REPUBLICANS: Why wasn't the wall taken care of in Trump's first two years?

Define what the word "MUCH" means. He said much of the wall has already been renovated.
Do you know how much of the wall has been already renovated?
If you don't know then STFU.
I get a little tired of people constantly calling Trump a liar when in fact they are lying themselves.
Okay, fair enough.

In Trumpworld, "much" can mean "anything more than 0.01%".

Stipulated. You got me.

Now, why is this only a NATIONAL EMERGENCY now that the Dems have the House?
Because Trump was counting on Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to do their damned jobs and they didn't do it.
He gave them the rope they wanted to hang themselves and they're hanging in the breeze as we speak.
What do you think makes him think the Dems will cave, when he couldn't even get enough GOP votes for this?

Or is this just another ploy to the base?
The Dems have painted themselves into a corner here.
They decided that being against the wall was the red line.
If they back down they're fucked.
If they refuse to back down they're fucked.
This is like when the Democrats refused to end slavery.
This is like when the Democrats refused to pass Civil Rights legislation.
They are on the wrong side of history.
As the bodies keep piling up they lose the high ground on their gun-grabbing arguments.
Their only option is to censor the news and hope that people aren't paying attention.
Why are the Democrats fucked if they don't back down?
Because they look like they don't give a shit about securing the border.
That's the last thing they want.
This should go without saying.
Any intelligent person can see this.
You seem to be under the impression that Democrats have good intentions.
Trust me, they don't.
Their intent is obvious.
They are trafficking votes from our Southern borders.
They know that if they didn't cheat they would lose.
The border will make it harder to cheat.
Because the Republicans needed 60 votes in the Senate to pass thanks to Dems filibusters if there was any wall funding.
If he couldn't get it done for two years with the GOP in control of both chambers, this seems like a pretty bizarre gambit.

It's not a "bizarre gambit" at all, He's getting tons of mileage out of the issue and his intransigence on it with his base. He has to be seen as having fought "the good fight" with his supporters before he capitulates and moves on to other things, I suspect the issue will come back to the forefront when election time comes around.

If he REALLY wanted the $5 billion to begin the construction of this wall/curtain/whatever the fuck he's calling it now, he could have used executive transfer authority to get it (instead of just making veiled threats to use it) but that wouldn't have given him a political issue to rile up his base with. :dunno:

It is amazing, how do you see right through him like that, lol?
It's too obvious.
This all seems pretty silly. If this is a "national emergency", why is Trump willing to shut down the government NOW, all of a sudden, when the GOP's strength has decreased so much?

It was his biggest promise. And he waits until the Democrats have the House?

/----/ The RINOs like Paul Ryan lied to the president when they promised $$$ would be in the budget for the wall. It wasn't so now Trump shuts the Gubmint to force their hand.
Because the Republicans don't vote lock step like the Democrats, plus many don't support Trump as he is an OUTSIDER. There are at least four or five Senators that will not vote for the Wall, and didn't vote for the repeal of Obamacare. Trump may just be able to build the wall due to its national security implications, but he'd rather the legislature be involved.
Because the Republicans needed 60 votes in the Senate to pass thanks to Dems filibusters if there was any wall funding.
If he couldn't get it done for two years with the GOP in control of both chambers, this seems like a pretty bizarre gambit.

It's not a "bizarre gambit" at all, He's getting tons of mileage out of the issue and his intransigence on it with his base. He has to be seen as having fought "the good fight" with his supporters before he capitulates and moves on to other things, I suspect the issue will come back to the forefront when election time comes around.

If he REALLY wanted the $5 billion to begin the construction of this wall/curtain/whatever the fuck he's calling it now, he could have used executive transfer authority to get it (instead of just making veiled threats to use it) but that wouldn't have given him a political issue to rile up his base with. :dunno:

It is amazing, how do you see right through him like that, lol?

Been following his career for over 3 decades, this is all perfectly inline with his modus operandi.

He's starts with a vague, grandiose promise then via a constant barrage of long & winding rants creates a completely new narrative that gets his audience to forgot whatever it was that he said in the first place, he's an absolute MASTER at creating new illusions to replace old ones that no longer fit current realities.

The funny thing is, his political opponents haven't caught on to his tactics and figured out how to counter them, the Democrats et. al. keep reacting the same way, MAYBE this time they'll actually stick to their guns and calmly just call bullshit instead of throwing hissy fits.

"Yeah, everything that guy just said is bullshit, Thank You" -- Vincent Gambini, My Cousin Vinny
It takes 60 votes to get something passed in the Senate he didn't have them the shutudown is a risk but at this point it's really the only option left.
/----/ The RINOs like Paul Ryan lied to the president when they promised $$$ would be in the budget for the wall. It wasn't so now Trump shuts the Gubmint to force their hand.
It's too late for that now, dontcha think?
It takes 60 votes to get something passed in the Senate he didn't have them the shutudown is a risk but at this point it's really the only option left.

America should shut Trump down

Why wasn't the wall built when Democrats voted for it in 2007...or on Obama's watch at any time from 2009 - 2012? WHY DO DEMOCRATS OPENLY VIOLATE FEDERAL LAW, PROVIDE SAFE HAVEN FOR VIOLENT ILLEGALS / HUMAN TRAFFICKERS / PEDOPHILES / THIEVES / COP KILLERS BY OPERATING SANCTUARY CITIES?
Okay, great, so what's your answer to my question?
You want to know why this was not funded during President Trump's 2 years in office, the 2 years in which from Day 1:

- The Democrats have been 100% committed to oppose, resist, and undermine anything and everything the GOP and President Trump would try to do for the American people...

- The treasonous remnants of the Obama administration and democrats began a proven conspiracy and attempted soft coup against the President in which they used Russian-authored Propaganda purchased by the DNC Presidential candidate who could not win her own party's nomination but instead had to steal it, thereby altering the 2016 election, propaganda they used illegally to begin their witch hunt and to acquire warrants to spy on the GOP Presidential nominee during an election...

- The Democrats viciously and vilely attempted to destroy a USSC Judge nominee by falsely accusing him and despite being unable to prove their accusations still attempted to destroy his career, his life, and his family by declaring, in very Un-American fashion, that he was 'Guilty until proven innocent' and that the burden of proof was on him, the accused, not the accuser...

Hatred from Day 1
Treason from Day 1
Sedition from Day 1
Calls for Resistance from Day 1
Lack of civility from Day 1
Calls for increased violent intolerance from Day 1
Refusal to negotiate or Compromise from Day 1
Even rejection an offer for everything they demanded

Why wasn't it done before now?

'Nuff said.

Now answer mine...
Why wasn't the wall built when Democrats voted for it in 2007...or on Obama's watch at any time from 2009 - 2012? WHY DO DEMOCRATS OPENLY VIOLATE FEDERAL LAW, PROVIDE SAFE HAVEN FOR VIOLENT ILLEGALS / HUMAN TRAFFICKERS / PEDOPHILES / THIEVES / COP KILLERS BY OPERATING SANCTUARY CITIES?
Okay, great, so what's your answer to my question?
You want to know why this was not funded during President Trump's 2 years in office, the 2 years in which from Day 1:

- The Democrats have been 100% committed to oppose, resist, and undermine anything and everything the GOP and President Trump would try to do for the American people...

- The treasonous remnants of the Obama administration and democrats began a proven conspiracy and attempted soft coup against the President in which they used Russian-authored Propaganda purchased by the DNC Presidential candidate who could not win her own party's nomination but instead had to steal it, thereby altering the 2016 election, propaganda they used illegally to begin their witch hunt and to acquire warrants to spy on the GOP Presidential nominee during an election...

- The Democrats viciously and vilely attempted to destroy a USSC Judge nominee by falsely accusing him and despite being unable to prove their accusations still attempted to destroy his career, his life, and his family by declaring, in very Un-American fashion, that he was 'Guilty until proven innocent' and that the burden of proof was on him, the accused, not the accuser...

Hatred from Day 1
Treason from Day 1
Sedition from Day 1
Calls for Resistance from Day 1
Lack of civility from Day 1
Calls for increased violent intolerance from Day 1
Refusal to negotiate or Compromise from Day 1
Even rejection an offer for everything they demanded

Why wasn't it done before now?

'Nuff said.

Now answer mine...
What does any of that have to do with the fact that the GOP controlled the House and Senate?
This all seems pretty silly. If this is a "national emergency", why is Trump willing to shut down the government NOW, all of a sudden, when the GOP's strength has decreased so much?

It was his biggest promise. And he waits until the Democrats have the House?

Why wasn't the wall built when Democrats voted for it in 2007...or on Obama's watch at any time from 2009 - 2012?


Why wasn't the wall built when Democrats voted for it in 2007...or on Obama's watch at any time from 2009 - 2012?

Good question.

Did Senate pass immigration bills in 2006, 2013?
What does any of that have to do with the fact that the GOP controlled the House and Senate?
Is it that you weren't paying attention, you are playing the 'stupid' game, or you just don't want to answer MY question of why didn't Democrats - who voted for this in 2007 - not take care of it during Obama's 8 years n office / during their 4 years of having a near-super majority control of Congress?

As clearly stated and proven earlier, Democrats on Day 1 of the Trump Presidency declared their 100% commitment to oppose everything the GOP CONGRESS and President did in attempting to work for the American people and make the country better - Hate, Obstruct, Resist, attempt to Destroy people and their families, OPEN / RAN ILLEGAL FEDERAL-LAW VIOLATING SANCTUARY CITIES TO HARBOR AND PROTECT COP KILLERS AND OTHER CRIMINALS....

The Democrats have and continue to stand with violent illegals, human traffickers, MS13, cop killers, etc...instead of with the President and the American people. As long as Democrats continue to run these Sanctuary Cities that fact can not be denied.

Now...are you going to answer my question now or just continue to cowardly duck, dodge, and run?
What does any of that have to do with the fact that the GOP controlled the House and Senate?
Is it that you weren't paying attention, you are playing the 'stupid' game, or you just don't want to answer MY question of why didn't Democrats - who voted for this in 2007 - not take care of it during Obama's 8 years n office / during their 4 years of having a near-super majority control of Congress?

As clearly stated and proven earlier, Democrats on Day 1 of the Trump Presidency declared their 100% commitment to oppose everything the GOP CONGRESS and President did in attempting to work for the American people and make the country better - Hate, Obstruct, Resist, attempt to Destroy people and their families, OPEN / RAN ILLEGAL FEDERAL-LAW VIOLATING SANCTUARY CITIES TO HARBOR AND PROTECT COP KILLERS AND OTHER CRIMINALS....

The Democrats have and continue to stand with violent illegals, human traffickers, MS13, cop killers, etc...instead of with the President and the American people. As long as Democrats continue to run these Sanctuary Cities that fact can not be denied.

Now...are you going to answer my question now or just continue to cowardly duck, dodge, and run?
You're more than welcome to start another thread, asking these questions, and tag me. I'll respond.

Until then, I'd ask that you stop trying to deflect from the point of my thread in an effort to derail it.

Hopefully, that isn't asking too much.
Because the Republicans don't vote lock step like the Democrats, plus many don't support Trump as he is an OUTSIDER. There are at least four or five Senators that will not vote for the Wall, and didn't vote for the repeal of Obamacare. Trump may just be able to build the wall due to its national security implications, but he'd rather the legislature be involved.

Why are the Dems now soley responsible then?

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