Republicans: why raising taxes on the wealthy is good for the economy

I get it, you are a communist. You want people to be dependent on the government and I dont. I see people making billions off labor that is subsidized by tax payers and think that is bad. You like big government and taxes.

People are dependent on government because they refuse to take responsibility for themselves.

Sorry but if you're still making MW after years on a job that's your own fault

Sure they have a job and are helping make the waltons billions, but it's their fault. This is what happens in communism. You have the very rich and the very poor nothing inbetween.

The guy stuffing junk into a plastic bag is not making millions for the company.

A grocery bagger is not making millions for the grocery chain

The people who make the money for retail stores are the buyers who make deals for merchandise and the people in charge of the logistics of getting that merchandise to the retail outlets.

If you want to make money in retail you don't stay a cashier or a bag boy for the duration of your career

Nor am I expecting them to make millions, just enough to not collect welfare. The waltons are making billions each year off these people so they obviously have value. I don't want them collecting welfare and prefer Walmart pays them enough. Do you like some of the others on here prefer they collect welfare and grow the size of government? Do you prefer the Waltons make billions while government dependance grows? Are you a communist like the others?

Government dependence has grown because it's easier than ever to get on the dole.

Make it harder to suck on the government tit and people will be forced be responsible for themselves which iswhat they should have been doing all along

Progressives are shocked when they provide for people who make mistakes in life, and then MORE people keep making the same mistake.

When the government pays for a behavior, it encourages it.
Wrong. Taxes were far higher on top incomes in the three decades after World War II than they've been since

Effective rates were not higher, Skippy. You don't know what that means do you?

So as we keep growing government, economic growth slows. Obviously the problem is we aren't taxing the rich enough...
Let me explain how it works in retail.....for those that are motivated....they start stocking shelves...usually at 16 years old. They graduate high school...and all the while show dedication. They do not call in sick on Mondays and Fridays...they do not count their sick days to see how they can extend their vacation days...they do not call in once a month because some distant relative who they were "very close to" died...they do not complain about "the hard work".....and then they are promoted to shift supervisor...then department supervisor....then department manager....then assistant store manager...then store manager.....that is how it is supposed to work.

But who do we see protesting their meager salaries? The 35 year old father of 4 who is still a shelf stocker because he uses all of his sick days...interestingly on Fridays and Mondays.....who had to take 10 bereavement days because ...well....his family is close.....who needs every one of his personal days because....well....his job is so demanding....

True story.

So why should tax payers pay while the Waltons make billions?

We would be paying anyway.

Would we? Or would there be some other company that takes Walmarts place and pays more? Why should the Waltons make billions off tax subsidized workers?
People are dependent on government because they refuse to take responsibility for themselves.

Sorry but if you're still making MW after years on a job that's your own fault

Sure they have a job and are helping make the waltons billions, but it's their fault. This is what happens in communism. You have the very rich and the very poor nothing inbetween.

The guy stuffing junk into a plastic bag is not making millions for the company.

A grocery bagger is not making millions for the grocery chain

The people who make the money for retail stores are the buyers who make deals for merchandise and the people in charge of the logistics of getting that merchandise to the retail outlets.

If you want to make money in retail you don't stay a cashier or a bag boy for the duration of your career

Nor am I expecting them to make millions, just enough to not collect welfare. The waltons are making billions each year off these people so they obviously have value. I don't want them collecting welfare and prefer Walmart pays them enough. Do you like some of the others on here prefer they collect welfare and grow the size of government? Do you prefer the Waltons make billions while government dependance grows? Are you a communist like the others?

Government dependence has grown because it's easier than ever to get on the dole.

Make it harder to suck on the government tit and people will be forced be responsible for themselves which iswhat they should have been doing all along

Progressives are shocked when they provide for people who make mistakes in life, and then MORE people keep making the same mistake.

When the government pays for a behavior, it encourages it.

And I am shocked that the Waltons are so greedy that they make billions and pay workers so little they are on welfare. I'm shocked that so many of you are communist and prefer the government pays the workers rather than the billionaire waltons.
Let me explain how it works in retail.....for those that are motivated....they start stocking shelves...usually at 16 years old. They graduate high school...and all the while show dedication. They do not call in sick on Mondays and Fridays...they do not count their sick days to see how they can extend their vacation days...they do not call in once a month because some distant relative who they were "very close to" died...they do not complain about "the hard work".....and then they are promoted to shift supervisor...then department supervisor....then department manager....then assistant store manager...then store manager.....that is how it is supposed to work.

But who do we see protesting their meager salaries? The 35 year old father of 4 who is still a shelf stocker because he uses all of his sick days...interestingly on Fridays and Mondays.....who had to take 10 bereavement days because ...well....his family is close.....who needs every one of his personal days because....well....his job is so demanding....

True story.

So why should tax payers pay while the Waltons make billions?

We would be paying anyway.

Would we? Or would there be some other company that takes Walmarts place and pays more? Why should the Waltons make billions off tax subsidized workers?

They don't. They make it off selling stuff.

The Waltons do more to attempt to get people out of low paying jobs than any government program out there.
I get it, you are a communist. You want people to be dependent on the government and I dont. I see people making billions off labor that is subsidized by tax payers and think that is bad. You like big government and taxes.

People are dependent on government because they refuse to take responsibility for themselves.

Sorry but if you're still making MW after years on a job that's your own fault

Sure they have a job and are helping make the waltons billions, but it's their fault. This is what happens in communism. You have the very rich and the very poor nothing inbetween.

The guy stuffing junk into a plastic bag is not making millions for the company.

A grocery bagger is not making millions for the grocery chain

The people who make the money for retail stores are the buyers who make deals for merchandise and the people in charge of the logistics of getting that merchandise to the retail outlets.

If you want to make money in retail you don't stay a cashier or a bag boy for the duration of your career

Nor am I expecting them to make millions, just enough to not collect welfare. The waltons are making billions each year off these people so they obviously have value. I don't want them collecting welfare and prefer Walmart pays them enough. Do you like some of the others on here prefer they collect welfare and grow the size of government? Do you prefer the Waltons make billions while government dependance grows? Are you a communist like the others?

Government dependence has grown because it's easier than ever to get on the dole.

Make it harder to suck on the government tit and people will be forced be responsible for themselves which iswhat they should have been doing all along

Look at the numbers, you need to be really poor to collect. I have looked at it.
Sure they have a job and are helping make the waltons billions, but it's their fault. This is what happens in communism. You have the very rich and the very poor nothing inbetween.

The guy stuffing junk into a plastic bag is not making millions for the company.

A grocery bagger is not making millions for the grocery chain

The people who make the money for retail stores are the buyers who make deals for merchandise and the people in charge of the logistics of getting that merchandise to the retail outlets.

If you want to make money in retail you don't stay a cashier or a bag boy for the duration of your career

Nor am I expecting them to make millions, just enough to not collect welfare. The waltons are making billions each year off these people so they obviously have value. I don't want them collecting welfare and prefer Walmart pays them enough. Do you like some of the others on here prefer they collect welfare and grow the size of government? Do you prefer the Waltons make billions while government dependance grows? Are you a communist like the others?

Government dependence has grown because it's easier than ever to get on the dole.

Make it harder to suck on the government tit and people will be forced be responsible for themselves which iswhat they should have been doing all along

Progressives are shocked when they provide for people who make mistakes in life, and then MORE people keep making the same mistake.

When the government pays for a behavior, it encourages it.

And I am shocked that the Waltons are so greedy that they make billions and pay workers so little they are on welfare. I'm shocked that so many of you are communist and prefer the government pays the workers rather than the billionaire waltons.

Envy is and ugly thing, and you are full of it.

You are also full of bullshit, so you have that going for you as well.
Let me explain how it works in retail.....for those that are motivated....they start stocking shelves...usually at 16 years old. They graduate high school...and all the while show dedication. They do not call in sick on Mondays and Fridays...they do not count their sick days to see how they can extend their vacation days...they do not call in once a month because some distant relative who they were "very close to" died...they do not complain about "the hard work".....and then they are promoted to shift supervisor...then department supervisor....then department manager....then assistant store manager...then store manager.....that is how it is supposed to work.

But who do we see protesting their meager salaries? The 35 year old father of 4 who is still a shelf stocker because he uses all of his sick days...interestingly on Fridays and Mondays.....who had to take 10 bereavement days because ...well....his family is close.....who needs every one of his personal days because....well....his job is so demanding....

True story.

So why should tax payers pay while the Waltons make billions?

We would be paying anyway.

Would we? Or would there be some other company that takes Walmarts place and pays more? Why should the Waltons make billions off tax subsidized workers?

They don't. They make it off selling stuff.

The Waltons do more to attempt to get people out of low paying jobs than any government program out there.

Yes they could pay more and take a lot of people off welfare, but they don't. Instead they make their billions and let the tax payers cover the difference.
Let me explain how it works in retail.....for those that are motivated....they start stocking shelves...usually at 16 years old. They graduate high school...and all the while show dedication. They do not call in sick on Mondays and Fridays...they do not count their sick days to see how they can extend their vacation days...they do not call in once a month because some distant relative who they were "very close to" died...they do not complain about "the hard work".....and then they are promoted to shift supervisor...then department supervisor....then department manager....then assistant store manager...then store manager.....that is how it is supposed to work.

But who do we see protesting their meager salaries? The 35 year old father of 4 who is still a shelf stocker because he uses all of his sick days...interestingly on Fridays and Mondays.....who had to take 10 bereavement days because ...well....his family is close.....who needs every one of his personal days because....well....his job is so demanding....

True story.

So why should tax payers pay while the Waltons make billions?

We would be paying anyway.

Would we? Or would there be some other company that takes Walmarts place and pays more? Why should the Waltons make billions off tax subsidized workers?

So if they take the jobs at Walmart, that means they can't make more. So if Walmart doesn't hire them, how are they going to live at all? You really hate low end workers, you want to deny them employment entirely.
The guy stuffing junk into a plastic bag is not making millions for the company.

A grocery bagger is not making millions for the grocery chain

The people who make the money for retail stores are the buyers who make deals for merchandise and the people in charge of the logistics of getting that merchandise to the retail outlets.

If you want to make money in retail you don't stay a cashier or a bag boy for the duration of your career

Nor am I expecting them to make millions, just enough to not collect welfare. The waltons are making billions each year off these people so they obviously have value. I don't want them collecting welfare and prefer Walmart pays them enough. Do you like some of the others on here prefer they collect welfare and grow the size of government? Do you prefer the Waltons make billions while government dependance grows? Are you a communist like the others?

Government dependence has grown because it's easier than ever to get on the dole.

Make it harder to suck on the government tit and people will be forced be responsible for themselves which iswhat they should have been doing all along

Progressives are shocked when they provide for people who make mistakes in life, and then MORE people keep making the same mistake.

When the government pays for a behavior, it encourages it.

And I am shocked that the Waltons are so greedy that they make billions and pay workers so little they are on welfare. I'm shocked that so many of you are communist and prefer the government pays the workers rather than the billionaire waltons.

Envy is and ugly thing, and you are full of it.

You are also full of bullshit, so you have that going for you as well.

Envy is being a real fiscal conservative? I had no idea. Sorry I'm not a communist like you, but government dependence isn't good.
Let me explain how it works in retail.....for those that are motivated....they start stocking shelves...usually at 16 years old. They graduate high school...and all the while show dedication. They do not call in sick on Mondays and Fridays...they do not count their sick days to see how they can extend their vacation days...they do not call in once a month because some distant relative who they were "very close to" died...they do not complain about "the hard work".....and then they are promoted to shift supervisor...then department supervisor....then department manager....then assistant store manager...then store manager.....that is how it is supposed to work.

But who do we see protesting their meager salaries? The 35 year old father of 4 who is still a shelf stocker because he uses all of his sick days...interestingly on Fridays and Mondays.....who had to take 10 bereavement days because ...well....his family is close.....who needs every one of his personal days because....well....his job is so demanding....

True story.

So why should tax payers pay while the Waltons make billions?

We would be paying anyway.

Would we? Or would there be some other company that takes Walmarts place and pays more? Why should the Waltons make billions off tax subsidized workers?

They don't. They make it off selling stuff.

The Waltons do more to attempt to get people out of low paying jobs than any government program out there.

Yes they could pay more and take a lot of people off welfare, but they don't. Instead they make their billions and let the tax payers cover the difference.

No, they provide work for people who would be on welfare anyway, and lower the cost of government support by giving them a wage.
Let me explain how it works in retail.....for those that are motivated....they start stocking shelves...usually at 16 years old. They graduate high school...and all the while show dedication. They do not call in sick on Mondays and Fridays...they do not count their sick days to see how they can extend their vacation days...they do not call in once a month because some distant relative who they were "very close to" died...they do not complain about "the hard work".....and then they are promoted to shift supervisor...then department supervisor....then department manager....then assistant store manager...then store manager.....that is how it is supposed to work.

But who do we see protesting their meager salaries? The 35 year old father of 4 who is still a shelf stocker because he uses all of his sick days...interestingly on Fridays and Mondays.....who had to take 10 bereavement days because ...well....his family is close.....who needs every one of his personal days because....well....his job is so demanding....

True story.

So why should tax payers pay while the Waltons make billions?

We would be paying anyway.

Would we? Or would there be some other company that takes Walmarts place and pays more? Why should the Waltons make billions off tax subsidized workers?

So if they take the jobs at Walmart, that means they can't make more. So if Walmart doesn't hire them, how are they going to live at all? You really hate low end workers, you want to deny them employment entirely.

If walmart doesn't hire them the Waltons make no money.
So why should tax payers pay while the Waltons make billions?

We would be paying anyway.

Would we? Or would there be some other company that takes Walmarts place and pays more? Why should the Waltons make billions off tax subsidized workers?

They don't. They make it off selling stuff.

The Waltons do more to attempt to get people out of low paying jobs than any government program out there.

Yes they could pay more and take a lot of people off welfare, but they don't. Instead they make their billions and let the tax payers cover the difference.

No, they provide work for people who would be on welfare anyway, and lower the cost of government support by giving them a wage.

They can't make their billions without them. Do you really not get that?
Let me explain how it works in retail.....for those that are motivated....they start stocking shelves...usually at 16 years old. They graduate high school...and all the while show dedication. They do not call in sick on Mondays and Fridays...they do not count their sick days to see how they can extend their vacation days...they do not call in once a month because some distant relative who they were "very close to" died...they do not complain about "the hard work".....and then they are promoted to shift supervisor...then department supervisor....then department manager....then assistant store manager...then store manager.....that is how it is supposed to work.

But who do we see protesting their meager salaries? The 35 year old father of 4 who is still a shelf stocker because he uses all of his sick days...interestingly on Fridays and Mondays.....who had to take 10 bereavement days because ...well....his family is close.....who needs every one of his personal days because....well....his job is so demanding....

True story.

So why should tax payers pay while the Waltons make billions?

We would be paying anyway.

Would we? Or would there be some other company that takes Walmarts place and pays more? Why should the Waltons make billions off tax subsidized workers?

They don't. They make it off selling stuff.

The Waltons do more to attempt to get people out of low paying jobs than any government program out there.

Yes they could pay more and take a lot of people off welfare, but they don't. Instead they make their billions and let the tax payers cover the difference.

If they paid more they would hire better employees and the ones they have now would have no job. Typical heartless bastard of a liberal. You make choices over the lives of others using someone else's money and smugly pat yourself on the back while they pay the price for your arrogance.
We would be paying anyway.

Would we? Or would there be some other company that takes Walmarts place and pays more? Why should the Waltons make billions off tax subsidized workers?

They don't. They make it off selling stuff.

The Waltons do more to attempt to get people out of low paying jobs than any government program out there.

Yes they could pay more and take a lot of people off welfare, but they don't. Instead they make their billions and let the tax payers cover the difference.

No, they provide work for people who would be on welfare anyway, and lower the cost of government support by giving them a wage.

They can't make their billions without them. Do you really not get that?

And those people cannot get a stepping stone job without the Waltons.
You really are a fucking oxygen stealing moron, aren't ya?
Let me explain how it works in retail.....for those that are motivated....they start stocking shelves...usually at 16 years old. They graduate high school...and all the while show dedication. They do not call in sick on Mondays and Fridays...they do not count their sick days to see how they can extend their vacation days...they do not call in once a month because some distant relative who they were "very close to" died...they do not complain about "the hard work".....and then they are promoted to shift supervisor...then department supervisor....then department manager....then assistant store manager...then store manager.....that is how it is supposed to work.

But who do we see protesting their meager salaries? The 35 year old father of 4 who is still a shelf stocker because he uses all of his sick days...interestingly on Fridays and Mondays.....who had to take 10 bereavement days because ...well....his family is close.....who needs every one of his personal days because....well....his job is so demanding....

True story.

So why should tax payers pay while the Waltons make billions?

We would be paying anyway.

Would we? Or would there be some other company that takes Walmarts place and pays more? Why should the Waltons make billions off tax subsidized workers?

So if they take the jobs at Walmart, that means they can't make more. So if Walmart doesn't hire them, how are they going to live at all? You really hate low end workers, you want to deny them employment entirely.

If walmart doesn't hire them the Waltons make no money.

No, the Waltons would hire people worth whatever your arbitrary minimum wage is and the ones they hire now would have no job and you would have not been the one who pays the price for your arrogance.
So why should tax payers pay while the Waltons make billions?

We would be paying anyway.

Would we? Or would there be some other company that takes Walmarts place and pays more? Why should the Waltons make billions off tax subsidized workers?

They don't. They make it off selling stuff.

The Waltons do more to attempt to get people out of low paying jobs than any government program out there.

Yes they could pay more and take a lot of people off welfare, but they don't. Instead they make their billions and let the tax payers cover the difference.

If they paid more they would hire better employees and the ones they have now would have no job. Typical heartless bastard of a liberal. You make choices over the lives of others using someone else's money and smugly pat yourself on the back while they pay the price for your arrogance.

You are arguing for government dependence and calling me a liberal? You must be joking right?
So why should tax payers pay while the Waltons make billions?

We would be paying anyway.

Would we? Or would there be some other company that takes Walmarts place and pays more? Why should the Waltons make billions off tax subsidized workers?

They don't. They make it off selling stuff.

The Waltons do more to attempt to get people out of low paying jobs than any government program out there.

Yes they could pay more and take a lot of people off welfare, but they don't. Instead they make their billions and let the tax payers cover the difference.

If they paid more they would hire better employees and the ones they have now would have no job. Typical heartless bastard of a liberal. You make choices over the lives of others using someone else's money and smugly pat yourself on the back while they pay the price for your arrogance.

They never realize this one. Or the other one where sooner or later its cheaper to replace the workers with automation.

Paying someone $15 an hour for labor only worth $5 an hour is a losing proposition.
So why should tax payers pay while the Waltons make billions?

We would be paying anyway.

Would we? Or would there be some other company that takes Walmarts place and pays more? Why should the Waltons make billions off tax subsidized workers?

So if they take the jobs at Walmart, that means they can't make more. So if Walmart doesn't hire them, how are they going to live at all? You really hate low end workers, you want to deny them employment entirely.

If walmart doesn't hire them the Waltons make no money.

No, the Waltons would hire people worth whatever your arbitrary minimum wage is and the ones they hire now would have no job and you would have not been the one who pays the price for your arrogance.

Right because making slightly more is going to just drive in the better people. Are you really this dumb?
Sure they have a job and are helping make the waltons billions, but it's their fault. This is what happens in communism. You have the very rich and the very poor nothing inbetween.

The guy stuffing junk into a plastic bag is not making millions for the company.

A grocery bagger is not making millions for the grocery chain

The people who make the money for retail stores are the buyers who make deals for merchandise and the people in charge of the logistics of getting that merchandise to the retail outlets.

If you want to make money in retail you don't stay a cashier or a bag boy for the duration of your career

Nor am I expecting them to make millions, just enough to not collect welfare. The waltons are making billions each year off these people so they obviously have value. I don't want them collecting welfare and prefer Walmart pays them enough. Do you like some of the others on here prefer they collect welfare and grow the size of government? Do you prefer the Waltons make billions while government dependance grows? Are you a communist like the others?

Government dependence has grown because it's easier than ever to get on the dole.

Make it harder to suck on the government tit and people will be forced be responsible for themselves which iswhat they should have been doing all along

Progressives are shocked when they provide for people who make mistakes in life, and then MORE people keep making the same mistake.

When the government pays for a behavior, it encourages it.

And I am shocked that the Waltons are so greedy that they make billions and pay workers so little they are on welfare. I'm shocked that so many of you are communist and prefer the government pays the workers rather than the billionaire waltons.
Companies just collect taxes fool. Dont shop there, Don't vote for democrats who make it so easy for people to get entitlements they Wouldn't work for Walmart

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