Republicans: why raising taxes on the wealthy is good for the economy

We argued this in 2008. Stop defending the criminal mortgage and bankers and GOP. Next you'll bring up Freddy and fanny.

None of those people were forced to sign a mortgage they couldn't afford.

The only time and I repeat the only time one should refinance a mortgage is to shorten the term and lower the rate.
Who knew, not solving the underlying problem of poverty in our republic would have such dire consequences, especially when the right prefers to practice their socialism with more government programs...blah...blah...blah, instead of actual solutions through recourse to our Commerce Clause. long has the left been waging war against poverty?

Is it at all possible that your "commonsense ideas" are not working?
They worked for 50 years then you sent all the jobs overseas stupid.
Maybe, policies public helped, but that is no excuse for Yankees not being Ingenious. There is no excuse for our private sector to not innovate regardless of which political faction is in power.
Add in the Paris peace Accords and Wilson's Universal RIghts of Man and you might have something
We argued this in 2008. Stop defending the criminal mortgage and bankers and GOP. Next you'll bring up Freddy and fanny.

None of those people were forced to sign a mortgage they couldn't afford.

The only time and I repeat the only time one should refinance a mortgage is to shorten the term and lower the rate.
Who knew, not solving the underlying problem of poverty in our republic would have such dire consequences, especially when the right prefers to practice their socialism with more government programs...blah...blah...blah, instead of actual solutions through recourse to our Commerce Clause.

the government can't make people make better financial choices
They can regulate the banks and mortgage companies though. Bush deregulated them and look what happened.

Bush deregulated them

Prove it.
This has been so debunked it is amazig anyone can write it seriously.
When you use the term, innovate; you don't seem to be referring to advancing those useful Arts which enable persons to produce and transport goods and services at potentially lower cost. What you seem to be saying in this case and alternative, is that the private sector cannot get bailed out fast enough by the public sector, instead of innovating better complementary transportation technologies.

How about this?

No government bailouts, subsidies, welfare or entitlements. No taking money from one person and giving to another.

Since these massive government funded projects come to an end then return the money that they cost to the taxpayers.

Reduce government regulations to the bare minimal.

Watch the economy grow.
When you use the term, innovate; you don't seem to be referring to advancing those useful Arts which enable persons to produce and transport goods and services at potentially lower cost. What you seem to be saying in this case and alternative, is that the private sector cannot get bailed out fast enough by the public sector, instead of innovating better complementary transportation technologies.

How about this?

No government bailouts, subsidies, welfare or entitlements. No taking money from one person and giving to another.

Since these massive government funded projects come to an end then return the money that they cost to the taxpayers.

Reduce government regulations to the bare minimal.

Watch the economy grow.
Nah. You just want to throw grandma off a cliff and starve little chidlren.
One of the fears the framers had of democracy was the fear that the mass of people through their vote power would elect reps that voted goodies only for them. That has not come to pass. Congress seems more afraid of the large business interests than the voting power of the people. As America grew more democratic the framers fear of democracy has not seemed to take place. If true, wonder why that is? In short, why do so many poor people vote Republican?
One of the fears the framers had of democracy was the fear that the mass of people through their vote power would elect reps that voted goodies only for them. That has not come to pass. Congress seems more afraid of the large business interests than the voting power of the people. As America grew more democratic the framers fear of democracy has not seemed to take place. If true, wonder why that is? In short, why do so many poor people vote Republican?
You're kidding, right? Transfer payments and entitlement spending are the biggest items in the federal budget. They far exceed defense spending, which si a legitimate purpose of government.
One of the fears the framers had of democracy was the fear that the mass of people through their vote power would elect reps that voted goodies only for them. That has not come to pass. Congress seems more afraid of the large business interests than the voting power of the people. As America grew more democratic the framers fear of democracy has not seemed to take place. If true, wonder why that is? In short, why do so many poor people vote Republican?

What do you mean "not to come to pass"????

That is exactly what has happen with the election of Obama. The welfare queens and the greedy unions got together with other despicable minority special interest groups and elected Obama who promised to raid the Treasury for them and he did.

That 60+ million that voted for Obama did it out of greed and that was the fundamental change Obama was talking about. Now the majority (really only a plurality) had the numbers to raid the Treasury.
I'd like to get what I lost in the stock market back when the banks fucked us. And since the value of my home went down $40K, I'd like that taken off what I fucking owe!

Bank of America fined 1.3B for bad mortgages

Bank of America fined $1.3B for bad mortgages

I'd like to get what I lost in the stock market back when the banks fucked us.

I got mine back a couple of years ago.

And since the value of my home went down $40K, I'd like that taken off what I fucking owe!

That's a great idea! I'm sure some of the deadbeat borrowers who defaulted on their loans can scrape that together for you. Let me know how it goes.

They lost their homes and the banks made a fortune. Fuck you douche bag
And why did they lose their homes?

Could it be because they bought homes they could barely afford on an ARM ?

Could it be they remortgaged their homes multiple times as the values were artificially inflated so as to buy more crap they couldn't afford??

We argued this in 2008. Stop defending the criminal mortgage and bankers and GOP. Next you'll bring up Freddy and fanny.
What was criminal about what they did? Who went to jail? Where are the charges?
More tlaking points debunked last Ice Age.
They should be charged with gross negligence and criminal incompetence for constructing such a fragile house of cards. They should be charged with fraud for claiming that it was sound and robust. And they should be charged with collusion for gaming the system and then covering each others backs.
And why did they lose their homes?

Could it be because they bought homes they could barely afford on an ARM ?

Could it be they remortgaged their homes multiple times as the values were artificially inflated so as to buy more crap they couldn't afford??

We argued this in 2008. Stop defending the criminal mortgage and bankers and GOP. Next you'll bring up Freddy and fanny.

None of those people were forced to sign a mortgage they couldn't afford.

The only time and I repeat the only time one should refinance a mortgage is to shorten the term and lower the rate.
Who knew, not solving the underlying problem of poverty in our republic would have such dire consequences, especially when the right prefers to practice their socialism with more government programs...blah...blah...blah, instead of actual solutions through recourse to our Commerce Clause.

the government can't make people make better financial choices
They can regulate the banks and mortgage companies though. Bush deregulated them and look what happened.

The people who signed their names on the dotted line are the only ones responsible.

If you were stupid enough to max yourself out on a mortgage it's no one's fault but your own.

It's not the bank's fault
It's not Bush's fault

It's your fault
I have always wondered how one who is not a 1%er becomes a defender and apologist for the 1%.
Some people aren't jealous of those who have more than them
So you defend those that MILLIONS a year at least because those that don't make enough without getting FS,TANF,Medicaid are jealous? Wow....special kind of stupid aren't we. How about standing up and defending the right of ALL people having the right to a livable wage? Don't ya just love how all the Walton heirs only make their millions because of their granddaddy or uncle or etc was? They didn't do shit to earn it...Man republicans are a special kind of let me know the next time some rich piece of shit does something for you.

Hey I don't give a shit what some other guy makes.

It has absolutely nothing to do with what I make.

If you worried about your own finances as you do the rich you might find that you will be richer yourself

And I have yet to see the right to a "livable wage" whatever that is in the constitution.

You and you alone are responsible for what you earn
I have always wondered how one who is not a 1%er becomes a defender and apologist for the 1%.
Some people aren't jealous of those who have more than them
So you defend those that MILLIONS a year at least because those that don't make enough without getting FS,TANF,Medicaid are jealous? Wow....special kind of stupid aren't we. How about standing up and defending the right of ALL people having the right to a livable wage? Don't ya just love how all the Walton heirs only make their millions because of their granddaddy or uncle or etc was? They didn't do shit to earn it...Man republicans are a special kind of let me know the next time some rich piece of shit does something for you.

Hey I don't give a shit what some other guy makes.

It has absolutely nothing to do with what I make.

If you worried about your own finances as you do the rich you might find that you will be richer yourself

And I have yet to see the right to a "livable wage" whatever that is in the constitution.

You and you alone are responsible for what you earn
The constitution is a joke and needs severely rewritten. It is a problem when my labor is taken for granted and I am not compensated fairly. Its why unions need to be involved in EVERY aspect of labor/jobs. If my wife had a union she wouldn't be making 9.50$ an hour while her piece of shit supervisors make more than that AND get every weekend off while my wife has to work every weekend and hasn't had a raise in the damn near year she has been at this shithole job. She works overtime,doubles,goes in on days off,never calls in etc. No raises,no praise not a damn thing but stolen labor.Same goes for EVERY worker.
The people who signed their names on the dotted line are the only ones responsible.

Yea because no one has ever been influenced by the words of a salesman. Or let their emotions get the better of their common sense in the buying process. With the help of a salesman or woman whose livelihood is wrapped up in the commission that the buyer represents. You just think that Realtor's and loan officers who work on commission just laid down and quit trying to close the sale when the buyer expressed a little remorse or concern. You think professional salespeople aren't trained to overcome objections like "I can't afford that home". That's when the professional earns his/her pay. LMAO.

Are you really so stupid that that is what you think? That the consumer can't be manipulated in the sales process? Must be or you wouldn't say stupid shit like you do.
I have always wondered how one who is not a 1%er becomes a defender and apologist for the 1%.
Some people aren't jealous of those who have more than them
So you defend those that MILLIONS a year at least because those that don't make enough without getting FS,TANF,Medicaid are jealous? Wow....special kind of stupid aren't we. How about standing up and defending the right of ALL people having the right to a livable wage? Don't ya just love how all the Walton heirs only make their millions because of their granddaddy or uncle or etc was? They didn't do shit to earn it...Man republicans are a special kind of let me know the next time some rich piece of shit does something for you.

Hey I don't give a shit what some other guy makes.

It has absolutely nothing to do with what I make.

If you worried about your own finances as you do the rich you might find that you will be richer yourself

And I have yet to see the right to a "livable wage" whatever that is in the constitution.

You and you alone are responsible for what you earn
The constitution is a joke and needs severely rewritten. It is a problem when my labor is taken for granted and I am not compensated fairly. Its why unions need to be involved in EVERY aspect of labor/jobs. If my wife had a union she wouldn't be making 9.50$ an hour while her piece of shit supervisors make more than that AND get every weekend off while my wife has to work every weekend and hasn't had a raise in the damn near year she has been at this shithole job. She works overtime,doubles,goes in on days off,never calls in etc. No raises,no praise not a damn thing but stolen labor.Same goes for EVERY worker.

You system comes with a 100% Guaranteed Fail promise

Good luck with that
I have always wondered how one who is not a 1%er becomes a defender and apologist for the 1%.
Some people aren't jealous of those who have more than them
So you defend those that MILLIONS a year at least because those that don't make enough without getting FS,TANF,Medicaid are jealous? Wow....special kind of stupid aren't we. How about standing up and defending the right of ALL people having the right to a livable wage? Don't ya just love how all the Walton heirs only make their millions because of their granddaddy or uncle or etc was? They didn't do shit to earn it...Man republicans are a special kind of let me know the next time some rich piece of shit does something for you.

Hey I don't give a shit what some other guy makes.

It has absolutely nothing to do with what I make.

If you worried about your own finances as you do the rich you might find that you will be richer yourself

And I have yet to see the right to a "livable wage" whatever that is in the constitution.

You and you alone are responsible for what you earn
The constitution is a joke and needs severely rewritten. It is a problem when my labor is taken for granted and I am not compensated fairly. Its why unions need to be involved in EVERY aspect of labor/jobs. If my wife had a union she wouldn't be making 9.50$ an hour while her piece of shit supervisors make more than that AND get every weekend off while my wife has to work every weekend and hasn't had a raise in the damn near year she has been at this shithole job. She works overtime,doubles,goes in on days off,never calls in etc. No raises,no praise not a damn thing but stolen labor.Same goes for EVERY worker.

You system comes with a 100% Guaranteed Fail promise

Good luck with that
Yet it works wonders for the rich pieces of shit robbing labor from the common man.
When the rich were taxed a lot, the US developed a middle class.

The rich pay a larger percentage of all income taxes than they did when the top rate was 91%.
So which do you prefer, a high rate or more dollars collected?

The rich have always been taxed a lot. However, when the tax rates were higher than they are now the relative government revenues were smaller. That is one of the main reasons why Kennedy changed it.

“Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased – not a reduced – flow of revenues to the federal government.”

– John F. Kennedy, Jan. 17, 1963, annual budget message to the Congress, fiscal year 1964

Taxation does not create prosperity for anybody. All it does is rob Americans of the money they earned.
Repeatedly quoting Right Wing talking points doesn't make them true.

Being true is what makes them true.
Some people aren't jealous of those who have more than them
So you defend those that MILLIONS a year at least because those that don't make enough without getting FS,TANF,Medicaid are jealous? Wow....special kind of stupid aren't we. How about standing up and defending the right of ALL people having the right to a livable wage? Don't ya just love how all the Walton heirs only make their millions because of their granddaddy or uncle or etc was? They didn't do shit to earn it...Man republicans are a special kind of let me know the next time some rich piece of shit does something for you.

Hey I don't give a shit what some other guy makes.

It has absolutely nothing to do with what I make.

If you worried about your own finances as you do the rich you might find that you will be richer yourself

And I have yet to see the right to a "livable wage" whatever that is in the constitution.

You and you alone are responsible for what you earn
The constitution is a joke and needs severely rewritten. It is a problem when my labor is taken for granted and I am not compensated fairly. Its why unions need to be involved in EVERY aspect of labor/jobs. If my wife had a union she wouldn't be making 9.50$ an hour while her piece of shit supervisors make more than that AND get every weekend off while my wife has to work every weekend and hasn't had a raise in the damn near year she has been at this shithole job. She works overtime,doubles,goes in on days off,never calls in etc. No raises,no praise not a damn thing but stolen labor.Same goes for EVERY worker.

You system comes with a 100% Guaranteed Fail promise

Good luck with that
Yet it works wonders for the rich pieces of shit robbing labor from the common man.

Left-wing turds like you obviously don't understand the definition of robbery. It requires the use of force.
Why else would the corporate tax rate be the highest in the world?

Idiots in office and the idiots who support them. Idiot.
Why should it not be if than less than a year ago we were number 1 on GDP?

We're still #1 in GDP.
What's better, a higher corporate tax rate or a lower rate and more revenue and jobs?
Like this article explains, high taxes on the wealthy and corporations makes for a strong economy overall because the middle class is improved. The middle class, not the wealthy, is what keeps this economy strong and it is currently shrinking primarily because of republicans.
Democrats have been in control for over 6 years.
How does taking money from productive people improve anyone's lot, except bureaucrats?
Lol if you expect the income inequality problem to be fixed in 6 years, it would require huge overhauls that would never be agreed to by either dems or repubs.

Income inequality isn't a problem any more than beauty inequality is a problem or intelligence inequality is a problem. Government will certainly never succeed in "fixing" it.

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