Republicans, Trump feel we don't breathe enough Mercury. We NEED more!

Wow. An optimist. Are you sure you’re not a republican? Because they’re looking for the rapture.
Wow, I’ve had some insults in my time but that’s a double barrelled one. I’m an agnostic with an interest in biblical studies but I’m no believer. I’m not addicted to any particular ideology seeing all of them as mindless tribal idiocy.
Yeh, the usual tedious forum bitchery and ad hominem argument from both sides.
Mercury is no good for humans.....look what it did to dean....made him slightly insane....

I will give him all those fluorescent bulbs those alarmists said me must have in our homes... But then again he might snort the mercury dust in them and break them open for more..
I feel the urge to wander a bit off topic here. One of the aspects of conservative, right wing politics of the last few decades that puzzles me is the anti-science perspective these parties have taken on. Historically there’s been a firm link between science, as expressed in technological developments in industry, and concervative thinking. Why has the right suddenly reversed direction and become so astonishingly anti-science? I don’t get it.

I know I keep saying this but Ayn Rand is rolling in her grave.


When left wing sycophants use pseudo science and made up crap to push the AGW agenda there really is no credibility left for the left wing zealots. Climategate exposed how it was being done and by whom..

You might want to look in the mirror to see who is being unscientific and a useful idiot for a socialist agenda..
Trump EPA Says Mercury Limits On Coal Plants Too Costly, Not 'Necessary'

When coal is burned it releases mercury into the air, where it can cause health risks to people including neurological disorders, heart and lung problems and compromised immune systems. Babies developing in the womb and young children are especially at risk.

Trump proposal to weaken mercury standards could have broad impact on other anti-pollution rules

Reported emissions declined 69 percent between 2014 and 2016 after coal-fired power plants installed technology to meet the new clean air standards.

Harold P. Wimmer, president and CEO of the American Lung Association, said the current rule shouldn't be weakened considering it's estimated to prevent 11,000 premature deaths each year and has dramatically reduced mercury pollution, a potent neurotoxin that causes brain damage in babies.


I'm with the Republicans on this one.

Fuk all those do gooders.

Clean air and clean water? Bah! Who needs them?

I just tell the kids it's not dirty water, it's chocolate. Drink up!

Bon Appétit!

I vote this post for the most disingenuous and bullshit post of the year!..

How many times have I shown you the scrubbing technology that removes 99.98% of ALL PARTICULATES from our power plants today. Bringing the limits back to REASONABLE levels and not unattainable even for high level plants (like our chemical munitions disposal systems). The limits were INSANE and UNOBTAINABLE except by closing the plants, which is their goal.. Coal can be used reasonably using common sense. No need to go full tilt stupid like the AWG socialist power grabbers want...
I will give him all those fluorescent bulbs those alarmists said me must have in our homes...

Thee ones that reduced overall mercury emissions, you mean.

Given how conservatives were so humiliated concerning their years of weeping about how light bulbs were now a socialist plot, I'd think you'd want to avoid the topic. Any of you paste-eaters still got your stockpiles of incandescent bulbs?
I will give him all those fluorescent bulbs those alarmists said me must have in our homes...

Thee ones that reduced overall mercury emissions, you mean.

Given how conservatives were so humiliated concerning their years of weeping about how light bulbs were now a socialist plot, I'd think you'd want to avoid the topic. Any of you paste-eaters still got your stockpiles of incandescent bulbs?
They didn't do shit for reducing Mercury emissions. They just changed where we get exposed to it.. Now its in our homes instead of being diluted in our atmosphere. You all were not happy with very low doses, you all wanted massive dosing every time a bulb is broken in our homes.

If your fixes were not 100 times more deadly than dealing with it, at the source, in other ways, you might have a point. but hey any lie will do for you leftards..

The only person humiliated is you and your leftard friends... Your so ill informed you believe lies as truth.. are more likely to die by many other things long before you die of the EVIL MERCURY MONSTER out for that MERCURY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell that to babies.

Oh, that's right. Republicans only like a fetus. Not the born.

Mercury Dangers For Unborn

Uh Oh, looks like there may be a problem even right wingers care about.

Unless they never really cared about a fetus.

They only wanted to attack women.


If you wait long enough, the discoloration becomes the "normal" look.

Nothing like posting a picture of pollution that happened under Obama in a thread supposedly Attacking Trump.

But dumbass is thick in this thread.
And what is your point? It makes no difference who’s poisoning the planet, it’s the fact that it’s happening at all that matters. Trump making it easier to inflict poisons on the population is only making official what’s been going on for decades. Our entire species is insane and is about to reap the extinction we deserve.

Yea I figured my post would fly right over your head. So I'll dumb it down for ya.

In a thread about "republicans and Trump making it easier for coal plants to pollute" dishonest dean posted a picture of a polluted river. He didn't caption it or mention that it happened under Obama. So one would think it happened because of Trumps policies. If you read the fine print on the sign it clearly states it happened under Obama, So why post the pic in a thread about trump?

I don't expect honesty out of dishonest dean, but I will call out his bullshit when I see it.
Are you pretending to be dumb, because it’s really working.
If there was no pollution, nobody would put a new regulations in place. Why? Because they wouldn’t be needed. why? Because there’s no pollution.
Caught up so far?
So once pollution was reported, under Obama, regulations were put in place to clean up what’s there and prevent further pollution.

Did you get that? Was it really that difficult?
These folks who have no problem with increased Mercury and Sulfur dioxide are complete idiots. Trusting Trumpsterism deregulation based on ideology over evidence based science is about as stupid and easily manipulated, as anyone could ever get.
This people do not deserve to have children, because their ignorance is a threat to the children's well-being. are more likely to die by many other things long before you die of the EVIL MERCURY MONSTER out for that MERCURY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell that to babies.

Oh, that's right. Republicans only like a fetus. Not the born.

Mercury Dangers For Unborn

Uh Oh, looks like there may be a problem even right wingers care about.

Unless they never really cared about a fetus.

They only wanted to attack women.


Like you people give a shit about unborn babies.

The unborn face far more risk from a liberal with an abortion tube in their hands than mercury from a power plant. are more likely to die by many other things long before you die of the EVIL MERCURY MONSTER out for that MERCURY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell that to babies.

Oh, that's right. Republicans only like a fetus. Not the born.

Mercury Dangers For Unborn

Uh Oh, looks like there may be a problem even right wingers care about.

Unless they never really cared about a fetus.

They only wanted to attack women.

again and again--your posts make no sense/unsubstantiated/etc are more likely to die by many other things long before you die of the EVIL MERCURY MONSTER out for that MERCURY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell that to babies.

Oh, that's right. Republicans only like a fetus. Not the born.

Mercury Dangers For Unborn

Uh Oh, looks like there may be a problem even right wingers care about.

Unless they never really cared about a fetus.

They only wanted to attack women.

but the Dems are ok with torturing DISABLED persons
yelled "F*** Trump!" and "F*** white people

4 in custody after mentally disabled man tied up, tortured on Facebook Live
I feel the urge to wander a bit off topic here. One of the aspects of conservative, right wing politics of the last few decades that puzzles me is the anti-science perspective these parties have taken on. Historically there’s been a firm link between science, as expressed in technological developments in industry, and concervative thinking. Why has the right suddenly reversed direction and become so astonishingly anti-science? I don’t get it.

I know I keep saying this but Ayn Rand is rolling in her grave.


When left wing sycophants use pseudo science and made up crap to push the AGW agenda there really is no credibility left for the left wing zealots. Climategate exposed how it was being done and by whom..

You might want to look in the mirror to see who is being unscientific and a useful idiot for a socialist agenda..
Mean while mercury is a poison. If you do not believe this post your address and we can dump all of our excess on your property. I am sure you will not mind since we are just crazsy for thinking it is poison.

If you wait long enough, the discoloration becomes the "normal" look.

Nothing like posting a picture of pollution that happened under Obama in a thread supposedly attacking Trump.

The dumbass is thick in this thread.
Please identify the Obama policy relaxing epa guidelins. UNtil then you are one of the main contributers to the thickness. By the way there was an election held and O bama is no longer president. We can do nothing about his policies, they are over. I take it you agree with Trumps decree.
You really do have to be a fucking idiot to think more mercury in the environment is a good thing. are more likely to die by many other things long before you die of the EVIL MERCURY MONSTER out for that MERCURY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell that to babies.

Oh, that's right. Republicans only like a fetus. Not the born.

Mercury Dangers For Unborn

Uh Oh, looks like there may be a problem even right wingers care about.

Unless they never really cared about a fetus.

They only wanted to attack women.

again and again--your posts make no sense/unsubstantiated/etc
They only make no sense to the determined ignorant. I’m not saying Republicans are ignorant, I’m saying they’re determined to be ignorant.

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