Repubs begin to speak out against trump foreign policy...

Not the Russians,


He sides with them over our own intel agencies.

He refused to enact sanctions that Congress passed

He lifted sanctions on Oleg Deripaska

He gave them secret Israeli information in a secret Oval Office meeting that ONLY Russians attended and that we found out about from RUSSIAN media.

He said nothing when Russian mercenaries in Syria attacked our forces

Are you kidding?
1. Look at what Trump does, not what he says. He killed hundreds of Russian mercs in Syria. He wants Germany to stop buying gas from Russia, while we pay $24b a year to keep troops in the EU to protect them from the Russians?! WTF
2. Trump signed the Russian sanctions, WTF are you whining about?
Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act - Wikipedia
3. Wrong. "Sanctions on Deripaska remain intact."
Treasury Department lifts sanctions on three Russian firms with ties to Oleg Deripaska - CNNPolitics
4. Trump is the most pro-Israeli president in history. If what you say about "Israeli secrets" mattered BiBi would have bitched, so I'm calling bullshit, Netanyahu and Israel loves Trump, especially for moving the embassy to Jerusalem.
5. He killed hundreds of Russian mercs in Syria. He's costing Russia billions by selling the EU US gas.
The true story of the brutal four-hour battle between Russian mercenaries and US commandos in Syria
Trump and Juncker agree to take steps to boost US LNG exports to Europe

So I proved that all of your bullshit attacks against Trump are nothing. Thanks for playing.
This "asset" is undermining every alliance we have and bending over to every adversary we have.

Wake up Trumpers

Getting NATO to pay up or we're bailing on troops in the EU is a good thing for the alliance not a bad thing, if there's trouble call us.
What adversaries is Trump catering to? Not the Russians, he's way tougher on them than Obama. Similarly, he's bringing China to heel, way more than anyone ever. Same with Iran, they can whine about JCPOA compliance, but Iran is funding terrorism worldwide.

I'm not seeing anything negative, and you have not provided a link or any specifics, so just keep whining. Better luck in 2020.
Trump's goal isnt to make them pay their fair share, its to undermine NATO. Numerous times. Enough to make the senate take action to prevent him from exiting NATO.

The NATO chief approves Trump's "tough love" approach. So he made NATO stronger not weaker.
'Trump is having an impact': NATO head credits president's tough talk for $100B boost
The democrats could fuck up a penalty shot while leading

Trump Venezuela policy scores in Florida

“But,” Sanders wrote, “we must learn the lessons of the past and not be in the business of regime change or supporting coups — as we have in Chile, Guatemala, Brazil & the DR. The US has a long history of inappropriately intervening in Latin American nations; we must not go down that road again.”

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, also a Democratic presidential hopeful, warned on Twitter that the “United States needs to stay out of Venezuela.” Of the Democratic responses, Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar’s tweet most outraged Venezuelan exiles by suggesting Guaidó was part of a “US backed coup” in Venezuela and saying he was part of “Trump's efforts to install a far right opposition” in the country.
Meanwhile Mexico fucks us blind detail

They send us, at minimum, 400,000 of their filthiest subhuman cockroaches every year. These disgusting pukes ruin every single community they inhabit and good Americans are forced to pay them to fuck them over. Pretty cool huh?
They don't "send us" anyone.

And oh by the way...most asylum seekers are coming from Central America.

But were SO close
This is from your own link/story, Lesh.

Over the past two years Trump's administration has imposed a raft of sanctions on Russia that experts say have in some cases exceeded what previous administrations have done.

Trump enacted those sanctions reluctantly and just lifted those on Oleg Deripaska
Don't confuse the commies with facts. They tuned out of reality after Hillary paid the Russians $1.1m for the Steele Dossier. Talk about real "collusion". All they do all day long is drink CNN's fake news KoolAde.

p.s. "Sanctions on Deripaska remain intact." (from the article, & Derpiaska is Ukranian)
Don't confuse the commies with facts. They tuned out of reality after Hillary paid the Russians $1.1m for the Steele Dossier. Talk about real "collusion". All they do all day long is drink CNN's fake news KoolAde.
So after being shown to be wrong...over and you just flat out LIE?
Shit like this is why Democrats ever managed to get elected even though everyone knows they are fucking insane. You argue behind closed doors and smile and have one front in pubic. DUH!!
Don't confuse the commies with facts. They tuned out of reality after Hillary paid the Russians $1.1m for the Steele Dossier. Talk about real "collusion". All they do all day long is drink CNN's fake news KoolAde.
So after being shown to be wrong...over and you just flat out LIE?

Your post #13 are the lies. My post #22 is the truth. If we can't agree on that there is no sense posting?!
5. He killed hundreds of Russian mercs in Syria.

HE didn't do squat. Our troops defended themselves.

Trump said....NADA

You're as ignorant as a person could possibly be.

Trump personally cost Russia BILLIONS when he badgered Germany into cancelling their natural gas order they had with Russia. He also strengthened NATO when he convinced other countries to spend more on NATO.

If Putin made a deal with Trump, it was the worse deal since the Native Siberians sold Manhattan for $24 worth the beads.
Meanwhile Mexico fucks us blind detail

They send us, at minimum, 400,000 of their filthiest subhuman cockroaches every year. These disgusting pukes ruin every single community they inhabit and good Americans are forced to pay them to fuck them over. Pretty cool huh?
They don't "send us" anyone.

And oh by the way...most asylum seekers are coming from Central America.

But were SO close

Haha...they all come through Mexico and they’re all undocumented, you don’t know their origin, you know what CNN tells you to know.
Please stop with the asylum bit, nobody sane can take you desperate fools serious when you start that lying bullshit as 2 in 100 qualify for asylum protection.
They come for taxpayer cash....welfare, free education and healthcare.

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