Repubs begin to speak out against trump foreign policy...

nobody sane can take you desperate fools serious when you start that lying bullshit as 2 in 100 qualify for asylum protection.

Hey asshole...they have the right to APPLY for asylum.

What "lie" are you talking about Loser?
This is from your own link/story, Lesh.

Over the past two years Trump's administration has imposed a raft of sanctions on Russia that experts say have in some cases exceeded what previous administrations have done.

Trump enacted those sanctions reluctantly and just lifted those on Oleg Deripaska

Not at all what the link that you provided says. Sorry. You cannot pick and choose.
5. He killed hundreds of Russian mercs in Syria.

HE didn't do squat. Our troops defended themselves.

Trump said....NADA
Obama didn't do jack shit. The Navy Seals killed UBL.


So, trump boasts about everything this happens in his regime that is positive. When something doesn't turn out right, he blames someone else. "The lost Ryan."

Obama orders an attack to capture someone that a Repub president had been chasing for years and the "Navy Seals killed UBL."

Your Great Leader is a large POS.
This "asset" is undermining every alliance we have and bending over to every adversary we have.

Wake up Trumpers

Getting NATO to pay up or we're bailing on troops in the EU is a good thing for the alliance not a bad thing, if there's trouble call us.
What adversaries is Trump catering to? Not the Russians, he's way tougher on them than Obama. Similarly, he's bringing China to heel, way more than anyone ever. Same with Iran, they can whine about JCPOA compliance, but Iran is funding terrorism worldwide.

I'm not seeing anything negative, and you have not provided a link or any specifics, so just keep whining. Better luck in 2020.
Trump's goal isnt to make them pay their fair share, its to undermine NATO. Numerous times. Enough to make the senate take action to prevent him from exiting NATO.

The NATO chief approves Trump's "tough love" approach. So he made NATO stronger not weaker.
'Trump is having an impact': NATO head credits president's tough talk for $100B boost
NATO members are living up to the commitments they made in 2014. The plan was to reach their goal by 2024. Every year the members spend more and get closer to that goal, not because of Trump, but because that is what they planned on doing. These countries cannot just reroute funds not budgeted for their military, into their military because Trump gave them a stern talking to.

NATO's own report confirms their commitments.
5. He killed hundreds of Russian mercs in Syria.

HE didn't do squat. Our troops defended themselves.

Trump said....NADA
Obama didn't do jack shit. The Navy Seals killed UBL.


So, trump boasts about everything this happens in his regime that is positive. When something doesn't turn out right, he blames someone else. "The lost Ryan."

Obama orders an attack to capture someone that a Repub president had been chasing for years and the "Navy Seals killed UBL."

Your Great Leader is a large POS.
I really wonder how much Trump's decision to pull out of combating ISIS in Syria, and Mattis' departure, had to do with killing those Russian paramilitary guys who screwed up by attacking US troops. Putin was not happy.
What adversaries is Trump catering to? Not the Russians, he's way tougher on them than Obama.

If believing this helps you sleep at night then who am I to disturb your sleep. But if you have children my advice is to wake up soon for their sake
Interesting to see the folks who used to defend Bush's wars now all against them 'n stuff.

I wonder how that happened?
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The word "policy" usually involves a thought process. There is no thought process with trump....he is spur of the moment in everything he says and does.

It is scary to think what he might come up with next....
Interesting to see the folks who used to defend Bush's wars now all against them 'n stuff.

I wonder how that happened?

Well, at least some of the time, the difference is just that the accusations of the Left were so over the top crazy, that defending against those specific accusations were called for,

such as "we invaded for oil" or "Afghanistan was unprovoked", or such crazy shit.

It is completely reasonable to reject the far left spin on US policy of that time, and be ready to wind down the commitments now.
Interesting to see the folks who used to defend Bush's wars now all against them 'n stuff.

I wonder how that happened?

Well, at least some of the time, the difference is just that the accusations of the Left were so over the top crazy, that defending against those specific accusations were called for,

such as "we invaded for oil" or "Afghanistan was unprovoked", or such crazy shit.

It is completely reasonable to reject the far left spin on US policy of that time, and be ready to wind down the commitments now.

You serious? Please link supporting sites....other than far right but case sites.

I have never heard the two accusations. Sounds like FOX talking points to me.....
Interesting to see the folks who used to defend Bush's wars now all against them 'n stuff.

I wonder how that happened?

Well, at least some of the time, the difference is just that the accusations of the Left were so over the top crazy, that defending against those specific accusations were called for,

such as "we invaded for oil" or "Afghanistan was unprovoked", or such crazy shit.

It is completely reasonable to reject the far left spin on US policy of that time, and be ready to wind down the commitments now.

You serious? Please link supporting sites....other than far right but case sites.

I have never heard the two accusations. Sounds like FOX talking points to me.....

Please explain your constant bashing of the POTUS

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