Republicans: why raising taxes on the wealthy is good for the economy

We argued this in 2008. Stop defending the criminal mortgage and bankers and GOP. Next you'll bring up Freddy and fanny.

Before they get to Fannie and Freddie, they have to go through blaming blacks and the CRA. Then they get to Fannie and Freddie. LMAO.
Yes they stay in business a real long time without the employees.

True but irrelevant. If they pay more, they can hire better workers. If you are happy with a $30 toaster and government passes a law that toasters can't be sold for less than $50, are you going to pay $50 for a $30 toaster that suits your needs or are you going to buy the best toaster you can get for $50 since you have to pay that?

You really are an idiot, you can't even grasp or respond to the point being made. You just keep repeating your strawman.
What are all these slightly better workers doing right now?

I can't explain hiring to people who have no experience and no interest in learning. It's an entire economy, they are not in one place. They are all over. There is also a stream of new workers entering the work force and they will jump at a chance to work at walmart to gain experience to get a better job.

Yes lots of great workers are jumping at the chance to get paid very little at Walmart. That's a good one.

So you agree that the people working for MW are not great workers yet you want them to be paid more.


He thinks WalMart adopted their employees
True but irrelevant. If they pay more, they can hire better workers. If you are happy with a $30 toaster and government passes a law that toasters can't be sold for less than $50, are you going to pay $50 for a $30 toaster that suits your needs or are you going to buy the best toaster you can get for $50 since you have to pay that?

You really are an idiot, you can't even grasp or respond to the point being made. You just keep repeating your strawman.
What are all these slightly better workers doing right now?

I can't explain hiring to people who have no experience and no interest in learning. It's an entire economy, they are not in one place. They are all over. There is also a stream of new workers entering the work force and they will jump at a chance to work at walmart to gain experience to get a better job.

Yes lots of great workers are jumping at the chance to get paid very little at Walmart. That's a good one.

So you agree that the people working for MW are not great workers yet you want them to be paid more.


He thinks WalMart adopted their employees
He is not a bright one when those stores opened up in D.C. Read like 5,000 people applied for 1,500 jobs
What are all these slightly better workers doing right now?

I can't explain hiring to people who have no experience and no interest in learning. It's an entire economy, they are not in one place. They are all over. There is also a stream of new workers entering the work force and they will jump at a chance to work at walmart to gain experience to get a better job.

Yes lots of great workers are jumping at the chance to get paid very little at Walmart. That's a good one.

So you agree that the people working for MW are not great workers yet you want them to be paid more.


He thinks WalMart adopted their employees
He is not a bright one when those stores opened up in D.C. Read like 5,000 people applied for 1,500 jobs

Yes, brainless is a moron. I have owned a restaurant and a drop in child care center, we had endless applicants for those jobs. He claims he's managed and hired people and he thinks no one applies for those jobs and he thinks if you raise the pay no one else will apply. He's a liar, and a very, very bad one. It always turns out every liberal that argues that has extensive management and hiring experience. Yeah, right...

You dont get it. The problem has gotten WORSE, not better after 6 years of Dem rule. That means whatever they're doing is making it worse, not better.

These Libtards seem to forget this little tidbit.

Obama has hurt the middle class and that has widened the gap. Liberal economics just doesn't produce results. It makes things worse. We need to stimulate capitalism not redistribute the wealth.

The Moon Bats seem to think that things will get better if they keep on electing Democrats. Even after Obama's record they will vote for Hilliary Clinton who will be just as bad.
Now we need money

Who is we? Why do "we" need money? How much do "we" need?

I'd like to get what I lost in the stock market back when the banks fucked us. And since the value of my home went down $40K, I'd like that taken off what I fucking owe!

Bank of America fined 1.3B for bad mortgages

Bank of America fined $1.3B for bad mortgages

I'd like to get what I lost in the stock market back when the banks fucked us.

I got mine back a couple of years ago.

And since the value of my home went down $40K, I'd like that taken off what I fucking owe!

That's a great idea! I'm sure some of the deadbeat borrowers who defaulted on their loans can scrape that together for you. Let me know how it goes.

They lost their homes and the banks made a fortune. Fuck you douche bag
And why did they lose their homes?

Could it be because they bought homes they could barely afford on an ARM ?

Could it be they remortgaged their homes multiple times as the values were artificially inflated so as to buy more crap they couldn't afford??

We argued this in 2008. Stop defending the criminal mortgage and bankers and GOP. Next you'll bring up Freddy and fanny.
What was criminal about what they did? Who went to jail? Where are the charges?
More tlaking points debunked last Ice Age.

You dont get it. The problem has gotten WORSE, not better after 6 years of Dem rule. That means whatever they're doing is making it worse, not better.

These Libtards seem to forget this little tidbit.

Obama has hurt the middle class and that has widened the gap. Liberal economics just doesn't produce results. It makes things worse. We need to stimulate capitalism not redistribute the wealth.

The Moon Bats seem to think that things will get better if they keep on electing Democrats. Even after Obama's record they will vote for Hilliary Clinton who will be just as bad.
Obama screwed things up so now they need Hillary to fix it.

You are correct. Liberal economics produces poverty,misery and death. Their ideal society is Cuba because income inequality is the lowest there. Everyone is poor and miserable. Except the political elites.

You dont get it. The problem has gotten WORSE, not better after 6 years of Dem rule. That means whatever they're doing is making it worse, not better.

These Libtards seem to forget this little tidbit.

Obama has hurt the middle class and that has widened the gap. Liberal economics just doesn't produce results. It makes things worse. We need to stimulate capitalism not redistribute the wealth.

The Moon Bats seem to think that things will get better if they keep on electing Democrats. Even after Obama's record they will vote for Hilliary Clinton who will be just as bad.
Obama screwed things up so now they need Hillary to fix it.

You are correct. Liberal economics produces poverty,misery and death. Their ideal society is Cuba because income inequality is the lowest there. Everyone is poor and miserable. Except the political elites.

A Republican on USMB just told me he made all his money back from the Bush recession and then some. Sounds like Obama's did a great job cleaning up Bush's mess. This is why your party is so focused on how Obama's doing with ISIS. You can't say a think about his economics. The only thing you can say is that the middle class and poor aren't doing well and we all know you guys don't give a shit about them. When Bush was in office and the poor and middle class weren't doing well you said they were just whiners who either needed to go back to school or start their own business'. So take your own fucking advice. If the economy sucks then you suck. No one elses fault but yours, right?
Lol if you expect the income inequality problem to be fixed in 6 years, it would require huge overhauls that would never be agreed to by either dems or repubs.

We never should even worry about fixing income inequality. Only the envious and greedy worry about silly stuff like that.

For instance, Bill Gates probably makes more money in one hour than I make in a year. What difference does it make to me if I live a comfortable life? Unlike the Moon Bats I am not envious.

We need to concentrate on having a strong economy so that anybody can live comfortably if they are willing to work. We do that by stimulating capitalism and getting the government off the backs of the job producers so that jobs can be created in the productive economy.

We can also work on reducing the burden of the cost of government on all Americans. In most American households the cost of government (combined fed, state and local) is usually the largest single household expense. More than food or housing or anything else.

The government is the problem, not rich people.
Lol if you expect the income inequality problem to be fixed in 6 years, it would require huge overhauls that would never be agreed to by either dems or repubs.

We never should even worry about fixing income inequality. Only the envious and greedy worry about silly stuff like that.

For instance, Bill Gates probably makes more money in one hour than I make in a year. What difference does it make to me if I live a comfortable life? Unlike the Moon Bats I am not envious.

We need to concentrate on having a strong economy so that anybody can live comfortably if they are willing to work. We do that by stimulating capitalism and getting the government off the backs of the job producers so that jobs can be created in the productive economy.

We can also work on reducing the burden of the cost of government on all Americans. In most American households the cost of government (combined fed, state and local) is usually the largest single household expense. More than food or housing or anything else.

The government is the problem, not rich people.

What you fail to realize is that in the last 30 years or so, more and more of us are not living comfortably while the rich are getting richer. And its not because they work harder or are smarter. They rigged the game dummy.

My dad for example has a pension and made good money working at Ford. So did thousands if not millions of Americans who worked for the big 3 or their tier 1 2 or 3 suppliers. Those jobs are gone. Americans took a huge step back. And it was on purpose because the rich and corporations don't like paying so well.

No one gives a fuck if you are doing fine. So am I. But America's middle class and poor is apparently not. Or they were doing better and the rich decided they didn't deserve to be doing so well and rigged the rules so now most people who think they are middle class are just getting by.

Don't get personal. Its not about how you're doing or me. How is the middle class and poor in America doing overall? If it is not doing as good today as it was in the Clinton years, and the rich are doing better, don't for a second think it was by accident. Wake up fool. You may be ok but what about your grandkids? Are they going to have it as good as you did?

You dont get it. The problem has gotten WORSE, not better after 6 years of Dem rule. That means whatever they're doing is making it worse, not better.

These Libtards seem to forget this little tidbit.

Obama has hurt the middle class and that has widened the gap. Liberal economics just doesn't produce results. It makes things worse. We need to stimulate capitalism not redistribute the wealth.

The Moon Bats seem to think that things will get better if they keep on electing Democrats. Even after Obama's record they will vote for Hilliary Clinton who will be just as bad.

After Unions and the New Deal and Labor Laws the American Middle class was the envy of the world. There had never been such a successful thriving middle class in human history. And the rich were doing just fine but you know how the rich are. If they make $100 this year they want to make $110 next year and the only way they could do it was to fuck the middle class and steal some of our money. Or send jobs to China and Mexico. Why did we allow it? Because they own our government now, stupid.

The same thing happened in 1899. The newspapers were making a fortune. They were filthy stinking rich. But they wanted to know how they could make more money so they started charging the newspaper boys more and they were already barely making ends meet. So the newspaper boys went on strike. They even made a movie about it.

Newsboys strike of 1899 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You guys are just greedy.

You dont get it. The problem has gotten WORSE, not better after 6 years of Dem rule. That means whatever they're doing is making it worse, not better.

These Libtards seem to forget this little tidbit.

Obama has hurt the middle class and that has widened the gap. Liberal economics just doesn't produce results. It makes things worse. We need to stimulate capitalism not redistribute the wealth.

The Moon Bats seem to think that things will get better if they keep on electing Democrats. Even after Obama's record they will vote for Hilliary Clinton who will be just as bad.
Obama screwed things up so now they need Hillary to fix it.

You are correct. Liberal economics produces poverty,misery and death. Their ideal society is Cuba because income inequality is the lowest there. Everyone is poor and miserable. Except the political elites.

The rich are doing great! Why isn't it trickling down?

You dont get it. The problem has gotten WORSE, not better after 6 years of Dem rule. That means whatever they're doing is making it worse, not better.

These Libtards seem to forget this little tidbit.

Obama has hurt the middle class and that has widened the gap. Liberal economics just doesn't produce results. It makes things worse. We need to stimulate capitalism not redistribute the wealth.

The Moon Bats seem to think that things will get better if they keep on electing Democrats. Even after Obama's record they will vote for Hilliary Clinton who will be just as bad.
Obama screwed things up so now they need Hillary to fix it.

You are correct. Liberal economics produces poverty,misery and death. Their ideal society is Cuba because income inequality is the lowest there. Everyone is poor and miserable. Except the political elites.

The rich are doing great! Why isn't it trickling down?

The lying scum left demonize me saying I don't pay my share no matter how much taxes I pay. So fuck it now I go out of my way to hoard my wealth and deny the wealth grabbing left every dollar I can. AND I feel great doing it, I denied them about $70 dollars in sales tax last night :banana:

You dont get it. The problem has gotten WORSE, not better after 6 years of Dem rule. That means whatever they're doing is making it worse, not better.

These Libtards seem to forget this little tidbit.

Obama has hurt the middle class and that has widened the gap. Liberal economics just doesn't produce results. It makes things worse. We need to stimulate capitalism not redistribute the wealth.

The Moon Bats seem to think that things will get better if they keep on electing Democrats. Even after Obama's record they will vote for Hilliary Clinton who will be just as bad.
Obama screwed things up so now they need Hillary to fix it.

You are correct. Liberal economics produces poverty,misery and death. Their ideal society is Cuba because income inequality is the lowest there. Everyone is poor and miserable. Except the political elites.

The rich are doing great! Why isn't it trickling down?

The lying scum left demonize me saying I don't pay my share no matter how much taxes I pay. So fuck it now I go out of my way to hoard my wealth and deny the wealth grabbing left every dollar I can. AND I feel great doing it, I denied them about $70 dollars in sales tax last night :banana:

That's ok. The right is still willing to practice their communism, in Cuba, for now.

What do you think of a suggestion that it should be considered moral to Tax the wealthiest in to Heaven?
You are so transparent lol. If you found it so stupid you wouldn't waste any time in explaining why it's stupid. What are you waiting for, you degenerate?
You understand the corporate tax rate is totally unrelated to the GDP, right? There is no, zero, causal relationship.
You're such an idiot. Why else would the corporate tax rate be the highest in the world?

You really try too hard don't you? You have the maturity of a young adolescent who can't stand being wrong. You'll say anything. No wonder you're such a bigoted fucktard.
Seriously? Really?
Suriname and Angola have among the highest corporate tax rates in the world. They hardly have the highest GDP.
I havent been wrong in any discussion with you yet. You OTOH cant help yourlesf from posting the most stupid, ignorant crap you pull out of your ass. ANd then deflecting when caught on it.
Good god. You're just making shit up as you go along. Like I said. Adolescent. Do you realize how dumb it sounds comparing Angola to the US in terms of how revenue policy is created? We have the second highest. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the connection. My article makes it damn clear how important high revenue is to this economy. Part of why our GDP is so high is because of our population. A small country could never reach our level of GDP. That high population of ours also requires a sufficient revenue policy. That mean a high corporate tax rate.

Are you done yet? You're embarrassing yourself.
OMG The Stupid! IT Hurts!
Are you disputing that Suriname and Angola have higher tax rates? Or do you think they have higher GDP? Or do you think a high corporate tax rate translates into high revenue (whatever that is) or high GDP? OR what exactly do you think? Do you even? Or do you just spew shit that sounds reasonable to you?
The truth is you have zero idea about 90% of what you post. You are a joke.

Billy just regurgitates stuff he reads on sites like DailyKOS and that he really doesn't understand. Most of these left-wing numskulls have never read a book on economics their entire lives.
Great news walmarts gonna give their employees raises! $9 for now but next year $10 hr! Finally! I guess us pressuring them and not shopping there worked!
What you fail to realize is that in the last 30 years or so, more and more of us are not living comfortably while the rich are getting richer. And its not because they work harder or are smarter. They rigged the game dummy.

My dad for example has a pension and made good money working at Ford. So did thousands if not millions of Americans who worked for the big 3 or their tier 1 2 or 3 suppliers. Those jobs are gone. Americans took a huge step back. And it was on purpose because the rich and corporations don't like paying so well.

No one gives a fuck if you are doing fine. So am I. But America's middle class and poor is apparently not. Or they were doing better and the rich decided they didn't deserve to be doing so well and rigged the rules so now most people who think they are middle class are just getting by.

Don't get personal. Its not about how you're doing or me. How is the middle class and poor in America doing overall? If it is not doing as good today as it was in the Clinton years, and the rich are doing better, don't for a second think it was by accident. Wake up fool. You may be ok but what about your grandkids? Are they going to have it as good as you did?

In the last 30 years the cost of government has increased significantly. How can Americans do well when the combined cost of government is over 40% of the GNP? It takes two working people in many families just so that one of them can pay the combined taxes.

My example my wife was a school teacher and myself an engineer. For most of my working career her entire salary went to pay the taxes for our family each year. In some years that wasn't even enough. We would have a lot more nowadays if it wasn't for the burden of government.

The "rigging" you are complaining about has nothing to do with rich people. Rich people create jobs, pay tons in taxes and are the most generous to charities.

The thing that has been rigged is that the government is destroying business and taking money away from the people that earn it.

Greedy people like the unions and welfare shitheads elect socialist candidates like Obama that raids the treasury on their behalf instead of stimulating capitalism. No wonder we are screwed.

It is always ironic to see Left Wingers who election after election vote in candidates with failed economic policies and then complain about the consequences.

If you want things to be better in this country stop voting for shitheads like Obama. Vote for people that will assure that will get the government off our backs so that the economy can really expand and we all can do better.

The best way to have things economically brighter is to stop voting for Liberals.
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You dont get it. The problem has gotten WORSE, not better after 6 years of Dem rule. That means whatever they're doing is making it worse, not better.

These Libtards seem to forget this little tidbit.

Obama has hurt the middle class and that has widened the gap. Liberal economics just doesn't produce results. It makes things worse. We need to stimulate capitalism not redistribute the wealth.

The Moon Bats seem to think that things will get better if they keep on electing Democrats. Even after Obama's record they will vote for Hilliary Clinton who will be just as bad.
Obama screwed things up so now they need Hillary to fix it.

You are correct. Liberal economics produces poverty,misery and death. Their ideal society is Cuba because income inequality is the lowest there. Everyone is poor and miserable. Except the political elites.

The rich are doing great! Why isn't it trickling down?

The lying scum left demonize me saying I don't pay my share no matter how much taxes I pay. So fuck it now I go out of my way to hoard my wealth and deny the wealth grabbing left every dollar I can. AND I feel great doing it, I denied them about $70 dollars in sales tax last night :banana:

That's ok. The right is still willing to practice their communism, in Cuba, for now.

What do you think of a suggestion that it should be considered moral to Tax the wealthiest in to Heaven?

Dude, wtf?

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