Republicans: why raising taxes on the wealthy is good for the economy


You dont get it. The problem has gotten WORSE, not better after 6 years of Dem rule. That means whatever they're doing is making it worse, not better.

These Libtards seem to forget this little tidbit.

Obama has hurt the middle class and that has widened the gap. Liberal economics just doesn't produce results. It makes things worse. We need to stimulate capitalism not redistribute the wealth.

The Moon Bats seem to think that things will get better if they keep on electing Democrats. Even after Obama's record they will vote for Hilliary Clinton who will be just as bad.
Obama screwed things up so now they need Hillary to fix it.

You are correct. Liberal economics produces poverty,misery and death. Their ideal society is Cuba because income inequality is the lowest there. Everyone is poor and miserable. Except the political elites.

The rich are doing great! Why isn't it trickling down?

The lying scum left demonize me saying I don't pay my share no matter how much taxes I pay. So fuck it now I go out of my way to hoard my wealth and deny the wealth grabbing left every dollar I can. AND I feel great doing it, I denied them about $70 dollars in sales tax last night :banana:

That's ok. The right is still willing to practice their communism, in Cuba, for now.

What do you think of a suggestion that it should be considered moral to Tax the wealthiest in to Heaven?

Whenever someone tries to tell you that communists are right-wingers, you can safely ignore anything else they have to say.
If raising taxes is stealing from them then bush lowering their taxes was stealing from us.

Bush lowered your taxes too.

Big fucking deal. Now we need money and the rich are saying they can't help so Rick Snyder is talking about raising OUR taxes.

This is why I don't like talking politics with right wing jackasses. They have an answer for everything, don't understand anything they are told and they argue in circular arguments. So you'll use this argument today, use 5 more arguments after and then eventually circle back around to the "they lowered your taxes too" argument, which I have already refuted 1000 fucking times. You guys are just dumb.

Dumb because you aren't rich enough to be benefitting from their policies.

Fact is, you can't get any more from us middle class people. I don't care what the rich are paying today. They need to roll back not only the Bush tax cuts but the Reagan ones as well.

Don't worry, we will. You can argue and obstruct as much as you want but eventually we're coming for that $. lol

Now we need money

Who is we? Why do "we" need money? How much do "we" need?

I'd like to get what I lost in the stock market back when the banks fucked us. And since the value of my home went down $40K, I'd like that taken off what I fucking owe!

Bank of America fined 1.3B for bad mortgages

Bank of America fined $1.3B for bad mortgages

If you didn't cash out you have more now than you did before 2008.

So you see you didn't lose anything if you didn't panic and if you were smart you have been plowing money into the market for the last 6 years

So Obama did a good job getting us out of the mess?

You think we're out of it?

All I said was the policy of quantitative easing along with the fed holding interest rates artificially low created an environmental climate that prompted people to invest in the market.

Whether that alone will get us out of the mess remains to be seen.

There are those, myself included, that think we will be in for a massive correction in the future.

So I continue to invest heavily but am ready to yank it all if the climate indicates a correction
Now we need money

Who is we? Why do "we" need money? How much do "we" need?

I'd like to get what I lost in the stock market back when the banks fucked us. And since the value of my home went down $40K, I'd like that taken off what I fucking owe!

Bank of America fined 1.3B for bad mortgages

Bank of America fined $1.3B for bad mortgages

I'd like to get what I lost in the stock market back when the banks fucked us.

I got mine back a couple of years ago.

And since the value of my home went down $40K, I'd like that taken off what I fucking owe!

That's a great idea! I'm sure some of the deadbeat borrowers who defaulted on their loans can scrape that together for you. Let me know how it goes.

They lost their homes and the banks made a fortune. Fuck you douche bag
And why did they lose their homes?

Could it be because they bought homes they could barely afford on an ARM ?

Could it be they remortgaged their homes multiple times as the values were artificially inflated so as to buy more crap they couldn't afford??

We argued this in 2008. Stop defending the criminal mortgage and bankers and GOP. Next you'll bring up Freddy and fanny.

None of those people were forced to sign a mortgage they couldn't afford.

The only time and I repeat the only time one should refinance a mortgage is to shorten the term and lower the rate.
These Libtards seem to forget this little tidbit.

Obama has hurt the middle class and that has widened the gap. Liberal economics just doesn't produce results. It makes things worse. We need to stimulate capitalism not redistribute the wealth.

The Moon Bats seem to think that things will get better if they keep on electing Democrats. Even after Obama's record they will vote for Hilliary Clinton who will be just as bad.
Obama screwed things up so now they need Hillary to fix it.

You are correct. Liberal economics produces poverty,misery and death. Their ideal society is Cuba because income inequality is the lowest there. Everyone is poor and miserable. Except the political elites.

The rich are doing great! Why isn't it trickling down?

The lying scum left demonize me saying I don't pay my share no matter how much taxes I pay. So fuck it now I go out of my way to hoard my wealth and deny the wealth grabbing left every dollar I can. AND I feel great doing it, I denied them about $70 dollars in sales tax last night :banana:

That's ok. The right is still willing to practice their communism, in Cuba, for now.

What do you think of a suggestion that it should be considered moral to Tax the wealthiest in to Heaven?

Dude, wtf?

Dude, your dude on the right decided we needed more communism instead of more capitalism and proved it by turning massive federal budget surpluses into massive federal budget deficits, like any Good socialist on the right.

The left knows we merely need to Use capitalism for all of its worth, and make more money, with an official Mint at our disposal.
I'd like to get what I lost in the stock market back when the banks fucked us. And since the value of my home went down $40K, I'd like that taken off what I fucking owe!

Bank of America fined 1.3B for bad mortgages

Bank of America fined $1.3B for bad mortgages

I'd like to get what I lost in the stock market back when the banks fucked us.

I got mine back a couple of years ago.

And since the value of my home went down $40K, I'd like that taken off what I fucking owe!

That's a great idea! I'm sure some of the deadbeat borrowers who defaulted on their loans can scrape that together for you. Let me know how it goes.

They lost their homes and the banks made a fortune. Fuck you douche bag
And why did they lose their homes?

Could it be because they bought homes they could barely afford on an ARM ?

Could it be they remortgaged their homes multiple times as the values were artificially inflated so as to buy more crap they couldn't afford??

We argued this in 2008. Stop defending the criminal mortgage and bankers and GOP. Next you'll bring up Freddy and fanny.

None of those people were forced to sign a mortgage they couldn't afford.

The only time and I repeat the only time one should refinance a mortgage is to shorten the term and lower the rate.
Who knew, not solving the underlying problem of poverty in our republic would have such dire consequences, especially when the right prefers to practice their socialism with more government programs...blah...blah...blah, instead of actual solutions through recourse to our Commerce Clause.

You dont get it. The problem has gotten WORSE, not better after 6 years of Dem rule. That means whatever they're doing is making it worse, not better.

These Libtards seem to forget this little tidbit.

Obama has hurt the middle class and that has widened the gap. Liberal economics just doesn't produce results. It makes things worse. We need to stimulate capitalism not redistribute the wealth.

The Moon Bats seem to think that things will get better if they keep on electing Democrats. Even after Obama's record they will vote for Hilliary Clinton who will be just as bad.
Obama screwed things up so now they need Hillary to fix it.

You are correct. Liberal economics produces poverty,misery and death. Their ideal society is Cuba because income inequality is the lowest there. Everyone is poor and miserable. Except the political elites.

The rich are doing great! Why isn't it trickling down?

you problem is you are waiting for someone else to make your situation better

What the rich do with their money is none of your business.

If you spent half as much time worrying about your own money as you do the rich you might very well be richer yourself
Obama screwed things up so now they need Hillary to fix it.

You are correct. Liberal economics produces poverty,misery and death. Their ideal society is Cuba because income inequality is the lowest there. Everyone is poor and miserable. Except the political elites.

The rich are doing great! Why isn't it trickling down?

The lying scum left demonize me saying I don't pay my share no matter how much taxes I pay. So fuck it now I go out of my way to hoard my wealth and deny the wealth grabbing left every dollar I can. AND I feel great doing it, I denied them about $70 dollars in sales tax last night :banana:

That's ok. The right is still willing to practice their communism, in Cuba, for now.

What do you think of a suggestion that it should be considered moral to Tax the wealthiest in to Heaven?

Dude, wtf?

Dude, your dude on the right decided we needed more communism instead of more capitalism and proved it by turning massive federal budget surpluses into massive federal budget deficits, like any Good socialist on the right.

The left knows we merely need to Use capitalism for all of its worth, and make more money, with an official Mint at our disposal.
wow. Clueless.
I'd like to get what I lost in the stock market back when the banks fucked us.

I got mine back a couple of years ago.

And since the value of my home went down $40K, I'd like that taken off what I fucking owe!

That's a great idea! I'm sure some of the deadbeat borrowers who defaulted on their loans can scrape that together for you. Let me know how it goes.

They lost their homes and the banks made a fortune. Fuck you douche bag
And why did they lose their homes?

Could it be because they bought homes they could barely afford on an ARM ?

Could it be they remortgaged their homes multiple times as the values were artificially inflated so as to buy more crap they couldn't afford??

We argued this in 2008. Stop defending the criminal mortgage and bankers and GOP. Next you'll bring up Freddy and fanny.

None of those people were forced to sign a mortgage they couldn't afford.

The only time and I repeat the only time one should refinance a mortgage is to shorten the term and lower the rate.
Who knew, not solving the underlying problem of poverty in our republic would have such dire consequences, especially when the right prefers to practice their socialism with more government programs...blah...blah...blah, instead of actual solutions through recourse to our Commerce Clause.

the government can't make people make better financial choices
I'd like to get what I lost in the stock market back when the banks fucked us.

I got mine back a couple of years ago.

And since the value of my home went down $40K, I'd like that taken off what I fucking owe!

That's a great idea! I'm sure some of the deadbeat borrowers who defaulted on their loans can scrape that together for you. Let me know how it goes.

They lost their homes and the banks made a fortune. Fuck you douche bag
And why did they lose their homes?

Could it be because they bought homes they could barely afford on an ARM ?

Could it be they remortgaged their homes multiple times as the values were artificially inflated so as to buy more crap they couldn't afford??

We argued this in 2008. Stop defending the criminal mortgage and bankers and GOP. Next you'll bring up Freddy and fanny.

None of those people were forced to sign a mortgage they couldn't afford.

The only time and I repeat the only time one should refinance a mortgage is to shorten the term and lower the rate.
Who knew, not solving the underlying problem of poverty in our republic would have such dire consequences, especially when the right prefers to practice their socialism with more government programs...blah...blah...blah, instead of actual solutions through recourse to our Commerce Clause. long has the left been waging war against poverty?

Is it at all possible that your "commonsense ideas" are not working?
They lost their homes and the banks made a fortune. Fuck you douche bag
And why did they lose their homes?

Could it be because they bought homes they could barely afford on an ARM ?

Could it be they remortgaged their homes multiple times as the values were artificially inflated so as to buy more crap they couldn't afford??

We argued this in 2008. Stop defending the criminal mortgage and bankers and GOP. Next you'll bring up Freddy and fanny.

None of those people were forced to sign a mortgage they couldn't afford.

The only time and I repeat the only time one should refinance a mortgage is to shorten the term and lower the rate.
Who knew, not solving the underlying problem of poverty in our republic would have such dire consequences, especially when the right prefers to practice their socialism with more government programs...blah...blah...blah, instead of actual solutions through recourse to our Commerce Clause.

the government can't make people make better financial choices
Instead, the government seems to aid them in making poor financial choices.

Such as the CRA.
I'd like to get what I lost in the stock market back when the banks fucked us. And since the value of my home went down $40K, I'd like that taken off what I fucking owe!

Bank of America fined 1.3B for bad mortgages

Bank of America fined $1.3B for bad mortgages

I'd like to get what I lost in the stock market back when the banks fucked us.

I got mine back a couple of years ago.

And since the value of my home went down $40K, I'd like that taken off what I fucking owe!

That's a great idea! I'm sure some of the deadbeat borrowers who defaulted on their loans can scrape that together for you. Let me know how it goes.

They lost their homes and the banks made a fortune. Fuck you douche bag
And why did they lose their homes?

Could it be because they bought homes they could barely afford on an ARM ?

Could it be they remortgaged their homes multiple times as the values were artificially inflated so as to buy more crap they couldn't afford??

We argued this in 2008. Stop defending the criminal mortgage and bankers and GOP. Next you'll bring up Freddy and fanny.
What was criminal about what they did? Who went to jail? Where are the charges?
More tlaking points debunked last Ice Age.
The fact they didn't go to jail only proves they own our government. Google bank of america or countrywide and see they are guilty. And we never got our money back from them just like bernie Madoff with our money
They lost their homes and the banks made a fortune. Fuck you douche bag
And why did they lose their homes?

Could it be because they bought homes they could barely afford on an ARM ?

Could it be they remortgaged their homes multiple times as the values were artificially inflated so as to buy more crap they couldn't afford??

We argued this in 2008. Stop defending the criminal mortgage and bankers and GOP. Next you'll bring up Freddy and fanny.

None of those people were forced to sign a mortgage they couldn't afford.

The only time and I repeat the only time one should refinance a mortgage is to shorten the term and lower the rate.
Who knew, not solving the underlying problem of poverty in our republic would have such dire consequences, especially when the right prefers to practice their socialism with more government programs...blah...blah...blah, instead of actual solutions through recourse to our Commerce Clause. long has the left been waging war against poverty?

Is it at all possible that your "commonsense ideas" are not working?
They worked for 50 years then you sent all the jobs overseas stupid.

You dont get it. The problem has gotten WORSE, not better after 6 years of Dem rule. That means whatever they're doing is making it worse, not better.

These Libtards seem to forget this little tidbit.

Obama has hurt the middle class and that has widened the gap. Liberal economics just doesn't produce results. It makes things worse. We need to stimulate capitalism not redistribute the wealth.

The Moon Bats seem to think that things will get better if they keep on electing Democrats. Even after Obama's record they will vote for Hilliary Clinton who will be just as bad.
Obama screwed things up so now they need Hillary to fix it.

You are correct. Liberal economics produces poverty,misery and death. Their ideal society is Cuba because income inequality is the lowest there. Everyone is poor and miserable. Except the political elites.

A Republican on USMB just told me he made all his money back from the Bush recession and then some. Sounds like Obama's did a great job cleaning up Bush's mess. This is why your party is so focused on how Obama's doing with ISIS. You can't say a think about his economics. The only thing you can say is that the middle class and poor aren't doing well and we all know you guys don't give a shit about them. When Bush was in office and the poor and middle class weren't doing well you said they were just whiners who either needed to go back to school or start their own business'. So take your own fucking advice. If the economy sucks then you suck. No one elses fault but yours, right?
Remarkable case of cherry picking and arguing by anecdote.
The facts are that workforce participation is back to the late 70s levels, GDP growth is paltry, household incomes are stagnant, household wealth is stagnant, government dependence continues to grow from already high levels, business formation is at the lowest point in a long time
Those are facts. Not what some guy on a messageboard told you once.
What you fail to realize is that in the last 30 years or so, more and more of us are not living comfortably while the rich are getting richer. And its not because they work harder or are smarter. They rigged the game dummy.

My dad for example has a pension and made good money working at Ford. So did thousands if not millions of Americans who worked for the big 3 or their tier 1 2 or 3 suppliers. Those jobs are gone. Americans took a huge step back. And it was on purpose because the rich and corporations don't like paying so well.

No one gives a fuck if you are doing fine. So am I. But America's middle class and poor is apparently not. Or they were doing better and the rich decided they didn't deserve to be doing so well and rigged the rules so now most people who think they are middle class are just getting by.

Don't get personal. Its not about how you're doing or me. How is the middle class and poor in America doing overall? If it is not doing as good today as it was in the Clinton years, and the rich are doing better, don't for a second think it was by accident. Wake up fool. You may be ok but what about your grandkids? Are they going to have it as good as you did?

In the last 30 years the cost of government has increased significantly. How can Americans do well when the combined cost of government is over 40% of the GNP? It takes two working people in many families just so that one of them can pay the combined taxes.

My example my wife was a school teacher and myself an engineer. For most of my working career her entire salary went to pay the taxes for our family each year. In some years that wasn't even enough. We would have a lot more nowadays if it wasn't for the burden of government.

The "rigging" you are complaining about has nothing to do with rich people. Rich people create jobs, pay tons in taxes and are the most generous to charities.

The thing that has been rigged is that the government is destroying business and taking money away from the people that earn it.

Greedy people like the unions and welfare shitheads elect socialist candidates like Obama that raids the treasury on their behalf instead of stimulating capitalism. No wonder we are screwed.

It is always ironic to see Left Wingers who election after election vote in candidates with failed economic policies and then complain about the consequences.

If you want things to be better in this country stop voting for shitheads like Obama. Vote for people that will assure that will get the government off our backs so that the economy can really expand and we all can do better.

The best way to have things economically brighter is to stop voting for Liberals.

People in your tax bracket shouldn't be taxed so much.

Who knew, not solving the underlying problem of poverty in our republic would have such dire consequences, especially when the right prefers to practice their socialism with more government programs...blah...blah...blah, instead of actual solutions through recourse to our Commerce Clause.

The underlying problem of poverty is that we have created a welfare state that discourages productivity and rewards an individual being a ward of the state.

We have created a welfare plantation and the slaves masters are the Liberals politicians that get elected to that job by the slaves themselves.

Being a slave to the welfare masters isn't so bad of a job. All you have to do is go to the polls to vote every once and awhile and then you get to smoke pot and drink Colt 45 Malt Liquor as the welfare checks and health care subsidizes come in and you are fine until the next election so you are well taken care of.

There are more people that suck at the teat of welfare than the traditional welfare queens. It is also Wall Street with its bailout. Big corporations like GM with their Obama bailouts. Farmers with their crop subsidies and environmental wackos with their subsidies like Solyndra. The list is actually quite long.

Real Conservatives are against all government transfers. All welfare, subsidies, bailouts and entitlements. If you are not against all those things then you are just another Progressive. and part of the problem and that includes RINOs.
Last edited:

You dont get it. The problem has gotten WORSE, not better after 6 years of Dem rule. That means whatever they're doing is making it worse, not better.

These Libtards seem to forget this little tidbit.

Obama has hurt the middle class and that has widened the gap. Liberal economics just doesn't produce results. It makes things worse. We need to stimulate capitalism not redistribute the wealth.

The Moon Bats seem to think that things will get better if they keep on electing Democrats. Even after Obama's record they will vote for Hilliary Clinton who will be just as bad.
Obama screwed things up so now they need Hillary to fix it.

You are correct. Liberal economics produces poverty,misery and death. Their ideal society is Cuba because income inequality is the lowest there. Everyone is poor and miserable. Except the political elites.

The rich are doing great! Why isn't it trickling down?
Zthats an excellent question! Why arent the rich investing in new businesses, plant and equipment here? Pleasr tell me your views. This ought to be amusing.
They lost their homes and the banks made a fortune. Fuck you douche bag
And why did they lose their homes?

Could it be because they bought homes they could barely afford on an ARM ?

Could it be they remortgaged their homes multiple times as the values were artificially inflated so as to buy more crap they couldn't afford??

We argued this in 2008. Stop defending the criminal mortgage and bankers and GOP. Next you'll bring up Freddy and fanny.

None of those people were forced to sign a mortgage they couldn't afford.

The only time and I repeat the only time one should refinance a mortgage is to shorten the term and lower the rate.
Who knew, not solving the underlying problem of poverty in our republic would have such dire consequences, especially when the right prefers to practice their socialism with more government programs...blah...blah...blah, instead of actual solutions through recourse to our Commerce Clause.

the government can't make people make better financial choices
They can regulate the banks and mortgage companies though. Bush deregulated them and look what happened.
I'd like to get what I lost in the stock market back when the banks fucked us.

I got mine back a couple of years ago.

And since the value of my home went down $40K, I'd like that taken off what I fucking owe!

That's a great idea! I'm sure some of the deadbeat borrowers who defaulted on their loans can scrape that together for you. Let me know how it goes.

They lost their homes and the banks made a fortune. Fuck you douche bag
And why did they lose their homes?

Could it be because they bought homes they could barely afford on an ARM ?

Could it be they remortgaged their homes multiple times as the values were artificially inflated so as to buy more crap they couldn't afford??

We argued this in 2008. Stop defending the criminal mortgage and bankers and GOP. Next you'll bring up Freddy and fanny.
What was criminal about what they did? Who went to jail? Where are the charges?
More tlaking points debunked last Ice Age.
The fact they didn't go to jail only proves they own our government. Google bank of america or countrywide and see they are guilty. And we never got our money back from them just like bernie Madoff with our money
Obama's administration has extracted billions of dollars from banks. So if they control the gov't they're doing a pretty poor job of it.
And why did they lose their homes?

Could it be because they bought homes they could barely afford on an ARM ?

Could it be they remortgaged their homes multiple times as the values were artificially inflated so as to buy more crap they couldn't afford??

We argued this in 2008. Stop defending the criminal mortgage and bankers and GOP. Next you'll bring up Freddy and fanny.

None of those people were forced to sign a mortgage they couldn't afford.

The only time and I repeat the only time one should refinance a mortgage is to shorten the term and lower the rate.
Who knew, not solving the underlying problem of poverty in our republic would have such dire consequences, especially when the right prefers to practice their socialism with more government programs...blah...blah...blah, instead of actual solutions through recourse to our Commerce Clause.

the government can't make people make better financial choices
They can regulate the banks and mortgage companies though. Bush deregulated them and look what happened.
There was no deregulation f banks and mortgage companies under Bush.

People in your tax bracket shouldn't be taxed so much.

I get taxed plenty because the cost of government is too high. Everybody in America gets taxed too much. It is over 40% of the GNP and it hits all of us some way. For instance, the filthy ass Feds collect almost a trillion dollars a year in corporate taxes. Every cent of that tax comes from the people that buys the goods and services that the corporations provide.

You don't fix the problem by reshuffling the deck of winners and losers. You fix the problem by cutting down on government spending so that nobody has to be taxed so much.

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