Repulican Charged in Misuse of Funds.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT SCREW UP. Never give you wife power of attny if you are stationed overseas. This is what might happen.

In an interview with Fox News last year, the six-term congressman said his campaign made mistakes, that he gave his wife power of attorney when he deployed as a Marine to Iraq in 2003 and that she handled his finances during his last five terms in office.

"She can remove any doubt that he might have been able to raise as far as him being away in Washington and that she was 100% responsible for all of this activity," Forge said.

The couple, who have three children, pleaded not guilty last year after a federal grand jury indicted them on charges of spending campaign cash on $400 worth of tequila shots, golf outings, school tuition, and Costco shopping sprees between 2009 and 2016.

They also are accused of trying to conceal the illegal spending in federal campaign finance reports. Duncan Hunter's lawyers said in 2017 that the couple repaid the campaign about $60,000.

Hunter was one of two Republican federal lawmakers to win re-election last November after being indicted on corruption charges. He is scheduled to go on trial in September, and his lawyers have called the allegations a political witch hunt.

Vega, his lawyer, wrote in an August letter to the Justice Department urging prosecutors to delay any action until after the election that "while there may be evidence of infidelity, irresponsibility, or alcohol dependence, the underlying facts do not equate to criminal activity."

The Marine combat veteran recently championed dismissal of a war crimes case against a decorated Navy SEAL, which the president has considered.

Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher is charged with stabbing to death a teenage Islamic State fighter under his care in Iraq in 2017 and then holding his reenlistment ceremony with the body.

Hunter acknowledged taking a photo with a dead combatant during his time in Iraq.

The Hunter family is a household name in a district that covers largely inland areas of San Diego County and runs into Riverside County. His father, also named Duncan, served nearly three decades in one of the most Republican congressional districts in Southern

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