Republicans try to act like they AREN'T the party of War Mongers.

Suddenly all these Idiot Trumpers were opposed to the War in Iraq all along, just like I was !!!!

You can't make up this kind of Dumb Ass Trumper Bull Shit !!!

The GOP is a total joke !!!!
I was in here grappling with the right wingers over Bush's wars, and they're the same people who are such doves now.

The difference? Trump, of course. They're very easily manipulated.
Can you explain why Trump was mentioned in any of that original post?
Because they're the ones who did the about-face, obviously.
Trump is a "they"? I don't think he bought into that whole pronoun thing.

Either way... It's a good thing that war is bad... yes?

Well, for you it's certainly less bad when Democrats do it. Obama was the most warlike President in generations and Biden is following that path. That wasn't so bad to you. Trump was the least warlike in 40 years and that was death to you.

Huh, war isn't your issue, I just realized. It's who's behind the steering wheel, LOL. You really have no other standards
Suddenly all these Idiot Trumpers were opposed to the War in Iraq all along, just like I was !!!!

You can't make up this kind of Dumb Ass Trumper Bull Shit !!!

The GOP is a total joke !!!!

You are raving. Trump was the last president, and he did not start any new wars.

HE did not bring the troops home, like we hoped, but he did not start a new one.

What do you think Biden will do?
In typical GOP fashion, Trumpers are trying to spin reality on wars and war mongering.

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there.

Fox News also pumped and promoted the war, aling with the GOP. Hannity and O'Rielly pumped the war on a daily basis. Most idiot Trumpers forget what they were saying back in 2002/2003/2004...

If you opposed war in Iraq you "hated America" and were labeled "unpatriotic" Even though we were the smart ones, the correct ones (per usual).

The main reason the Mid East is an epic cluster fuck shit show, is because of GWB and the GOP. They got us into Iraq, and they fucked it up, and fucked it up big time. If you opposed War in Iraq, you were labeled "unpatriotic" by Fox News and Republicans. Idiot republicans seem to forget this fact and somehow try to act like they oppose these stupid wars, when they are the ones that started them...
The GOP is the party of war mongering, not the Dems why are republicans suddenly trying to claim the opposite??

It goes back farther than that.

reagan did his damage covertly and with the excuse that the enemy of my enemy is my friend policy.

When the USSR invaded and occupied Afghanistan, reagan armed the Afghan militias. Specifically bin laden and his merry band of terrorists. Reagan invited them to the White House and proclaimed them as great freedom fighters. Reagan armed them, trained them and basically gave them all they needed to become the terrorist group who attacked us on 9-11.

reagan did some his worst damage with terrorists in the ME even before he became president by giving the terrorists who took our citizens as hostages the weapons, technology, spare parts and cash they demanded. While at the same time saying NO ARMS FOR HOSTAGES! reagan taught the terrorists that republican presidents will allow them to take our citizens as hostages, will give them exactly what they demand then protect the terrorists by lying and trying to cover the whole thing up. So as soon as they released one hostage, the terrorists just kidnapped more Americans. It went on for years throughout reagan's presidency. Which put all Americans who were in that part of the world, at very serious risk of being kidnapped and ransomed.

The first George bush wanted Iraq's oil. He wasn't stupid like his son. He didn't turn that area into a total mess. Just half a mess. He liberated Kuwait and left Iraq as was however with very strict rules on Iraq that were designed to create more violence and "force" America to have to deal with it by invading Iraq. I wouldn't have been surprised if the first bush had gotten a second term, he would have had us in Iraq. Taking the oil. Just as his son did.

The bush boy and republicans didn't give a damn about bin laden beyond his ability to get the maximum political advantage out of him by using him to scare stupid republicans to vote for the bush boy and republicans. The bush boy let bin laden go at tora bora and did nothing to find them to bring them to justice. In fact a couple months after 9-11 the bush boy said he didn't care about bin laden anymore and didn't even think about him. He was already on to invading Iraq by then. We all know how that turned out.

The Republican Party is nothing but a leach on our society. Their economic and social policy is the most irresponsible I've ever encountered.

1. Reagan handled the support for the Afghan rebels beautifully. We did not arm bin laden. You are lying.

2. The arms for hostages was a mistake, based on an old man getting soft and wanting to rescue innocent Americans. Not a reason to slam him.

3. George HWBush did not want Iraq's oil. That is a stupid thing to say.

4. GWBush did not "let" bin laden go. He made the call that risking destablizing Pakistan was not worth it. A reasonable call.

5. GWBush saying he "did not care about bin laden" any more, was obviously just trash talk designed to save face for being unable to kill him. That you believe it, is just evidence how stupid you are.

6. You are a moron.

I supported Reagan during the 80s while he pursued making the world a better place.

I learned from his endless failures, particularly in the Middle East, that nothing ever changes there and our best strategy is to develop energy at home and leave. It had a lot to do with my becoming a libertarian in the 90s
In typical GOP fashion, Trumpers are trying to spin reality on wars and war mongering.

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there.

Fox News also pumped and promoted the war, aling with the GOP. Hannity and O'Rielly pumped the war on a daily basis. Most idiot Trumpers forget what they were saying back in 2002/2003/2004...

If you opposed war in Iraq you "hated America" and were labeled "unpatriotic" Even though we were the smart ones, the correct ones (per usual).

The main reason the Mid East is an epic cluster fuck shit show, is because of GWB and the GOP. They got us into Iraq, and they fucked it up, and fucked it up big time. If you opposed War in Iraq, you were labeled "unpatriotic" by Fox News and Republicans. Idiot republicans seem to forget this fact and somehow try to act like they oppose these stupid wars, when they are the ones that started them...
The GOP is the party of war mongering, not the Dems why are republicans suddenly trying to claim the opposite??

It goes back farther than that.

reagan did his damage covertly and with the excuse that the enemy of my enemy is my friend policy.

When the USSR invaded and occupied Afghanistan, reagan armed the Afghan militias. Specifically bin laden and his merry band of terrorists. Reagan invited them to the White House and proclaimed them as great freedom fighters. Reagan armed them, trained them and basically gave them all they needed to become the terrorist group who attacked us on 9-11.

reagan did some his worst damage with terrorists in the ME even before he became president by giving the terrorists who took our citizens as hostages the weapons, technology, spare parts and cash they demanded. While at the same time saying NO ARMS FOR HOSTAGES! reagan taught the terrorists that republican presidents will allow them to take our citizens as hostages, will give them exactly what they demand then protect the terrorists by lying and trying to cover the whole thing up. So as soon as they released one hostage, the terrorists just kidnapped more Americans. It went on for years throughout reagan's presidency. Which put all Americans who were in that part of the world, at very serious risk of being kidnapped and ransomed.

The first George bush wanted Iraq's oil. He wasn't stupid like his son. He didn't turn that area into a total mess. Just half a mess. He liberated Kuwait and left Iraq as was however with very strict rules on Iraq that were designed to create more violence and "force" America to have to deal with it by invading Iraq. I wouldn't have been surprised if the first bush had gotten a second term, he would have had us in Iraq. Taking the oil. Just as his son did.

The bush boy and republicans didn't give a damn about bin laden beyond his ability to get the maximum political advantage out of him by using him to scare stupid republicans to vote for the bush boy and republicans. The bush boy let bin laden go at tora bora and did nothing to find them to bring them to justice. In fact a couple months after 9-11 the bush boy said he didn't care about bin laden anymore and didn't even think about him. He was already on to invading Iraq by then. We all know how that turned out.

The Republican Party is nothing but a leach on our society. Their economic and social policy is the most irresponsible I've ever encountered.
You are correct in thst post about the corruption of the Bush’s and Reagan starting wars,yes thst cannot be debated,but like the lying stupid fuck troll you are same as the op and smellybozo,you cowardly evade facts and won’t accept the truth thst I have taken you biased retards to school on too many times to remember That Clinton started wars as well and Obama was a clone of Bush lying to the American people when he said he would reverse Bush’s policys but instead expanded them INCLUDING expanding the war in the Mideast bombing Syria that trump withdrew troops from,but now lying Biden has got obamas war machine going there again biased retard troll. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :rofl: :rofl: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: Oh and hate to break the news to you but two differerent countries offered bin laden up to Clinton and he did nothing either

If you would stop putting your head in you ass ignoring those facts that would have been an excellent post of stupid fuck idiots though humiliate yourselves though cause you all want to cling on to the days of carter and jfk when the Democrat party was represented well and we were kept out of wars.:cuckoo:

Our last great president jfk is rolling over in his grave how corrupt his party has become now infiltrated by terrorists. You idiots keep evading facts that trump is not part of the corrupt two party machine,that he is the first president sense carter to not start a war,a fact you asswipes cannot come to grips with.
Last edited:
I was in here grappling with the right wingers over Bush's wars, and they're the same people who are such doves now.

The difference? Trump, of course. They're very easily manipulated.
Can you explain why Trump was mentioned in any of that original post?
Because they're the ones who did the about-face, obviously.
Trump is a "they"? I don't think he bought into that whole pronoun thing.

Either way... It's a good thing that war is bad... yes?

Well, for you it's certainly less bad when Democrats do it. Obama was the most warlike President in generations and Biden is following that path. That wasn't so bad to you. Trump was the least warlike in 40 years and that was death to you.

Huh, war isn't your issue, I just realized. It's who's behind the steering wheel, LOL. You really have no other standards
You appear to be serious. Okay. That's your right.
Suddenly all these Idiot Trumpers were opposed to the War in Iraq all along, just like I was !!!!

You can't make up this kind of Dumb Ass Trumper Bull Shit !!!

The GOP is a total joke !!!!
Do you separate "Trumpsters" from Republicans/GOP, or are they the same thing to you?
In typical GOP fashion, Trumpers are trying to spin reality on wars and war mongering.

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there.

Fox News also pumped and promoted the war, aling with the GOP. Hannity and O'Rielly pumped the war on a daily basis. Most idiot Trumpers forget what they were saying back in 2002/2003/2004...

If you opposed war in Iraq you "hated America" and were labeled "unpatriotic" Even though we were the smart ones, the correct ones (per usual).

The main reason the Mid East is an epic cluster fuck shit show, is because of GWB and the GOP. They got us into Iraq, and they fucked it up, and fucked it up big time. If you opposed War in Iraq, you were labeled "unpatriotic" by Fox News and Republicans. Idiot republicans seem to forget this fact and somehow try to act like they oppose these stupid wars, when they are the ones that started them...
The GOP is the party of war mongering, not the Dems why are republicans suddenly trying to claim the opposite??

It goes back farther than that.

reagan did his damage covertly and with the excuse that the enemy of my enemy is my friend policy.

When the USSR invaded and occupied Afghanistan, reagan armed the Afghan militias. Specifically bin laden and his merry band of terrorists. Reagan invited them to the White House and proclaimed them as great freedom fighters. Reagan armed them, trained them and basically gave them all they needed to become the terrorist group who attacked us on 9-11.

reagan did some his worst damage with terrorists in the ME even before he became president by giving the terrorists who took our citizens as hostages the weapons, technology, spare parts and cash they demanded. While at the same time saying NO ARMS FOR HOSTAGES! reagan taught the terrorists that republican presidents will allow them to take our citizens as hostages, will give them exactly what they demand then protect the terrorists by lying and trying to cover the whole thing up. So as soon as they released one hostage, the terrorists just kidnapped more Americans. It went on for years throughout reagan's presidency. Which put all Americans who were in that part of the world, at very serious risk of being kidnapped and ransomed.

The first George bush wanted Iraq's oil. He wasn't stupid like his son. He didn't turn that area into a total mess. Just half a mess. He liberated Kuwait and left Iraq as was however with very strict rules on Iraq that were designed to create more violence and "force" America to have to deal with it by invading Iraq. I wouldn't have been surprised if the first bush had gotten a second term, he would have had us in Iraq. Taking the oil. Just as his son did.

The bush boy and republicans didn't give a damn about bin laden beyond his ability to get the maximum political advantage out of him by using him to scare stupid republicans to vote for the bush boy and republicans. The bush boy let bin laden go at tora bora and did nothing to find them to bring them to justice. In fact a couple months after 9-11 the bush boy said he didn't care about bin laden anymore and didn't even think about him. He was already on to invading Iraq by then. We all know how that turned out.

The Republican Party is nothing but a leach on our society. Their economic and social policy is the most irresponsible I've ever encountered.

1. Reagan handled the support for the Afghan rebels beautifully. We did not arm bin laden. You are lying.

2. The arms for hostages was a mistake, based on an old man getting soft and wanting to rescue innocent Americans. Not a reason to slam him.

3. George HWBush did not want Iraq's oil. That is a stupid thing to say.

4. GWBush did not "let" bin laden go. He made the call that risking destablizing Pakistan was not worth it. A reasonable call.

5. GWBush saying he "did not care about bin laden" any more, was obviously just trash talk designed to save face for being unable to kill him. That you believe it, is just evidence how stupid you are.

6. You are a moron.

I supported Reagan during the 80s while he pursued making the world a better place.

I learned from his endless failures, particularly in the Middle East, that nothing ever changes there and our best strategy is to develop energy at home and leave. It had a lot to do with my becoming a libertarian in the 90s

He put peacekeepers in Lebanon once. He never put boots on the ground in that shit hole afterwards.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
I was in here grappling with the right wingers over Bush's wars, and they're the same people who are such doves now.

The difference? Trump, of course. They're very easily manipulated.
Can you explain why Trump was mentioned in any of that original post?
Because they're the ones who did the about-face, obviously.
Trump is a "they"? I don't think he bought into that whole pronoun thing.

Either way... It's a good thing that war is bad... yes?

Well, for you it's certainly less bad when Democrats do it. Obama was the most warlike President in generations and Biden is following that path. That wasn't so bad to you. Trump was the least warlike in 40 years and that was death to you.

Huh, war isn't your issue, I just realized. It's who's behind the steering wheel, LOL. You really have no other standards
You appear to be serious. Okay. That's your right.

Of course I'm serious. It's called history.

There is no comparison between the endless expansion of wars and bombing of Obama and how far less Trump did.

You're just an ideologue. But you did show my point that for you all wars are not equal. You oppose the ones fascist Democrats are not behind the steering wheel and you're fine with the ones they are
If the OP is truly against war, then he should be a Trump supporter. Biden has already re-engaged the Forever War.

I was in here grappling with the right wingers over Bush's wars, and they're the same people who are such doves now.

The difference? Trump, of course. They're very easily manipulated.
Can you explain why Trump was mentioned in any of that original post?
Because they're the ones who did the about-face, obviously.
Trump is a "they"? I don't think he bought into that whole pronoun thing.

Either way... It's a good thing that war is bad... yes?

Well, for you it's certainly less bad when Democrats do it. Obama was the most warlike President in generations and Biden is following that path. That wasn't so bad to you. Trump was the least warlike in 40 years and that was death to you.

Huh, war isn't your issue, I just realized. It's who's behind the steering wheel, LOL. You really have no other standards
You appear to be serious. Okay. That's your right.

Of course I'm serious. It's called history.

There is no comparison between the endless expansion of wars and bombing of Obama and how far less Trump did.

You're just an ideologue. But you did show my point that for you all wars are not equal. You oppose the ones fascist Democrats are not behind the steering wheel and you're fine with the ones they are
GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there

He didn't lie to the world on purpose, he was echoing the then prevailing intelligence of many countries about Iraq being a threat, Saddam requested that Bush 1 be assassinated, and he also posted $25,000 for any Muslim to kill Americans. You forget that Saddam invaded Kuwait and gassed his own people and flouted U.N. Inspection rules of his then known WMD in various places.

The democrats at the time overwhelmingly supported Bush in going to war with Iraq.

The Congress passed the 1998 Iraqi liberation act for Clinton to use as the basis for attacking and removing Saddam Hussein.

Your one sided ignorant partisan based post is an awesome epic fail!

You are ignoring the fact that many many many intel agencies and people said Sadam wasn't a threat and Sadam didn't have WMDs.

To war in Iraq was a GOP idea and plan, and it was promoted by the GOP. To some how act like the dems are responsible for Iraq is total lunacy...

I notice that you didn't read the link in my post, it supports my position 100%, heck even the democrat's agrees too.... OVERWHELMINGLY!


The bill was sponsored by Representative Benjamin A. Gilman (Republican, NY-20) and co-sponsored by Representative Christopher Cox (Republican, CA-47). The bill was introduced as H.R. 4655 on September 29, 1998. The House of Representatives passed the bill 360–38 on October 5, and the Senate passed it with unanimous consent two days later. President Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act into law on October 31, 1998.

bolding mine

Your ignorance is established fact.

See there you go trying to spin the facts. You are reaching in a pathetic attempt to deflect blame.

If you are going to somehow suggest that War in Iraq was a dem idea or a bipartisan idea, that is just a flat lie.

War in Iraq was a GOP plan, and it was executed (terribly I might add) by the GOP...

The life of a republican is to come up with lies and pathetic excuses for the failure of GOP leaders and presidents.

TheCanker is obviously a moron or a partisan hack....
Even the HuffingPaintPost disagrees with him.

I posted that earlier, he ignored it and my other ones as well, we are dealing with a partisan fuckwit.

I don't he ever read any of the links since they are definitive of what happened.
Please you are mis-remembering history.

Dems got smoked in the 2002 mid terms because they opposed any war talk. You seem to ignore this fact. The GOP politicized war and it was political suicide to oppose the war. You conveniently forget this fact...

The GOP pushed for Iraq and they pushed it hard.
In 2002-6, If you opposed war mongering you were labeled unpatriotic (probably by you, I'm sure you did that), and don't even try to act like that wasn't true.
Nothing you say or do can trump this fact... This ends the argument...

You are the typical Trump DB, that claims to be independent, yet defends Trump and all his stupidity every step of the way...

And guess what, I could give 2 flying fucks about what you are, I just call em how I see em...

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Still ignoring what the DEMOCRATS said about it.

Now you are proven LIAR and a mentally ill partisan jackass who ignored all evidence straight from the democrats themselves.

1) Democrats strongly voted for the war, showed you links straight from the Federal government websites and liberal media.

The bill was sponsored by Representative Benjamin A. Gilman (Republican, NY-20) and co-sponsored by Representative Christopher Cox (Republican, CA-47). The bill was introduced as H.R. 4655 on September 29, 1998. The House of Representatives passed the bill 360–38 on October 5, and the Senate passed it with unanimous consent two days later. President Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act into law on October 31, 1998.[3]

2) Democrats strongly for 5 years before the war began that Iraq and Hussein were in violation of the U.N. accords, that he was a danger to the region and that he needs to be removed.

Post 29 Video showing Democrats specifically speaking about how bad Iraq and Hussein are, that they are a danger to the region.

3) Democrats strongly supported the Iraqi Liberation Act of 1998 to remove Hussein from power, based on numerous grounds as stated in the Act.

The Congress passed the 1998 Iraqi liberation act for Clinton to use as the basis for attacking and removing Saddam Hussein.


All of your replies have been dead on arrival and never addressed any of the links I posted and failed to post a real counterpoint.

I think this YOU are the person I have given the biggest debate drubbing in the forum in my 3 years I have been here.

It is clear you run on partisan bullshit, that is the only thing you are capable of since you are mentally ill.
Any pro war sentiment from dems with a small minor fraction of the over the top must go to war PUSH from the GOP.

To some how suggest that the War in Iraq was the result of the Dems is just plain laughable.

The GOP pushed for Iraq and they pushed it hard. Then they pushed it even harder before the UN, State of the Union etc, you seem to forget this fact...
In 2002-6, If you opposed war mongering you were labeled unpatriotic (probably by you, I'm sure you did that), and don't even try to act like that wasn't true.
Nothing you say or do can trump this fact... This ends the argument...

First you supported all these wars (and called people like me who opposed them traitors), then when you found out Trump was opposed to these wars you flip flopped, and then suddenly you too opposed those wars all along...

You are so pathetic at this.

ALL 45 Democrats in the Senate voted yes, that is 100% of the Democrats in the Senate.

157 of the 206 Democrats in the House voted YES, just 29 voted NO.

You are badly defeated here, no other democrat in the thread is supporting you or are saying I am wrong.


Yes as I showed several times, Republicans pushed for RENEWING the war (it was a ceasefire you ignoramus!) but the Democrats strongly supported it (shown you the evidence)

You have yet to address the argument, you talk like a bot from a recorder, you ignore ALL of my links, make false statements about me over and over.

You are pure scum.
I was in here grappling with the right wingers over Bush's wars, and they're the same people who are such doves now.

The difference? Trump, of course. They're very easily manipulated.
Can you explain why Trump was mentioned in any of that original post?
Because they're the ones who did the about-face, obviously.
Trump is a "they"? I don't think he bought into that whole pronoun thing.

Either way... It's a good thing that war is bad... yes?

Well, for you it's certainly less bad when Democrats do it. Obama was the most warlike President in generations and Biden is following that path. That wasn't so bad to you. Trump was the least warlike in 40 years and that was death to you.

Huh, war isn't your issue, I just realized. It's who's behind the steering wheel, LOL. You really have no other standards
You appear to be serious. Okay. That's your right.

Of course I'm serious. It's called history.

There is no comparison between the endless expansion of wars and bombing of Obama and how far less Trump did.

You're just an ideologue. But you did show my point that for you all wars are not equal. You oppose the ones fascist Democrats are not behind the steering wheel and you're fine with the ones they are

If you had a brain scarecrow and simply honestly wrote down all the military actions of Obama and Trump, you would be shocked to realize that Obama just dominated being a wartime President.

We both know that isn't going to happen because you're a Nazi Democrat and you have no integrity, just fascism. Sadly that works for you
In typical GOP fashion, Trumpers are trying to spin reality on wars and war mongering.

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there.

Fox News also pumped and promoted the war, aling with the GOP. Hannity and O'Rielly pumped the war on a daily basis. Most idiot Trumpers forget what they were saying back in 2002/2003/2004...

If you opposed war in Iraq you "hated America" and were labeled "unpatriotic" Even though we were the smart ones, the correct ones (per usual).

The main reason the Mid East is an epic cluster fuck shit show, is because of GWB and the GOP. They got us into Iraq, and they fucked it up, and fucked it up big time. If you opposed War in Iraq, you were labeled "unpatriotic" by Fox News and Republicans. Idiot republicans seem to forget this fact and somehow try to act like they oppose these stupid wars, when they are the ones that started them...
The GOP is the party of war mongering, not the Dems why are republicans suddenly trying to claim the opposite??

I appreciate the fact that you agree with that both Establishment Parties suck.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :thankusmile:
Banker,smellybozo,Mac and Dana when they get taken to scholol on that and get checkmated,they do this everytime.:scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::abgg2q.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:
I was in here grappling with the right wingers over Bush's wars, and they're the same people who are such doves now.

The difference? Trump, of course. They're very easily manipulated.
Can you explain why Trump was mentioned in any of that original post?
Because they're the ones who did the about-face, obviously.
Trump is a "they"? I don't think he bought into that whole pronoun thing.

Either way... It's a good thing that war is bad... yes?

Well, for you it's certainly less bad when Democrats do it. Obama was the most warlike President in generations and Biden is following that path. That wasn't so bad to you. Trump was the least warlike in 40 years and that was death to you.

Huh, war isn't your issue, I just realized. It's who's behind the steering wheel, LOL. You really have no other standards
You appear to be serious. Okay. That's your right.

Of course I'm serious. It's called history.

There is no comparison between the endless expansion of wars and bombing of Obama and how far less Trump did.

You're just an ideologue. But you did show my point that for you all wars are not equal. You oppose the ones fascist Democrats are not behind the steering wheel and you're fine with the ones they are

If you had a brain scarecrow and simply honestly wrote down all the military actions of Obama and Trump, you would be shocked to realize that Obama just dominated being a wartime President.

We both know that isn't going to happen because you're a Nazi Democrat and you have no integrity, just fascism. Sadly that works for you
You just keep going.

I was in here grappling with the right wingers over Bush's wars, and they're the same people who are such doves now.

The difference? Trump, of course. They're very easily manipulated.
Can you explain why Trump was mentioned in any of that original post?
Because they're the ones who did the about-face, obviously.
Trump is a "they"? I don't think he bought into that whole pronoun thing.

Either way... It's a good thing that war is bad... yes?

Well, for you it's certainly less bad when Democrats do it. Obama was the most warlike President in generations and Biden is following that path. That wasn't so bad to you. Trump was the least warlike in 40 years and that was death to you.

Huh, war isn't your issue, I just realized. It's who's behind the steering wheel, LOL. You really have no other standards
You appear to be serious. Okay. That's your right.

Of course I'm serious. It's called history.

There is no comparison between the endless expansion of wars and bombing of Obama and how far less Trump did.

You're just an ideologue. But you did show my point that for you all wars are not equal. You oppose the ones fascist Democrats are not behind the steering wheel and you're fine with the ones they are

If you had a brain scarecrow and simply honestly wrote down all the military actions of Obama and Trump, you would be shocked to realize that Obama just dominated being a wartime President.

We both know that isn't going to happen because you're a Nazi Democrat and you have no integrity, just fascism. Sadly that works for you
You just keep going.


While you stopped responding a while ago.

No wait ...
GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't.
The fact of the matter is that we were already at war with Iraq when GWB took office. He inherited it from Clinton.

I challenge you to quote the alleged lie from GWB and prove it is a lie.

I also predict that you will run away from that challenge with you tail between your legs.
I have smoked you on all your pathetic challenges, and you run away with your tail between your legs, with no response...

Bush told 1,000 lies at that time, just like Trump now, but how about his state of the Union address:

"Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."


Not to mention what told Colin Powell to lie to the UN about Saddam (which he later admited he should not have said)... On top of 1000 other lies...
Oh my the irony,you really need to look in the mirror when talking about someone who gets smoked and runs away with his tail between his legs kid.,many others have told you the same thing,with many others telling you that,it’s pretty obvious they are correct or so many others would not be telling you that same as me. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :rofl:
In typical GOP fashion, Trumpers are trying to spin reality on wars and war mongering.

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there.

Fox News also pumped and promoted the war, aling with the GOP. Hannity and O'Rielly pumped the war on a daily basis. Most idiot Trumpers forget what they were saying back in 2002/2003/2004...

If you opposed war in Iraq you "hated America" and were labeled "unpatriotic" Even though we were the smart ones, the correct ones (per usual).

The main reason the Mid East is an epic cluster fuck shit show, is because of GWB and the GOP. They got us into Iraq, and they fucked it up, and fucked it up big time. If you opposed War in Iraq, you were labeled "unpatriotic" by Fox News and Republicans. Idiot republicans seem to forget this fact and somehow try to act like they oppose these stupid wars, when they are the ones that started them...
The GOP is the party of war mongering, not the Dems why are republicans suddenly trying to claim the opposite??

Says an advocate of the bunch that has proudly made war on Serbs, Kosovars, Libyans, religious oddballs, Syrians, children, and keeps a hostile stance toward the two other great nuclear powers.
All done by Clinton and Obama and now Biden of course,the hypocrisy of this troll is comedy gold.

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