Republicans want these children to go to the boys room. Promise they will be "safe"









Republicans feel they have a winning issue that will help Trump become President. Forcing these young people to use the Men's Room. Republicans insist they would be perfectly safe. And they if they used the Women's Room, they would sexually attack women.

They look very dangerous, don't they?

^^^^^^ will commit suicide at a rate 20 times greater than their peers

Because......they have not been accepted by their families nor tolerated by society. That's partly on you, bigot.

When did society become obligated to accept everyone no matter how screwed up and abnormal they are?


We can not be expected to accept anyone who refuse to accept themselves.

This is obviously obsessive compulsive behavior.

No matter what society does, a surgery will not change a Male to a Female.








Republicans feel they have a winning issue that will help Trump become President. Forcing these young people to use the Men's Room. Republicans insist they would be perfectly safe. And they if they used the Women's Room, they would sexually attack women.

They look very dangerous, don't they?

^^^^^^ will commit suicide at a rate 20 times greater than their peers

How is that anyone's fault?
Harassment from your kind?
You jerks stepped in so now he has to. Next time, don't.

How did anyone "step in?" Please explain.
They passed laws that went against federal statutes, dummy.

Wrong, asshole. There's no federal statute that says people get to choose which bathroom they use.
Your fight is with the Feds. We are both okay with transgender kids.

That's what I've been saying all along, you sleazy douche bag. The feds are ramming this down everyone's throat. You have taken both sides of that claim.
The Feds are doing thier job.








Republicans feel they have a winning issue that will help Trump become President. Forcing these young people to use the Men's Room. Republicans insist they would be perfectly safe. And they if they used the Women's Room, they would sexually attack women.

They look very dangerous, don't they?

^^^^^^ will commit suicide at a rate 20 times greater than their peers

Because......they have not been accepted by their families nor tolerated by society. That's partly on you, bigot.

When did society become obligated to accept everyone no matter how screwed up and abnormal they are?


We can not be expected to accept anyone who refuse to accept themselves.

This is obviously obsessive compulsive behavior.

No matter what society does, a surgery will not change a Male to a Female.
What is a male? What is a female?

It's not what most believe.








Republicans feel they have a winning issue that will help Trump become President. Forcing these young people to use the Men's Room. Republicans insist they would be perfectly safe. And they if they used the Women's Room, they would sexually attack women.

They look very dangerous, don't they?
They should use the restroom with "it" on the door...
If you'd been leaving things the way they are this wouldn't have become a fight.

The way things were is that boys used the boys room and girls used the girls room. Only a special kind of moron would claim that Obama is trying to leave things as they were.
You jerks stepped in so now he has to. Next time, don't.

How did anyone "step in?" Please explain.
They passed laws that went against federal statutes, dummy.

Link the statutes, prove your claim.
Title nine I believe. You can look it up, it deals with gender discrimination.
The way things were is that boys used the boys room and girls used the girls room. Only a special kind of moron would claim that Obama is trying to leave things as they were.
You jerks stepped in so now he has to. Next time, don't.

How did anyone "step in?" Please explain.
They passed laws that went against federal statutes, dummy.

Link the statutes, prove your claim.
Title nine I believe. You can look it up, it deals with gender discrimination.

Wrong, it deals with discrimination based on sex, not gender or gender identity. The dear leader is trying another one of his end runs around congress, saying it does, when there is no such language in the law. Don't believe me look it up.








Republicans feel they have a winning issue that will help Trump become President. Forcing these young people to use the Men's Room. Republicans insist they would be perfectly safe. And they if they used the Women's Room, they would sexually attack women.

They look very dangerous, don't they?

^^^^^^ will commit suicide at a rate 20 times greater than their peers

How is that anyone's fault?
Harassment from your kind?

You jerks stepped in so now he has to. Next time, don't.

How did anyone "step in?" Please explain.
They passed laws that went against federal statutes, dummy.

Link the statutes, prove your claim.
Title nine I believe. You can look it up, it deals with gender discrimination.

Wrong, it deals with discrimination based on sex, not gender or gender identity. The dear leader is trying another one of his end runs around congress, saying it does, when there is no such language in the law. Don't believe me look it up.
Leftwing douche bags have always believed that the government can interpret laws to mean whatever they want them to mean.
How did anyone "step in?" Please explain.
They passed laws that went against federal statutes, dummy.

Wrong, asshole. There's no federal statute that says people get to choose which bathroom they use.
Your fight is with the Feds. We are both okay with transgender kids.

That's what I've been saying all along, you sleazy douche bag. The feds are ramming this down everyone's throat. You have taken both sides of that claim.
The Feds are doing thier job.

ROFL! so now you're admitting everything you previously denied? Telling people which restroom to use is not the feds' job.








Republicans feel they have a winning issue that will help Trump become President. Forcing these young people to use the Men's Room. Republicans insist they would be perfectly safe. And they if they used the Women's Room, they would sexually attack women.

They look very dangerous, don't they?

^^^^^^ will commit suicide at a rate 20 times greater than their peers

How is that anyone's fault?
Harassment from your kind?


Look at the fourth picture. He's probably not old enough to tie her own shoes, but somehow old enough to decide he's not a boy?

That's what's really sad.








Republicans feel they have a winning issue that will help Trump become President. Forcing these young people to use the Men's Room. Republicans insist they would be perfectly safe. And they if they used the Women's Room, they would sexually attack women.

They look very dangerous, don't they?

^^^^^^ will commit suicide at a rate 20 times greater than their peers

How is that anyone's fault?
Harassment from your kind?


Look at the fourth picture. He's probably not old enough to tie her own shoes, but somehow old enough to decide he's not a boy?

That's what's really sad.

The parents of these kids are screwing them up. But they serve the leftwing douche bag agenda, so nothing will be done about it.
These children are boys. Odd boys, but boys nonetheless. Let them use the boys room.








Republicans feel they have a winning issue that will help Trump become President. Forcing these young people to use the Men's Room. Republicans insist they would be perfectly safe. And they if they used the Women's Room, they would sexually attack women.

They look very dangerous, don't they?

^^^^^^ will commit suicide at a rate 20 times greater than their peers

How is that anyone's fault?

Ruh roh! Nutter bigot miscommunication. Bigot to bigot apologies soon to follow.

Hmmmm? How does that explain anything? What does the fact that whoever will commit suicide at a higher rate justify for women to allow men into their bathrooms?

Please explain, douche nozzle.

I'm thinking parents should discourage such bizarre behavior before it's too late.


^^^^^^ will commit suicide at a rate 20 times greater than their peers

How is that anyone's fault?

Ruh roh! Nutter bigot miscommunication. Bigot to bigot apologies soon to follow.

Hmmmm? How does that explain anything? What does the fact that whoever will commit suicide at a higher rate justify for women to allow men into their bathrooms?

Please explain, douche nozzle.

I'm thinking parents should discourage such bizarre behavior before it's too late.



I'm old, not Olds








Republicans feel they have a winning issue that will help Trump become President. Forcing these young people to use the Men's Room. Republicans insist they would be perfectly safe. And they if they used the Women's Room, they would sexually attack women.

They look very dangerous, don't they?
Republicans want rderp to stfu with this trolling bullshit. We promise we won't mock his sheer ignorance anymore then.

Hint: the laws aren't about them you stupid fuck
Of course it is. How could you not know that?








Republicans feel they have a winning issue that will help Trump become President. Forcing these young people to use the Men's Room. Republicans insist they would be perfectly safe. And they if they used the Women's Room, they would sexually attack women.

They look very dangerous, don't they?
Republicans want rderp to stfu with this trolling bullshit. We promise we won't mock his sheer ignorance anymore then.

Hint: the laws aren't about them you stupid fuck

Of course they are.
Funny, you and I used almost exactly the same words. How can these people support a law and not know who it targets?
Two dumbfuck trolls patting each other on the back......*shocker*
These children are boys. Odd boys, but boys nonetheless. Let them use the boys room.
Probably so. They might get raped by one of the pervs that hang out in the girl's room pretending to be a girl.
How did anyone "step in?" Please explain.
They passed laws that went against federal statutes, dummy.

Link the statutes, prove your claim.
Title nine I believe. You can look it up, it deals with gender discrimination.

Wrong, it deals with discrimination based on sex, not gender or gender identity. The dear leader is trying another one of his end runs around congress, saying it does, when there is no such language in the law. Don't believe me look it up.
Leftwing douche bags have always believed that the government can interpret laws to mean whatever they want them to mean.

Judicial interpretation of the law is a constitutionally sanctioned power.

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