Republicans Vote Against Anti-Corruption Bill

The Washington Times reports HR 1 defends localities which allow illegal immigrants to vote in local elections. Non-citizens are still barred from voting in federal elections.

The measure passed 228-197 though is sure to face opposition in the GOP controlled Senate.

Source: House votes in favor of illegal immigrant voting
Democrats support for criminals is no surprise, and I can only think one word president Trump will have say about it when it reaches his desk. VETO!
The Washington Times reports HR 1 defends localities which allow illegal immigrants to vote in local elections. Non-citizens are still barred from voting in federal elections.

The measure passed 228-197 though is sure to face opposition in the GOP controlled Senate.

Source: House votes in favor of illegal immigrant voting
Democrats support for criminals is no surprise, and I can only think one word president Trump will have say about it when it reaches his desk. VETO!

Not coming near his desk. McConnell isn't even going to put this POS bill up for a vote in the Senate!
House passes HR 1 government overhaul, sending it back to campaign trail

The other day the Democratically controlled House of Representatives passed an anti-corruption bill over the objection of EVERY Republican member.

The Bill then went to the Senate where Turtle McConnell said he would NOT bring it to a vote.

When asked why, his response was "Because I decide what we vote on"

We will NEVER get corruption dealt with if we keep voting for Republicans
/---/ Looks like another 700 pages bullshyt way for democRATs to steal more votes. BTW it's not the Feds role to impose voting laws on the states.
The overhaul, totaling about 700 pages, seeks to remake the nation’s voting, campaign finance and ethics laws. It would impose new requirements on states to offer early voting and online and same-day voter registration and would establish an optional 6-to-1 public matching system for political donations under $200. The proposal would mandate nonpartisan commissions to redraw the boundaries of congressional districts.
Lot of bills do the opposite of what the title is......Like the Affordable Care countless campaign finance reforms over the yrs.....need to read further than the title and find out what else is buried in it they wan to sneak by too
The Washington Times reports HR 1 defends localities which allow illegal immigrants to vote in local elections. Non-citizens are still barred from voting in federal elections.

The measure passed 228-197 though is sure to face opposition in the GOP controlled Senate.

Source: House votes in favor of illegal immigrant voting
Democrats support for criminals is no surprise, and I can only think one word president Trump will have say about it when it reaches his desk. VETO!

Not coming near his desk. McConnell isn't even going to put this POS bill up for a vote in the Senate!

Take that Lesh!
Still happy about the mid-terms? :cheeky-smiley-018:
First that bill is a partisan joke and anyone who is honest knows it and second when the Republicans controlled the House after the 2010 midterms and the Democrats had the Senate Harry Reid did the exact same thing McConnell just did.
Reid tabled an anti-corruption Bill?

No he did not
No Reid refused to bring legislation up for votes that he didn't agree with your supposed be stupid but please don't abuse privilege.
Did Reid table anti-corruption bills? No? Republicans had no interest in such things?


Reid tabled any bill that the Republicans in the House passed. Just as McConnell will table any bill the Democrats pass. Never had anything to do with the content of the bill. Your dishonesty is pretty obvious.
When you can find Reid tabling an anti-corruption bill that passed the GOP House,..THEN and only THEN do you have your "whataboutism".

How fucking stupid are you? The GOP is doing exactly what the Dems did, and thr Dems were told that when the tables were turned the GOP would do the same.

Is it right? No, absolutely a dumb thing to do. If the tables were turned, no matter the name of the bill, you’d be happy if the Dems tabled it. So spare me you phone BS.
Further, this Bill actually reinforces the [empty] promise that Trump made to his nitwit-base that he would get lobbyists out of the Capitol.

Ironically, it is DEMOCRATS who are fulfilling Trump's promise about corrupt lobbyists .......Remember, Manafort was a prominent lobbyist for world despots....therefore, Manafort had the "perfect" qualifications to be hired by the orange moron.

"Promises made by Trump........Fulfilled by democrats"...............LOL
Why didn't democrats sponsor a "anti-corruption" bill when they had the majority during the Hussein administration?
Was voter ID included in that?.....does the fourth branch of government report news or propaganda? the liberals get away with more sleazy deals than any republican could ever hope to

Voter ID?

We just has a Commission dedicated to providing a need for that and it closed DOWN..because it found almost nothing

So Republicans voted against (and are blocking in the Senate) an anti-corruption Bill because it didn't address a non-existent issue?

Bullshit. They want to protect gerrymandering, corporate money in election financing, and shady ethics

Can a commission give you common sense? We should have required voter I.D. cards...Gerrymandering is constitutional...More appointed, corrupt, politicians deciding things through a stupid commission we don't need .They also would like to get rid of the Electoral college and have mob rule. You liberals are in such a hurry to give up your individual rights to the mob.:slap:
Typical.....There is no logical explanation for not requiring voter I.D and tighten up our voting system to be sure we have free and fair elections without fraud..."Stupid fuck" :rolleyes:
So you position is should not have to show ID to vote?
That's not part of this bill...nor ANY bill that Republicans even tried to pass while they held both houses of Congress.

Why not? how can you reform the voting system without I.D. requirements and proof of eligibility to vote?

ID requirements are NOT the problem. ID requirements won't have done jack shit to prevent the voter fraud we saw in the 2018 mid-terms. That voter fraud came from "harvesting ballots", gerrymandering, "exact match" requirements on government applications, moving the polling station outside the city limits where there was no public transit, having one of the candidates acting as the chief returning officer for the state. Stuff that Republicans are wont to do.

Oh, and striking names from the voter rolls without notifying those whose names are about to be deleted.
So you position is should not have to show ID to vote?
That's not part of this bill...nor ANY bill that Republicans even tried to pass while they held both houses of Congress.

Why not? how can you reform the voting system without I.D. requirements and proof of eligibility to vote?

ID requirements are NOT the problem. ID requirements won't have done jack shit to prevent the voter fraud we saw in the 2018 mid-terms. That voter fraud came from "harvesting ballots", gerrymandering, "exact match" requirements on government applications, moving the polling station outside the city limits where there was no public transit, having one of the candidates acting as the chief returning officer for the state. Stuff that Republicans are wont to do.

Oh, and striking names from the voter rolls without notifying those whose names are about to be deleted.

Still waiting for the logical explanation not to require voter I.D..... Your talking points didn't quite cut should all be part of any reform ... So why wouldn't you want that? Voting is not a requirement..Voting is a privilege given to American citizens
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Voter fraud and IDs are a solution looking for a problem. '
The only REAL fraud is the ELECTION fraud perpetrated by the GOP for instance in North Carolina where it was so bad they had to declare a new election.

No wonder the GOP voted against an anti-corruption bill

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