Republicans will win in 2016 if they do


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Republicans will win in 2016 if they do
1. Stop fighting gays--->Most of this country supports it and it isn't wise to go against the majority.
2. Allow abortion before 20 weeks. I thought this was your stance before 2010?
3. Enforce/amnesty for the illegals. Better to legalize then the shit we have now. --> They're here and they're lowering the standard of entire portion of our country. Legalize them to give them a chance as we're stuck with them.

= win the white house. You'll win 300 elv as florida, co and nev go your way.
it looks like a close 40/60 take over, and maby even another 40 in congress. is that enough to supercede Obama?

As long as the Republicans don't do anything stupid in the next 8 months.
What are the chances that either party can refrain from doing anything stupid in the next 8 months?
To the are correct..if the GOP suddenly stops being what they are....and abandons their party platform....they could win some elections. Great call!
No sorry, no GOP candidate can beat Hillary. And the Electoral College is too gamed in the Democrat's favor.

The Republicans won't change enough in time.
it looks like a close 40/60 take over, and maby even another 40 in congress. is that enough to supercede Obama?

As long as the Republicans don't do anything stupid in the next 8 months.
What are the chances that either party can refrain from doing anything stupid in the next 8 months?

well they did bring up 14 senators skating on thin ice, that brings it to 60,,,and we have 39/40 congressmen in the same position,,,,so long as those aholes in the msm dont ask them about birth control! jeez, who knew that was thee crucial issue of these time, meanwhile we owe 17 Trillion dollars!
2014, the year we will all be laughing at, as well as be furious with liberals! they will be dying a slow agonizing death as most Americans wont be able to pay for their health expenses.
As the ACA fix continues to improve, the 40/60 talk will drop way, way back.

The GOP can keep the House and win the Senate if: (1) no more TeaP nonsense about shut down and debt default; (2) shut up about gays and lesbians; (3) pass the Senate version of immigration reform.
They need to be more savvy when asked about social issues. As far as amnesty, fuck all you people. Not only is it bad for America, it will win the GOP absolutely zero. It's an issue the pundit douchebags like Karl Rove pass on to the idiots in DC, but it's a lose lose and I'm fucking tired of it being passed around like a sacred cow. Seriously all of you pushing for it, go die in a fire, burned alive. You make me sick.
and we all know that blacks wont be stampeding to their precincts come November, right? Obama isnt on the ballot , therefore they have no one to vote for.

No, they can stick to their daily routines of sleeping until noon and getting the Colt 45 chilled for the afternoon.

They were nowhere to be seen in our Governor's election in Virginia.
We both know where the blacks are going to vote for...I am talking about Hispanics that do vote republican; 44% for Bush and 53% for Chris Christy.

Miami killed you in florida
Denver in Co
Los Vegas in Nev

12-14% more of that vote = winning.
and we all know that blacks wont be stampeding to their precincts come November, right? Obama isnt on the ballot , therefore they have no one to vote for.

No, they can stick to their daily routines of sleeping until noon and getting the Colt 45 chilled for the afternoon.

They were nowhere to be seen in our Governor's election in Virginia.

same with latinos. i just dont see them racing to the precincts next november as if it was a 1/2 price sale at their local dollar store.
and we all know that blacks wont be stampeding to their precincts come November, right? Obama isnt on the ballot , therefore they have no one to vote for.

No, they can stick to their daily routines of sleeping until noon and getting the Colt 45 chilled for the afternoon.

They were nowhere to be seen in our Governor's election in Virginia.

How do you know this? There aren't any analyzed statistics out yet as far as I know.

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