Republicans Vote Against Anti-Corruption Bill

First that bill is a partisan joke and anyone who is honest knows it and second when the Republicans controlled the House after the 2010 midterms and the Democrats had the Senate Harry Reid did the exact same thing McConnell just did.
Reid tabled an anti-corruption Bill?

No he did not
No Reid refused to bring legislation up for votes that he didn't agree with your supposed be stupid but please don't abuse privilege.
Did Reid table anti-corruption bills? No? Republicans had no interest in such things?

House passes HR 1 government overhaul, sending it back to campaign trail

The other day the Democratically controlled House of Representatives passed an anti-corruption bill over the objection of EVERY Republican member.

The Bill then went to the Senate where Turtle McConnell said he would NOT bring it to a vote.

When asked why, his response was "Because I decide what we vote on"

We will NEVER get corruption dealt with if we keep voting for Republicans
It's not an anti-corruption bill. It's a "pro voter fraud and insure the election of Democrats" bill.

No one was fooled.
Explain what is in the bill that does it in exact terms with quotes...moron
First that bill is a partisan joke and anyone who is honest knows it and second when the Republicans controlled the House after the 2010 midterms and the Democrats had the Senate Harry Reid did the exact same thing McConnell just did.
Reid tabled an anti-corruption Bill?

No he did not
No Reid refused to bring legislation up for votes that he didn't agree with your supposed be stupid but please don't abuse privilege.
Did Reid table anti-corruption bills? No? Republicans had no interest in such things?

The label "anti-corruption bill" is an oxymoron. Everything Dims pass promotes corruption, This bill promotes voter fraud and insulates Dim incumbents.
First that bill is a partisan joke and anyone who is honest knows it and second when the Republicans controlled the House after the 2010 midterms and the Democrats had the Senate Harry Reid did the exact same thing McConnell just did.
Reid tabled an anti-corruption Bill?

No he did not
No Reid refused to bring legislation up for votes that he didn't agree with your supposed be stupid but please don't abuse privilege.
Did Reid table anti-corruption bills? No? Republicans had no interest in such things?

Did I say Reid did that? No I said Reid did the same thing McConnell just did which was refusing to bring up votes on bills he didn't like If you insist on being idiot so be it but I'm going to enable you anymore today.
House passes HR 1 government overhaul, sending it back to campaign trail

The other day the Democratically controlled House of Representatives passed an anti-corruption bill over the objection of EVERY Republican member.

The Bill then went to the Senate where Turtle McConnell said he would NOT bring it to a vote.

When asked why, his response was "Because I decide what we vote on"

We will NEVER get corruption dealt with if we keep voting for Republicans

You got it half ass backwards. HR1 is a pro-corruption bill, seeking to corrupt what we have already. Things like mandating that the Criminal Element be allowed to vote- instead of leaving it to the states- is a disgrace as well as proposals to force the Taxpayers to pony up for socialist propaganda for marxist leaning candidates.. Another problem is automatic voters registration. If this country is so corrupt that this were to pass, I would not want to be registered to vote. In fact if the libs take over, I'll be giving up my citizenship and registering as an Illegal Alien so I won't have to pay taxes and will get respect from the government.
First that bill is a partisan joke and anyone who is honest knows it and second when the Republicans controlled the House after the 2010 midterms and the Democrats had the Senate Harry Reid did the exact same thing McConnell just did.
Reid tabled an anti-corruption Bill?

No he did not
No Reid refused to bring legislation up for votes that he didn't agree with your supposed be stupid but please don't abuse privilege.
Did Reid table anti-corruption bills? No? Republicans had no interest in such things?


Reid tabled any bill that the Republicans in the House passed. Just as McConnell will table any bill the Democrats pass. Never had anything to do with the content of the bill. Your dishonesty is pretty obvious.
House passes HR 1 government overhaul, sending it back to campaign trail

The other day the Democratically controlled House of Representatives passed an anti-corruption bill over the objection of EVERY Republican member.

The Bill then went to the Senate where Turtle McConnell said he would NOT bring it to a vote.

When asked why, his response was "Because I decide what we vote on"

We will NEVER get corruption dealt with if we keep voting for Republicans
LOL! Change your diaper.
Things like mandating that the Criminal Element be allowed to vote- instead of leaving it to the states

Congratulations. You got it exactly BACKWARDS dumbass. It ALLOWS the states to let illegals vote in SCHOOL ELECTIONS if they so desire. It forces no one to do anything.
First that bill is a partisan joke and anyone who is honest knows it and second when the Republicans controlled the House after the 2010 midterms and the Democrats had the Senate Harry Reid did the exact same thing McConnell just did.
Reid tabled an anti-corruption Bill?

No he did not
No Reid refused to bring legislation up for votes that he didn't agree with your supposed be stupid but please don't abuse privilege.
Did Reid table anti-corruption bills? No? Republicans had no interest in such things?


Reid tabled any bill that the Republicans in the House passed. Just as McConnell will table any bill the Democrats pass. Never had anything to do with the content of the bill. Your dishonesty is pretty obvious.
When you can find Reid tabling an anti-corruption bill that passed the GOP House,..THEN and only THEN do you have your "whataboutism".
The Washington Times reports HR 1 defends localities which allow illegal immigrants to vote in local elections. Non-citizens are still barred from voting in federal elections.

The measure passed 228-197 though is sure to face opposition in the GOP controlled Senate.

Source: House votes in favor of illegal immigrant voting
HR 1, a wolf in sheep's clothing.
It's DOA, like it should be.
Pre-register 16 year olds to vote and give the state's millions to do so?
I don't think so....especially in a time when most high school kids are not even taught basic civics anymore.
Bye-bye HR 1....:bye1:...
Guess what..16 year olds that actually WOULD vote (very few young people vote even now)...probably know a hell of a lot more about our government thn you do

And we can illustrate this by noting the following

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Last night, 126 members of Congress voted yes in the first-ever vote on a proposal to lower the voting age to 16 on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, an historic milestone for a movement that has been gaining momentum in recent years.

Rep. Ayanna Pressley proposed the amendment to HR.1 on Tuesday, to lower the voting age to 16 for federal elections. Reps. Grace Meng and Jan Schakowsky co-sponsored the amendment. After approval by the Rules Committee, the amendment failed to pass on the House floor, but did earn the support of the majority of the Democratic caucus.

Your opposition to an anti-corruption Bill is based on something that's NOT IN THE FUCKING BILL
Guess what..16 year olds that actually WOULD vote (very few young people vote even now)...probably know a hell of a lot more about our government thn you do

16 year olds don't have maturity or common sense. The government realizes this, and doesn't even permit minors of that age to buy firearms, drink whiskey or even smoke a cigarette.

Why do you think they have the maturity to vote.
House passes HR 1 government overhaul, sending it back to campaign trail

The other day the Democratically controlled House of Representatives passed an anti-corruption bill over the objection of EVERY Republican member.

The Bill then went to the Senate where Turtle McConnell said he would NOT bring it to a vote.

When asked why, his response was "Because I decide what we vote on"

We will NEVER get corruption dealt with if we keep voting for Republicans
The party that...

Protected a proven felon who compromised national security from going to prison and gave her the DNC nomination she cod not win herself...

For the last 2 years engaged in seditious conspiracy, attempting a coup against the President, while exposing a host of Democrat crimes...

Runs federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities to protect violent illegals, human traffickers and cop killers...

Just voted to facilitate illegals voting - election fraud

Could not pass a simple bill condemning their own party member's anti-Semitism...

And who like killing babies, even those already born...

...and you are comically talking about passing some 'Anti-Corruption' Bill....



HR 1, a wolf in sheep's clothing.
It's DOA, like it should be.
Pre-register 16 year olds to vote and give the state's millions to do so?
I don't think so....especially in a time when most high school kids are not even taught basic civics anymore.
Bye-bye HR 1....:bye1:...
Why don't we allow 5-year-olds to vote?
LOL. The only means to end corruption in the Federal Government would require the execution of everyone in the Federal Government.
House passes HR 1 government overhaul, sending it back to campaign trail

The other day the Democratically controlled House of Representatives passed an anti-corruption bill over the objection of EVERY Republican member.

The Bill then went to the Senate where Turtle McConnell said he would NOT bring it to a vote.

When asked why, his response was "Because I decide what we vote on"

We will NEVER get corruption dealt with if we keep voting for Republicans
The party that...

Protected a proven felon who compromised national security from going to prison and gave her the DNC nomination she cod not win herself...

For the last 2 years engaged in seditious conspiracy, attempting a coup against the President, while exposing a host of Democrat crimes...

Runs federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities to protect violent illegals, human traffickers and cop killers...

Just voted to facilitate illegals voting - election fraud

Could not pass a simple bill condemning their own party member's anti-Semitism...

And who like killing babies, even those already born...

...and you are comically talking about passing some 'Anti-Corruption' Bill....




Lesh is a tricky one......:1peleas:

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