"republicans" who voted to impeach Trump are nearly all gone!

Are they really people or alien lizards?

The only people or rather things that say the lizard people do not exist are actual lizard people...

No way that senile piece of shit corrupt career politician who took showers with his teenage daughter won the presidency

Theyll be more regular folks watching for shenanigans during the general midterms

I like good news! :WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

"republicans" who voted to impeach Trump are nearly all gone!​

And we all know that it wasn't action against one man.

They were voting to punish us. They are trying to disenfranchise us. Trump is just the tool we use to wield power. They can take away one tool. We'll just get another.

We are the enemy, not Trump.
People love our true president. That's for sure.

Says an untrue narcissist about himselve and all the people who are his loyal slaves and will repeat this echo from hell before he will kill them in the one or the other way?

The simple truth is Donald Trump lost the last elections and because he is not able to lose he had to find some absurde fantasies so he is able to continue to love his lie. Trump is the sickness and not the therapy.
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And we all know that it wasn't action against one man.

They were voting to punish us. They are trying to disenfranchise us. Trump is just the tool we use to wield power. They can take away one tool. We'll just get another.

We are the enemy, not Trump.

The enemy of whom? ... Of people who don't vote for Trump?

In 2016 62,984,828 US-Americans voted for Trump (and 65,853,514 voted for Hillary Clinton). In 2020 the USA had 331,449,281 inhabitants. So Donald Trump got about 19% of all votes - and wan - 81% of all US-Americans did not vote for him. This are 265,595,767 enemies of Donald Trump in the USA.

Oh by the way: Did I ever say here in this forum that I think all human beings should have a vote - also babies and even unborn babies? 1 human being - 1 vote.
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Progs control near everything that controls people. Deplorables have begged for better representation from their leaders. There should be hundreds of Trumps elected in D.C. That will counter the Communist Progs who have near free reign.
Progs control near everything that controls people. Deplorables have begged for better representation from their leaders. There should be hundreds of Trumps elected in D.C. That will counter the Communist Progs who have near free reign.
Exactly what does your post have to do with mine? Oh yeah. Nothing. As always.

I don't know what message you think you're sending by trying that, but in reality, it tells me I nailed it. As usual.

Trump-backed candidates are winning all over in the primaries.

I have heard (not yet verified and may be a different figure by now?) that 80% of the fake Rs who voted to impeach him are GONE.


However.... Here we go again, as Reagan would say

notice the words in the following from this site:

Gibbs, a strong supporter of Trump’s repeated unproven claims that the 2020 presidential election was "rigged" due to "massive voter fraud," narrowly edged Meijer in Michigan’s 3rd Congressional District, on the western side of the state’s lower peninsula, a seat House Democrats view as competitive in November’s midterm elections.


to whom? It has been proven to some of us, the ones paying attention. But I guess not everyone cares about election fraud?

OK, that may seem unfair in light of the fact that last night vote fraud 2020 was mentioned on Fox, but it's interesting it was mentioned by guests of Laura Ingraham, who (my guess) likes Trump quite a bit...

She's the one who had, in the banner at the bottom of the screen "President Trump" not former president..


The fake Republicans support Trump.

Both McConnell and Rick Scott are saying Republicans could lose seats in the Senate due to these bad Trump backed candidates.

Democrats will likely take Meijer's seat in November.

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