taxes and producing goods and services in lieu of being dependent on the community as they most likely would be without education.

Property owners like you have enjoyed a big appreciation of their property value over the years, in large part due to the education of the young who are contributing to the community rather than being dependent on the community.

You are correct on one thing, that made no sense whatsoever.

Our schools are funded by property tax. The sales tax we pay go for other things; something else I'm against, but perhaps a discussion for another time.

What happened where I live is the exact opposite. The schools brought property values down.....way down.

When the neighborhood started to go downhill, the first good people to move out were those with children. People were wiling to stick around and put up a fight, but they would not sacrifice the safety of their children in our public school. That left them with two choices: send their children to private school which most couldn't afford, or use that money to just move to a better area with safer schools.

All this wonderful stuff about kids being able to grow up and work is fine, but what does that have to do with me paying for it? When I think of the tens of thousands of dollars I was forced to give to the school, let me tell you, I don't see that return you speak of.

This entire premise (excuse) about me paying for the education of other people's kids is ridiculous; as if I were not contributing, nobody would get an education.

As time went on, we relieved parents of THEIR responsibility to educate their children and put that responsibility on the community. And if it's not bad enough I pay for your kid to go to school, couldn't you at least get them there? Of course not, so I have to pay for their transportation as well.

I'm sick of paying for other people's kids. I didn't have them--you had them.

How about you change the laws in your state and leave the rest of us alone? Then when your state is bankrupt because of welfare and crime costing you billions, maybe you will see the light.

Or maybe that would create more responsible people. Nah, responsibility never worked.......

You can't change something like this. That's the problem with liberalism and welfare. It's what I call my raccoon theory: You see a hungry raccoon digging through your garbage can, so you give him a nice meaty ham bone. The raccoon dines in delight. Now try taking that ham bone away from him and see what happens.

Politicians (particularly Democrats) realized this theory long ago. Once you start passing around freebies, you can never take them back unless you want to get your hand chewed off. As long as there are more takers than givers, the givers lose power.
Supply would grow to meet demand.

not necessarily. The reality of the laws of supply and demand is that the cost would go up when you have more demand. But there wouldn't be more schools built, more teachers trained, etc. We barely have enough of that now.

Teacher Shortages: Trends, Projections, and What Experts Say

What you will have are a lot of opportunists and fly-by-night companies going out there to scoop up those available dollars. Kind of like you have now with outfits like University of Phoenix....


(Pictured- University of Phoenix Graduation Ceremony)

Difficult students could carry with them a higher voucher payment.

Wow, that statement is one that is just rife with litigation potential. Who determines who gets a higher voucher payment? Who pays for the higher vouchers? And frankly, who'd want to take a more difficult student regardless of how much more you get paid.

Supply will grow to meet demand. Private schools are often cheaper than public schools.

Well, no, they aren't. The problem is you look at the average, including all the special ed work that the private schools refuse to do. You also fail to take in the fact a lot of private schools are subsidized by private organizations...

Why don't you want to offer students options?

I don't want to undermine the system that we have because the Right Wing wants to break the teachers unions.
Fascism/Nazism = worship of the state or statolatry. Hillary with her love of pointless & endless wars, her fascination with the nanny state, her ties to the abortion industry, her subservience to the PC thought police, and her devotion to ever expanding bureaucracies (along with the accompanying cash provided by government unions) is the Hitler twin.

are you fucking retarded? Or do you just not know anything about Nazi Germany because they never got that far in Home School?

First, Abortion was illegal in Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany has the dubious distinction of being the only country to ever execute people for performing abortions.

Second, the Nazis weren't PC. The Nazis strived on signalling out minorities as 'the other" that could be blamed for problems. Just like Trump does with the Mexicans, Hitler did with the Jews.

Third- The Nazis didn't create a "nanny state". Germany had universal health care and social security before the Nazis came to power, and they expanded it after the Nazis were gone under the auspices of American occupation. (You see, the New Dealers were able to do in Postwar Germany what the Republicans always blocked in the US. It's why Germany is kicking our ass today!)
I did the right thing and voted for a third party candidate. I said early on had you dumb shits nominated a candidate with character, I would have voted for them, but you got the girl that rigged the nomination. I don't vote party, I vote for the best person, if you idiots would have done that, you wouldn't have screwed yourselves over.

Had you assholes had any character you would have let Clinton cheat to get the nomination, you sold out the country, dumb shit.

Well, first, I didn't have anything to do with the nominating process... I voted for Kasich in the IL Primary.

Second, Hillary didn't "Cheat". she got three million more primary votes than Commie Bernie.

Third, no one is going to believe a right wing racist asshole like you was going to vote for Commie Bernie.

But all that said, you allowed a Nazi to win because you just hated the woman so much.

So what is your problem with women, anyway?
say it aint so! you mean that the states will have their own says in what they teach our children!!!, you are telling us that the government will not be able to force all 57 states to lie to our children about our history and that the pilgrims were all terrorists!!!
this cant be happening !!!

Even more shocking, THE PARENTS will have a say in what their children are taught! Will the anarchy never end?!
i just hope that in 2017, none of our children will ever have to endure the painful suffering of being forced to eat those god awful/disgusting lunches that were created by a first lady who never liked America in the first place.

One of the nice things about homeschooling is that I get to decide what my kid eats at lunch. He's a fruit-and-vegetable fanatic (I know, right?!), so I keep the fridge stocked with apples, oranges, carrots, sweet peppers, and such, and try to keep a casserole or some sort of leftovers on hand. SOOOO much better for than either what schools served when I attended them, or that slop Michelle Obama wants them to serve. I wouldn't feed that crap to my dog, for fear the ASPCA would be on me for animal abuse.
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say it aint so! you mean that the states will have their own says in what they teach our children!!!, you are telling us that the government will not be able to force all 57 states to lie to our children about our history and that the pilgrims were all terrorists!!!
this cant be happening !!!

Correct. How do they suppose kids will learn how to put a condom on if they don't practice it in school on a banana?

Said it before, and I'll say it again: teaching kids to put condoms on bananas and cucumbers is just setting them up for some SERIOUS disappointment later on. Why would you raise false expectations like that? :woohoo:
You already have school choice. You want your kids to go to private school, send them. You want to homeschool, have at it.

Correct, you want private school, you pay for it. You want home school, do it on a single income. In the meantime, no possible way of getting out of paying for pubic school. Can you do it? Sure. You just have to pay twice as much as everybody else.

Frankly, I think since I'm paying taxes to fund a school I'm not using (because I wouldn't send my dog to TUSD schools for obedience training, let alone trust those wankers with one of my precious children), I don't think it's unreasonable to suggest that they return some of those taxes to help with that education. Maybe some sort of resources to help homeschoolers with more social activities like educational field trips and such. God knows, the schools aren't providing any sort of socialized, civilized people I would want my kid to be friends with.

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