Repubs realize they guarantee midterms will be referendum on trump and his big lie.

LOL.....I heard one whiney-ass dem say it was because of the start of the college football season. :laughing0301:
I haven't had time to keep up with all of Walker's stupid remarks. Did he say something stupid about college football?
Lol! Gotta laugh at the Dems getting ahead of the loss. It shows their hand. When they lose, they're gonna scream "fraud", and " stolen election"! Welcome to American politics going forward. There are consequences to stolen elections. And while the Dems smugly try to pretend they don't believe their side defrauded the entire nation... I bet their kids in 20 odd years won't be too impressed with the country they've handed them...
After so many of the right's steadfast and consistent leaders have been primaried in favor of those whose support for trump is stronger, those primary winners have no choice but to continue campaigning in praise of trump. In many cases, their support of trump is the only thing that allowed them to win their primaries. Can you see somebody like Hershal Walker, whose childish remarks have included his claim that we have enough trees, and some silliness about swapping air between the US and China, coming up with a coherant reason to vote republican, other than for the only reason he won his primary? Of course, there is Liz Cheney, who won her last election with 75% of the vote, and had a long history of being a leading conservative voice for her constiuants, but she was kicked out for not kissing trump's ass often enough. The right desperately wants to make the coming election about all the silly claims about Biden's age, but the die is cast. It will be about trump, and his bizarre lies, and it's too late to change that.

Yeah. I hope the demleftists keep reminding rational Americans they stole the election.
I doubt the Mar-a-Lago raid, to retrieve government documents, trump tried to claim through lawyer were not even there, will help the Republicans. It is a shame. I remember, before Trump, years ago, they wanted to be thought of as the law and order party. What a fking mess, when a party falls to a cult supporting a person, instead of ideals.
75% of Americans say the democrats have the US on the wrong track.
Runaway inflation, and the dems are still throwing money from helicopters
War on energy, when the EU and the Brits are finding out that they are not ready for winter.
Gas and oil prices are going up, thanks to Biden's "liberal world order" policies
Open borders letting in millions of migrants
Lawlessness on the streets
Gang warfare in the cities setting record for murders

Yeah, the US is a fucking mess, due to democrats.
Rehashing trump's loss is all the repubs have. It's what the midterms will be about.
Here is what the mid-terms will be about.
75% of Americans say the democrats have the US on the wrong track.
Runaway inflation, and the dems are still throwing money from helicopters
War on energy, when the EU and the Brits are finding out that they are not ready for winter.
Gas and oil prices are going up, thanks to Biden's "liberal world order" policies
Open borders letting in millions of migrants
Lawlessness on the streets
Gang warfare in the cities setting records for murders
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75% of Americans say the democrats have the US on the wrong track.
Runaway inflation, and the dems are still throwing money from helicopters
War on energy, when the EU and the Brits are finding out that they are not ready for winter.
Gas and oil prices are going up, thanks to Biden's "liberal world order" policies
Open borders letting in millions of migrants
Lawlessness on the streets
Gang warfare in the cities setting record for murders

Yeah, the US is a fucking mess, due to democrats.
So much silly shit in yor post. So little concern for your delusions. I will note that 75% didn't indicate which party they blame.
I haven't had time to keep up with all of Walker's stupid remarks. Did he say something stupid about college football?
No it was the dem who made the stupid remark....Pretty much what I've come to expect when I "slum" on CNN....Or read one of your posts.
This thread and the socialist dems commenting are bizarre….
After so many of the right's steadfast and consistent leaders have been primaried in favor of those whose support for trump is stronger, those primary winners have no choice but to continue campaigning in praise of trump. In many cases, their support of trump is the only thing that allowed them to win their primaries. Can you see somebody like Hershal Walker, whose childish remarks have included his claim that we have enough trees, and some silliness about swapping air between the US and China, coming up with a coherant reason to vote republican, other than for the only reason he won his primary? Of course, there is Liz Cheney, who won her last election with 75% of the vote, and had a long history of being a leading conservative voice for her constiuants, but she was kicked out for not kissing trump's ass often enough. The right desperately wants to make the coming election about all the silly claims about Biden's age, but the die is cast. It will be about trump, and his bizarre lies, and it's too late to change that.


70% wrong track, 30% right track.
Plus Biden's recession. High inflation.
Rising interest rates.
I don't think the midterms are going to be about Trump.
Lol! Gotta laugh at the Dems getting ahead of the loss. It shows their hand. When they lose, they're gonna scream "fraud", and " stolen election"! Welcome to American politics going forward. There are consequences to stolen elections. And while the Dems smugly try to pretend they don't believe their side defrauded the entire nation... I bet their kids in 20 odd years won't be too impressed with the country they've handed them...
Mark it down. If you thought the summer of “love” was a good time; you’re gonna love this winter…
75% of Americans say the democrats have the US on the wrong track.
Runaway inflation, and the dems are still throwing money from helicopters
War on energy, when the EU and the Brits are finding out that they are not ready for winter.
Gas and oil prices are going up, thanks to Biden's "liberal world order" policies
Open borders letting in millions of migrants
Lawlessness on the streets
Gang warfare in the cities setting record for murders

Yeah, the US is a fucking mess, due to democrats.
I'm part of the 75%. Before that, I was part of the 75% that thought the Trumpists (boy I miss conservative republican) had the country on the wrong track.
No fan of inflation. Just glad the everybody I know that wants to work is working, which is better than the Bush crash, which still pisses me off, as I was far worse damaged by that, than higher prices.
There is no war on energy. The oil companies are doing great and production is up and been going up since about the beginning of this administration, according to production charts.
Personnaly, I liked the idea of flying the foreign assholes at the southern border back where they came from, but that idea only lasted a week, for political reasons. Definitely do not like midnight flights to communities that do not want them and picking up the tab. I did not and do not want to fund a wall, but Joe Fucked up the situation worse with his announcement on day 1 or 2, with no clue what it would bring and no clue how to deal with it.
The US is a mess because both parties raise more money over it being a mess. Our two parties spend more effort raising money and fighting each other than running the country for the benefit of the country, instead of their radical cults. I piss on the Democrats and the Republicans, neither worth a shit.

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