Republicans, Trump feel we don't breathe enough Mercury. We NEED more!

You really do have to be a fucking idiot to think more mercury in the environment is a good thing.
How much mercury has been dumped in landfills from CFL's being improperly discarded?
And how does that justify adding more mercury to the environment via the loosening of coal emissions standards?
LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!
the Mercury Monster is after US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
^^^^^^^ The post that proves my point.
You really do have to be a fucking idiot to think more mercury in the environment is a good thing.
How much mercury has been dumped in landfills from CFL's being improperly discarded?
And how does that justify adding more mercury to the environment via the loosening of coal emissions standards?
LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!
the Mercury Monster is after US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
^^^^^^^ The post that proves my point.
the Mercury Monster is after ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You really do have to be a fucking idiot to think more mercury in the environment is a good thing.
How much mercury has been dumped in landfills from CFL's being improperly discarded?
And how does that justify adding more mercury to the environment via the loosening of coal emissions standards?
LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!
the Mercury Monster is after US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Been burned for yrs......can you show any harm...why weren't you concerned about it leaching into the water from your planet saving light bulbs....where probably can do more harm...its called hypocrisy
Trump EPA Says Mercury Limits On Coal Plants Too Costly, Not 'Necessary'

When coal is burned it releases mercury into the air, where it can cause health risks to people including neurological disorders, heart and lung problems and compromised immune systems. Babies developing in the womb and young children are especially at risk.

Trump proposal to weaken mercury standards could have broad impact on other anti-pollution rules

Reported emissions declined 69 percent between 2014 and 2016 after coal-fired power plants installed technology to meet the new clean air standards.

Harold P. Wimmer, president and CEO of the American Lung Association, said the current rule shouldn't be weakened considering it's estimated to prevent 11,000 premature deaths each year and has dramatically reduced mercury pollution, a potent neurotoxin that causes brain damage in babies.


I'm with the Republicans on this one.

Fuk all those do gooders.

Clean air and clean water? Bah! Who needs them?

I just tell the kids it's not dirty water, it's chocolate. Drink up!

Bon Appétit!

No President has sucked more coal dick than Donald Trump.
You really do have to be a fucking idiot to think more mercury in the environment is a good thing.
How much mercury has been dumped in landfills from CFL's being improperly discarded?
And how does that justify adding more mercury to the environment via the loosening of coal emissions standards?
LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!
the Mercury Monster is after US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Been burned for yrs......can you show any harm...why weren't you concerned about it leaching into the water from your planet saving light bulbs....where probably can do more harm...its called hypocrisy
As you correctly stated the operative word in your original post was "improper" disposal of CFLs. It still all begs the question is why would you want more mercury dumped into our air and water? Do you seriously think mercury is not a poison?
Trump EPA Says Mercury Limits On Coal Plants Too Costly, Not 'Necessary'

When coal is burned it releases mercury into the air, where it can cause health risks to people including neurological disorders, heart and lung problems and compromised immune systems. Babies developing in the womb and young children are especially at risk.

Trump proposal to weaken mercury standards could have broad impact on other anti-pollution rules

Reported emissions declined 69 percent between 2014 and 2016 after coal-fired power plants installed technology to meet the new clean air standards.

Harold P. Wimmer, president and CEO of the American Lung Association, said the current rule shouldn't be weakened considering it's estimated to prevent 11,000 premature deaths each year and has dramatically reduced mercury pollution, a potent neurotoxin that causes brain damage in babies.


I'm with the Republicans on this one.

Fuk all those do gooders.

Clean air and clean water? Bah! Who needs them?

I just tell the kids it's not dirty water, it's chocolate. Drink up!

Bon Appétit!

No President has sucked more coal dick than Donald Trump.
nothing wrong with that
You really do have to be a fucking idiot to think more mercury in the environment is a good thing.
How much mercury has been dumped in landfills from CFL's being improperly discarded?
And how does that justify adding more mercury to the environment via the loosening of coal emissions standards?
LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!
the Mercury Monster is after US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Been burned for yrs......can you show any harm...why weren't you concerned about it leaching into the water from your planet saving light bulbs....where probably can do more harm...its called hypocrisy
As you correctly stated the operative word in your original post was "improper" disposal of CFLs. It still all begs the question is why would you want more mercury dumped into our air and water? Do you seriously think mercury is not a poison?
You first......We need to save the planet from people who say they can save the planet
These folks who have no problem with increased Mercury and Sulfur dioxide are complete idiots. Trusting Trumpsterism deregulation based on ideology over evidence based science is about as stupid and easily manipulated, as anyone could ever get.
This people do not deserve to have children, because their ignorance is a threat to the children's well-being.
You are aware that US power plants today us scrubbing technology which removes 99.98% of all the sulfur dioxide and mercury, are you not? Which means boiling water in your home is more dangerous from the trace mercury than the exhaust of 99% of all power plants burning coal.

Its uninformed idiots like you who allow the destruction of the US an its way of life.. Congratulations fool!
Mercury is no good for humans.....look what it did to dean....made him slightly insane....
If you say so. I will tell you what you get a pint of mercury and chug it on utube and I will admit you were right. UNtil then you are full of shit.
i dont want to be as insane as dean about you drink that pint and then as you slowly go nuts we can have a good laugh....
I feel the urge to wander a bit off topic here. One of the aspects of conservative, right wing politics of the last few decades that puzzles me is the anti-science perspective these parties have taken on. Historically there’s been a firm link between science, as expressed in technological developments in industry, and concervative thinking. Why has the right suddenly reversed direction and become so astonishingly anti-science? I don’t get it.

I know I keep saying this but Ayn Rand is rolling in her grave.


When left wing sycophants use pseudo science and made up crap to push the AGW agenda there really is no credibility left for the left wing zealots. Climategate exposed how it was being done and by whom..

You might want to look in the mirror to see who is being unscientific and a useful idiot for a socialist agenda..
Mean while mercury is a poison. If you do not believe this post your address and we can dump all of our excess on your property. I am sure you will not mind since we are just crazsy for thinking it is poison.

Mercury is a poison. On that one point we agree. Now tell me why you forced everyone to place Fluorescent tubes in their homes, which when broken, create a mercury poisoning every time one is fractured, levels which meet the EPA standards of a hazardous exposure that should be reported.

Your fucking cures are a bigger threat to us than the original problem... IDIOTS@!
You really do have to be a fucking idiot to think more mercury in the environment is a good thing.
How much mercury has been dumped in landfills from CFL's being improperly discarded?
And how does that justify adding more mercury to the environment via the loosening of coal emissions standards?
You fucking retard!

The standards were so high not one plant in the US could obtain it (and our plants only exhaust water vapor from scrubbing out the pollution). You want them closed and this is your stupid ass way of doing it, damn the consequences of people freezing to death and power costs rising by a factor of 10.

Your socialist control solutions to non problems are fucking ridicules!
I feel the urge to wander a bit off topic here. One of the aspects of conservative, right wing politics of the last few decades that puzzles me is the anti-science perspective these parties have taken on. Historically there’s been a firm link between science, as expressed in technological developments in industry, and concervative thinking. Why has the right suddenly reversed direction and become so astonishingly anti-science? I don’t get it.

I know I keep saying this but Ayn Rand is rolling in her grave.


When left wing sycophants use pseudo science and made up crap to push the AGW agenda there really is no credibility left for the left wing zealots. Climategate exposed how it was being done and by whom..

You might want to look in the mirror to see who is being unscientific and a useful idiot for a socialist agenda..
Mean while mercury is a poison. If you do not believe this post your address and we can dump all of our excess on your property. I am sure you will not mind since we are just crazsy for thinking it is poison.

Mercury is a poison. On that one point we agree. Now tell me why you forced everyone to place Fluorescent tubes in their homes, which when broken, create a mercury poisoning every time one is fractured, levels which meet the EPA standards of a hazardous exposure that should be reported.

Your fucking cures are a bigger threat to us than the original problem... IDIOTS@!
So under your brilliant theory the cure to mercury in the environment is more mercury. :wtf:
I feel the urge to wander a bit off topic here. One of the aspects of conservative, right wing politics of the last few decades that puzzles me is the anti-science perspective these parties have taken on. Historically there’s been a firm link between science, as expressed in technological developments in industry, and concervative thinking. Why has the right suddenly reversed direction and become so astonishingly anti-science? I don’t get it.

I know I keep saying this but Ayn Rand is rolling in her grave.


When left wing sycophants use pseudo science and made up crap to push the AGW agenda there really is no credibility left for the left wing zealots. Climategate exposed how it was being done and by whom..

You might want to look in the mirror to see who is being unscientific and a useful idiot for a socialist agenda..
Mean while mercury is a poison. If you do not believe this post your address and we can dump all of our excess on your property. I am sure you will not mind since we are just crazsy for thinking it is poison.

Mercury is a poison. On that one point we agree. Now tell me why you forced everyone to place Fluorescent tubes in their homes, which when broken, create a mercury poisoning every time one is fractured, levels which meet the EPA standards of a hazardous exposure that should be reported.

Your fucking cures are a bigger threat to us than the original problem... IDIOTS@!
So under your brilliant theory the cure to mercury in the environment is more mercury. :wtf:

NO! That is and was your solution.. Fucking retard!
You idiots wanted it in our HOMES as a opposed to being scrubbed from the emissions of our power plants. Today it is scrubbed from the emissions but we still are forced to use poison in our homes by you idiots.
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Democrats embrace science. At least one branch. Let's call it unicorn science. The EPA demanded and mandated use of a fuel that never existed. In 2013 that mandate was expanded with heavy fines for non compliance. It is now days from 2019. The fuel still does not exist. The difference is, we have Trump who scraps nonsense. That leads to the very predictable "Republicans want everyone to DIE!"

EPA Increases Mandates For Fuels That Don't Exist | Investor's Business Daily
I feel the urge to wander a bit off topic here. One of the aspects of conservative, right wing politics of the last few decades that puzzles me is the anti-science perspective these parties have taken on. Historically there’s been a firm link between science, as expressed in technological developments in industry, and concervative thinking. Why has the right suddenly reversed direction and become so astonishingly anti-science? I don’t get it.

I know I keep saying this but Ayn Rand is rolling in her grave.


When left wing sycophants use pseudo science and made up crap to push the AGW agenda there really is no credibility left for the left wing zealots. Climategate exposed how it was being done and by whom..

You might want to look in the mirror to see who is being unscientific and a useful idiot for a socialist agenda..
Mean while mercury is a poison. If you do not believe this post your address and we can dump all of our excess on your property. I am sure you will not mind since we are just crazsy for thinking it is poison.

Mercury is a poison. On that one point we agree. Now tell me why you forced everyone to place Fluorescent tubes in their homes, which when broken, create a mercury poisoning every time one is fractured, levels which meet the EPA standards of a hazardous exposure that should be reported.

Your fucking cures are a bigger threat to us than the original problem... IDIOTS@!
So under your brilliant theory the cure to mercury in the environment is more mercury. :wtf:

NO! That is and was your solution.. Fucking retard!
LOL, you are unhinged! You're the one advocating for more mercury in the environment. Read your own friggin posts.
I notice no one here has tried to find the dangerous dose level of Mercury which is found naturally in nature, from HERE is this statement that can't be ignored:

"Emissions from Power Plants

Since mercury occurs naturally in coal and other fossil fuels, when people burn these fuels for energy, the mercury becomes airborne and goes into the atmosphere. In the United States, power plants that burn coal to create electricity account for about 42 percent of all manmade mercury emissions (Source: 2014 National Emissions Inventory, version 1, Technical Support Document (December 2016)(PDF)(discussion starts on page 2-25 of the PDF document). "

Coupled with these from the FIRST LINK at post 1,

"The EPA says it is keeping the 2012 restrictions in place for now, in large part because utilities have already spent billions to comply with them."


"Even though the EPA's mercury standards have faced court challenges, utilities spent more than $18 billion to comply with the requirements. In a letter to the EPA last summer, utilities and regulatory and labor groups said mercury emissions had been reduced by nearly 90 percent over the past decade.

In that letter they also asked the Trump administration's EPA to leave the existing standards in place.

Since many regulators have included the equipment costs in utility rates, some worry that no longer requiring the limits could leave customers paying for the pollution controls without getting cleaner air. That's because it also costs money to continue operating that equipment."

From the SECOND LINK at post 1:

"The Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, or MATS as it's called, went into effect in 2015 under the Obama administration. At the time, the cost to industry for installing the technology to reduce mercury emissions was estimated at nearly $10 billion, while the health benefits were calculated at only several million dollars.

But the Obama administration also factored in "co-benefits" the rule would produce, such as reductions in soot and nitrogen oxide, raising the maximum benefits to as much as $90 billion through reduced premature deaths, sick days and hospital visits."

I have yet to see credible disputing response to this suggested benefit of the CURRENT regulations in place that industry already complied with.

At this time relaxing the mercury emission rules makes no sense since the cost is already factored in and the money spent to comply with the 2012 regulations.
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Trump EPA Says Mercury Limits On Coal Plants Too Costly, Not 'Necessary'

When coal is burned it releases mercury into the air, where it can cause health risks to people including neurological disorders, heart and lung problems and compromised immune systems. Babies developing in the womb and young children are especially at risk.

Trump proposal to weaken mercury standards could have broad impact on other anti-pollution rules

Reported emissions declined 69 percent between 2014 and 2016 after coal-fired power plants installed technology to meet the new clean air standards.

Harold P. Wimmer, president and CEO of the American Lung Association, said the current rule shouldn't be weakened considering it's estimated to prevent 11,000 premature deaths each year and has dramatically reduced mercury pollution, a potent neurotoxin that causes brain damage in babies.


I'm with the Republicans on this one.

Fuk all those do gooders.

Clean air and clean water? Bah! Who needs them?

I just tell the kids it's not dirty water, it's chocolate. Drink up!

Bon Appétit!


Man. How anti American are you? Deantard.

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