Republicans try to act like they AREN'T the party of War Mongers.

In typical GOP fashion, Trumpers are trying to spin reality on wars and war mongering.

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there.

Fox News also pumped and promoted the war, aling with the GOP. Hannity and O'Rielly pumped the war on a daily basis. Most idiot Trumpers forget what they were saying back in 2002/2003/2004...

If you opposed war in Iraq you "hated America" and were labeled "unpatriotic" Even though we were the smart ones, the correct ones (per usual).

The main reason the Mid East is an epic cluster fuck shit show, is because of GWB and the GOP. They got us into Iraq, and they fucked it up, and fucked it up big time. If you opposed War in Iraq, you were labeled "unpatriotic" by Fox News and Republicans. Idiot republicans seem to forget this fact and somehow try to act like they oppose these stupid wars, when they are the ones that started them...
The GOP is the party of war mongering, not the Dems why are republicans suddenly trying to claim the opposite??

I was in here grappling with the right wingers over Bush's wars, and they're the same people who are such doves now.

The difference? Trump, of course. They're very easily manipulated.
Do tell.....this I gotta here.
I just did. Kept it as simple as I could.
How did Tump manipulate anyone into doves
By being against it. The flock got right in line, overnight.
All I know is that anybody that opposed war mongering in 2002-6 was considered an unpatriotic traitor, by the same people we are debating today, and that is what being a Republican is all about.
Yep. The same people who were calling me a traitor back then are Trumpy doves today.

Funnier still, they think we don't see it.
In typical GOP fashion, Trumpers are trying to spin reality on wars and war mongering.

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there.

Fox News also pumped and promoted the war, aling with the GOP. Hannity and O'Rielly pumped the war on a daily basis. Most idiot Trumpers forget what they were saying back in 2002/2003/2004...

If you opposed war in Iraq you "hated America" and were labeled "unpatriotic" Even though we were the smart ones, the correct ones (per usual).

The main reason the Mid East is an epic cluster fuck shit show, is because of GWB and the GOP. They got us into Iraq, and they fucked it up, and fucked it up big time. If you opposed War in Iraq, you were labeled "unpatriotic" by Fox News and Republicans. Idiot republicans seem to forget this fact and somehow try to act like they oppose these stupid wars, when they are the ones that started them...
The GOP is the party of war mongering, not the Dems why are republicans suddenly trying to claim the opposite??

World War I: Woodrow Wilson (Democrat)
World War JJ...FDR (Democrat)
Korean War...Truman (Democrat)
Vietnam...Kennedy (Democrat) Johnson (Democrat)
Somalia Disaster...Clinton (Democrat)
Iran Hostage Humioliation (Carter)
Bombing of any two-story structure across the entire Middle East (Obama)

Whatever makes you feel better.

Granted GOP Presidents have sent in American Troops...
McKinley into Cuba (Spanish-American War)
Reagan into Grenada
Bush into Panama
Bush into Desert Storm

But our people went in and came home very quickly. They sent in troops...kicked the shit out of them
and brought our people home.
In typical GOP fashion, Trumpers are trying to spin reality on wars and war mongering.

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there.

Fox News also pumped and promoted the war, aling with the GOP. Hannity and O'Rielly pumped the war on a daily basis. Most idiot Trumpers forget what they were saying back in 2002/2003/2004...

If you opposed war in Iraq you "hated America" and were labeled "unpatriotic" Even though we were the smart ones, the correct ones (per usual).

The main reason the Mid East is an epic cluster fuck shit show, is because of GWB and the GOP. They got us into Iraq, and they fucked it up, and fucked it up big time. If you opposed War in Iraq, you were labeled "unpatriotic" by Fox News and Republicans. Idiot republicans seem to forget this fact and somehow try to act like they oppose these stupid wars, when they are the ones that started them...
The GOP is the party of war mongering, not the Dems why are republicans suddenly trying to claim the opposite??

I was in here grappling with the right wingers over Bush's wars, and they're the same people who are such doves now.

The difference? Trump, of course. They're very easily manipulated.
Do tell.....this I gotta here.
I just did. Kept it as simple as I could.
How did Tump manipulate anyone into doves
By being against it. The flock got right in line, overnight.
So they were satisfied with the whole thing...even under Obama but only changed their opinion when Trump was elected? Simpletons explanation of events. Bush was in hot water after 4 yrs and it wasnt just libs who were dissatisfied with their strategy and results. Kerry could have easily won that election if he had drifted a little more to the center on other issues.
GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there

He didn't lie to the world on purpose, he was echoing the then prevailing intelligence of many countries about Iraq being a threat, Saddam requested that Bush 1 be assassinated, and he also posted $25,000 for any Muslim to kill Americans. You forget that Saddam invaded Kuwait and gassed his own people and flouted U.N. Inspection rules of his then known WMD in various places.

The democrats at the time overwhelmingly supported Bush in going to war with Iraq.

The Congress passed the 1998 Iraqi liberation act for Clinton to use as the basis for attacking and removing Saddam Hussein.

Your one sided ignorant partisan based post is an awesome epic fail!

You are ignoring the fact that many many many intel agencies and people said Sadam wasn't a threat and Sadam didn't have WMDs.

To war in Iraq was a GOP idea and plan, and it was promoted by the GOP. To some how act like the dems are responsible for Iraq is total lunacy...

I notice that you didn't read the link in my post, it supports my position 100%, heck even the democrat's agrees too.... OVERWHELMINGLY!


The bill was sponsored by Representative Benjamin A. Gilman (Republican, NY-20) and co-sponsored by Representative Christopher Cox (Republican, CA-47). The bill was introduced as H.R. 4655 on September 29, 1998. The House of Representatives passed the bill 360–38 on October 5, and the Senate passed it with unanimous consent two days later. President Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act into law on October 31, 1998.[3][4]

bolding mine

Your ignorance is established fact.

See there you go trying to spin the facts. You are reaching in a pathetic attempt to deflect blame.

If you are going to somehow suggest that War in Iraq was a dem idea or a bipartisan idea, that is just a flat lie.

War in Iraq was a GOP plan, and it was executed (terribly I might add) by the GOP...

The life of a republican is to come up with lies and pathetic excuses for the failure of GOP leaders and presidents.


I am a Free Thinking Independent.

Your mental illness is preventing you from seeing this:

The bill was sponsored by Representative Benjamin A. Gilman (Republican, NY-20) and co-sponsored by Representative Christopher Cox (Republican, CA-47). The bill was introduced as H.R. 4655 on September 29, 1998. The House of Representatives passed the bill 360–38 on October 5, and the Senate passed it with unanimous consent two days later. President Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act into law on October 31, 1998.[3][4]

I go one more link from the Government website:

It shows in the link WHO voted yea or nay. All 45 Democrats in the Senate voted YES.

H.R. 4655 (105th): Iraq Liberation Act of 1998

View attachment 470479

Stop being a total moron!
yap sure a free thinking independent. Yet all you do is make up pathetic excuses to defend the GOP failure.

OK let's test your "independence"

The political party most responsible for the failure of the war in Iraq:
1. GOP
2. Dem

I will be waiting for your reply...

How many theatre of conflict did Obama have us in?

I'll be waiting for your reply...
Any "theatre on conflict" Obama had us in were minor compared to the insanity of Bush and the GOP.

As i said in the OP, you people somehow try to act like you aren't the party of war mongering.

War Mongering was perfected by the GOP in 2003 and used politically for years. If you opposed war mongering you were labeled unpatriotic, and don't even try to act like that wasn't true. If you don't know that or can't admit that, than you are just a dumb motherfucker... Basically you are living in an alternate reality void of facts...

"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot" - Mark Twain

How many was the question, you partisan hack
In 2002-6, If you opposed war mongering you were labeled unpatriotic (probably by you, I'm sure you did that), and don't even try to act like that wasn't true.

That wasn't my question, deflector
I know the truth is vicious, devastating, kryptonite to a republican.

In 2002-6, If you opposed war mongering you were labeled unpatriotic (probably by you, I'm sure you did that), and don't even try to act like that wasn't true.
Nothing you say or do can trump this fact...

You keep avoiding my question, asshole. How many?

You're a fckn waste of time
In typical GOP fashion, Trumpers are trying to spin reality on wars and war mongering.

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there.

Fox News also pumped and promoted the war, aling with the GOP. Hannity and O'Rielly pumped the war on a daily basis. Most idiot Trumpers forget what they were saying back in 2002/2003/2004...

If you opposed war in Iraq you "hated America" and were labeled "unpatriotic" Even though we were the smart ones, the correct ones (per usual).

The main reason the Mid East is an epic cluster fuck shit show, is because of GWB and the GOP. They got us into Iraq, and they fucked it up, and fucked it up big time. If you opposed War in Iraq, you were labeled "unpatriotic" by Fox News and Republicans. Idiot republicans seem to forget this fact and somehow try to act like they oppose these stupid wars, when they are the ones that started them...
The GOP is the party of war mongering, not the Dems why are republicans suddenly trying to claim the opposite??

World War I: Woodrow Wilson (Democrat)
World War JJ...FDR (Democrat)
Korean War...Truman (Democrat)
Vietnam...Kennedy (Democrat) Johnson (Democrat)
Somalia Disaster...Clinton (Democrat)
Iran Hostage Humioliation (Carter)
Bombing of any two-story structure across the entire Middle East (Obama)

Whatever makes you feel better.

Granted GOP Presidents have sent in American Troops...
McKinley into Cuba (Spanish-American War)
Reagan into Grenada
Bush into Panama
Bush into Desert Storm

But our people went in and came home very quickly. They sent in troops...kicked the shit out of them
and brought our people home.
In 2002-6, If you opposed war mongering you were labeled unpatriotic (probably by you, I'm sure you did that), and don't even try to act like that wasn't true.
Nothing you say or do can trump this fact... This ends the argument...

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there

He didn't lie to the world on purpose, he was echoing the then prevailing intelligence of many countries about Iraq being a threat, Saddam requested that Bush 1 be assassinated, and he also posted $25,000 for any Muslim to kill Americans. You forget that Saddam invaded Kuwait and gassed his own people and flouted U.N. Inspection rules of his then known WMD in various places.

The democrats at the time overwhelmingly supported Bush in going to war with Iraq.

The Congress passed the 1998 Iraqi liberation act for Clinton to use as the basis for attacking and removing Saddam Hussein.

Your one sided ignorant partisan based post is an awesome epic fail!

You are ignoring the fact that many many many intel agencies and people said Sadam wasn't a threat and Sadam didn't have WMDs.

To war in Iraq was a GOP idea and plan, and it was promoted by the GOP. To some how act like the dems are responsible for Iraq is total lunacy...

I notice that you didn't read the link in my post, it supports my position 100%, heck even the democrat's agrees too.... OVERWHELMINGLY!


The bill was sponsored by Representative Benjamin A. Gilman (Republican, NY-20) and co-sponsored by Representative Christopher Cox (Republican, CA-47). The bill was introduced as H.R. 4655 on September 29, 1998. The House of Representatives passed the bill 360–38 on October 5, and the Senate passed it with unanimous consent two days later. President Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act into law on October 31, 1998.[3][4]

bolding mine

Your ignorance is established fact.

See there you go trying to spin the facts. You are reaching in a pathetic attempt to deflect blame.

If you are going to somehow suggest that War in Iraq was a dem idea or a bipartisan idea, that is just a flat lie.

War in Iraq was a GOP plan, and it was executed (terribly I might add) by the GOP...

The life of a republican is to come up with lies and pathetic excuses for the failure of GOP leaders and presidents.


I am a Free Thinking Independent.

Your mental illness is preventing you from seeing this:

The bill was sponsored by Representative Benjamin A. Gilman (Republican, NY-20) and co-sponsored by Representative Christopher Cox (Republican, CA-47). The bill was introduced as H.R. 4655 on September 29, 1998. The House of Representatives passed the bill 360–38 on October 5, and the Senate passed it with unanimous consent two days later. President Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act into law on October 31, 1998.[3][4]

I go one more link from the Government website:

It shows in the link WHO voted yea or nay. All 45 Democrats in the Senate voted YES.

H.R. 4655 (105th): Iraq Liberation Act of 1998

View attachment 470479

Stop being a total moron!
yap sure a free thinking independent. Yet all you do is make up pathetic excuses to defend the GOP failure.

OK let's test your "independence"

The political party most responsible for the failure of the war in Iraq:
1. GOP
2. Dem

I will be waiting for your reply...

How many theatre of conflict did Obama have us in?

I'll be waiting for your reply...
Any "theatre on conflict" Obama had us in were minor compared to the insanity of Bush and the GOP.

As i said in the OP, you people somehow try to act like you aren't the party of war mongering.

War Mongering was perfected by the GOP in 2003 and used politically for years. If you opposed war mongering you were labeled unpatriotic, and don't even try to act like that wasn't true. If you don't know that or can't admit that, than you are just a dumb motherfucker... Basically you are living in an alternate reality void of facts...

"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot" - Mark Twain

How many was the question, you partisan hack
In 2002-6, If you opposed war mongering you were labeled unpatriotic (probably by you, I'm sure you did that), and don't even try to act like that wasn't true.

That wasn't my question, deflector
I know the truth is vicious, devastating, kryptonite to a republican.

In 2002-6, If you opposed war mongering you were labeled unpatriotic (probably by you, I'm sure you did that), and don't even try to act like that wasn't true.

I am NOT a republican you ASSHOLE! :fu: :fu: :fu:

You can't read because you ARE mentally ill, I made it clear several times now that Republicans stumbled in prosecuting the war, that was my answer you moron,.

nowhere have I blamed the democrats over it, they were never in charge of running the war, therefore they can't be blamed for it.

But the Democrats strongly supported starting the war and removing Saddam Hussein, all supported by the Iraqi Liberation Act of 1998 (which you didn't read) which President Clinton signed into law.

Really are you a sick man who can't read the replies rationally?
In typical GOP fashion, Trumpers are trying to spin reality on wars and war mongering.

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there.

Fox News also pumped and promoted the war, aling with the GOP. Hannity and O'Rielly pumped the war on a daily basis. Most idiot Trumpers forget what they were saying back in 2002/2003/2004...

If you opposed war in Iraq you "hated America" and were labeled "unpatriotic" Even though we were the smart ones, the correct ones (per usual).

The main reason the Mid East is an epic cluster fuck shit show, is because of GWB and the GOP. They got us into Iraq, and they fucked it up, and fucked it up big time. If you opposed War in Iraq, you were labeled "unpatriotic" by Fox News and Republicans. Idiot republicans seem to forget this fact and somehow try to act like they oppose these stupid wars, when they are the ones that started them...
The GOP is the party of war mongering, not the Dems why are republicans suddenly trying to claim the opposite??

Trump was clearly the least militaristic President since Jimmy Carter, lying fascist
I was in here grappling with the right wingers over Bush's wars, and they're the same people who are such doves now.

The difference? Trump, of course. They're very easily manipulated.
Can you explain why Trump was mentioned in any of that original post?
Because they're the ones who did the about-face, obviously.
Trump is a "they"? I don't think he bought into that whole pronoun thing.

Either way... It's a good thing that war is bad... yes?
I was in here grappling with the right wingers over Bush's wars, and they're the same people who are such doves now.

The difference? Trump, of course. They're very easily manipulated.
Can you explain why Trump was mentioned in any of that original post?
Because they're the ones who did the about-face, obviously.
Trump is a "they"? I don't think he bought into that whole pronoun thing.

Either way... It's a good thing that war is bad... yes?
I was in here grappling with the right wingers over Bush's wars, and they're the same people who are such doves now.

The difference? Trump, of course. They're very easily manipulated.
Can you explain why Trump was mentioned in any of that original post?
Because they're the ones who did the about-face, obviously.
Trump is a "they"? I don't think he bought into that whole pronoun thing.

Either way... It's a good thing that war is bad... yes?
So... Why is Trump brought into that? Trump manipulated his base to oppose war?
I was in here grappling with the right wingers over Bush's wars, and they're the same people who are such doves now.

The difference? Trump, of course. They're very easily manipulated.
Can you explain why Trump was mentioned in any of that original post?
Because they're the ones who did the about-face, obviously.
Trump is a "they"? I don't think he bought into that whole pronoun thing.

Either way... It's a good thing that war is bad... yes?
So... Why is Trump brought into that? Trump manipulated his base to oppose war?
I don't know what the mystery is here. Trump was against Bush's wars and criticized them. The minute the Trumpsters sold their souls to him in 2016, they immediately changed from defending Bush to agreeing with Trump.

That's it.
In typical GOP fashion, Trumpers are trying to spin reality on wars and war mongering.

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there.

Fox News also pumped and promoted the war, aling with the GOP. Hannity and O'Rielly pumped the war on a daily basis. Most idiot Trumpers forget what they were saying back in 2002/2003/2004...

If you opposed war in Iraq you "hated America" and were labeled "unpatriotic" Even though we were the smart ones, the correct ones (per usual).

The main reason the Mid East is an epic cluster fuck shit show, is because of GWB and the GOP. They got us into Iraq, and they fucked it up, and fucked it up big time. If you opposed War in Iraq, you were labeled "unpatriotic" by Fox News and Republicans. Idiot republicans seem to forget this fact and somehow try to act like they oppose these stupid wars, when they are the ones that started them...
The GOP is the party of war mongering, not the Dems why are republicans suddenly trying to claim the opposite??

I was in here grappling with the right wingers over Bush's wars, and they're the same people who are such doves now.

The difference? Trump, of course. They're very easily manipulated.
Do tell.....this I gotta here.
I just did. Kept it as simple as I could.
How did Tump manipulate anyone into doves
By being against it. The flock got right in line, overnight.
All I know is that anybody that opposed war mongering in 2002-6 was considered an unpatriotic traitor, by the same people we are debating today, and that is what being a Republican is all about.
Yep. The same people who were calling me a traitor back then are Trumpy doves today.

Funnier still, they think we don't see it.
So the politicians who were of one way back then and somehow not the same now are given a free ride as we vote D or R. I realize our nation is dying. and there is not much that can be done about it. To many people like enforcing our masters edicts. They wear the military style uniforms domestically and get to maim or kill others if need be. They fear people in rural areas and we see them use military style incursions on people who are not approving of this government's tyranny. In overseas war there is not much difference in what it looks like except that the enemy may have some offensive weapons that are active and cause injuries and death our soldiers.
I don't know what the mystery is here. Trump was against Bush's wars and criticized them. The minute the Trumpsters sold their souls to him in 2016, they immediately changed from defending Bush to agreeing with Trump.

That's it.
The mystery is why it's a bad thing. ESPECIALLY if you disagreed with the Bush war in the first place. That's a win for ya isn't it?

More people against war the better... Right?
I was in here grappling with the right wingers over Bush's wars, and they're the same people who are such doves now.

The difference? Trump, of course. They're very easily manipulated.
Can you explain why Trump was mentioned in any of that original post?
Because they're the ones who did the about-face, obviously.
Trump is a "they"? I don't think he bought into that whole pronoun thing.

Either way... It's a good thing that war is bad... yes?
So... Why is Trump brought into that? Trump manipulated his base to oppose war?
I don't know what the mystery is here. Trump was against Bush's wars and criticized them. The minute the Trumpsters sold their souls to him in 2016, they immediately changed from defending Bush to agreeing with Trump.

That's it.

No that isn't it because Trump didn't start any new wars, instead he tries to quiet down the middle east instead through diplomacy.
In typical GOP fashion, Trumpers are trying to spin reality on wars and war mongering.

GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there.

Fox News also pumped and promoted the war, aling with the GOP. Hannity and O'Rielly pumped the war on a daily basis. Most idiot Trumpers forget what they were saying back in 2002/2003/2004...

If you opposed war in Iraq you "hated America" and were labeled "unpatriotic" Even though we were the smart ones, the correct ones (per usual).

The main reason the Mid East is an epic cluster fuck shit show, is because of GWB and the GOP. They got us into Iraq, and they fucked it up, and fucked it up big time. If you opposed War in Iraq, you were labeled "unpatriotic" by Fox News and Republicans. Idiot republicans seem to forget this fact and somehow try to act like they oppose these stupid wars, when they are the ones that started them...
The GOP is the party of war mongering, not the Dems why are republicans suddenly trying to claim the opposite??

So Democrats in Congress voted and agreed. You try to rewrite history. Interesting conclusion
I don't know what the mystery is here. Trump was against Bush's wars and criticized them. The minute the Trumpsters sold their souls to him in 2016, they immediately changed from defending Bush to agreeing with Trump.

That's it.
The mystery is why it's a bad thing. ESPECIALLY if you disagreed with the Bush war in the first place. That's a win for ya isn't it?
I didn't say it was a bad thing. I don't take Trumpsters particularly seriously to begin with, although I do think their behaviors are fascinating from a psychological / sociological / anthropological perspective.
I was in here grappling with the right wingers over Bush's wars, and they're the same people who are such doves now.

The difference? Trump, of course. They're very easily manipulated.
Can you explain why Trump was mentioned in any of that original post?
Because they're the ones who did the about-face, obviously.
Trump is a "they"? I don't think he bought into that whole pronoun thing.

Either way... It's a good thing that war is bad... yes?
So... Why is Trump brought into that? Trump manipulated his base to oppose war?
I don't know what the mystery is here. Trump was against Bush's wars and criticized them. The minute the Trumpsters sold their souls to him in 2016, they immediately changed from defending Bush to agreeing with Trump.

That's it.

First, all republicans were War Mongers and they all called us smart Americans who opposed Iraq unpatriotic treasonous traitors or worse...
Also dems got crushed in the 2002 mid terms for showing anti type of anti-war sentiment, with former combat Veteran dem candidates being called unpatriotic by modern day Trumpers.

Then these same people found out Trump opposed Iraq and they flip flopped (remember that) and suddenly they too opposed Iraq all along and it was the democrats fault !!!

This is the life of a modern day Republican !

The GOP is such a joke. Best part is Biden is going to do great and they are going to hate it, each day more and more !
GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there

He didn't lie to the world on purpose, he was echoing the then prevailing intelligence of many countries about Iraq being a threat, Saddam requested that Bush 1 be assassinated, and he also posted $25,000 for any Muslim to kill Americans. You forget that Saddam invaded Kuwait and gassed his own people and flouted U.N. Inspection rules of his then known WMD in various places.

The democrats at the time overwhelmingly supported Bush in going to war with Iraq.

The Congress passed the 1998 Iraqi liberation act for Clinton to use as the basis for attacking and removing Saddam Hussein.

Your one sided ignorant partisan based post is an awesome epic fail!

You are ignoring the fact that many many many intel agencies and people said Sadam wasn't a threat and Sadam didn't have WMDs.

To war in Iraq was a GOP idea and plan, and it was promoted by the GOP. To some how act like the dems are responsible for Iraq is total lunacy...

I notice that you didn't read the link in my post, it supports my position 100%, heck even the democrat's agrees too.... OVERWHELMINGLY!


The bill was sponsored by Representative Benjamin A. Gilman (Republican, NY-20) and co-sponsored by Representative Christopher Cox (Republican, CA-47). The bill was introduced as H.R. 4655 on September 29, 1998. The House of Representatives passed the bill 360–38 on October 5, and the Senate passed it with unanimous consent two days later. President Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act into law on October 31, 1998.[3][4]

bolding mine

Your ignorance is established fact.

See there you go trying to spin the facts. You are reaching in a pathetic attempt to deflect blame.

If you are going to somehow suggest that War in Iraq was a dem idea or a bipartisan idea, that is just a flat lie.

War in Iraq was a GOP plan, and it was executed (terribly I might add) by the GOP...

The life of a republican is to come up with lies and pathetic excuses for the failure of GOP leaders and presidents.

TheCanker is obviously a moron or a partisan hack....
Even the HuffingPaintPost disagrees with him.
GWB lied to the world and exaggerated the threat of Iraq and convinced idiot republicans we needed to go to war in Iraq, when we clearly didn't. On top of that Bush and the idiot republicans totally fucked up and mismanaged the war and it turned into a mega disaster. The vast majority of the problems in the Mid east today, are the result of Bush and the GOP failure there

He didn't lie to the world on purpose, he was echoing the then prevailing intelligence of many countries about Iraq being a threat, Saddam requested that Bush 1 be assassinated, and he also posted $25,000 for any Muslim to kill Americans. You forget that Saddam invaded Kuwait and gassed his own people and flouted U.N. Inspection rules of his then known WMD in various places.

The democrats at the time overwhelmingly supported Bush in going to war with Iraq.

The Congress passed the 1998 Iraqi liberation act for Clinton to use as the basis for attacking and removing Saddam Hussein.

Your one sided ignorant partisan based post is an awesome epic fail!

You are ignoring the fact that many many many intel agencies and people said Sadam wasn't a threat and Sadam didn't have WMDs.

To war in Iraq was a GOP idea and plan, and it was promoted by the GOP. To some how act like the dems are responsible for Iraq is total lunacy...

I notice that you didn't read the link in my post, it supports my position 100%, heck even the democrat's agrees too.... OVERWHELMINGLY!


The bill was sponsored by Representative Benjamin A. Gilman (Republican, NY-20) and co-sponsored by Representative Christopher Cox (Republican, CA-47). The bill was introduced as H.R. 4655 on September 29, 1998. The House of Representatives passed the bill 360–38 on October 5, and the Senate passed it with unanimous consent two days later. President Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act into law on October 31, 1998.[3][4]

bolding mine

Your ignorance is established fact.

See there you go trying to spin the facts. You are reaching in a pathetic attempt to deflect blame.

If you are going to somehow suggest that War in Iraq was a dem idea or a bipartisan idea, that is just a flat lie.

War in Iraq was a GOP plan, and it was executed (terribly I might add) by the GOP...

The life of a republican is to come up with lies and pathetic excuses for the failure of GOP leaders and presidents.

TheCanker is obviously a moron or a partisan hack....
Even the HuffingPaintPost disagrees with him.

I posted that earlier, he ignored it and my other ones as well, we are dealing with a partisan fuckwit.

I don't believe he ever read any of the links since they are definitive of what happened.

Video at post 29 worth visiting, the partisan fuckwit ignored what many democrats said about Iraq and Hussein.

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