REPUBLICANS: Why wasn't the wall taken care of in Trump's first two years?

Thinking this through a bit, he probably knew (or, more accurately, was informed) that he'd never get it through, even though the GOP held all the cards. There were too many Republicans who saw the writing on the wall (no pun intended) and knew what a bad idea this is.

So, he waits (or, more accurately, is instructed to wait) specifically until the Democrats have the House to suddenly scream NATIONAL EMERGENCY. Since his top priority has always been his base, maybe he knows this won't happen but wants to keep them happy, assuming 100% of them are still obediently with him and will follow along.

I dunno. Tossing out guesses.

That's right. There was never popular support for a wall on either side. It was always folly.
Why anyone would think the Dems should be villified for not rushing to bail out this president after his own party wouldn't is beyond me.

There's more mileage in villifying the Dems than there is in actually building a wall.
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Because the Republicans needed 60 votes in the Senate to pass thanks to Dems filibusters if there was any wall funding.
If he couldn't get it done for two years with the GOP in control of both chambers, this seems like a pretty bizarre gambit.

Has there been anything about Trump's Admin that isn't bizarre?

I'm not really complaining about it though, we needed a Tasmanian Devil in the WH to roll back decades of regressive policy.

Trump seems to be stirring up a lot of shit that needed to be stirred.

He has to be seen as having fought "the good fight" with his supporters before he capitulates and moves on to other things, I suspect the issue will come back to the forefront when election time comes around.

It's dicey business to predict what Trump is going to do. Still, he will never "capitulate" on that fight - he patently can't afford to, as the recent weeks demonstrated. Coulter and Limbaugh went after him at the first sign of compromise, and their efforts were wildly successful when Trump dropped the Senate-approved compromise like a red-hot lump of coal. What would you think the two learned from that? ... Exactly.

The government, one way or another, needs to be re-opened. The only thing left to be resolved is the narrative that paints the Democrats as the weak-on-national-security villains, and the fight will restart with every continuing resolution funding government for a few weeks or months. ... or so would be my guess.

Good analysis, although I think there's a possible alternative to "the narrative that paints the Democrats as the weak-on-national-security villains" that would end this stand-off.

He just redefines the meaning of "the wall" to something that's already within his grasp, declare victory and depart the field, after all, hasn't he already been on that path for a while now? He's great at watering down the promise until he can claim he's fulfilled it and then spinning a yarn around how he managed to do it and his base has shown that it will pretty much swallow and defend anything he puts out.
Keep er shut down until a real budget is passed with the wall and border security funding.
Not any more continuing resolutions. That shit has gone on long enough.
Define what the word "MUCH" means. He said much of the wall has already been renovated.
Do you know how much of the wall has been already renovated?
If you don't know then STFU.
I get a little tired of people constantly calling Trump a liar when in fact they are lying themselves.
Okay, fair enough.

In Trumpworld, "much" can mean "anything more than 0.01%".

Stipulated. You got me.

Now, why is this only a NATIONAL EMERGENCY now that the Dems have the House?
Because Trump was counting on Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to do their damned jobs and they didn't do it.
He gave them the rope they wanted to hang themselves and they're hanging in the breeze as we speak.
I love people who believe that "much" new wall has been built. Do they think Trump wouldn't be there to put a golden shovel in the ground the second construction began?
Define what the word "MUCH" means. He said much of the wall has already been renovated.
Do you know how much of the wall has been already renovated?
If you don't know then STFU.
I get a little tired of people constantly calling Trump a liar when in fact they are lying themselves.
Okay, fair enough.

In Trumpworld, "much" can mean "anything more than 0.01%".

Stipulated. You got me.

Now, why is this only a NATIONAL EMERGENCY now that the Dems have the House?
Because Trump was counting on Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to do their damned jobs and they didn't do it.
He gave them the rope they wanted to hang themselves and they're hanging in the breeze as we speak.
What do you think makes him think the Dems will cave, when he couldn't even get enough GOP votes for this?

Or is this just another ploy to the base?
Define what the word "MUCH" means. He said much of the wall has already been renovated.
Do you know how much of the wall has been already renovated?
If you don't know then STFU.
I get a little tired of people constantly calling Trump a liar when in fact they are lying themselves.
Okay, fair enough.

In Trumpworld, "much" can mean "anything more than 0.01%".

Stipulated. You got me.

Now, why is this only a NATIONAL EMERGENCY now that the Dems have the House?
Because Trump was counting on Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to do their damned jobs and they didn't do it.
He gave them the rope they wanted to hang themselves and they're hanging in the breeze as we speak.

there was a bipartison bill ready for trump to sign & he was going to until oxyboy & man coulter opened their pieholes....whispered in his ear.... & pulled his strings.
Because the Republicans needed 60 votes in the Senate to pass thanks to Dems filibusters if there was any wall funding.
If he couldn't get it done for two years with the GOP in control of both chambers, this seems like a pretty bizarre gambit.

It's not a "bizarre gambit" at all, He's getting tons of mileage out of the issue and his intransigence on it with his base. He has to be seen as having fought "the good fight" with his supporters before he capitulates and moves on to other things, I suspect the issue will come back to the forefront when election time comes around.

If he REALLY wanted the $5 billion to begin the construction of this wall/curtain/whatever the fuck he's calling it now, he could have used executive transfer authority to get it (instead of just making veiled threats to use it) but that wouldn't have given him a political issue to rile up his base with. :dunno:

It is amazing, how do you see right through him like that, lol?
This all seems pretty silly. If this is a "national emergency", why is Trump willing to shut down the government NOW, all of a sudden, when the GOP's strength has decreased so much?

It was his biggest promise. And he waits until the Democrats have the House?

Why wasn't the wall built when Democrats voted for it in 2007...or on Obama's watch at any time from 2009 - 2012?

This all seems pretty silly. If this is a "national emergency", why is Trump willing to shut down the government NOW, all of a sudden, when the GOP's strength has decreased so much?

It was his biggest promise. And he waits until the Democrats have the House?


I don't know the answer, but it is a good question.

That being said, it is a question, not a reason to not BUILD THE FUCKING WALL NOW.
Define what the word "MUCH" means. He said much of the wall has already been renovated.
Do you know how much of the wall has been already renovated?
If you don't know then STFU.
I get a little tired of people constantly calling Trump a liar when in fact they are lying themselves.
Okay, fair enough.

In Trumpworld, "much" can mean "anything more than 0.01%".

Stipulated. You got me.

Now, why is this only a NATIONAL EMERGENCY now that the Dems have the House?
Because Trump was counting on Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to do their damned jobs and they didn't do it.
He gave them the rope they wanted to hang themselves and they're hanging in the breeze as we speak.
What do you think makes him think the Dems will cave, when he couldn't even get enough GOP votes for this?

Or is this just another ploy to the base?
The Dems have painted themselves into a corner here.
They decided that being against the wall was the red line.
If they back down they're fucked.
If they refuse to back down they're fucked.
This is like when the Democrats refused to end slavery.
This is like when the Democrats refused to pass Civil Rights legislation.
They are on the wrong side of history.
As the bodies keep piling up they lose the high ground on their gun-grabbing arguments.
Their only option is to censor the news and hope that people aren't paying attention.
Thinking this through a bit, he probably knew (or, more accurately, was informed) that he'd never get it through, even though the GOP held all the cards. There were too many Republicans who saw the writing on the wall (no pun intended) and knew what a bad idea this is.

So, he waits (or, more accurately, is instructed to wait) specifically until the Democrats have the House to suddenly scream NATIONAL EMERGENCY. Since his top priority has always been his base, maybe he knows this won't happen but wants to keep them happy, assuming 100% of them are still obediently with him and will follow along.

I dunno. Tossing out guesses.

He could have done that against Establishment Republicans too, and whipped them into the whimpering curs, they are normally for the dems.
I suspect that he doesn't really give a damn whether or not this "wall" gets built and never has, it was a political tool from the get go and he's going to continue to use it until it's no longer an effective one, it fits his bluster, bullshit and blame style to a tee.

If that is the answer, it is still not a reason to not BUILD THE WALL NOW.
Why wasn't the wall built when Democrats voted for it in 2007...or on Obama's watch at any time from 2009 - 2012? WHY DO DEMOCRATS OPENLY VIOLATE FEDERAL LAW, PROVIDE SAFE HAVEN FOR VIOLENT ILLEGALS / HUMAN TRAFFICKERS / PEDOPHILES / THIEVES / COP KILLERS BY OPERATING SANCTUARY CITIES?
Okay, great, so what's your answer to my question?
Fantasy. Amazing.
Define what the word "MUCH" means. He said much of the wall has already been renovated.
Do you know how much of the wall has been already renovated?
If you don't know then STFU.
I get a little tired of people constantly calling Trump a liar when in fact they are lying themselves.
Okay, fair enough.

In Trumpworld, "much" can mean "anything more than 0.01%".

Stipulated. You got me.

Now, why is this only a NATIONAL EMERGENCY now that the Dems have the House?
Because Trump was counting on Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to do their damned jobs and they didn't do it.
He gave them the rope they wanted to hang themselves and they're hanging in the breeze as we speak.
What do you think makes him think the Dems will cave, when he couldn't even get enough GOP votes for this?

Or is this just another ploy to the base?
The Dems have painted themselves into a corner here.
They decided that being against the wall was the red line.
If they back down they're fucked.
If they refuse to back down they're fucked.
This is like when the Democrats refused to end slavery.
This is like when the Democrats refused to pass Civil Rights legislation.
They are on the wrong side of history.
As the bodies keep piling up they lose the high ground on their gun-grabbing arguments.
Their only option is to censor the news and hope that people aren't paying attention.
Why are the Democrats fucked if they don't back down?
Define what the word "MUCH" means. He said much of the wall has already been renovated.
Do you know how much of the wall has been already renovated?
If you don't know then STFU.
I get a little tired of people constantly calling Trump a liar when in fact they are lying themselves.
Okay, fair enough.

In Trumpworld, "much" can mean "anything more than 0.01%".

Stipulated. You got me.

Now, why is this only a NATIONAL EMERGENCY now that the Dems have the House?
Because Trump was counting on Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to do their damned jobs and they didn't do it.
He gave them the rope they wanted to hang themselves and they're hanging in the breeze as we speak.
What do you think makes him think the Dems will cave, when he couldn't even get enough GOP votes for this?

Or is this just another ploy to the base?

I think he gets more mileage from creating the impression that he and the country are victims of the "evil" Dems when he is forced to abandon a wall.
This all seems pretty silly. If this is a "national emergency", why is Trump willing to shut down the government NOW, all of a sudden, when the GOP's strength has decreased so much?

It was his biggest promise. And he waits until the Democrats have the House?

Better question is when is democrat SCUM going to work for Americans?

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