"republicans" who voted to impeach Trump are nearly all gone!

Trump-backed candidates are winning all over in the primaries.

I have heard (not yet verified and may be a different figure by now?) that 80% of the fake Rs who voted to impeach him are GONE.


However.... Here we go again, as Reagan would say

notice the words in the following from this site:

Gibbs, a strong supporter of Trump’s repeated unproven claims that the 2020 presidential election was "rigged" due to "massive voter fraud," narrowly edged Meijer in Michigan’s 3rd Congressional District, on the western side of the state’s lower peninsula, a seat House Democrats view as competitive in November’s midterm elections.


to whom? It has been proven to some of us, the ones paying attention. But I guess not everyone cares about election fraud?

OK, that may seem unfair in light of the fact that last night vote fraud 2020 was mentioned on Fox, but it's interesting it was mentioned by guests of Laura Ingraham, who (my guess) likes Trump quite a bit...

She's the one who had, in the banner at the bottom of the screen "President Trump" not former president..


Actually it has become an accepted tradition to continue to refer to former presidents as President, or Mr. President after they leave office.

And now emojis. Why do you even come here if you can’t debate?
Lol. It’s an exercise in futility to debate useful idiots like yourself. You don’t think, you emote. I’m not going to argue with your feelings, retard.
Journalists once simply reported current events. Now they think it’s their job to create the news and shape current events.

That's what Donald Trump is doing. Trump was for example not even shy to try to make out of the honorable senator John McCain - a man who followed his conscience - a "loser" because he was shot down with his plane in war and had been tortured from the enemies of the USA and because he had cancer and died. In the way how the extremist supporters of Donad Trump express themselve I could say I never had seen such an unworthy piece of shit who had been president of the USA. ... Or in my own words: It's sometimes also difficult for me to see that god really loves all of his children - even the blasphemer Donald Trump who misused also the bible and a church for his violent political narcissism "divide et impera" - and that god is really able to forgive everything - but on the other side exists because of Trump and his supporters and slaves also the possibility for the whole western world to flow down the river of no return. That's everyones decision. Who denies the truth denies god - who denies god denies love and life. And when I say "deny" here then this means not that someone is an atheist or not. Also an atheist or other beliefer is able to respect love and life.

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That's by the way a very old "wrong" prejudice: Emotions and thoughts need each other. But: positive emotions are doing the same job in this context like negative emotions.
Emotions and thoughts need each other? For what?
don't get it.

It is voters' support that matters whether they are in the military or farming or truck driving or cab driving.....................
I'm sure he meant "general elections," not military generals. But I thought the same when I first saw it. I took him to mean that even if Trump wins the presidency, he'll need the military generals to ensure a peaceful transition.
Emotions and thoughts need each other? For what?

For culture and civilisation. You are not able to feel without to think and you are not not able to think without emotions. Both sides firm each other. And you give and build your form - your personality - into and in this process.
For culture and civilisation. You are not able to feel without to think and you are not not able to think without emotions. Both sides firm each other. And you give and build your form - your personality - into and in this process.
Good god, you're babbling nonsense.
Good god, you're babbling nonsense.

Do you say you did not like to understand this simple words? ... hmm ... US-Americans and fake-knowledge about psychology is an own theme what would need a log research ... Whatever ... You are what the world makes out of you - and the world is what you make out of her. And ignorance is in most countries and populations of the world a lack of the possibility to know or a simple lazyness - but in your nation and culture also often a sign of an evil intention.

Do you say you did not like to understand this simple words?
I don't say that. Nice word salad, btw.
... hmm ... US-Americans and fake-knowledge about psychology is an own theme what would need a log research ... Whatever ... You are what the world makes out of you - and the world is what you make out of her. And ignorance is in most countries and populations of the world a lack of the possibility to know or a simple lazyness - but in your nation and culture also often a sign of an evil intention.
Your English is atrocious. Are you trying to make a coherent point?
If you are not pushing conservative ideology in Congress when you were elected as a Pub….you gotta go.

We need to vote in ACTUAL conservatives.
If you are not pushing conservative ideology in Congress when you were elected as a Pub….you gotta go.

We need to vote in ACTUAL conservatives.
that video of yours is sickening...

maybe some day you will change it... although it does give even demonrats an incentive to vote R
Not more atrocious as the English of Shakespeare, I guess.
Interesting guess. Shakespeare was in a different era of civilization, though. I'd hardly call that post "Shakespearean" in its clumsy delivery.
Still you don't like to understand what I said to you.
I neither like nor dislike it, tbh.
And still you prefer to use destructive emotions for your thoughts.
I don't use any emotions for my thoughts. You're projecting. Relax.
I'm sure he meant "general elections," not military generals. But I thought the same when I first saw it. I took him to mean that even if Trump wins the presidency, he'll need the military generals to ensure a peaceful transition.
the military is mostly conservative.. or was.. Who knows how much of that stupid woke bs was adopted..

If we don't do something soon...

or is all lost anyway?

I don't want to think so obviously...........
As to thread headline:

Good. Finally. A good news headline.

"republicans" who voted to impeach Trump are nearly all gone!​

Good they are turncoats

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