Republicans: why raising taxes on the wealthy is good for the economy

No you just sore because you know I'm right.
I know you're an idiot. And stupid. And ignorant. You just proved it right there in what I quoted.
You are so transparent lol. If you found it so stupid you wouldn't waste any time in explaining why it's stupid. What are you waiting for, you degenerate?
You understand the corporate tax rate is totally unrelated to the GDP, right? There is no, zero, causal relationship.
You're such an idiot. Why else would the corporate tax rate be the highest in the world?

You really try too hard don't you? You have the maturity of a young adolescent who can't stand being wrong. You'll say anything. No wonder you're such a bigoted fucktard.
Seriously? Really?
Suriname and Angola have among the highest corporate tax rates in the world. They hardly have the highest GDP.
I havent been wrong in any discussion with you yet. You OTOH cant help yourlesf from posting the most stupid, ignorant crap you pull out of your ass. ANd then deflecting when caught on it.
Good god. You're just making shit up as you go along. Like I said. Adolescent. Do you realize how dumb it sounds comparing Angola to the US in terms of how revenue policy is created? We have the second highest. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the connection. My article makes it damn clear how important high revenue is to this economy. Part of why our GDP is so high is because of our population. A small country could never reach our level of GDP. That high population of ours also requires a sufficient revenue policy. That mean a high corporate tax rate.

Are you done yet? You're embarrassing yourself.
Simply because we can use the money to build infrastructure, fund our science programs and support the best r&d! Plus, we can pay our police better ;) The right wants something for nothing, while kissing the 1% ass.
The right is so blinded by keeping as much of their income as they can they fail to see the importance of revenue. They don't even realize it makes them mooches for not wanting to cough up money to pay for public schools, infrastructure, and our badass military.

90% of the revenue goes to provide sustenance for ticks on the ass of society.
A grand total of 70 billion is spent on food stamps per year.

When I say "sustenance" I mean everything the government gives them.
I know you're an idiot. And stupid. And ignorant. You just proved it right there in what I quoted.
You are so transparent lol. If you found it so stupid you wouldn't waste any time in explaining why it's stupid. What are you waiting for, you degenerate?
You understand the corporate tax rate is totally unrelated to the GDP, right? There is no, zero, causal relationship.
You're such an idiot. Why else would the corporate tax rate be the highest in the world?

You really try too hard don't you? You have the maturity of a young adolescent who can't stand being wrong. You'll say anything. No wonder you're such a bigoted fucktard.
Seriously? Really?
Suriname and Angola have among the highest corporate tax rates in the world. They hardly have the highest GDP.
I havent been wrong in any discussion with you yet. You OTOH cant help yourlesf from posting the most stupid, ignorant crap you pull out of your ass. ANd then deflecting when caught on it.
Good god. You're just making shit up as you go along. Like I said. Adolescent. Do you realize how dumb it sounds comparing Angola to the US in terms of how revenue policy is created? We have the second highest. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the connection. My article makes it damn clear how important high revenue is to this economy. Part of why our GDP is so high is because of our population. A small country could never reach our level of GDP. That high population of ours also requires a sufficient revenue policy. That mean a high corporate tax rate.

Are you done yet? You're embarrassing yourself.
Sorry, but the correlation between GDP and government spending is inverse. The more government spends, the lower the GDP.
Great article. All should read.

Taxing the rich is good for the economy

"One of the most pernicious economic falsehoods you'll hear during the next seven months of political campaigning is there's a necessary tradeoff between fairness and growth. By this view, if we raise taxes on the wealthy the economy can't grow as fast.

Wrong. Taxes were far higher on top incomes in the three decades after World War II than they've been since. And the distribution of income was far more equal. Yet the American economy grew faster in those years than it's grown since tax rates were slashed in 1981.

This wasn't a post-war aberration. Bill Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy in the 1990s, and the economy produced faster job growth and higher wages than it did after George W. Bush slashed taxes on the rich in his first term.

If you need more evidence, consider modern Germany, where taxes on the wealthy are much higher than they are here and the distribution of income is far more equal. But Germany's average annual growth has been faster than that in the United States.

You see, higher taxes on the wealthy can finance more investments in infrastructure and education, which are vital for growth and the economic prospects of the middle class.

Higher taxes on the wealthy also allow for lower taxes on the middle -- potentially restoring enough middle class purchasing power to keep the economy going."

Do liberals ever get tired of posting their favorite post hoc, ergo propter hoc fallacy?
I really don't think you understand what that fallacy means.
I think you're the one who doesn't know what it means because you just posted one.
And in this case, what difference does that discretion make?
Rabbi? Still there? It must make some major difference considering the level of importance you put on it. Are you furiously Googling so as not to lose face?
You're kidding me, right? Unlike you I dont need to Google everything. I learned it at one time.
What difference does it make? I already told you what difference it makes. Are you that stupid you can't keep track of the conversation?
Sounds like you're talking out of your ass again.

Speaking of which, how's that constipation treating you today?
Sounds like someone incapable of following the discussion, much less adding anything, much less refuting anything I write.
I have no problem following cogent, mature adults. (That's not you.). Maybe if you could manage to carry on a real conversation you could become a legend in someone else's mind besides you own. I think it would be the funniest thing in the world to see the pathetic life you must lead - free from the burden of friends.
Translation: I'm a loser idiot who can't follow a conversation.
Yeah, we know.
I know you're an idiot. And stupid. And ignorant. You just proved it right there in what I quoted.
You are so transparent lol. If you found it so stupid you wouldn't waste any time in explaining why it's stupid. What are you waiting for, you degenerate?
You understand the corporate tax rate is totally unrelated to the GDP, right? There is no, zero, causal relationship.
You're such an idiot. Why else would the corporate tax rate be the highest in the world?

You really try too hard don't you? You have the maturity of a young adolescent who can't stand being wrong. You'll say anything. No wonder you're such a bigoted fucktard.
Seriously? Really?
Suriname and Angola have among the highest corporate tax rates in the world. They hardly have the highest GDP.
I havent been wrong in any discussion with you yet. You OTOH cant help yourlesf from posting the most stupid, ignorant crap you pull out of your ass. ANd then deflecting when caught on it.
Good god. You're just making shit up as you go along. Like I said. Adolescent. Do you realize how dumb it sounds comparing Angola to the US in terms of how revenue policy is created? We have the second highest. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the connection. My article makes it damn clear how important high revenue is to this economy. Part of why our GDP is so high is because of our population. A small country could never reach our level of GDP. That high population of ours also requires a sufficient revenue policy. That mean a high corporate tax rate.

Are you done yet? You're embarrassing yourself.
OMG The Stupid! IT Hurts!
Are you disputing that Suriname and Angola have higher tax rates? Or do you think they have higher GDP? Or do you think a high corporate tax rate translates into high revenue (whatever that is) or high GDP? OR what exactly do you think? Do you even? Or do you just spew shit that sounds reasonable to you?
The truth is you have zero idea about 90% of what you post. You are a joke.
They are not subsidizing Wal-Mart. They are subsidizing people they would be supporting anyway, Wal-Mart is just reducing the government's costs a bit.

Yes they make billions a year off the labor, but tax payers should help pay for them. You are a good communist.

That's the advantage of owning a company. try it sometime.

Again, the taxpayers would be helping these people anyway. Life sucks sometimes.

I get it, you are a communist. You want people to be dependent on the government and I dont. I see people making billions off labor that is subsidized by tax payers and think that is bad. You like big government and taxes.

People are dependent on government because they refuse to take responsibility for themselves.

Sorry but if you're still making MW after years on a job that's your own fault

Sure they have a job and are helping make the waltons billions, but it's their fault. This is what happens in communism. You have the very rich and the very poor nothing inbetween.

The guy stuffing junk into a plastic bag is not making millions for the company.

A grocery bagger is not making millions for the grocery chain

The people who make the money for retail stores are the buyers who make deals for merchandise and the people in charge of the logistics of getting that merchandise to the retail outlets.

If you want to make money in retail you don't stay a cashier or a bag boy for the duration of your career
Why should the rich pay so little? At a time when infrastructure is going to crap, our educational system is falling apart and we're losing ground in science. You support doing nothing.

I've come to the conclusion that the super rich are nothing more than traitors and parasites on our society if this is what they wish for it.

Do you really think I am stupid? One thing has nothing to do with another.

I am simply saying that a stock boy at walmart is a job for a child who can legally work. You do not need experience and maturity to succeed at it. Thus why they are minimum wage jobs.

I don't believe children can collect welfare. They are the largest employer in the country. And they are making billions. Tax payers should not subsidize their workforce.
either you have a reading comprehension issue, you are intentionally diverting from my point, or I am not articulating my point properly.
Lets assume the latter.
Those jobs are not for adults. They are for 16 year olds...they are for college students who need a part time job for beer money.....
The issue is that 35 year old fathers of 4 are taking those jobs.

Don't blame the waltons for that.

So the largest employer in the country has jobs for children only? Maybe we do need to nationalize Walmart, you communists might be right.
actually, the minimum wage jobs ARE for children. The waltons pay their supervisors and managers very nice salaries because they need adults for those jobs.

Pay attention....I described earlier the career path in retail.

So the largest employer in the country requires the government subsidize wages while the owners make billions.

Walmart is not being subsidized.

The people who refuse to do what it takes to pay their own bills are being subsidized.

If one MW wage job is not enough to pay your bills you have the option of getting a second job or improving your skill set or learning a new skill set so as to get a better paying job.

That's the way it works. People who refuse to do this are the ones that deserve your contempt
Higher taxes on the wealthy promote the wealthy to invest in higher risk investments to meet their financial goals, which tend to be job creating growth investments. Given lower taxes, wealthy people will tend toward low risk investments, which tend to be in more stagnant non-growth industries.
So more ham handed social engineering.

It's none of your business where a person invests his money is it?
Yes they make billions a year off the labor, but tax payers should help pay for them. You are a good communist.

That's the advantage of owning a company. try it sometime.

Again, the taxpayers would be helping these people anyway. Life sucks sometimes.

I get it, you are a communist. You want people to be dependent on the government and I dont. I see people making billions off labor that is subsidized by tax payers and think that is bad. You like big government and taxes.

People are dependent on government because they refuse to take responsibility for themselves.

Sorry but if you're still making MW after years on a job that's your own fault

Sure they have a job and are helping make the waltons billions, but it's their fault. This is what happens in communism. You have the very rich and the very poor nothing inbetween.

The guy stuffing junk into a plastic bag is not making millions for the company.

A grocery bagger is not making millions for the grocery chain

The people who make the money for retail stores are the buyers who make deals for merchandise and the people in charge of the logistics of getting that merchandise to the retail outlets.

If you want to make money in retail you don't stay a cashier or a bag boy for the duration of your career

Nor am I expecting them to make millions, just enough to not collect welfare. The waltons are making billions each year off these people so they obviously have value. I don't want them collecting welfare and prefer Walmart pays them enough. Do you like some of the others on here prefer they collect welfare and grow the size of government? Do you prefer the Waltons make billions while government dependance grows? Are you a communist like the others?
Why should the rich pay so little? At a time when infrastructure is going to crap, our educational system is falling apart and we're losing ground in science. You support doing nothing.

I've come to the conclusion that the super rich are nothing more than traitors and parasites on our society if this is what they wish for it.
I don't believe children can collect welfare. They are the largest employer in the country. And they are making billions. Tax payers should not subsidize their workforce.
either you have a reading comprehension issue, you are intentionally diverting from my point, or I am not articulating my point properly.
Lets assume the latter.
Those jobs are not for adults. They are for 16 year olds...they are for college students who need a part time job for beer money.....
The issue is that 35 year old fathers of 4 are taking those jobs.

Don't blame the waltons for that.

So the largest employer in the country has jobs for children only? Maybe we do need to nationalize Walmart, you communists might be right.
actually, the minimum wage jobs ARE for children. The waltons pay their supervisors and managers very nice salaries because they need adults for those jobs.

Pay attention....I described earlier the career path in retail.

So the largest employer in the country requires the government subsidize wages while the owners make billions.

Walmart is not being subsidized.

The people who refuse to do what it takes to pay their own bills are being subsidized.

If one MW wage job is not enough to pay your bills you have the option of getting a second job or improving your skill set or learning a new skill set so as to get a better paying job.

That's the way it works. People who refuse to do this are the ones that deserve your contempt

So even though they have a job, you still want them on welfare? Interesting.
That's the advantage of owning a company. try it sometime.

Again, the taxpayers would be helping these people anyway. Life sucks sometimes.

I get it, you are a communist. You want people to be dependent on the government and I dont. I see people making billions off labor that is subsidized by tax payers and think that is bad. You like big government and taxes.

People are dependent on government because they refuse to take responsibility for themselves.

Sorry but if you're still making MW after years on a job that's your own fault

Sure they have a job and are helping make the waltons billions, but it's their fault. This is what happens in communism. You have the very rich and the very poor nothing inbetween.

The guy stuffing junk into a plastic bag is not making millions for the company.

A grocery bagger is not making millions for the grocery chain

The people who make the money for retail stores are the buyers who make deals for merchandise and the people in charge of the logistics of getting that merchandise to the retail outlets.

If you want to make money in retail you don't stay a cashier or a bag boy for the duration of your career

Nor am I expecting them to make millions, just enough to not collect welfare. The waltons are making billions each year off these people so they obviously have value. I don't want them collecting welfare and prefer Walmart pays them enough. Do you like some of the others on here prefer they collect welfare and grow the size of government? Do you prefer the Waltons make billions while government dependance grows? Are you a communist like the others?

Government dependence has grown because it's easier than ever to get on the dole.

Make it harder to suck on the government tit and people will be forced be responsible for themselves which iswhat they should have been doing all along
Why should the rich pay so little? At a time when infrastructure is going to crap, our educational system is falling apart and we're losing ground in science. You support doing nothing.

I've come to the conclusion that the super rich are nothing more than traitors and parasites on our society if this is what they wish for it.
either you have a reading comprehension issue, you are intentionally diverting from my point, or I am not articulating my point properly.
Lets assume the latter.
Those jobs are not for adults. They are for 16 year olds...they are for college students who need a part time job for beer money.....
The issue is that 35 year old fathers of 4 are taking those jobs.

Don't blame the waltons for that.

So the largest employer in the country has jobs for children only? Maybe we do need to nationalize Walmart, you communists might be right.
actually, the minimum wage jobs ARE for children. The waltons pay their supervisors and managers very nice salaries because they need adults for those jobs.

Pay attention....I described earlier the career path in retail.

So the largest employer in the country requires the government subsidize wages while the owners make billions.

Walmart is not being subsidized.

The people who refuse to do what it takes to pay their own bills are being subsidized.

If one MW wage job is not enough to pay your bills you have the option of getting a second job or improving your skill set or learning a new skill set so as to get a better paying job.

That's the way it works. People who refuse to do this are the ones that deserve your contempt

So even though they have a job, you still want them on welfare? Interesting.

Where did I say that?

It's not the employers responsibility to get a person off welfare. It's the person's responsibility.

You are all for people being irresponsible.
There are limits to what people will pay.
There are also limits to what the people at the top are worth.

Set by the market, not some government asshat.

The low end is also set by the market, i.e. if you made such bad life choices that the best you can hope for is an entry level Wal Nart position, they are paying you probably MORE than you are worth right now.
Have you ever been around any of these people? Rhetorical question - of course you haven't. They belong to the old boy network where the attitude is, I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine. They collectively set their own salaries much higher than they are justified in doing.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to outsource a bunch of jobs for short term self interest. Granted, not everybody could do it - it takes a certain brand of douchebag...

Then stop bitching and form your own company with your like minded progressive yappers and do it right. Oh wait, you don't have the balls to do anything but bitch on a message board. Forget about it then.
Been there done that. Where I am now, I get to focus on what interests me most (technology) rather than having to wear 10 hats. And if the going get tough here, I know I can do it again.

I'm always curious as to what the obviously stupid people on this board who claim to be business owners do. Business must be slow for you to have over 17k posts.

I work as a Construction Manager, this is just downtime filler for me between clusterfucks, emergencies, and the myriad of online paperwork I have to fill out.
They are not subsidizing Wal-Mart. They are subsidizing people they would be supporting anyway, Wal-Mart is just reducing the government's costs a bit.

Yes they make billions a year off the labor, but tax payers should help pay for them. You are a good communist.

That's the advantage of owning a company. try it sometime.

Again, the taxpayers would be helping these people anyway. Life sucks sometimes.

I get it, you are a communist. You want people to be dependent on the government and I dont. I see people making billions off labor that is subsidized by tax payers and think that is bad. You like big government and taxes.

Just your use of the term "making X of labor' shows your Marxist background. Fail troll is still fail.

Anyone know who's Sock this is?

Interesting I want government out and you support government dependence. You are an idiot.

Keep up with the same tired rhetoric you hack.
I want smart government that regulates within a way that benefits this country. The top 1% shouldn't be stealing so much from the rest of the country...People that work hard should get what they deserve.

We should all have nice streets, bridges as well as the best standards on this planet. I am sick of losertrians dreaming of Haiti.

They are not stealing. That is nothing but socialist/commie bullshit.
Let me explain how it works in retail.....for those that are motivated....they start stocking shelves...usually at 16 years old. They graduate high school...and all the while show dedication. They do not call in sick on Mondays and Fridays...they do not count their sick days to see how they can extend their vacation days...they do not call in once a month because some distant relative who they were "very close to" died...they do not complain about "the hard work".....and then they are promoted to shift supervisor...then department supervisor....then department manager....then assistant store manager...then store manager.....that is how it is supposed to work.

But who do we see protesting their meager salaries? The 35 year old father of 4 who is still a shelf stocker because he uses all of his sick days...interestingly on Fridays and Mondays.....who had to take 10 bereavement days because ...well....his family is close.....who needs every one of his personal days because....well....his job is so demanding....

True story.

So why should tax payers pay while the Waltons make billions?

We would be paying anyway.
they do a job that a high school junior can does not take much to do a good job when stocking simply takes the ability to get to work on time.
The question is why do they take those jobs....not why the waltons don't pay them more. They don't have to pay them more. A high school junior would be thrilled to make 8 bucks an hour stocking goods on a shelf.
People not much older than high school students are sent into combat zones. Does that mean that it's not worth much?

Do you really think I am stupid? One thing has nothing to do with another.

I am simply saying that a stock boy at walmart is a job for a child who can legally work. You do not need experience and maturity to succeed at it. Thus why they are minimum wage jobs.

I don't believe children can collect welfare. They are the largest employer in the country. And they are making billions. Tax payers should not subsidize their workforce.
either you have a reading comprehension issue, you are intentionally diverting from my point, or I am not articulating my point properly.
Lets assume the latter.
Those jobs are not for adults. They are for 16 year olds...they are for college students who need a part time job for beer money.....
The issue is that 35 year old fathers of 4 are taking those jobs.

Don't blame the waltons for that.

So the largest employer in the country has jobs for children only? Maybe we do need to nationalize Walmart, you communists might be right.

ENTRY LEVEL JOBS. The people that get promoted don't have entry level jobs, and GASP!!! make more money.
Red herring fallacy. No one claims lowering any tax will always produce growth.
Libs are stupid.
You guys do it all the fucking time. Either that or take the tack on how unfair it is that some people have to pay more taxes than others.
Mere assertion fallacy.
Rabbi Rules! Chewck my sig line.
Uh huh. So refresh my memory, why is it that you think lowering taxes would be desirable?
Because lower tax rates generally create incentives to work harder and keep more of the money you make. Higher income people working harder creates opportunities for lower income people to earn more. THis is pretty elemental. Except if you're stupid.

Are you saying rich people could be more productive if we would just stop taxing them so much?

The rich are doing great you idiot! My brother just bought some property because he's sitting on cash and banks aren't giving shit. He didn't start a business or hire anyone.

On the other hand the real estate guy made a commission.

All I know is my brother doesn't work 500 x harder than his employees but he does make 500x more. They need to give some of that to his employees. Why do the ceo's and vp"'s think they deserve all the spoils.

Didn't pirate captains share their booty with their crew?

Stop crying about what's fair. What works is what you should be asking. Spread the wealth. Its not socialism. They can still make 400x or 300x more than us but 500x doesn't aork.
What is someone holding a gun to your brothers head to keep the money? Why Don't your brother be like Jesus and give his money to his Employees? ,why Don't he donate it to the IRS? Why do liberals think you can Legistrate Morrality? Who decides what a person should make, the government ?

Finally pirates knew they had to share the loot otberwise they would end up dead, we have laws against that today.
Why should the rich pay so little? At a time when infrastructure is going to crap, our educational system is falling apart and we're losing ground in science. You support doing nothing.

I've come to the conclusion that the super rich are nothing more than traitors and parasites on our society if this is what they wish for it.
So the largest employer in the country has jobs for children only? Maybe we do need to nationalize Walmart, you communists might be right.
actually, the minimum wage jobs ARE for children. The waltons pay their supervisors and managers very nice salaries because they need adults for those jobs.

Pay attention....I described earlier the career path in retail.

So the largest employer in the country requires the government subsidize wages while the owners make billions.

Walmart is not being subsidized.

The people who refuse to do what it takes to pay their own bills are being subsidized.

If one MW wage job is not enough to pay your bills you have the option of getting a second job or improving your skill set or learning a new skill set so as to get a better paying job.

That's the way it works. People who refuse to do this are the ones that deserve your contempt

So even though they have a job, you still want them on welfare? Interesting.

Where did I say that?

It's not the employers responsibility to get a person off welfare. It's the person's responsibility.

You are all for people being irresponsible.

Well you sound like thats what you are saying. The Waltons make billions each year so they could pay them enough to get off welfare. But you prefer they make billions for the waltons and remain on welfare. Sounds like you love government dependence.

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