Republicans Vote Against Their Own Self Interest, Democrats Don't Vote



Remember this:

The same film maker was on Bill Maher tonight showing a film she made in, I think it was Michigan. So she's asking Republicans and Democrats questions and she came to the conclusion that Republicans vote against their own self interests and Democrats don't vote.

There was a young Democrat getting Food Stamps that said he wasn't going to vote.

But the most hilarious was a Republican who was a little older. He was asked what he thought of gay marriage. He said he was fine with it. Everyone had the right to get married. Asked about Food Stamps, he said they were a great idea. Asked about equal pay for equal work, he said who would be against that? Asked about woman's rights, he said he was totally for women's rights

When he was asked who he would vote for and he said, "the big 'R', Republican of course". No clue his party was against everything he was for. So that's how it is? Republicans vote for what they are actually against? Why do they do that?
Remember this:

The same film maker was on Bill Maher tonight showing a film she made in, I think it was Michigan. So she's asking Republicans and Democrats questions and she came to the conclusion that Republicans vote against their own self interests and Democrats don't vote.

There was a young Democrat getting Food Stamps that said he wasn't going to vote.

But the most hilarious was a Republican who was a little older. He was asked what he thought of gay marriage. He said he was fine with it. Everyone had the right to get married. Asked about Food Stamps, he said they were a great idea. Asked about equal pay for equal work, he said who would be against that? Asked about woman's rights, he said he was totally for women's rights

When he was asked who he would vote for and he said, "the big 'R', Republican of course". No clue his party was against everything he was for. So that's how it is? Republicans vote for what they are actually against? Why do they do that?

Remember this:

The same film maker was on Bill Maher tonight showing a film she made in, I think it was Michigan. So she's asking Republicans and Democrats questions and she came to the conclusion that Republicans vote against their own self interests and Democrats don't vote.

There was a young Democrat getting Food Stamps that said he wasn't going to vote.

But the most hilarious was a Republican who was a little older. He was asked what he thought of gay marriage. He said he was fine with it. Everyone had the right to get married. Asked about Food Stamps, he said they were a great idea. Asked about equal pay for equal work, he said who would be against that? Asked about woman's rights, he said he was totally for women's rights

When he was asked who he would vote for and he said, "the big 'R', Republican of course". No clue his party was against everything he was for. So that's how it is? Republicans vote for what they are actually against? Why do they do that?

Total bullshit. Republicans are not all against food stamps. We do not want to see children starve. However, we generally are against the idea of a welfare state that provides the basics for everyone. Why? It is not the government's place to do that and it promotes too much government involvement in the private lives of citizens. Stamps are fine for the unfortunate people who need them. However, we also need to be promoting policy to grow the economy and thereby bring about prosperity and economic opportunity so that people do not have to make welfare a lifestyle.

On gay marriage I say "who cares"? To me the Equal Protection clause compels equality in marriage unless the state shows a compelling need to treat gay marriage differently. Granted, some of the more religious folks in the party object to gay marriage on moral grounds. I do not. My point is that not all Republicans oppose gay marriage. Further, the Republican party is made up of people with differing priorities. I am Republican primarily due to my view of the constitution and because the Republican Party is, in my opinion, a far better choice on issues involving the economy and national security and defense. However, I am generally willing to accept other points of view within the party and to respect those views. Republicans are generally drawn together by a desire to see economic prosperity, freedom, and to have the constitutional system of a limited federal government. However, there are differences inside the party.

By contrast, the Democratic Party is much more prone to be comprised of groups of single-interest voters. There are women who will absolutely not vote for any candidate that does not support abortion, for example. They couldn't care less about the macro impact of their candidate so long as their issue of interest is addressed in a manner they find acceptable. The Democratic Party is largely cobbled together by disaffected groups that want something specific. Republicans, however, are generally willing to compromise as long as the underlying fundamental elements are present, such as economic prosperity, national security, freedom, and limited government.

The problem with the initial post in this thread is that it oversimplifies the Republican constituency to the point where the underlying message intended to be conveyed suffers from a credibility problem because it is not in accord with reality. Yes, you can support gay rights and food stamps and still be a Republican.

The lack understanding on the part of Democrats is fascinating and repulsive at the same time. One may conclude that the Dems know what they are doing and are intentionally misleading people. Or, they are just not that smart and they are not well-informed.
Total bullshit. Republicans are not all against food stamps. We do not want to see children starve. However, we generally are against the idea of a welfare state that provides the basics for everyone. Why? It is not the government's place to do that and it promotes too much government involvement in the private lives of citizens. Stamps are fine for the unfortunate people who need them. However, we also need to be promoting policy to grow the economy and thereby bring about prosperity and economic opportunity so that people do not have to make welfare a lifestyle. [/quote\]

Which is why Republicans in Congress vote "no" to everything that has to do with growing the economy and "yes" to everything having to do with hurting the middle class and below. I think your belief is "total bullshit".

On gay marriage I say "who cares"? To me the Equal Protection clause compels equality in marriage unless the state shows a compelling need to treat gay marriage differently. Granted, some of the more religious folks in the party object to gay marriage on moral grounds. I do not. My point is that not all Republicans oppose gay marriage. Further, the Republican party is made up of people with differing priorities. I am Republican primarily due to my view of the constitution and because the Republican Party is, in my opinion, a far better choice on issues involving the economy and national security and defense. However, I am generally willing to accept other points of view within the party and to respect those views. Republicans are generally drawn together by a desire to see economic prosperity, freedom, and to have the constitutional system of a limited federal government. However, there are differences inside the party.
However, every leader in your party stands against it, so, when you vote for them, you are voting against what you believe.

By contrast, the Democratic Party is much more prone to be comprised of groups of single-interest voters. There are women who will absolutely not vote for any candidate that does not support abortion, for example. They couldn't care less about the macro impact of their candidate so long as their issue of interest is addressed in a manner they find acceptable. The Democratic Party is largely cobbled together by disaffected groups that want something specific. Republicans, however, are generally willing to compromise as long as the underlying fundamental elements are present, such as economic prosperity, national security, freedom, and limited government.
That's not true. I don't believe in elective abortion after the first trimester, but most Republicans are in favor of doing away with it even in cases where the pregnant woman's life is at stake. That is putting a fetus ahead of a grown woman. So much that they even decide to destroy organizations (like Planned Parenthood) that help women with many more issues other than abortion, because it doesn't matter to them that they cut other benefits as long as they do away with abortion.

The problem with the initial post in this thread is that it oversimplifies the Republican constituency to the point where the underlying message intended to be conveyed suffers from a credibility problem because it is not in accord with reality. Yes, you can support gay rights and food stamps and still be a Republican.

Supporting something and voting for people that go completely against it isn't called "supporting" just means giving it lip service, which is what you are doing. You need to put your vote where your mouth is.

The lack understanding on the part of Democrats is fascinating and repulsive at the same time. One may conclude that the Dems know what they are doing and are intentionally misleading people. Or, they are just not that smart and they are not well-informed.
Says a person who just completely misapplied everything the Republican party stands for and probably relies on Faux News for news coverage. You are exactly what the OP claim to support what Democratic people support, but you continue to vote against your own interest.
Remember this:

The same film maker was on Bill Maher tonight showing a film she made in, I think it was Michigan. So she's asking Republicans and Democrats questions and she came to the conclusion that Republicans vote against their own self interests and Democrats don't vote.

There was a young Democrat getting Food Stamps that said he wasn't going to vote.

But the most hilarious was a Republican who was a little older. He was asked what he thought of gay marriage. He said he was fine with it. Everyone had the right to get married. Asked about Food Stamps, he said they were a great idea. Asked about equal pay for equal work, he said who would be against that? Asked about woman's rights, he said he was totally for women's rights

When he was asked who he would vote for and he said, "the big 'R', Republican of course". No clue his party was against everything he was for. So that's how it is? Republicans vote for what they are actually against? Why do they do that?

Oh, goody! Your own version of Watter's World! Ironically, the title of this post reveals a basic difference between R's and D's: R's vote for what they believe to be best for the country as a whole, while D's vote for their own self interest.
Yeah, because all Dems are on welfare, UE, disability- and polluting , screwing workers, stupid REAL wars, corrupt world depressions, mindless obstruction, and hateful, divisive, lying, idiotic, ugly American propaganda are all good for America. Greedy idiot rich Pubs and bought off or brainwashed functional moron hater dupes...a disgrace. see sig.
So many poor conservatives are "one issue" voters. They ignore everything else as long as their one issue is considered focal.

The Issue Of One Issue Voters

You mean like women who will only vote for a pro choice candidate or union members who will only vote for how their union tells them to?
Yeah, because all Dems are on welfare, UE, disability- and polluting , screwing workers, stupid REAL wars, corrupt world depressions, mindless obstruction, and hateful, divisive, lying, idiotic, ugly American propaganda are all good for America.

Yeah, you've summed it up pretty well, although you forgot to include the liberal billionaires on Wall Street pulling all the strings.
Remember this:

The same film maker was on Bill Maher tonight showing a film she made in, I think it was Michigan. So she's asking Republicans and Democrats questions and she came to the conclusion that Republicans vote against their own self interests and Democrats don't vote.

There was a young Democrat getting Food Stamps that said he wasn't going to vote.

But the most hilarious was a Republican who was a little older. He was asked what he thought of gay marriage. He said he was fine with it. Everyone had the right to get married. Asked about Food Stamps, he said they were a great idea. Asked about equal pay for equal work, he said who would be against that? Asked about woman's rights, he said he was totally for women's rights

When he was asked who he would vote for and he said, "the big 'R', Republican of course". No clue his party was against everything he was for. So that's how it is? Republicans vote for what they are actually against? Why do they do that?

Total bullshit. Republicans are not all against food stamps. We do not want to see children starve. However, we generally are against the idea of a welfare state that provides the basics for everyone. Why? It is not the government's place to do that and it promotes too much government involvement in the private lives of citizens. Stamps are fine for the unfortunate people who need them. However, we also need to be promoting policy to grow the economy and thereby bring about prosperity and economic opportunity so that people do not have to make welfare a lifestyle.

On gay marriage I say "who cares"? To me the Equal Protection clause compels equality in marriage unless the state shows a compelling need to treat gay marriage differently. Granted, some of the more religious folks in the party object to gay marriage on moral grounds. I do not. My point is that not all Republicans oppose gay marriage. Further, the Republican party is made up of people with differing priorities. I am Republican primarily due to my view of the constitution and because the Republican Party is, in my opinion, a far better choice on issues involving the economy and national security and defense. However, I am generally willing to accept other points of view within the party and to respect those views. Republicans are generally drawn together by a desire to see economic prosperity, freedom, and to have the constitutional system of a limited federal government. However, there are differences inside the party.

By contrast, the Democratic Party is much more prone to be comprised of groups of single-interest voters. There are women who will absolutely not vote for any candidate that does not support abortion, for example. They couldn't care less about the macro impact of their candidate so long as their issue of interest is addressed in a manner they find acceptable. The Democratic Party is largely cobbled together by disaffected groups that want something specific. Republicans, however, are generally willing to compromise as long as the underlying fundamental elements are present, such as economic prosperity, national security, freedom, and limited government.

The problem with the initial post in this thread is that it oversimplifies the Republican constituency to the point where the underlying message intended to be conveyed suffers from a credibility problem because it is not in accord with reality. Yes, you can support gay rights and food stamps and still be a Republican.

The lack understanding on the part of Democrats is fascinating and repulsive at the same time. One may conclude that the Dems know what they are doing and are intentionally misleading people. Or, they are just not that smart and they are not well-informed.

I've found that most casual voters be them Republican or Democrat are concerned with one issue and that issue often has nothing to do with the position candidates take. This is because they are totally disconnected from the political process. My neighbor voted for McCain because of his war record. He had no idea what his stand was on the issues. My daughter will vote for any female provided she support issues of particular interest to women. My mother always voted for the handsomest candidate. The only issue my wife is interested in is the environment.
Remember this:

The same film maker was on Bill Maher tonight showing a film she made in, I think it was Michigan. So she's asking Republicans and Democrats questions and she came to the conclusion that Republicans vote against their own self interests and Democrats don't vote.

There was a young Democrat getting Food Stamps that said he wasn't going to vote.

But the most hilarious was a Republican who was a little older. He was asked what he thought of gay marriage. He said he was fine with it. Everyone had the right to get married. Asked about Food Stamps, he said they were a great idea. Asked about equal pay for equal work, he said who would be against that? Asked about woman's rights, he said he was totally for women's rights

When he was asked who he would vote for and he said, "the big 'R', Republican of course". No clue his party was against everything he was for. So that's how it is? Republicans vote for what they are actually against? Why do they do that?

Oh, goody! Your own version of Watter's World! Ironically, the title of this post reveals a basic difference between R's and D's: R's vote for what they believe to be best for the country as a whole, while D's vote for their own self interest.

Ha,ha, so what's best for the country as a whole, according to you? That women continue getting paid less then men fpr the same job, gays be denied their rights, poor children go hungry and poor people pull themselves up by their bootstraps while big corporations and rich people get more tax breaks?

Yeah, we know.
So many poor conservatives are "one issue" voters. They ignore everything else as long as their one issue is considered focal.

The Issue Of One Issue Voters

I fully admit to be a single issue Voter.

I vote for the people who uphold the U.S. Constitution, as it is written, the best. So that means I will, most likely, never vote for another Democrat for office.
So many poor conservatives are "one issue" voters. They ignore everything else as long as their one issue is considered focal.

The Issue Of One Issue Voters

You mean like women who will only vote for a pro choice candidate or union members who will only vote for how their union tells them to?

No, like women who vote for those who want to keep women getting paid less then men for the same job, or women who vote for those who don't care if their pregnancy kills them, they want them to suffer the consequences and carry that fetus to term, or those on welfare, who vote for those who insist on doing away with welfare, or the poor schmucks working at Wal-Mart just enough hours to keep them from getting health care and vote for those who want to repeal Obamacare, that's who.
Yeah, because all Dems are on welfare, UE, disability- and polluting , screwing workers, stupid REAL wars, corrupt world depressions, mindless obstruction, and hateful, divisive, lying, idiotic, ugly American propaganda are all good for America.

Yeah, you've summed it up pretty well, although you forgot to include the liberal billionaires on Wall Street pulling all the strings.

Yeah....the ones Republican leaders want to cut their taxes even more. Why do Republicans in Congress want to make Liberal millionaires/billionaires even richer....these rich "libruls" don't want their taxes cut, but Republican leaders insist.

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