Republicans try but can't change history

You said...

They were probably expecting anti-fa to show up carrying the same things.
But them doing it is OK because....reasons.

Again ... "them" didn't do it. Please strive harder to understand what you write.

I'm saying anti-fa carrying those weapons is considered OK by people like you.

Reading comprehension, twat.
So unlike Insurrection Day, there was no violence against the government.

But they're the same, right?


You the one that whined about the violence and the insurrection. Suddenly it's only bad, if the violence is DIRECTLY against the government, if it is just some random person that is murdered, then it doesn't count.

AND, if I go and find some example of violence against a government agent, there would be a new excuse.

I did. It's obvious. The investigations are already political. There is no change of it being "equal justice".
Whew. Fortunately it's saying it and not someone of any importance.
Whew. Fortunately it's saying it and not someone of any importance.

The point is not the source. The point is that it is obviously true. We have a massive injustice being committeed.

EVERYONE who does time from this, will be a political prisoner.

This is a massive step forward, in our decline into a Third World Shithole.
Uh, no, not nearly as bad. CHAZ never threatened the democracy of this country like Insurrection Day did.
Yes it did.

Anyone can stage a violent insurrection and take territory away from progressives who allow it and look the other way.

Because history is what it is. Despite the efforts of Trump and his Cult members in Congress to rewrite it to reflect positively on Trump, theirs is a lost cause.

Trump and his disciples, since January 6 have tried over and over to convince the American people that the insurrection was caused by Antifa, was a peaceful event with lots of love in the air or was just a guided tour of the Capital building.

We know better! It was an aggressive attempt by white nationalists, inspired by Trump, to take over the government of the United States. Anyone who sees it in a different light is not a loyal, patriotic American, but rather is a Trump disciple who places him above the Constitution of the United States and the welfare of the majority of the American people.

Today's congressional hearing will expose the Trump people who tried to storm the Capital for what they really are: enemies of the American people.
It was mostly peaceful.
NFBW wrote: I have noticed whenever the Republican/right wing poster Correll mindfully and deliberately needs to distort reality in order to try to change history he invokes his oft used “pretend and ignore” tactic. Here is an example: 21SEP01-POST#413

Correll wrote: Yeah, they pretend that the 4 hour delay was an "insurrection" but ignore the OPENLY STATED AND CELEBRATED FORMAL INSURRECTIONS of their side, because..... they are lying scum. 21JUL29-POST#329

NFBW wrote: Jan06 was a violent Trump supporting anti-America insurrection. There is and was no BLM or ANTIFA insurrection to overthrow an election for the left. That is the reality Correll is attempting to distort. 21SEP01-POST#413
Correll wrote: Stop a count and having a recount, is not overturning. 21JUL27-POST#63

NFBW wrote: It was not stopping a count. The Constitutional timeframe to conclude recounts had expired. The rioters were told they had to stop the certification which would throw the process into chaos - and chaos was to be the means that Trump stays in power. SEE NYTIMES “ “Leave the rest to me” Trump says below. 21SEP02-POST#414

surada is correct:
Trump TOLD them to stop the EC certification.

NFBW wrote: The rioters were encouraged at Trump’s insistence that if they could stop the certifications from several key states Trump would find a way to remain in office - thus overthrowing the will of the voters and therefore overthrowing the duly constitutionally elected government. 21SEP02-POST#414

NFBW posted Trump Pressed Justice Dept. to Declare Election Results Corrupt, Notes Show - “Leave the rest to me” and to congressional allies, the former president is said to have told top law enforcement officials. - Published July 30, 2021 - Updated Aug. 11, 2021
WASHINGTON — President Donald J. Trump pressed top Justice Department officials late last year to declare that the election was corrupt even though they had found no instances of widespread fraud, so he and his allies in Congress could use the assertion to try to overturn the results, according to new documents provided to lawmakers. 21SEP02-POST#414
Correll wrote: I am not respecting the peaceful transfer of power either. I do not consider BIden's election to be legitimate nor do I consider him to be a legitimate President. 21FEB27-POST#257

NFBW wrote: When you as a conservative have no respect for the peaceful transfer of power because your “Dear Leader” lost the national election for a second term by seven million votes - are you now of the revolutionary mindset that no election in the future can be legitimate unless the conservative candidate wins? 21SEP02-POST#415
"Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, …. we would right now have a Republican President” DJT-21May15 official statement

NFBW wrote: The above DJT statement is all the proof any non-duped Democracy Loving American needs to be clear in understanding that Trump had a plan that involved a mob surrounding the Capitol where the intent was to overturn the election. 21SEP03-POST#416

Correll wrote: Stop a count and having a recount, is not overturning. 21JUL27-POST#63

Correll ’s “Dear Leader tore the deluded fool Correll ‘s 21JUL27-POST#63 argument to shreds two months before Correll posted it.

“”” "The 2020 Presidential Election was, by far, the greatest Election Fraud in the history," continued Trump. "Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, and had Mitch McConnell fought for us instead of being the weak and pathetic leader he is, we would right now have a Republican President who would be VETOING the horrific Socialistic Bills that are rapidly going through Congress, including Open Borders, High Taxes, Massive Regulations, and so much else!” DJT-21May15 INSURRECTION “””

Because history is what it is. Despite the efforts of Trump and his Cult members in Congress to rewrite it to reflect positively on Trump, theirs is a lost cause.

Trump and his disciples, since January 6 have tried over and over to convince the American people that the insurrection was caused by Antifa, was a peaceful event with lots of love in the air or was just a guided tour of the Capital building.

We know better! It was an aggressive attempt by white nationalists, inspired by Trump, to take over the government of the United States. Anyone who sees it in a different light is not a loyal, patriotic American, but rather is a Trump disciple who places him above the Constitution of the United States and the welfare of the majority of the American people.

Today's congressional hearing will expose the Trump people who tried to storm the Capital for what they really are: enemies of the American people.
2. the OP is nothing but babble crap
"Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, …. we would right now have a Republican President” DJT-21May15 official statement

NFBW wrote: The above DJT statement is all the proof any non-duped Democracy Loving American needs to be clear in understanding that Trump had a plan that involved a mob surrounding the Capitol where the intent was to overturn the election. 21SEP03-POST#416

Correll wrote: Stop a count and having a recount, is not overturning. 21JUL27-POST#63

Correll ’s “Dear Leader tore the deluded fool Correll ‘s 21JUL27-POST#63 argument to shreds two months before Correll posted it.

“”” "The 2020 Presidential Election was, by far, the greatest Election Fraud in the history," continued Trump. "Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, and had Mitch McConnell fought for us instead of being the weak and pathetic leader he is, we would right now have a Republican President who would be VETOING the horrific Socialistic Bills that are rapidly going through Congress, including Open Borders, High Taxes, Massive Regulations, and so much else!” DJT-21May15 INSURRECTION “””
What part of the Constitution gave Pence the authority to send the votes back to the states for recertification?

Because history is what it is. Despite the efforts of Trump and his Cult members in Congress to rewrite it to reflect positively on Trump, theirs is a lost cause.

Trump and his disciples, since January 6 have tried over and over to convince the American people that the insurrection was caused by Antifa, was a peaceful event with lots of love in the air or was just a guided tour of the Capital building.

We know better! It was an aggressive attempt by white nationalists, inspired by Trump, to take over the government of the United States. Anyone who sees it in a different light is not a loyal, patriotic American, but rather is a Trump disciple who places him above the Constitution of the United States and the welfare of the majority of the American people.

Today's congressional hearing will expose the Trump people who tried to storm the Capital for what they really are: enemies of the American people.
Apparently, you hilariously think that a few hundred unarmed individuals, only 52 of which actually did the breaking in, the others just wandered in after them, having their pictures taken while smiling next to the Capitol Police and staying within the roped areas, were trying to take over the United States and its government?! Clearly, you don't live in any kind of reality.

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