RePuBliKlan Plan To Smear Mueller Under Investigation

All through and after Kavanaugh’s appointment Creepitus claimed Kavanaugh was a rapist, payback is a bitch, isn’t?

My opinion in reality is let it play out. No one is guilty until proven so.
If he was innocent he would have wanted a real investigation to clear his name.

Only guilty people run.

That is one person's opinion, what is the rapist Mueller going to do? Turn it over to his investigative buddies, that will do the trick. You are one funny dude.
Already debunked my friend, you're just embarrassing yourself.

Nah, all women must be believed, I learned that from the left wing nuts. Should I not believe all women? The left seems to be sending mixed messages. I know we don't believe Ellison's accuser, nor are we to believe Clinton's multiple accusers, however we have to believe Kavanaugh's accuser and Cain's accusers.

Just tough for me to be a partisan, I think all should be considered innocent until proven otherwise.
Do you believe the women who went to the press about being offered thousands of dollars to lie about Mueller?

No more than I believe Mueller raped them.
Same old Repubtard playbook they used on Clinton. They have women throw themselves on Clinton & then claim rape!

What happened to women accusers must be believed? Ford vs Kavanaugh ring a bell? LOL you people are discombobulated.
The only "accuser" here is accusing Republican operatives of trying to get women to lie about Mueller?

Yes. I believe them
Wow! Notice how the fake news is trying to put this under the rug so hard. Just like when they got caught fabricating the Kavanaugh stories. Shame!

The difference being that at least four Women came forward accuse Kav inappropriate behavior.

Two Women have come forward to say they were money to discredit Mr. Mueller.

Keep Going know how desparate you are!!
Same old Repubtard playbook they used on Clinton. They have women throw themselves on Clinton & then claim rape!

You have proof that is what happened?
Do you have proof it isn't?

Don’t need proof, left wing nutso Asskiss made the accusation, I made no accusation.
what accusation?

That Republican asshole blogger tried to bribe women to lie about Mueller?

That is the accusation the women made
Same old Repubtard playbook they used on Clinton. They have women throw themselves on Clinton & then claim rape!

You have proof that is what happened?
Do you have proof it isn't?

Don’t need proof, left wing nutso Asskiss made the accusation, I made no accusation.
what accusation?

That Republican asshole blogger tried to bribe women to lie about Mueller?

That is the accusation the women made

If you can’t follow the conversation have your 1st Grade teacher explain it to you and have her give you a dunce cap to wear.
Same old Repubtard playbook they used on Clinton. They have women throw themselves on Clinton & then claim rape!

You have proof that is what happened?
Do you have proof it isn't?

Don’t need proof, left wing nutso Asskiss made the accusation, I made no accusation.
You ask for proof you should be prepared to offer some.

What would I need proof of? He claimed Clinton was framed by Republicans, does he have proof of such? I asked what proof he had. Either he has proof of his claim or not, I did not claim anything.

Are you that fucking dense?
The only party Mueller should be referring to the FBI is himself. He is doing a poor job of proving himself innocent
Same old Repubtard playbook they used on Clinton. They have women throw themselves on Clinton & then claim rape!
Yup...I like the way the GOP got Slick Willy's pants to just drop in front of Paula Jones... :p

...or how Juanita Broderick pulled Bill down on top of her so she could falsely claim rape...


So much for the hypocritical Left's and Hillary's 'Believe ALL Women' BS....
Same old Repubtard playbook they used on Clinton. They have women throw themselves on Clinton & then claim rape!

What happened to women accusers must be believed? Ford vs Kavanaugh ring a bell? LOL you people are discombobulated.
Dear repubtard, I never claimed women accusers must be believed. It is Repubtards who believe women who wormed their way into rooms to be alone with Clinton. I would be a total disaster if we followed Republican rules to believe every woman who was ever alone with a man. That's the way VP Pence operates & will force US all to operate!
Well the much anticipated Presser that was going to humilate Robert Mueller and force him to shut down the Russia Investigation has happened. Lets start with fact that Wohl has his fly open and go from there.

Here are the 5 funniest moments from Jacob Wohl's hilariously failed press conference smearing Robert Mueller.

On the day in 2010 when Mr. Mueller supposedly raped the Woman who never met Mueller and would not know him on the street, on that day he was on Jury Duty.

Neither Wohl nor Burkman seemed to know how to spell the name of the Woman they claim to represent....if they rep her they should at least know how to spell her name.

The Woman whose name they do not know how spell...yeah the same Woman they claim Mueller raped while he was on Jury Duty....she did not show up to the presser.

Neither one of two who could very well wind up spending in federal prison for creating this scam were asked if they were ready to prison and they said late the F.B.I. is investigating them anyway.

Oh, the phone for "Sure Fire Intelligence", the fly by night organization used by both Wohl and Burkman, the same cut rate organization investigated the claims of rape by the Woman whose they cannot spell but rep anyway...that company's phone redirects callers to.....Wohl's Mother's homephone. When the number was called, Wohl's 11-Year Old Sister answered the phone. "NO I'm Sorry, Jacob is not home but would like to come over and Barbie's with me."

Jeez, I'm not saying this is not the gang that could not shoot straight, but they sure as hell know who they are.
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