"republicans" who voted to impeach Trump are nearly all gone!

Wow. So you admit you worship him. Okay.

I worship Woden and Thor. All they ask of me is that I kill my enemies or go to Valhalla trying.

Lock and load.

Everyone is always changing the world - and also to keep it stable needs energy.


Journalists once simply reported current events. Now they think it’s their job to create the news and shape current events.
Good example. Don't quit the drive-thru.

Conservative humor grows in a putrid, mental Petri dish. Conservative comedy is gestated in a marinade of racism, sexism, homophobia, ethnocentricity, and generalized fear. Fear is a really terrible place from which to grow humor. I’m not talking about neuroses — neurotic, self-effacing humor is funny. I’m talking about the fear that makes us hate and hold onto prejudice; the fear that makes us denounce and condemn. The genesis of that kind of humor is never inclusive, but always exclusive, and that’s not funny.

Conservatives can’t make fun of themselves. Much of the best humor is self-effacing. It gets its power and strength from pointing to self-perceived “weaknesses,” which actually reveal the humorist’s self-confidence, as well as likeability. Because conservatives draw from a well of fear, their humor is dreary, not droll. And they’re seldom likeable. It’s hard to laugh along with someone you don’t like.

Conservatives aren’t freaks born without a funny bone. They’re just so tight they can’t be truly clever or creative…or comedic. Because they don’t get the joke, they always fail as the jesters of our time.

Trump-backed candidates are winning all over in the primaries.

I have heard (not yet verified and may be a different figure by now?) that 80% of the fake Rs who voted to impeach him are GONE.


However.... Here we go again, as Reagan would say

notice the words in the following from this site:

Gibbs, a strong supporter of Trump’s repeated unproven claims that the 2020 presidential election was "rigged" due to "massive voter fraud," narrowly edged Meijer in Michigan’s 3rd Congressional District, on the western side of the state’s lower peninsula, a seat House Democrats view as competitive in November’s midterm elections.


to whom? It has been proven to some of us, the ones paying attention. But I guess not everyone cares about election fraud?

OK, that may seem unfair in light of the fact that last night vote fraud 2020 was mentioned on Fox, but it's interesting it was mentioned by guests of Laura Ingraham, who (my guess) likes Trump quite a bit...

She's the one who had, in the banner at the bottom of the screen "President Trump" not former president..

To make omelettes sometimes ya gotta break a few eggs...

When taking a righteous and courageous stand against a looming tyranny trying to encroach upon the body politic like a cancer, elected seats mean little...

It's ever-so-worthwhile to fall upon one's sword in the fight against lawlessness and cults of personality and the abandonment of American Democracy...

I suspect we'll see many of those who DID find the courage to speak-up in the future... worthy of all honor and the gratitude of the People and the Republic...

They will find their vindication in the future as the current Orange Madness recedes and its Führer fades into oblivion and his enablers face the damnatio ...

Lose a Congressional House or Senate seat but save the Republic? Sounds like a damned-fine trade to me.... and to vast numbers of our fellow Americans.
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Conservative humor grows in a putrid, mental Petri dish. Conservative comedy is gestated in a marinade of racism, sexism, homophobia, ethnocentricity, and generalized fear. Fear is a really terrible place from which to grow humor. I’m not talking about neuroses — neurotic, self-effacing humor is funny. I’m talking about the fear that makes us hate and hold onto prejudice; the fear that makes us denounce and condemn. The genesis of that kind of humor is never inclusive, but always exclusive, and that’s not funny.

Conservatives can’t make fun of themselves. Much of the best humor is self-effacing. It gets its power and strength from pointing to self-perceived “weaknesses,” which actually reveal the humorist’s self-confidence, as well as likeability. Because conservatives draw from a well of fear, their humor is dreary, not droll. And they’re seldom likeable. It’s hard to laugh along with someone you don’t like.

Conservatives aren’t freaks born without a funny bone. They’re just so tight they can’t be truly clever or creative…or comedic. Because they don’t get the joke, they always fail as the jesters of our time.
Your wall of text only confirms your insecurity regarding your lack of wit.
Your wall of text only confirms your insecurity regarding your lack of wit.
Sure it does buddy. You are full of insults and no debate. So let’s play insulting each other, that’s productive. You’re so poor you eat cereal with a fork to save milk.
Why do you think the Democrats threw her under the bus and failed to get behind her this week?
I don't know and don't really care. I know that Trump is a criminal and Lynn Cheney wouldn't let him slide like almost all other republicans did.
The fake Republicans support Trump.

Both McConnell and Rick Scott are saying Republicans could lose seats in the Senate due to these bad Trump backed candidates.

Democrats will likely take Meijer's seat in November.
I haven't heard about Scott

But a lot of people have gotten it wrong RE Trump and what the voters will do.

by and large Americans like Trump and people in crooked swampland don't get it... bc they can't understand why The Pepole don't want corrupt, money-grabbing pigs stealing their money and spending it on... mating habits of the fruitfly... etc
so you admit you worship the can'tFinishaSentence pervert who sniffs hair and is out to destroy the country.

The best you can do is a lie. I didn't bring up the word.

You are cultists, protecting each other and your adored one.

Damn I'm good.
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Sure it does buddy. You are full of insults and no debate. So let’s play insulting each other, that’s productive. You’re so poor you eat cereal with a fork to save milk.
i know u are but what am I?
i know you are are but what am?
I worship Woden and Thor. All they ask of me is that I kill my enemies or go to Valhalla trying.

Lock and load.
The Lincoln Project is a conservative group, which has long opposed Trump and his Republican allies. It issued a strongly worded statement late on Tuesday following the primary defeat of Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney.

Trump Republicans have largely abondoned conservative principles. The statement essentially said that the Republican Party is no longer a conservative party. It is something else entirely.

Tonight, the nation marks the end of the Republican Party. What remains shares the name and branding of the traditional GOP, but is in fact an authoritarian nationalist cult dedicated only to Donald Trump.

In 2016, Vladimir Putin helped Trump become our President.

"The [Republican] Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office." https://www.politico.com/news/2020/...rms-russia-aimed-to-help-trump-in-2016-198171

The cult members don't care. Most of the uninformed educationally challenged members don't know of Putin's role in 2016.

Putin is pleased with his choice because our nation is in turmoil as the former President is embroiled in a number of investigations. They would include White House documents, the Jan. 6 coup attempt to overthrow the elected government, civil and criminal business actions in New York, and Trump's tax returns.

The cult members don't care. Most of the uninformed educationally challenged members don't know of Trump's multiple criminal liabilities, and they don't know they are doing the bidding of the Russian dictator.

All the cult members have one thing in common. They don't know, and they don't want to know. They are not fans of reality, and, beyond the Farm Report, they rarely watch responsible news programming, believing it to be fake news because they report the difficulties faced by their cult leader, Donald Trump.

They believe. That's all they know, and that is all they want to know.

A number of reports involve Trump's many problems with the law. Trump Republicans are a no-show. They don't defend Trump. They don't support Trump.

Their support for their cult leader is based entirely on avoiding what Trump says and does.

The mystery is, why Trump? Why a man with inherited billions? Why an extreme narcissist who doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone except himself?

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