repubs pick Putin over democracy

They aren't similar?
U.S. Ambassador to the USSR in 1937-39 Joseph Davis on Communism and Nazism and their fundamental difference

"(July 7, 1941)

My friend Lindbergh surprised me by saying that he prefers Nazism to communism. In general, making such a choice is a desperate thing, but the difference between these two subjects is too great. Both Germany and Russia are totalitarian states. Both are realistic. Both of them apply strict and ruthless methods. However, there is one significant difference that can be shown as follows. If Marx, Lenin or Stalin had been Christian believers, and if one tried to place the communist experiment carried out in Russia within the framework of the dogmas of the Catholic or Protestant Church, the result would have been declared the greatest achievement of Christianity in the history of mankind in its pursuit of humanity and the embodiment of Christian commandments in the life of society. The fact is that the Christian religion can be combined with communist principles without committing much violence against its economic and political goals, the main of which is the "brotherhood of all people". Having conducted a similar test with regard to Nazism, we will find that it is impossible to combine the two ideologies. The principle of Christian ideology cannot be imposed on Nazi philosophy without destroying the political basis of the state. Fascist philosophy creates a state that is actually based on the denial of the altruistic principles of Christianity. For the Nazis, love, charity, justice and Christian values are just manifestations of weakness and decline if they contradict the needs of the state.

This is the whole difference - the communist Soviet state can act with Christianity as the basis for achieving the ultimate goal - the universal brotherhood of people. Communists allow the withering away of the state as man improves, whereas the ideal of the Nazis is the exact opposite - the state is above all."
The first 3 things in the MAGA handbook.
2) Sell Putin uranium
Really? And wasn't it Russia that sold uranium to the USA?
LEU supplies to the USA after the completion of the agreement
According to the amendments to it from 2008, Russia received the right to sell up to 500 tons of uranium per year to the United States after the end of the HEU-LEU program, which is about 20% of the US demand.
U.S. Ambassador to the USSR in 1937-39 Joseph Davis on Communism and Nazism and their fundamental difference

"(July 7, 1941)

My friend Lindbergh surprised me by saying that he prefers Nazism to communism. In general, making such a choice is a desperate thing, but the difference between these two subjects is too great. Both Germany and Russia are totalitarian states. Both are realistic. Both of them apply strict and ruthless methods. However, there is one significant difference that can be shown as follows. If Marx, Lenin or Stalin had been Christian believers, and if one tried to place the communist experiment carried out in Russia within the framework of the dogmas of the Catholic or Protestant Church, the result would have been declared the greatest achievement of Christianity in the history of mankind in its pursuit of humanity and the embodiment of Christian commandments in the life of society. The fact is that the Christian religion can be combined with communist principles without committing much violence against its economic and political goals, the main of which is the "brotherhood of all people". Having conducted a similar test with regard to Nazism, we will find that it is impossible to combine the two ideologies. The principle of Christian ideology cannot be imposed on Nazi philosophy without destroying the political basis of the state. Fascist philosophy creates a state that is actually based on the denial of the altruistic principles of Christianity. For the Nazis, love, charity, justice and Christian values are just manifestations of weakness and decline if they contradict the needs of the state.

This is the whole difference - the communist Soviet state can act with Christianity as the basis for achieving the ultimate goal - the universal brotherhood of people. Communists allow the withering away of the state as man improves, whereas the ideal of the Nazis is the exact opposite - the state is above all."

Cool story, bro.
What are the top 5 ways that fascism is worse than communism?
Really? And wasn't it Russia that sold uranium to the USA?
LEU supplies to the USA after the completion of the agreement
According to the amendments to it from 2008, Russia received the right to sell up to 500 tons of uranium per year to the United States after the end of the HEU-LEU program, which is about 20% of the US demand.

It's true, Russia doesn't have any manufactured goods that anyone wants.
Kind of a third world country that way.

Just incredible! How can you recognize a Putin Sympathizer? If they call the murderer, Putin, a "Genius" or "Savvy"....they are a Russian tool and a sympathizer. RT is using their words to lie to the Russian people.
Where do the idiots come up with this stuff?

Oh....Salon. I get it now
Oh spare me, Hoss. I wrote “your ilk,” I.e Trumpers, have been all over this board supporting Putin. I can‘t count how many posts I have read where certain Trumpers have written they would rather see Putin as president than a Democrat.

BTW show me one post where I have ever supported Putin..GO BOY!
Ilk. We arent the clowns being screwed on the world stage again by Putin. Second time he laughed and walked all over DNC Muckey Mouse Club clowns.

You are attacking us because you have nothing else because you suck so bad.

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