Republicans try but can't change history

LuckyDuck wrote: “only 52 of which actually did the breaking in, the others just wandered in after them,” 21SEP03-POST#420

NFBW 21SEP03-POST#421 A couple questions to test your connection to reality:

Do you have a source for your number that there were 52 individuals that were violent and broke into the US Capitol on Jan6? 21SEP03-POST#421

What was the purpose of the break in? 21SEP03-POST#421

Do you believe the individuals that just wandered in were oblivious to the violence that was used by 52 individuals in order to break into the US Capitol. 21SEP03-POST#421

Because history is what it is. Despite the efforts of Trump and his Cult members in Congress to rewrite it to reflect positively on Trump, theirs is a lost cause.

Trump and his disciples, since January 6 have tried over and over to convince the American people that the insurrection was caused by Antifa, was a peaceful event with lots of love in the air or was just a guided tour of the Capital building.

We know better! It was an aggressive attempt by white nationalists, inspired by Trump, to take over the government of the United States. Anyone who sees it in a different light is not a loyal, patriotic American, but rather is a Trump disciple who places him above the Constitution of the United States and the welfare of the majority of the American people.

Today's congressional hearing will expose the Trump people who tried to storm the Capital for what they really are: enemies of the American people.

The Democrat scum forgets history.

Like the six months of BLM and ANTIFA terrorism in over 200 American cities that created looting, murdering, burning and destruction.

Hell, the Democrat scum supported the filth that did the destruction.
Essential Meaning of insurrection
: a usually violent attempt to take control of a government

: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government
Watching the insurrections in local government entities for years with the politicians approving of revolutionary tactics perhaps affected decisions on Jan. 6. They hurt no one. And saw that what they did was minor league compared to their teachers. They happened to be in the wrong party at the federal level whose political class will have none of that on them who promote terrorism on others.
What part of the Constitution gave Pence the authority to send the votes back to the states for recertification?
This part...

LuckyDuck wrote: Apparently, you hilariously think that a few hundred unarmed individuals, “only 52 of which actually did the breaking in, the others just wandered in after them,” having their pictures taken while smiling next to the Capitol Police and staying within the roped areas, were trying to take over the United States and its government?! 21SEP03-POST#420

NFBW wrote: I do not argue that any of the Jan6 rioters had any intent to try to take over the United States and its government. They were following their “Dear Leader’s” instructions to stop the certification of the election. EXACTLY As the “Dear Leader at Palace Mar-A-Lago has explained. 21SEP03-POST#425

“”” "The 2020 Presidential Election was, by far, the greatest Election Fraud in the history," continued Trump. "Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, and had Mitch McConnell fought for us instead of being the weak and pathetic leader he is, we would right now have a Republican President who would be VETOING the horrific Socialistic Bills that are rapidly going through Congress, including Open Borders, High Taxes, Massive Regulations, and so much else!” DJT-21May15 “”” 21SEP03-POST#425
NFBW wrote: I have noticed whenever the Republican/right wing poster Correll mindfully and deliberately needs to distort reality in order to try to change history he invokes his oft used “pretend and ignore” tactic. Here is an example: 21SEP01-POST#413

Correll wrote: Yeah, they pretend that the 4 hour delay was an "insurrection" but ignore the OPENLY STATED AND CELEBRATED FORMAL INSURRECTIONS of their side, because..... they are lying scum. 21JUL29-POST#329

NFBW wrote: Jan06 was a violent Trump supporting anti-America insurrection. There is and was no BLM or ANTIFA insurrection to overthrow an election for the left. That is the reality Correll is attempting to distort. 21SEP01-POST#413

I'm not ignoring the 1/6 riot. I'm happy to discuss how it was a riot, a violent and criminal act, and refute the stupid claims that it was more than that.

You are the one who is on the side of the liars.
Correll wrote: I am not respecting the peaceful transfer of power either. I do not consider BIden's election to be legitimate nor do I consider him to be a legitimate President. 21FEB27-POST#257

NFBW wrote: When you as a conservative have no respect for the peaceful transfer of power because your “Dear Leader” lost the national election for a second term by seven million votes - are you now of the revolutionary mindset that no election in the future can be legitimate unless the conservative candidate wins? 21SEP02-POST#415

Why did you post this? Seriously. You didn't make a point, you quoted yourself from teh past.

You are being nothiing but a troll bot now.
"Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, …. we would right now have a Republican President” DJT-21May15 official statement

NFBW wrote: The above DJT statement is all the proof any non-duped Democracy Loving American needs to be clear in understanding that Trump had a plan that involved a mob surrounding the Capitol where the intent was to overturn the election. 21SEP03-POST#416

Correll wrote: Stop a count and having a recount, is not overturning. 21JUL27-POST#63

Correll ’s “Dear Leader tore the deluded fool Correll ‘s 21JUL27-POST#63 argument to shreds two months before Correll posted it.

“”” "The 2020 Presidential Election was, by far, the greatest Election Fraud in the history," continued Trump. "Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, and had Mitch McConnell fought for us instead of being the weak and pathetic leader he is, we would right now have a Republican President who would be VETOING the horrific Socialistic Bills that are rapidly going through Congress, including Open Borders, High Taxes, Massive Regulations, and so much else!” DJT-21May15 INSURRECTION “””

What the fuck are you even saying? I don't even see a point here. So, Trump; said something that you think contradicted what I said.

Who cares? You don't. I don't. What the fuck are you even doing?
The intent was to disrupt the lawful and usual action of Congress in certifying the election in order for Trump to use that to stay in power.

That it failed does not change the intent
Correll wrote: Who cares? You don't. I don't. What the fuck are you even doing? 21SEP04-POST#431

NFBW 21SEP04-POST#431 wrote: You cared about the fraudulent vote when you wrote this.

fraudulent vote.

filthy unwashed treasonous mobs

Correll wrote: Their intent was to stop the certification of a fraudulent vote.

Don’t you care anymore? 21SEP04-POST#431

NFBW wrote: Ashley Babbit used to care - about the fraudulent vote but she doesn’t anymore. She got herself shot to death because she embraced an elected president who refused to accept defeat. She stupidly attacked an open session of Congress on Jan6 in a failed insurrection which had at the heart of it the goal of disenfranchising millions of black voters in cities like Atlanta Detroit Philadelphia Phoenix Las Vegas Milwaukee who voted for Joe Biden. I care about those voters as much as my own right to vote and have it counted.. 21SEP04-POST#431

filthy unwashed treasonous mobs

Correll wrote: How do you feel about the filthy unwashed treasonous mobs from the left that were burning and killing for the entire 4 years of Trump's presidency? 21JUL29-POST#50

NFBW wrote: Try to care again Correll. 21SEP04-POST#431
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Correll wrote: Who cares? You don't. I don't. What the fuck are you even doing? 21SEP04-POST#431

NFBW 21SEP04-POST#431 wrote: You cared about the fraudulent vote when you wrote this.

Correll wrote: Their intent was to stop the certification of a fraudulent vote.

Don’t you care anymore? 21SEP04-POST#431

NFBW wrote: Ashley Babbit used to care - about the fraudulent vote but she doesn’t anymore. She got herself shot to death because she embraced an elected president who refused to accept defeat. She stupidly attacked an open session of Congress on Jan6 in a failed insurrection which had at the heart of it the goal of disenfranchising millions of black voters in cities like Atlanta Detroit Philadelphia Phoenix Las Vegas Milwaukee who voted for Joe Biden. I care about those voters as much as my own right to vote and have it counted.. 21SEP04-POST#431

Correll wrote: How do you feel about the filthy unwashed treasonous mobs from the left that were burning and killing for the entire 4 years of Trump's presidency? 21JUL29-POST#50

NFBW wrote: Try to care again Correll. 21SEP04-POST#431

No, you are teh one not answering.
Just ask the Indians if that is true.

Yeah, shitty shit happened to some brown people in the past.

YOu know what else? Shitty shit happened to EVERYONE.

Hey, what ever happened to all the Christians that lived in Constantinople? Why do you whiny faggots ever whine about that?
Correll wrote: So, Trump; said something that you think contradicted what I said. 21SEP03-POST#427

NFBW wrote: I do not ‘think’ it. I read what both you and DJT said and understand language and what language means. 21SEP04-POST#435

NFBW wrote: This means Jan6 was not about a recount: “”” "Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, …. we would right now have a Republican President” DJT-21May15 official statement. “”” 21SEP04-POST#435

NFBW wrote: So when you wrote, “”” Stop a count and having a recount, is not overturning. 21JUL27-POST#63 “”” You are in fact contradicting your Dear Leader speaking to you from the Palace at Mar A Lago because DJT says Jan6 was about decertification of the 2020 election which will end somehow in making DJT the winner based on no recount - it would be based on simply having GOP legislators in key states DJT lost, assign new electors or some variance of the General Flynn plan which would cause chaos and declare martial law and void the election. Jan6 was exactly about overturning the election. 21SEP04-POST#435

NFBW wrote: DJT says it is about overturning - Correll says it is not about overturning the election - that is a contradiction. 21SEP04-POST#435

NFBW wrote: Trump whacko lock her up General Michael Flynn: “”” 'I don’t know if he’s going to take any of these options. The president has to plan for every eventuality because we cannot allow this election and the integrity of our election to go the way it is,'' GenFlynn-20DEC17-martial law

Michael Flynn to Newsmax TV: Trump Has Options to Secure Integrity of 2020 Election GenFlynn-20DEC17-martial law

''This is just totally unsatisfactory. There’s no way in the world we’re going to be able to move forward as a nation with this. …
''He could immediately on his order seize every single one of these machines around the country on his order. He could also order, within the swing states, if he wanted to, he could take military capabilities and he could place them in those states and basically rerun an election in each of those states. It’s not unprecedented” - “These people out there talking about martial law like it’s something we’ve never done, Martial law has been instituted 64 times.” GenFlynn-20DEC17-martial law “”” 21SEP04-POST#435
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NFBW wrote: Summary: Republican, BIG LIE conservative, white cultural Christian nationalist, MAGA moron Correll tried to change history and got caught. Now in his pissing and moaning stage. 21SEP04-POST#436

NFBW wrote: 21SEP04-POST#436 ThIs DJT statement is locked into history.

“”” "Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, …. we would right now have a Republican President” DJT-21May15 official statement. “””

NFBW 21SEP04-POST#436 wrote: It cannot be changed but Correll tried to change it when he wrote this:

: “”” Stop a count and having a recount, is not overturning. 21JUL27-POST#63 “””

NFBW wrote: Another BIG LIE fail. 21SEP04-POST#436
Yeah, shitty shit happened to some brown people in the past.

YOu know what else? Shitty shit happened to EVERYONE.

Hey, what ever happened to all the Christians that lived in Constantinople? Why do you whiny faggots ever whine about that?
Thank you for showing what a despicable person you are. Genocide is not that nonchalant.
Thank you for showing what a despicable person you are. Genocide is not that nonchalant.

NFBW wrote: The US invasion of Iraq led to the deaths of half a million Iraqis. Rather nonchalantly Correll tells us he supported the start of killing some Iraqis in order to do nation building by the use of military power on them. And then he blames Iraqis for not making it go smoothly. 21SEP04-POST#438

Correll wrote: A big part of the argument for war, was that a functioning democracy in the ME would be a powerful ideological challenge to Islamic Extremism. Iraq was presented as a good candidate for that 21MAY13-POST#703

NFBW asked: Who made such an argument and when was it used by the Bush Administration to initiate a long term declaration of war against Iraq? 21MAY13-POST#722

Correll wrote: I recall Newt Gingrich and Charles Krauthammer making that argument. 21MAY14-POST#741

Correll wrote: There was a national debate on this issue pand those who supported war, made their side's case.
And they won. 21MAY14-POST#741
Trump and his disciples, since January 6 have tried over and over to convince the American people that the insurrection was caused by Antifa, was a peaceful event with lots of love in the air or was just a guided tour of the Capital building.

I don't know where you ever got such a crazy idea! But then, you are an idiot anyway. 1/6 was a protest known and planned to happen in advance, it wasn't an "insurrection," but a protest that got out of hand and bloomed into a riot after Capitol police were seen on video provoking the protesters. Antifa was there but it remains unclear whether they "started" it, but it did start long before Trump was even finished speaking up the road a few miles, it did not end up peaceful though it started that way, quickly lost any vestige of love left over from the Ellipse rally, and definitely was not a guided tour of the Capitol bldg.

But the one overriding fact that CANNOT be glazed over is WHY IT HAPPENED. It didn't happen because Trump lost, it happened because the election was held unlike any other in history, violating many rules and breaking many state laws, opening a virtual floodgate of opportunities for cheating and corruption, with more than 50 activist hard-left organizations with millions of people pulling heavily to sway the outcomes against Trump, and with the most specious of outcomes: Biden, losing badly late into the morning suddenly shoots way ahead to win when millions of paper ballots are found, all for him! Biden's victory came as the most unlikely of long shots given the circumstances.

And bared from even questioning the election much less GETTING any credible answers, the election was shoved down their throats, told the great lie that there was NO fraud and that it was the most honest and upstanding election in history (just how does anyone determine that?), which is an obvious lie! MILLIONS and MILLIONS of people in this country had good cause to believe the election was rigged, fraudulent, and that their government was NOT being honest with them, and THAT is why the capitol riot happened, not because Trump lost, but for the unacceptable manner in which he was handed a defeat and we were told not to even question it.

The government lied and people fought back.
toobefreak wrote: But the one overriding fact that CANNOT be glazed over is WHY IT HAPPENED. It didn't happen because Trump lost, it {Jan6} happened because the election was held unlike any other in history, violating many rules and breaking many state laws, opening a virtual floodgate of opportunities for cheating and corruption, 21SEP04-POST#439 21SEP04-POST#4

NFBW wrote: I’m trying to follow your argument but it appears to be too absurd to follow. Logic must ask if it didn’t happen because Trump lost would it have happened if Trump won? My logic says it would not have happened if Trump won.

NFBW wrote: You are contending that Trump’s MAGA mob assaulted the certification of the election because the “election was held unlike any other in history, violating many rules and breaking many state laws, opening a virtual floodgate of opportunities for cheating and corruption”. Pardon my Polish. That is bullshitzki.

NFBW wrote: if Trump had won - there is no rational human being living in this era who would argue including right wing US CAPITOL rioters that the 2020 election changes and conditions, because of the pandemic, were any different in terms of election fraud than any previous election in modern history.

NFBW wrote: Stop feeding the BIG LIE toobfreak.

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