Repubs realize they guarantee midterms will be referendum on trump and his big lie.

So exactly where in the first article did it mention anyone being fired? Or hell even reprimanded? I will wait.
Dumbass. No one is ever fired from the government. Its too complicated. They "retire" with full benefits.
Getting partisan hacks out of the FBI is a good start.
After so many of the right's steadfast and consistent leaders have been primaried in favor of those whose support for trump is stronger, those primary winners have no choice but to continue campaigning in praise of trump. In many cases, their support of trump is the only thing that allowed them to win their primaries. Can you see somebody like Hershal Walker, whose childish remarks have included his claim that we have enough trees, and some silliness about swapping air between the US and China, coming up with a coherant reason to vote republican, other than for the only reason he won his primary? Of course, there is Liz Cheney, who won her last election with 75% of the vote, and had a long history of being a leading conservative voice for her constiuants, but she was kicked out for not kissing trump's ass often enough. The right desperately wants to make the coming election about all the silly claims about Biden's age, but the die is cast. It will be about trump, and his bizarre lies, and it's too late to change that.
speaking of big lies...I never had sex with that woman...Ms Lewinsky
After so many of the right's steadfast and consistent leaders have been primaried in favor of those whose support for trump is stronger, those primary winners have no choice but to continue campaigning in praise of trump. In many cases, their support of trump is the only thing that allowed them to win their primaries. Can you see somebody like Hershal Walker, whose childish remarks have included his claim that we have enough trees, and some silliness about swapping air between the US and China, coming up with a coherant reason to vote republican, other than for the only reason he won his primary? Of course, there is Liz Cheney, who won her last election with 75% of the vote, and had a long history of being a leading conservative voice for her constiuants, but she was kicked out for not kissing trump's ass often enough. The right desperately wants to make the coming election about all the silly claims about Biden's age, but the die is cast. It will be about trump, and his bizarre lies, and it's too late to change that.

Even MORE than Donald Trump, the mid-terms will be a referendum on ABORTION in the wake of Dobbs. 8 million more women voters than men and the women are pissed. No just the Democratic women, but Republican women too. The majority of Republican women are pro-choice - even those who personally oppose abortion.

With one in four women having had an abortion by age 40, and most of us having had some form of pregnancy complication, which MIGHT have resulted in a miscarriage or the did need for a D&C, are now living in terror of getting pregnant at all, in case of complications. Reproductive choice is medical choice, and idiot Republican men are not who should be making medical and reproductive decisions on behalf of American women.

I had a very high risk of ectopic pregnancy before I had my youngest daughter. I agreed to try to get pregnant, knowing that an ectopic pregnancy could kill me, BECAUSE my doctors assured me that I would be monitored very closely, the moment I so much as suspected I was pregnant, to make sure the fetus implanted properly. Today, in states with heartbeat laws, doctors would do NOTHING for me, even knowing that the fetus will die, and I might die, until my fallopian tube ruptured and the fetus died. I would be left to bleed out until the fetal heartbeat stopped.

1/50 pregnancies in the USA is an ectopic pregnancy. Good luck with that.

Republican candidates are now busy scrubbing their websites of their rabid opposition to abortion of any kind, including to save the life of the mother.
Even MORE than Donald Trump, the mid-terms will be a referendum on ABORTION in the wake of Dobbs. 8 million more women voters than men and the women are pissed. No just the Democratic women, but Republican women too. The majority of Republican women are pro-choice - even those who personally oppose abortion.

With one in four women having had an abortion by age 40, and most of us having had some form of pregnancy complication, which MIGHT have resulted in a miscarriage or the did need for a D&C, are now living in terror of getting pregnant at all, in case of complications. Reproductive choice is medical choice, and idiot Republican men are not who should be making medical and reproductive decisions on behalf of American women.

I had a very high risk of ectopic pregnancy before I had my youngest daughter. I agreed to try to get pregnant, knowing that an ectopic pregnancy could kill me, BECAUSE my doctors assured me that I would be monitored very closely, the moment I so much as suspected I was pregnant, to make sure the fetus implanted properly. Today, in states with heartbeat laws, doctors would do NOTHING for me, even knowing that the fetus will die, and I might die, until my fallopian tube ruptured and the fetus died. I would be left to bleed out until the fetal heartbeat stopped.

1/50 pregnancies in the USA is an ectopic pregnancy. Good luck with that.

Republican candidates are now busy scrubbing their websites of their rabid opposition to abortion of any kind, including to save the life of the mother.
Worry about your own restrictive abortion laws, Simp.


Across Canadian provinces, abortions are regulated similarly to other health-care procedures. Through the Canada Health Act, Canadians have a right to access sexual and reproductive health services, which includes abortion.

However, it remains difficult to obtain in many provinces.

Abortions can be done medically via a pill or other medication taken at home, however, if the fetus is over nine weeks old, a surgical abortion is required.

According to Planned Parenthood Toronto, there are only 11 clinics in Ontario that offer surgical abortion, most of which are located in the southern region of the province. New Brunswick, for example, doesn't have a single clinic offering surgical abortion.

According to a study published by Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights in 2019, no providers in Canada offer abortion services more than 23 weeks and six days into a pregnancy. Those who are this far into their pregnancy and looking for an abortion often travel to the United States for the procedure instead, which would be in jeopardy should Roe v. Wade be overturned.
He didn't have vaginal sex with her. She gave him blow jobs. Teenage girls at Christian Schools are giving blows jobs to their boyfriends so they'll be "virgins" when they get married.

Same stupid thinking.
Were you there? Why did you leave out his cigar escapades?
Were you there? Why did you leave out his cigar escapades?
Remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother's eye. In other words, Trump trying to overthrow our government is worse than Clinton's blowjob, dumb ass.
Remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother's eye. In other words, Trump trying to overthrow our government is worse than Clinton's blowjob, dumb ass.
Clinton pled guilty to a crime. Trump has not.

That makes Clinton worse, Simp.
You are free to believe that no matter how wrong you are.
What am I wrong about, Simp?

Did Clinton plead guilty to a crime? Yep.

Has Trump? Nope.

One is a criminal, one isn't. Which is worse?
What am I wrong about, Simp?

Did Clinton plead guilty to a crime? Yep.

Has Trump? Nope.

One is a criminal, one isn't. Which is worse?
Dahmer never admitted to eating all those people. Does that mean he didn't do it?
Democrats are DESPERATE to make the midterms about Trump instead of their own corruption, crime, failures, and failed policies.
Democrats are DESPERATE to make the midterms about Trump instead of their own corruption, crime, failures, and failed policies.
Try to keep up. Trump and the GOP already made it about trump, and it's too late for you to make it about anything else. I doubt trump would let you make it about anything else.
He didn't have vaginal sex with her. She gave him blow jobs. Teenage girls at Christian Schools are giving blows jobs to their boyfriends so they'll be "virgins" when they get married.

Same stupid thinking.
FYI, in America blow jobs are considered oral sex. So he lied but that isn't why he was impeached. He committed perjury and obstruction of justice, and denied Jones her civil rights. I don't think it rose to the level of impeachment but Clinton knew it was wrong on his part and that is why he lied, no other reason to lie.

Democraps realize they guarantee midterms will be referendum on Brandon and his ineffectual & detrimental handling of everything.​

There. I corrected the imbecile thread headline.

Democraps realize they guarantee midterms will be referendum on Brandon and his ineffectual & detrimental handling of everything.​

There. I corrected the imbecile thread headline.
Yep. That's exactly how trump does it.
1. See something you don't like.
2. Make up and tell a lie saying exactly oposite of what you didn't like
3. Expect the crazies to believe you.

I'm sure trump would be proud of your lying skills.

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