Republicans: why raising taxes on the wealthy is good for the economy

THat's so stupid it's almost worthy of being a sig line, to memorialize your incessant ignorance and stupidity.
No you just sore because you know I'm right.
I know you're an idiot. And stupid. And ignorant. You just proved it right there in what I quoted.
You are so transparent lol. If you found it so stupid you wouldn't waste any time in explaining why it's stupid. What are you waiting for, you degenerate?
You understand the corporate tax rate is totally unrelated to the GDP, right? There is no, zero, causal relationship.
You're such an idiot. Why else would the corporate tax rate be the highest in the world?

You really try too hard don't you? You have the maturity of a young adolescent who can't stand being wrong. You'll say anything. No wonder you're such a bigoted fucktard.

Why else would the corporate tax rate be the highest in the world?

Idiots in office and the idiots who support them. Idiot.
If high taxation is good for the economy, then why are Italy, Spain, England, Greece, etc., doing so poorly? Why do they have chronic high unemployment, high debt, etc.?

High taxation isn't the only reason those nations are doing poorly, but it's the biggest one, and it's followed by strangling regulations and unrealistic labor costs (especially pension benefits).

Another big reason those nations are doing poorly is they have massive welfare outlays because it's easy to get on welfare and easy to stay on it. There is less incentive to work because the welfare benefits are so considerable.

Now, am I saying we should not have a safety net, no food stamps, no WIC, etc.? No, of course not. But there is sane median between no safety net and what you have in many European nations.
When the rich were taxed a lot, the US developed a middle class.
Reagan's kitchen cabinet changed all that.

When the rich were taxed a lot, the US developed a middle class.

The rich pay a larger percentage of all income taxes than they did when the top rate was 91%.
So which do you prefer, a high rate or more dollars collected?
No you just sore because you know I'm right.
I know you're an idiot. And stupid. And ignorant. You just proved it right there in what I quoted.
You are so transparent lol. If you found it so stupid you wouldn't waste any time in explaining why it's stupid. What are you waiting for, you degenerate?
You understand the corporate tax rate is totally unrelated to the GDP, right? There is no, zero, causal relationship.
You're such an idiot. Why else would the corporate tax rate be the highest in the world?

You really try too hard don't you? You have the maturity of a young adolescent who can't stand being wrong. You'll say anything. No wonder you're such a bigoted fucktard.

Why else would the corporate tax rate be the highest in the world?

Idiots in office and the idiots who support them. Idiot.
Why should it not be if than less than a year ago we were number 1 on GDP?
I know you're an idiot. And stupid. And ignorant. You just proved it right there in what I quoted.
You are so transparent lol. If you found it so stupid you wouldn't waste any time in explaining why it's stupid. What are you waiting for, you degenerate?
You understand the corporate tax rate is totally unrelated to the GDP, right? There is no, zero, causal relationship.
You're such an idiot. Why else would the corporate tax rate be the highest in the world?

You really try too hard don't you? You have the maturity of a young adolescent who can't stand being wrong. You'll say anything. No wonder you're such a bigoted fucktard.

Why else would the corporate tax rate be the highest in the world?

Idiots in office and the idiots who support them. Idiot.
Why should it not be if than less than a year ago we were number 1 on GDP?

We're still #1 in GDP.
What's better, a higher corporate tax rate or a lower rate and more revenue and jobs?
When the rich were taxed a lot, the US developed a middle class.
Reagan's kitchen cabinet changed all that.

When the rich were taxed a lot, the US developed a middle class.

The rich pay a larger percentage of all income taxes than they did when the top rate was 91%.
So which do you prefer, a high rate or more dollars collected?
I don't accept your statement.
You are so transparent lol. If you found it so stupid you wouldn't waste any time in explaining why it's stupid. What are you waiting for, you degenerate?
You understand the corporate tax rate is totally unrelated to the GDP, right? There is no, zero, causal relationship.
You're such an idiot. Why else would the corporate tax rate be the highest in the world?

You really try too hard don't you? You have the maturity of a young adolescent who can't stand being wrong. You'll say anything. No wonder you're such a bigoted fucktard.

Why else would the corporate tax rate be the highest in the world?

Idiots in office and the idiots who support them. Idiot.
Why should it not be if than less than a year ago we were number 1 on GDP?

We're still #1 in GDP.
What's better, a higher corporate tax rate or a lower rate and more revenue and jobs?
Like this article explains, high taxes on the wealthy and corporations makes for a strong economy overall because the middle class is improved. The middle class, not the wealthy, is what keeps this economy strong and it is currently shrinking primarily because of republicans.
When the rich were taxed a lot, the US developed a middle class.

The rich pay a larger percentage of all income taxes than they did when the top rate was 91%.
So which do you prefer, a high rate or more dollars collected?

The rich have always been taxed a lot. However, when the tax rates were higher than they are now the relative government revenues were smaller. That is one of the main reasons why Kennedy changed it.

“Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased – not a reduced – flow of revenues to the federal government.”

– John F. Kennedy, Jan. 17, 1963, annual budget message to the Congress, fiscal year 1964

Taxation does not create prosperity for anybody. All it does is rob Americans of the money they earned.
When the rich were taxed a lot, the US developed a middle class.

The rich pay a larger percentage of all income taxes than they did when the top rate was 91%.
So which do you prefer, a high rate or more dollars collected?

The rich have always been taxed a lot. However, when the tax rates were higher than they are now the relative government revenues were smaller. That is one of the main reasons why Kennedy changed it.

“Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased – not a reduced – flow of revenues to the federal government.”

– John F. Kennedy, Jan. 17, 1963, annual budget message to the Congress, fiscal year 1964

Taxation does not create prosperity for anybody. All it does is rob Americans of the money they earned.
Repeatedly quoting Right Wing talking points doesn't make them true.
When the rich were taxed a lot, the US developed a middle class.

The rich pay a larger percentage of all income taxes than they did when the top rate was 91%.
So which do you prefer, a high rate or more dollars collected?

The rich have always been taxed a lot. However, when the tax rates were higher than they are now the relative government revenues were smaller. That is one of the main reasons why Kennedy changed it.

“Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased – not a reduced – flow of revenues to the federal government.”

– John F. Kennedy, Jan. 17, 1963, annual budget message to the Congress, fiscal year 1964

Taxation does not create prosperity for anybody. All it does is rob Americans of the money they earned.
Repeatedly quoting Right Wing talking points doesn't make them true.

Yea, JFK was a real rightwinger, wasn't he?

Taxation is a form of legalized thievery and a very inefficient one at that.

I bet you are one of these greedy little commie bastards that want taxes raised for people making more money than you but not for yourself. That is how most Libtards roll.

By the way, when JFK got whacked in Dallas he was on his way to give a speech to suggest that Federal taxation be reduced even more.
Simply because we can use the money to build infrastructure, fund our science programs and support the best r&d! Plus, we can pay our police better ;) The right wants something for nothing, while kissing the 1% ass.

The liberal politicians have their lips on the same asses. They've had chances to live up to their word before and yet never have. Think about it.

The real 1% will never fear anyone in Washington because they own the place.
If raising taxes is stealing from them then bush lowering their taxes was stealing from us.

If raising taxes is stealing from them then bush lowering their taxes was stealing from us.

Bush lowered your taxes too.

Big fucking deal. Now we need money and the rich are saying they can't help so Rick Snyder is talking about raising OUR taxes.

This is why I don't like talking politics with right wing jackasses. They have an answer for everything, don't understand anything they are told and they argue in circular arguments. So you'll use this argument today, use 5 more arguments after and then eventually circle back around to the "they lowered your taxes too" argument, which I have already refuted 1000 fucking times. You guys are just dumb.

Dumb because you aren't rich enough to be benefitting from their policies.

Fact is, you can't get any more from us middle class people. I don't care what the rich are paying today. They need to roll back not only the Bush tax cuts but the Reagan ones as well.

Don't worry, we will. You can argue and obstruct as much as you want but eventually we're coming for that $. lol

Now we need money

Who is we? Why do "we" need money? How much do "we" need?

I'd like to get what I lost in the stock market back when the banks fucked us. And since the value of my home went down $40K, I'd like that taken off what I fucking owe!

Bank of America fined 1.3B for bad mortgages

Bank of America fined $1.3B for bad mortgages

I'd like to get what I lost in the stock market back when the banks fucked us.

I got mine back a couple of years ago.

And since the value of my home went down $40K, I'd like that taken off what I fucking owe!

That's a great idea! I'm sure some of the deadbeat borrowers who defaulted on their loans can scrape that together for you. Let me know how it goes.

They lost their homes and the banks made a fortune. Fuck you douche bag
You understand the corporate tax rate is totally unrelated to the GDP, right? There is no, zero, causal relationship.
You're such an idiot. Why else would the corporate tax rate be the highest in the world?

You really try too hard don't you? You have the maturity of a young adolescent who can't stand being wrong. You'll say anything. No wonder you're such a bigoted fucktard.

Why else would the corporate tax rate be the highest in the world?

Idiots in office and the idiots who support them. Idiot.
Why should it not be if than less than a year ago we were number 1 on GDP?

We're still #1 in GDP.
What's better, a higher corporate tax rate or a lower rate and more revenue and jobs?
Like this article explains, high taxes on the wealthy and corporations makes for a strong economy overall because the middle class is improved. The middle class, not the wealthy, is what keeps this economy strong and it is currently shrinking primarily because of republicans.

Like this article explains, high taxes on the wealthy and corporations makes for a strong economy overall because the middle class is improved.

I don't see how taxing corporations and the rich more improves the middle class.
Maybe you can explain it to me?
When the rich were taxed a lot, the US developed a middle class.
Reagan's kitchen cabinet changed all that.

When the rich were taxed a lot, the US developed a middle class.

The rich pay a larger percentage of all income taxes than they did when the top rate was 91%.
So which do you prefer, a high rate or more dollars collected?
I don't accept your statement.

Of course you don't.
If raising taxes is stealing from them then bush lowering their taxes was stealing from us.

Bush lowered your taxes too.

Big fucking deal. Now we need money and the rich are saying they can't help so Rick Snyder is talking about raising OUR taxes.

This is why I don't like talking politics with right wing jackasses. They have an answer for everything, don't understand anything they are told and they argue in circular arguments. So you'll use this argument today, use 5 more arguments after and then eventually circle back around to the "they lowered your taxes too" argument, which I have already refuted 1000 fucking times. You guys are just dumb.

Dumb because you aren't rich enough to be benefitting from their policies.

Fact is, you can't get any more from us middle class people. I don't care what the rich are paying today. They need to roll back not only the Bush tax cuts but the Reagan ones as well.

Don't worry, we will. You can argue and obstruct as much as you want but eventually we're coming for that $. lol

Now we need money

Who is we? Why do "we" need money? How much do "we" need?

I'd like to get what I lost in the stock market back when the banks fucked us. And since the value of my home went down $40K, I'd like that taken off what I fucking owe!

Bank of America fined 1.3B for bad mortgages

Bank of America fined $1.3B for bad mortgages

I'd like to get what I lost in the stock market back when the banks fucked us.

I got mine back a couple of years ago.

And since the value of my home went down $40K, I'd like that taken off what I fucking owe!

That's a great idea! I'm sure some of the deadbeat borrowers who defaulted on their loans can scrape that together for you. Let me know how it goes.

They lost their homes and the banks made a fortune. Fuck you douche bag

When borrowers defaulted on their mortgages, banks lost money.
It was in all the papers. Moron.
You're such an idiot. Why else would the corporate tax rate be the highest in the world?

You really try too hard don't you? You have the maturity of a young adolescent who can't stand being wrong. You'll say anything. No wonder you're such a bigoted fucktard.

Why else would the corporate tax rate be the highest in the world?

Idiots in office and the idiots who support them. Idiot.
Why should it not be if than less than a year ago we were number 1 on GDP?

We're still #1 in GDP.
What's better, a higher corporate tax rate or a lower rate and more revenue and jobs?
Like this article explains, high taxes on the wealthy and corporations makes for a strong economy overall because the middle class is improved. The middle class, not the wealthy, is what keeps this economy strong and it is currently shrinking primarily because of republicans.

Like this article explains, high taxes on the wealthy and corporations makes for a strong economy overall because the middle class is improved.

I don't see how taxing corporations and the rich more improves the middle class.
Maybe you can explain it to me?
Infrastructure is expensive. It requires a lot of revenue to fix. Our infrastructure is in dire shape because of huge tax cuts. If we pay for the work, this will employ thousands of middle class jobs.

Education is another. If we increase funding for public schools in several different dimensions, students will do better. Better grades means more job/college opportunities. Education also mean more job training programs. A big problem we have with jobs right now is that too many people are underqualified for vacant job positions.

However, what would really jump start our economy is higher wages. Higher wages for the poor and middle class means more consumer spending which accounts for 70% of our economy.
Big fucking deal. Now we need money and the rich are saying they can't help so Rick Snyder is talking about raising OUR taxes.

This is why I don't like talking politics with right wing jackasses. They have an answer for everything, don't understand anything they are told and they argue in circular arguments. So you'll use this argument today, use 5 more arguments after and then eventually circle back around to the "they lowered your taxes too" argument, which I have already refuted 1000 fucking times. You guys are just dumb.

Dumb because you aren't rich enough to be benefitting from their policies.

Fact is, you can't get any more from us middle class people. I don't care what the rich are paying today. They need to roll back not only the Bush tax cuts but the Reagan ones as well.

Don't worry, we will. You can argue and obstruct as much as you want but eventually we're coming for that $. lol

Now we need money

Who is we? Why do "we" need money? How much do "we" need?

I'd like to get what I lost in the stock market back when the banks fucked us. And since the value of my home went down $40K, I'd like that taken off what I fucking owe!

Bank of America fined 1.3B for bad mortgages

Bank of America fined $1.3B for bad mortgages

I'd like to get what I lost in the stock market back when the banks fucked us.

I got mine back a couple of years ago.

And since the value of my home went down $40K, I'd like that taken off what I fucking owe!

That's a great idea! I'm sure some of the deadbeat borrowers who defaulted on their loans can scrape that together for you. Let me know how it goes.

They lost their homes and the banks made a fortune. Fuck you douche bag

When borrowers defaulted on their mortgages, banks lost money.
It was in all the papers. Moron.
Et they are richer than ever because the government gave them money and they kept it! I'm not going to explain it to you. You should already know. Bye loser.

Raise rich peoples taxes!
You understand the corporate tax rate is totally unrelated to the GDP, right? There is no, zero, causal relationship.
You're such an idiot. Why else would the corporate tax rate be the highest in the world?

You really try too hard don't you? You have the maturity of a young adolescent who can't stand being wrong. You'll say anything. No wonder you're such a bigoted fucktard.

Why else would the corporate tax rate be the highest in the world?

Idiots in office and the idiots who support them. Idiot.
Why should it not be if than less than a year ago we were number 1 on GDP?

We're still #1 in GDP.
What's better, a higher corporate tax rate or a lower rate and more revenue and jobs?
Like this article explains, high taxes on the wealthy and corporations makes for a strong economy overall because the middle class is improved. The middle class, not the wealthy, is what keeps this economy strong and it is currently shrinking primarily because of republicans.
Democrats have been in control for over 6 years.
How does taking money from productive people improve anyone's lot, except bureaucrats?

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