Republicans try but can't change history

NFBW wrote: I’m trying to follow your argument but it appears to be too absurd to follow.

If you think it absurd that people mobbed the Capitol in protest because an overtly improper and illegal election was held in the most unpropitious way while mocking anyone for even questioning it that resulted in the most unlikely of outcomes--- than an unpopular politician with no message nor campaign won decisively over a popular and successful president whose popularity had GROWN in his four years, then I don't know what else to say but that you are thick!

If someone breaks into your house but doesn't take or disturb anything, are you as upset as if they cleaned out the joint?

Let me spell it out for you: the revolt at the capitol never would have happened if the election had been held as all presidential elections before were held irregardless of the outcome: with people getting up and going to the polls and voting between 8AM and 8PM with a decision by the next morning essentially, and a few mail ins from people overseas, etc.

Instead, we got the screwiest election in history with a flat out reversal of the outcome happening in all the swing states in the dead of night after everyone was sent home with a guy winning whose chances frankly should have been about as likely as lightning striking the ocean floor.

Biddum's a fraud, a bum, an incompetent, he is everything and worse than what the Left accused Trump of being, and barely half way through his first year, he has already shocked not only all the people here including his own voters, but even all his so-called allies around the world.

As much as I dislike Biddum, if I thought for a second he was really honestly, fairly elected, I'd accept him, but all these organizations came forth bragging in print last winter that they worked tirelessly as SHADOW ORGANIZATIONS in secret to make sure that Trump lost.

Time Shadow Election Commission.png

So, tell me again that Bidden really won, won fair and square and honestly and that America should not feel cheated.

While you're at it, why not throw in how proud you are of the good job Joe did with Afghanistan, the border and illegal immigration, the national debt, energy and food costs, ending the covid crisis, not to mention prompting Americans to start snitching, spying on and turning in their family, friends and neighbors for anything which appears "abnormal."
toobefreak wrote: ….. people mobbed the Capitol in protest because an overtly improper and illegal election was held in the most unpropitious way. 21SEP04-POST#441

NFBW: In America the loser candidate and all his losers of an election do not get to decide amongst themselves that the election was improper and illegal.. That’s as fucked up as our system of government can take. You need to be ashamed of yourself for supporting such unAmerican behavior. 21SEP04-POST#442
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Because history is what it is. Despite the efforts of Trump and his Cult members in Congress to rewrite it to reflect positively on Trump, theirs is a lost cause.

Trump and his disciples, since January 6 have tried over and over to convince the American people that the insurrection was caused by Antifa, was a peaceful event with lots of love in the air or was just a guided tour of the Capital building.

We know better! It was an aggressive attempt by white nationalists, inspired by Trump, to take over the government of the United States. Anyone who sees it in a different light is not a loyal, patriotic American, but rather is a Trump disciple who places him above the Constitution of the United States and the welfare of the majority of the American people.

Today's congressional hearing will expose the Trump people who tried to storm the Capital for what they really are: enemies of the American people.

Well, the whole of politics is people throwing narratives around. History will change as it'll not be the truth, it'll be a war between narratives.
toobefreak wrote: But the one overriding fact that CANNOT be glazed over is WHY IT HAPPENED. It didn't happen because Trump lost, it {Jan6} happened because the election was held unlike any other in history, violating many rules and breaking many state laws, opening a virtual floodgate of opportunities for cheating and corruption, 21SEP04-POST#439 21SEP04-POST#4

NFBW wrote: I’m trying to follow your argument but it appears to be too absurd to follow. Logic must ask if it didn’t happen because Trump lost would it have happened if Trump won? My logic says it would not have happened if Trump won.

NFBW wrote: You are contending that Trump’s MAGA mob assaulted the certification of the election because the “election was held unlike any other in history, violating many rules and breaking many state laws, opening a virtual floodgate of opportunities for cheating and corruption”. Pardon my Polish. That is bullshitzki.

NFBW wrote: if Trump had won - there is no rational human being living in this era who would argue including right wing US CAPITOL rioters that the 2020 election changes and conditions, because of the pandemic, were any different in terms of election fraud than any previous election in modern history.

NFBW wrote: Stop feeding the BIG LIE toobfreak.

Was it held like none other? Or has this been happening forever? Back in JFK's era and before elections were exceedingly corrupt.

The problem is the FPTP system leads to corruption. If you don't like corruption, change the system.

PR gives every person an equal vote.

FPTP doesn't give every person an equal vote. My parents never had a say in their area once they moved to the place I grew up. The area is a hard core right wing area and my father (at least) is not right wing at all. So, whenever he voted, he KNEW his vote wouldn't count.

If you care about democracy, change the system.

If you don't care about democracy, stop whining about stolen elections.
In America the loser candidate and all his losers of an election do not get to decide amongst themselves that the election was improper and illegal.. That’s as fucked up as our system of government can take. You need to be ashamed of yourself for supporting such unAmerican behavior.

  1. If you want someone to see your post, you should try responding to THEM and not a generic thread reply. You are only lucky I saw this, looked at it and realized it was intended for ME.
  2. I never said that Trump or his supporters decided anything, Millions of people decided it after looking at mountains of evidence supplied by thousands, and it goes on to this day.
  3. Violating written state laws makes it illegal, not some person's word.
  4. I don't need to be ashamed of anything.
  5. Thank you for gaslighhting my post and avoiding all my talking points and not responding to any of them, instead gaslighting my comments by trying to change the subject. That tells me you are only 40% stupid. The other 60% is seditious, the very thing you claim I should be ashamed of.
Nice try, no cigar.
toobfreak wrote: Let me spell it out for you: the revolt at the capitol never would have happened if the election had been held as all presidential elections before were held irregardless of the outcome: with people getting up and going to the polls and voting between 8AM and 8PM with a decision by the next morning essentially, and a few mail ins from people overseas, etc. 21SEP04-POST#441

Every vote that was counted and certified as legal and legit no matter how it arrived to each voting district has been settled. Trump lost and Biden won. There is no disputing that reality except by the losers and they don’t have a leg to stand on. 21SEP04-POST#446
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toobfreak wrote: 3. Violating written state laws makes it illegal, not some person's word 21SEP04-POST#441

NFBW wrote: What states and what was illegal in those states that Trump voters went to the polls giving their consent that the election was legal until Trump lost? 21SEP05-POST#447
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If you think it absurd that people mobbed the Capitol in protest because an overtly improper and illegal election was held in the most unpropitious way while mocking anyone for even questioning it that resulted in the most unlikely of outcomes--- than an unpopular politician with no message nor campaign won decisively over a popular and successful president whose popularity had GROWN in his four years, then I don't know what else to say but that you are thick!

If someone breaks into your house but doesn't take or disturb anything, are you as upset as if they cleaned out the joint?

Let me spell it out for you: the revolt at the capitol never would have happened if the election had been held as all presidential elections before were held irregardless of the outcome: with people getting up and going to the polls and voting between 8AM and 8PM with a decision by the next morning essentially, and a few mail ins from people overseas, etc.

Instead, we got the screwiest election in history with a flat out reversal of the outcome happening in all the swing states in the dead of night after everyone was sent home with a guy winning whose chances frankly should have been about as likely as lightning striking the ocean floor.

Biddum's a fraud, a bum, an incompetent, he is everything and worse than what the Left accused Trump of being, and barely half way through his first year, he has already shocked not only all the people here including his own voters, but even all his so-called allies around the world.

As much as I dislike Biddum, if I thought for a second he was really honestly, fairly elected, I'd accept him, but all these organizations came forth bragging in print last winter that they worked tirelessly as SHADOW ORGANIZATIONS in secret to make sure that Trump lost.

View attachment 535105

So, tell me again that Bidden really won, won fair and square and honestly and that America should not feel cheated.

While you're at it, why not throw in how proud you are of the good job Joe did with Afghanistan, the border and illegal immigration, the national debt, energy and food costs, ending the covid crisis, not to mention prompting Americans to start snitching, spying on and turning in their family, friends and neighbors for anything which appears "abnormal."
  1. If you want someone to see your post, you should try responding to THEM and not a generic thread reply. You are only lucky I saw this, looked at it and realized it was intended for ME.
  2. I never said that Trump or his supporters decided anything, Millions of people decided it after looking at mountains of evidence supplied by thousands, and it goes on to this day.
  3. Violating written state laws makes it illegal, not some person's word.
  4. I don't need to be ashamed of anything.
  5. Thank you for gaslighhting my post and avoiding all my talking points and not responding to any of them, instead gaslighting my comments by trying to change the subject. That tells me you are only 40% stupid. The other 60% is seditious, the very thing you claim I should be ashamed of.
Nice try, no cigar.

"Mountains of evidence" that don't actually exist.
Correll wrote: So, Trump; said something that you think contradicted what I said. 21SEP03-POST#427

NFBW wrote: I do not ‘think’ it. I read what both you and DJT said and understand language and what language means. 21SEP04-POST#435

NFBW wrote: This means Jan6 was not about a recount: “”” "Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, …. we would right now have a Republican President” DJT-21May15 official statement. “”” 21SEP04-POST#435

NFBW wrote: So when you wrote, “”” Stop a count and having a recount, is not overturning. 21JUL27-POST#63 “”” You are in fact contradicting your Dear Leader speaking to you from the Palace at Mar A Lago because DJT says Jan6 was about decertification of the 2020 election which will end somehow in making DJT the winner based on no recount - it would be based on simply having GOP legislators in key states DJT lost, assign new electors or some variance of the General Flynn plan which would cause chaos and declare martial law and void the election. Jan6 was exactly about overturning the election. 21SEP04-POST#435

NFBW wrote: DJT says it is about overturning - Correll says it is not about overturning the election - that is a contradiction. 21SEP04-POST#435

NFBW wrote: Trump whacko lock her up General Michael Flynn: “”” 'I don’t know if he’s going to take any of these options. The president has to plan for every eventuality because we cannot allow this election and the integrity of our election to go the way it is,'' GenFlynn-20DEC17-martial law

Michael Flynn to Newsmax TV: Trump Has Options to Secure Integrity of 2020 Election GenFlynn-20DEC17-martial law

''This is just totally unsatisfactory. There’s no way in the world we’re going to be able to move forward as a nation with this. …
''He could immediately on his order seize every single one of these machines around the country on his order. He could also order, within the swing states, if he wanted to, he could take military capabilities and he could place them in those states and basically rerun an election in each of those states. It’s not unprecedented” - “These people out there talking about martial law like it’s something we’ve never done, Martial law has been instituted 64 times.” GenFlynn-20DEC17-martial law “”” 21SEP04-POST#435

Trump thought that something could have been done to decertify the voting as fraudulent, at that time.

I think he was kidding himself.

That is all there is there.

What the fuck are you even doing? Are you that desperate to avoid any real discussion?

Admit that you are wrong on your, weird obsession with "white christian nationalists". You can still be a...whatever you are, A secular anti-white far lefty?

You just need to do a better job of... admitting your real motives.

IF, your real motives are such that you cannot admit them, then you have to face that.
NFBW wrote: Summary: Republican, BIG LIE conservative, white cultural Christian nationalist, MAGA moron Correll tried to change history and got caught. Now in his pissing and moaning stage. 21SEP04-POST#436

NFBW wrote: 21SEP04-POST#436 ThIs DJT statement is locked into history.

“”” "Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, …. we would right now have a Republican President” DJT-21May15 official statement. “””

NFBW 21SEP04-POST#436 wrote: It cannot be changed but Correll tried to change it when he wrote this:

: “”” Stop a count and having a recount, is not overturning. 21JUL27-POST#63 “””

NFBW wrote: Another BIG LIE fail. 21SEP04-POST#436

I disagree with Trump how it would have turned out.

That you think that means something big, is you... being at best weird, and at worst dishonest.
NFBW wrote: The US invasion of Iraq led to the deaths of half a million Iraqis. Rather nonchalantly @Correll tells us he supported the start of killing some Iraqis in order to do nation building by the use of military power on them. And then he blames Iraqis for not making it go smoothly. 21SEP04-POST#438

Except we established that that was an error on my part. I did not support the invasion until AFTER THE FACT, and gave my support to the nation building once we were committed as a nation.

That you slam me for something we both know to be not true, is pretty sleazy of you.

But more important, that you feel you have to lie to slam me, shows that you know that the Truth is not something what works for you.

What is the implication of THAT, Not,?
Every vote that was counted and certified as legal and legit no matter how it arrived to each voting district has been settled.
In your dreams, BooBoo. No matter how it arrived? That is the very antithesis of what every election we have ever held has stood for. That's the problem, millions of paper ballots were counted that did not meet the legal standards of a legitimate vote, and no one is going to stop looking into every detail of this fraud election no matter how much chumps like you keep trying to bury it until the full truth is revealed to the public and that fraudulent bum is carried out of the WH.
Correll wrote: I only bought into the nation building agenda AFTER the invasion, and AFTER the course was already set. 21AUG22-POST#3305

NFBW wrote: Yes, Correll we have established that you “bought into the nation building agenda AFTER the invasion” and that means our “support” for post-invasion nation building is mutual. There is no disagreement on that between us. I’m glad my superior knowledge on the facts surrounding the ramp up to war enlightened you. But we continue to have a major difference when it comes down to supporting the invasion going in - BEFORE the course was already set, as you said. 21SEP05-POST#456

NFBW 21SEP05-POST#456 Look at your most recent response:

Correll wrote: I did not support the invasion until AFTER THE FACT, and gave my support to the nation building once we were committed as a nation. 21SEP05-POST#454

NFBW wrote: You, Correll told the entire world for all posterity that you “did not support the invasion until AFTER THE FACT.“ It means you did and still do support the invasion that ended up killing half a million Iraqis that disarming Iraq peacefully would not have killed to achieve the same result - a disarmed Iraq kept under long term monitoring. THE WMD THREAT REMOVED! 21SEP05-POST#456

NFBW wrote: I, on the other hand would paraphrase your statement thusly, “I did not support the invasion, but gave my support to the nation building once we were committed as a nation.” So Correll do you see the significant difference between you and me. You support the invasion. I never supported the invasion and never will. I agree with DJT - we Americans were fed a lie to make a war out of dusarming Iraq. You don’t agree with DJT on that. 21SEP05-POST#456
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toobfreak wrote: That's the problem, millions of paper ballots were counted that did not meet the legal standards of a legitimate vote, 21SEP05 -POST#455

NFBW You, toobfreak say “millions of paper ballots” blah blah blah as if you have physical evidence to back that up - so …. how many failed, therefore illegal, ballots are out there and in which of the critical states do they exist? 21SEP05 -POST#457

Because history is what it is. Despite the efforts of Trump and his Cult members in Congress to rewrite it to reflect positively on Trump, theirs is a lost cause.

Trump and his disciples, since January 6 have tried over and over to convince the American people that the insurrection was caused by Antifa, was a peaceful event with lots of love in the air or was just a guided tour of the Capital building.

We know better! It was an aggressive attempt by white nationalists, inspired by Trump, to take over the government of the United States. Anyone who sees it in a different light is not a loyal, patriotic American, but rather is a Trump disciple who places him above the Constitution of the United States and the welfare of the majority of the American people.

Today's congressional hearing will expose the Trump people who tried to storm the Capital for what they really are: enemies of the American people.

“Fact Check” - A CNN article. LMAO!!!
“millions of paper ballots” blah blah blah as if you have physical evidence to back that up

IDIOT-- -- the witnesses, affidavits, sworn testimony, video, and documentation of those ballots has been the subject here presented over and over for MONTHS here.

Either wake the fuck up and start READING the damned threads here and follow along or shut the hell up and stop posting stupid questions!
toobfreak wrote: That's the problem, millions of paper ballots were counted that did not meet the legal standards of a legitimate vote, 21SEP05-POST#455

NFBW wrote: You, toobfreak say “millions of paper ballots” blah blah blah as if you have physical evidence to back that up - so …. how many failed, therefore illegal, ballots are out there and in which of the critical states do they exist? 21SEP05-POST#457

toobfreak wrote: documentation of those ballots has been the subject here presented over and over for MONTHS here. 21SEP05-POST#459

NFBW wrote: OK toobfreak I will continue to search for what you defined in your post 21SEP05-POST#455 as “ millions of paper ballots were counted” but you should at least tell me which State actually “counted” millions of “paper” ballots that were not legitimate votes. ITS Your claim that a state physically “counted” illegit ballots that I’m trying to find in previous posts. Regarding those illegal paper ballots that I’m searching for I cannot find any reference in any of your posts. 21SEP06-POST#460

NFBW wrote: Searching back through January all I can find toobfreak was 21JAN18-POST#7 posted by you nothing about “millions of illegal paper ballots” being counted 21SEP06-POST#460

toobfreak wrote: Phony election fraud:
forged signatures, ballot-box stuffing, ballot harvesting, paying for voting, offering raffle prizes for voting, voting in place of the deceased, doctoring ballots,
voting twice, not delivering opposition ballots, destroying opposition ballots,
backdating ballots, re-running ballots through counting machines, restricting access of poll observers, assaulting and threatening observers advising voters at the voting booth, ‘finding’ stacks of ballots hours and days later, feigning water main breaks to clear out voting precincts and then manipulate counting machines,
delivering truckloads of computer-generated ballots, employing software susceptible to vote-switching, and untold numbers other illegal and un-democratic schemes. 21JAN18-POST#7

1. Who delivered thousands of ballots by truck?
2. Who drove the trucks?
3. Did anyone have to pay for the trucks and drivers?
4. Who summoned the drivers, in the wee hours, and
5. who coordinated the delivery and timing?
6. Who instigated the ‘water main’ break, or the equivalent excuse, in Atlanta?
7. Who informed postal officials to instruct their workers to backdate ballots?
8. Who directed postal workers to doctor ballots?
9. Who directed poll workers to discard or destroy outside envelopes for mail-in ballots?
10. Where were the ballot mills located?
11. Who printed thousands of ‘Biden votes,’ and delivered them in pristine condition – thus indicating that the ballots had never been mailed, and virtually had never been handled. 21JAN18-POST#7

NFBW wrote: You must recall toobfreak which state this illegal activity happened. So could you you tell me in order to find what you claim has been posted already. What state I am looking for? 21SEP06-POST#460
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