Republicans: why raising taxes on the wealthy is good for the economy

Yes lots of great workers are jumping at the chance to get paid very little at Walmart. That's a good one.

Yes, they are. Again your zero experience opinions are irrelevant. You're talking to someone who has hired countless low end workers.

My business now is a B2B services business, but in the past I have owned a restaurant and a drop in childcare center. Those are constant churn businesses and we were constantly overflowed with applicants.

Sorry but they aren't.

First of all, you have zero experience in this, brainless.
Yes lots of great workers are jumping at the chance to get paid very little at Walmart. That's a good one.

Yes, they are. Again your zero experience opinions are irrelevant. You're talking to someone who has hired countless low end workers.

My business now is a B2B services business, but in the past I have owned a restaurant and a drop in childcare center. Those are constant churn businesses and we were constantly overflowed with applicants.

Sorry but they aren't.

If that were true, there would be no need to increase the minimum wage, would there brainless?
Yes lots of great workers are jumping at the chance to get paid very little at Walmart. That's a good one.

Yes, they are. Again your zero experience opinions are irrelevant. You're talking to someone who has hired countless low end workers.

My business now is a B2B services business, but in the past I have owned a restaurant and a drop in childcare center. Those are constant churn businesses and we were constantly overflowed with applicants.

Sorry but they aren't.

First of all, you have zero experience in this, brainless.
Yes lots of great workers are jumping at the chance to get paid very little at Walmart. That's a good one.

Yes, they are. Again your zero experience opinions are irrelevant. You're talking to someone who has hired countless low end workers.

My business now is a B2B services business, but in the past I have owned a restaurant and a drop in childcare center. Those are constant churn businesses and we were constantly overflowed with applicants.

Sorry but they aren't.

If that were true, there would be no need to increase the minimum wage, would there brainless?

I have no experience? Really? Stop making your stupidity so obvious.
If high taxation is good for the economy, then why are Italy, Spain, England, Greece, etc., doing so poorly. Why do they have chronic high unemployment, high debt, etc.?

High taxation isn't the only reason those nations are doing poorly, but it's the biggest one, and it's followed by strangling regulations and unrealistic labor costs (especially pension benefits).
If high taxation is good for the economy, then why are Italy, Spain, England, Greece, etc., doing so poorly. Why do they have chronic high unemployment, high debt, etc.?

High taxation isn't the only reason those nations are doing poorly, but it's the biggest one, and it's followed by strangling regulations and unrealistic labor costs (especially pension benefits).
Yeahbut all those people are happy. OK maybe the Greeks with t heir 20% unemployemnt arent happy.

Ok so nobody good to vote for.

Only the ones that deliver good government.

The Democrats promise bad government and deliver bad government.

The Republicans promises good government but almost always delivers bad government.

Why vote for anybody that will continue with the bad government we have now with enormous debt, enormous taxation, welfare state and ungodly amount of regulation not to mention significant corruption?

You would be stupid to vote for anybody that will continue that, wouldn't you?

Ok so nobody good to vote for.

Only the ones that deliver good government.

The Democrats promise bad government and deliver bad government.

The Republicans promises good government but almost always delivers bad government.

Why vote for anybody that will continue with the bad government we have now with enormous debt, enormous taxation, welfare state and ungodly amount of regulation not to mention significant corruption?

You would be stupid to vote for anybody that will continue that, wouldn't you?

But they all do the same thing. I haven't seen any almost deliver bad with repubs, they just as bad. So I guess you are saying dont vote?

Ok so nobody good to vote for.

Only the ones that deliver good government.

The Democrats promise bad government and deliver bad government.

The Republicans promises good government but almost always delivers bad government.

Why vote for anybody that will continue with the bad government we have now with enormous debt, enormous taxation, welfare state and ungodly amount of regulation not to mention significant corruption?

You would be stupid to vote for anybody that will continue that, wouldn't you?

Have you been listening to some of these people? They prefer Walmart employees collect welfare to Walmart taking care of their employees. That formula will never equal small government. And many of these people claim to be conservative.
No you want to by electing democrats to steal from your brother, why? Do you want your brother poor like you and miserable as you?
If raising taxes is stealing from them then bush lowering their taxes was stealing from us.

If raising taxes is stealing from them then bush lowering their taxes was stealing from us.

Bush lowered your taxes too.

Big fucking deal. Now we need money and the rich are saying they can't help so Rick Snyder is talking about raising OUR taxes.

This is why I don't like talking politics with right wing jackasses. They have an answer for everything, don't understand anything they are told and they argue in circular arguments. So you'll use this argument today, use 5 more arguments after and then eventually circle back around to the "they lowered your taxes too" argument, which I have already refuted 1000 fucking times. You guys are just dumb.

Dumb because you aren't rich enough to be benefitting from their policies.

Fact is, you can't get any more from us middle class people. I don't care what the rich are paying today. They need to roll back not only the Bush tax cuts but the Reagan ones as well.

Don't worry, we will. You can argue and obstruct as much as you want but eventually we're coming for that $. lol

Now we need money

Who is we? Why do "we" need money? How much do "we" need?

I'd like to get what I lost in the stock market back when the banks fucked us. And since the value of my home went down $40K, I'd like that taken off what I fucking owe!

Bank of America fined 1.3B for bad mortgages

Bank of America fined $1.3B for bad mortgages

I'd like to get what I lost in the stock market back when the banks fucked us.

I got mine back a couple of years ago.

And since the value of my home went down $40K, I'd like that taken off what I fucking owe!

That's a great idea! I'm sure some of the deadbeat borrowers who defaulted on their loans can scrape that together for you. Let me know how it goes.
But they all do the same thing. I haven't seen any almost deliver bad with repubs, they just as bad. So I guess you are saying dont vote?

You must of missed the part where I said:

The Democrats promise bad government and deliver bad government.

The Republicans promises good government but almost always delivers bad government.
Yes lots of great workers are jumping at the chance to get paid very little at Walmart. That's a good one.

Yes, they are. Again your zero experience opinions are irrelevant. You're talking to someone who has hired countless low end workers.

My business now is a B2B services business, but in the past I have owned a restaurant and a drop in childcare center. Those are constant churn businesses and we were constantly overflowed with applicants.

Sorry but they aren't.

First of all, you have zero experience in this, brainless.
Yes lots of great workers are jumping at the chance to get paid very little at Walmart. That's a good one.

Yes, they are. Again your zero experience opinions are irrelevant. You're talking to someone who has hired countless low end workers.

My business now is a B2B services business, but in the past I have owned a restaurant and a drop in childcare center. Those are constant churn businesses and we were constantly overflowed with applicants.

Sorry but they aren't.

If that were true, there would be no need to increase the minimum wage, would there brainless?

I have no experience? Really? Stop making your stupidity so obvious.

You have zero hiring experience, you are full of shit. You know nothing. Dude, you may turn on your little liberal giggle buddies but you look like an idiot to anyone who actually knows what they are talking about.
Yes lots of great workers are jumping at the chance to get paid very little at Walmart. That's a good one.

Yes, they are. Again your zero experience opinions are irrelevant. You're talking to someone who has hired countless low end workers.

My business now is a B2B services business, but in the past I have owned a restaurant and a drop in childcare center. Those are constant churn businesses and we were constantly overflowed with applicants.

Sorry but they aren't.

First of all, you have zero experience in this, brainless.
Yes lots of great workers are jumping at the chance to get paid very little at Walmart. That's a good one.

Yes, they are. Again your zero experience opinions are irrelevant. You're talking to someone who has hired countless low end workers.

My business now is a B2B services business, but in the past I have owned a restaurant and a drop in childcare center. Those are constant churn businesses and we were constantly overflowed with applicants.

Sorry but they aren't.

If that were true, there would be no need to increase the minimum wage, would there brainless?

I have no experience? Really? Stop making your stupidity so obvious.

You have zero hiring experience, you are full of shit. You know nothing. Dude, you may turn on your little liberal giggle buddies but you look like an idiot to anyone who actually knows what they are talking about.

Haha. And you look dumb claiming to know about someone you know nothing about. Pretty pathetic really. But keep going, it's funny.
But they all do the same thing. I haven't seen any almost deliver bad with repubs, they just as bad. So I guess you are saying dont vote?

You must of missed the part where I said:

The Democrats promise bad government and deliver bad government.

The Republicans promises good government but almost always delivers bad government.

I read it, but it's wrong. Clinton only president to do something about debt.

I read it, but it's wrong. Clinton only president to do something about debt.

The total cumulative debt increased during his eight years. When Clinton was elected in 1992 the Federal debt was $4.0 trillion. When he left office it was $5.7 trillion.

It would have been a whole lot worse had not Newt and the 1994 Republican Congress took over.

He was a terrible President. He increased debt, continued with welfare, increased taxation, grew federal spending, increased regulations and continued with interventionism. In addition he was a scumbag and liar.

If your idea of good government is Bill Clinton then you are dumber than a doorknob.
Looks tiny.

Who decides how much taxes my brother pays? Our government does. Unfortunately the rich purchased our government so now they don't pay their fair share.

The rich know they too need to share or they might end up dead. Revolutions happen when the rich in a country get too greedy.
No you want to by electing democrats to steal from your brother, why? Do you want your brother poor like you and miserable as you?
If raising taxes is stealing from them then bush lowering their taxes was stealing from us.

If raising taxes is stealing from them then bush lowering their taxes was stealing from us.

Bush lowered your taxes too.

Big fucking deal. Now we need money and the rich are saying they can't help so Rick Snyder is talking about raising OUR taxes.

This is why I don't like talking politics with right wing jackasses. They have an answer for everything, don't understand anything they are told and they argue in circular arguments. So you'll use this argument today, use 5 more arguments after and then eventually circle back around to the "they lowered your taxes too" argument, which I have already refuted 1000 fucking times. You guys are just dumb.

Dumb because you aren't rich enough to be benefitting from their policies.

Fact is, you can't get any more from us middle class people. I don't care what the rich are paying today. They need to roll back not only the Bush tax cuts but the Reagan ones as well.

Don't worry, we will. You can argue and obstruct as much as you want but eventually we're coming for that $. lol
Damn those conservatvies, using arguments, facts and logic. It's much simpler just to scream "tax the rich!" and be done with it.
The truth is the bottom 47% of wage earners are scum suckers living off the top group.

Some on the left believe it is "moral" to Tax the wealthiest into "Heaven".

I read it, but it's wrong. Clinton only president to do something about debt.

The total cumulative debt increased during his eight years. When Clinton was elected in 1992 the Federal debt was $4.0 trillion. When he left office it was $5.7 trillion.

It would have been a whole lot worse had not Newt and the 1994 Republican Congress took over.

He was a terrible President. He increased debt, continued with welfare, increased taxation, grew federal spending, increased regulations and continued with interventionism. In addition he was a scumbag and liar.

If your idea of good government is Bill Clinton then you are dumber than a doorknob.

Haha. What years have been better than the Clinton years? And who is your good example?
Haha. What years have been better than the Clinton years? And who is your good example?

You are not doing "better" when your children are being put further in debt, taxes increases, the government regulates the hell out of you and Americans are intervening in foreign conflicts that have nothing to do with the security of the US. Clinton did all those things and more. He was also a scumbag.

There were also three time bombs under Clinton that he did nothing about. The bloated dot com fiasco that did explode, the terrorist staging for 911 and continuation and strengthening of the CRA that later led to the credit failures.

Clinton was a progressive that failed good government just like every President in my lifetime. He would have been worse if Newt hadn't saved his ass.

I can see now that you have no concept of what good government can be. It is people like you that will contribute to this country going to shit. Enjoy!
Haha. What years have been better than the Clinton years? And who is your good example?

You are not doing "better" when your children are being put further in debt, taxes increases, the government regulates the hell out of you and Americans are intervening in foreign conflicts that have nothing to do with the security of the US. Clinton did all those things and more. He was also a scumbag.

There were also three time bombs under Clinton that he did nothing about. The bloated dot com fiasco that did explode, the terrorist staging for 911 and continuation and strengthening of the CRA that later led to the credit failures.

Clinton was a progressive that failed good government just like every President in my lifetime. He would have been worse if Newt hadn't saved his ass.

I can see now that you have no concept of what good government can be. It is people like you that will contribute to this country going to shit. Enjoy!

I see, great example of who is better.
You are so transparent lol. If you found it so stupid you wouldn't waste any time in explaining why it's stupid. What are you waiting for, you degenerate?
You understand the corporate tax rate is totally unrelated to the GDP, right? There is no, zero, causal relationship.
You're such an idiot. Why else would the corporate tax rate be the highest in the world?

You really try too hard don't you? You have the maturity of a young adolescent who can't stand being wrong. You'll say anything. No wonder you're such a bigoted fucktard.
Seriously? Really?
Suriname and Angola have among the highest corporate tax rates in the world. They hardly have the highest GDP.
I havent been wrong in any discussion with you yet. You OTOH cant help yourlesf from posting the most stupid, ignorant crap you pull out of your ass. ANd then deflecting when caught on it.
Good god. You're just making shit up as you go along. Like I said. Adolescent. Do you realize how dumb it sounds comparing Angola to the US in terms of how revenue policy is created? We have the second highest. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the connection. My article makes it damn clear how important high revenue is to this economy. Part of why our GDP is so high is because of our population. A small country could never reach our level of GDP. That high population of ours also requires a sufficient revenue policy. That mean a high corporate tax rate.

Are you done yet? You're embarrassing yourself.
OMG The Stupid! IT Hurts!
Are you disputing that Suriname and Angola have higher tax rates? Or do you think they have higher GDP? Or do you think a high corporate tax rate translates into high revenue (whatever that is) or high GDP? OR what exactly do you think? Do you even? Or do you just spew shit that sounds reasonable to you?
The truth is you have zero idea about 90% of what you post. You are a joke.
No, you douche I am not disputing Angola's tax policy. I am saying it is stupid to compare our economy to theirs. Who the hell knows why their tax rate is so high? It probably shouldn't be. That isn't the point. Their GDP is FAR LESS than ours. Policy makers here were smarter and realized that because our GDP is so high, our tax rates must be high too. A big population requires many government services. That requires high Tax rates. Fuck Angola. It's completely stupid to compare our country to theirs.

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