Rest in Peace Muhammad Ali

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. Wow, I bet that Ali regrets alot of the decisions he made over the years, and this would be just like so many decisions made by other Americans just as well over the years, and being anti-America while living it up as a free man here is probably one of the greatest American sins that had been running wild in America during those times. This shows how ignorant you or either his one specific opinion about his country was back then, because America wasn't fighting dark skinned people because they were poor or dark skinned, but it was fighting communism and the spread of communism that oppresses the people who live under communist rules in which makes them servants trapped in servitude forever, yet meanwhile the communist government elites thrive off of the backs of these servants that are being dictated to by their tyranical governments. He lived as a free man here, but wouldn't fight to free men elsewhere in the world ?

He used the
loop hole of religious belief in which he adopted in order to get out of his responsibilities to go and serve the nation like every other red blooded American had to do right ? I know this must have been a torment to him for most if not all of his life afterwards, because he probably lost good friends to that war in which he figured he might could have saved if he had gone with them. Hollywood has a way of coddling those who want to rebel against America, but then all of them including Hollywood are living right off of the backs of those who gave their blood in war to keep America free and open to creativity, enginuity, free speech, freedom of the many compatible American religious beliefs, freedom of opportunity, the ability for citizens to have an address of grievances towards their government, as well as having a free and humane government that has been created by the people, for the people.

If people hate this nation and it's founding so badly, then why don't they move to the very nations in which they Bragg about as being so much better than this one is ? They won't because they are cowards and liars looking out for their own self interest, and using every excuse they can to do it. I forgave Ali, and was a fan, but I always knew that he was not the American that he could have been in total of, but that was for him to settle within himself in life. You would think I didn't like Ali, but I really did like him, just not his actions during wartime in which he should have joined up as a volunteer, instead of waited to get drafted. I think the draft was a bad deal also, and I can understand his opposition to that as well. RIP Ali. May the good Lord show you the way now, and may he have mercy upon all our souls. I think he was a good man in his soul, and that makes him alright with me.

Defying the authorities, when the authorities are wrong, does not make one unAmerican. In fact, I would say it makes them MORE of an American.
He was a draft dodger. He wouldn't have been in combat anyway, he would have been boxing.

Exactly. And I have no doubt he knew that. He objected to the entire war. And he was willing to forfeit prime years in his sport because of his beliefs.
Or maybe he just thought he was special and didn't have to live by the same rules everybody else did.

If that is what you want to believe, have at it.
Condolences to all in the Ali family. Sad ti see a guy pass away at only 74. Nowadays that is a young age for someone to die. Look a Bernie Sanders. He's 74 and he's a bundle of energy. Same with Ringo Starr and Mick Jagger, who tour the world and dance all over stages.

Something does need to be said about this "greatest" title we keep seeing and hearing so much, though. Muhammad Ali (AKA Cassius Clay) was perhaps "the greatest" at showmanship and self-promotion. As a boxer, he was a very good one, but he was far from being the greatest at that.

He lost a few fights, and there are other boxers (Rocky Marciano, Floyd Mayweather, Joe Calzaghe, Ricardo Lopez, Sven Ottke, Edwin Valero, and others) who fought dozens of fights, and still went UNDEFEATED. Valero won all 27 of his fights, all of them by knockouts. Not fair to these guys to call Ali "the greatest".

List of undefeated boxing world champions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many of those guys had four prime years taken away because they stood up for their political principles?
Some poor schmuck in the ghetto had to take Clay's place because he changed his name as an excuse for refusing to go to Vietnam. He's lucky he only lost four years, the poor sap who took Ali's place probably died.

Nevertheless, RIP. Both of them.
Condolences to all in the Ali family. Sad ti see a guy pass away at only 74. Nowadays that is a young age for someone to die. Look a Bernie Sanders. He's 74 and he's a bundle of energy. Same with Ringo Starr and Mick Jagger, who tour the world and dance all over stages.

Something does need to be said about this "greatest" title we keep seeing and hearing so much, though. Muhammad Ali (AKA Cassius Clay) was perhaps "the greatest" at showmanship and self-promotion. As a boxer, he was a very good one, but he was far from being the greatest at that.

He lost a few fights, and there are other boxers (Rocky Marciano, Floyd Mayweather, Joe Calzaghe, Ricardo Lopez, Sven Ottke, Edwin Valero, and others) who fought dozens of fights, and still went UNDEFEATED. Valero won all 27 of his fights, all of them by knockouts. Not fair to these guys to call Ali "the greatest".

List of undefeated boxing world champions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many of those guys had four prime years taken away because they stood up for their political principles?
Some poor schmuck in the ghetto had to take Clay's place because he changed his name as an excuse for refusing to go to Vietnam. He's lucky he only lost four years, the poor sap who took Ali's place probably died.

Nevertheless, RIP. Both of them.

As has been pointed out, Ali would not have been in battle. He would have beeen boxing for Uncle Sam. So some "poor sap" got to get in a boxing ring, instead of being dropped in a jungle, because of Ali.
How many of those guys had four prime years taken away because they stood up for their political principles?
You don't want to go there. Michael Loewe retired undefeated (28-0) when forced to retire because of an injury. He could have won even more fights. Ricardo Lopez retired undefeated (51-0) and was stripped of his WBO title for saying he wanted to give the belt to his father.

Terry Marsh retired undefeated (26-0) forced to retire due to epilepsy. Dimitry Pirog was undefeated (20-0) and forced to retire due to a back injury. Harry Simon was undefeated (30-0) and forced to retire from injuries from a car accident.

Edwin Valero who won ALL of his fights by a knockout, was still the WBC lightweight champion when his career ended, when he committed suicide,

PS -Ali could have gone into the military in a non-combat role, no ?

PS you could have gone to another thread instead of running in to shoot the dying, no?

Inevitable --- some famous figure passes on, the losers with no lives trip all over themselves to go "but no -- me me me!"
Happens ever damn time.
. Its a message board, Social Warrior. Go run to a safe space like the International Cooking Receipes forum if you can't handle it in here.
Condolences to all in the Ali family. Sad ti see a guy pass away at only 74. Nowadays that is a young age for someone to die. Look a Bernie Sanders. He's 74 and he's a bundle of energy. Same with Ringo Starr and Mick Jagger, who tour the world and dance all over stages.

Something does need to be said about this "greatest" title we keep seeing and hearing so much, though. Muhammad Ali (AKA Cassius Clay) was perhaps "the greatest" at showmanship and self-promotion. As a boxer, he was a very good one, but he was far from being the greatest at that.

He lost a few fights, and there are other boxers (Rocky Marciano, Floyd Mayweather, Joe Calzaghe, Ricardo Lopez, Sven Ottke, Edwin Valero, and others) who fought dozens of fights, and still went UNDEFEATED. Valero won all 27 of his fights, all of them by knockouts. Not fair to these guys to call Ali "the greatest".

List of undefeated boxing world champions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No question Ali was the Greatest

He went up against and defeated truly great fighters......Liston, Frazier, Norton, Patterson, Forman

In the Liston and Forman fights boxing experts predicted he could be killed. Ali found a way to win

His wars against Frazier were epic
Some poor schmuck in the ghetto had to take Clay's place because he changed his name as an excuse for refusing to go to Vietnam. He's lucky he only lost four years, the poor sap who took Ali's place probably died.

Fuck you I blame the Government assholes sending our boys overseas to kill farmers for no reason...Ali was never going to face danger ...the Military wanted to use him for propaganda
RIP Ali. Although I wasn't a fan, I usually like the other guy more. I just didn't like the showboating in the ring, the taunting, dancing, prancing, laying on the ropes and hugging he did. Many of his fights were boring, some couples hugged less on their honeymoon.

I remember watching the fight with Jimmy Young live, back before pay per view took over boxing and was glad Young won, he outsmarted Ali and didn't let him play his ringmanship game. That was when he should have retired. But his ego wouldn't let him.

Joe Frazier and George Foreman were probably the ones that mostly put the wear and tear on his head and finally Larry Holmes scrambled what was left of his eggs. Larry felt bad and didn't even really want to fight him. Ego can kill you.
He wouldn't have been in combat anyway, he would have been boxing.
Muhammad did not let Evil use him to do Evil ..that is what made him a Glorious Human a non ordinary human...He is gone but The Fighter Still Remains Here Among us who also Fight against Official Evil
I remember the first Liston fight. I was around seven or eight. Never saw the fight at the time but remember the build up. Clay was constantly shooting his mouth off. Sports commentators were in love with Liston and he had that nasty skowl that scared most fighters to death
I remember my father saying that Liston was going to kill that kid

Years later, I watched that fight and it was not even close. Clay danced around and hit him at will. Liston rubbed some stuff in Clays eyes in the fifth round and Clay could not see. Clay danced the whole round while rubbing his eyes
The next round it cleared and Clay started hitting him at will. Liston did not come out for the eight round

Condolences to all in the Ali family. Sad ti see a guy pass away at only 74. Nowadays that is a young age for someone to die. Look a Bernie Sanders. He's 74 and he's a bundle of energy. Same with Ringo Starr and Mick Jagger, who tour the world and dance all over stages.

Something does need to be said about this "greatest" title we keep seeing and hearing so much, though. Muhammad Ali (AKA Cassius Clay) was perhaps "the greatest" at showmanship and self-promotion. As a boxer, he was a very good one, but he was far from being the greatest at that.

He lost a few fights, and there are other boxers (Rocky Marciano, Floyd Mayweather, Joe Calzaghe, Ricardo Lopez, Sven Ottke, Edwin Valero, and others) who fought dozens of fights, and still went UNDEFEATED. Valero won all 27 of his fights, all of them by knockouts. Not fair to these guys to call Ali "the greatest".

List of undefeated boxing world champions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many of those guys had four prime years taken away because they stood up for their political principles?
Some poor schmuck in the ghetto had to take Clay's place because he changed his name as an excuse for refusing to go to Vietnam. He's lucky he only lost four years, the poor sap who took Ali's place probably died.

Nevertheless, RIP. Both of them.
. It wasn't just ghetto warriors that were drafted was it ? And as I recall they sure weren't all dark skinned or black right ? He was definitely known as a draft dodger, but he paid for that with his boxing career that sadly destroyed his life anyway. Cruel unforgivable world we all live in, but the reward is the forgiveness for our sins. Amen.
Fuck you I blame the Government assholes sending our boys overseas to kill farmers for no reason...Ali was never going to face danger ...the Military wan
Spoken like those proclaiming "I hate America" in every generation.
Fuck you....send your family friends and loved ones to the front line when one of these politicians have brain fart like that asshole W Bush ..fuck all that
Condolences to all in the Ali family. Sad ti see a guy pass away at only 74. Nowadays that is a young age for someone to die. Look a Bernie Sanders. He's 74 and he's a bundle of energy. Same with Ringo Starr and Mick Jagger, who tour the world and dance all over stages.

Something does need to be said about this "greatest" title we keep seeing and hearing so much, though. Muhammad Ali (AKA Cassius Clay) was perhaps "the greatest" at showmanship and self-promotion. As a boxer, he was a very good one, but he was far from being the greatest at that.

He lost a few fights, and there are other boxers (Rocky Marciano, Floyd Mayweather, Joe Calzaghe, Ricardo Lopez, Sven Ottke, Edwin Valero, and others) who fought dozens of fights, and still went UNDEFEATED. Valero won all 27 of his fights, all of them by knockouts. Not fair to these guys to call Ali "the greatest".

List of undefeated boxing world champions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many of those guys had four prime years taken away because they stood up for their political principles?
Some poor schmuck in the ghetto had to take Clay's place because he changed his name as an excuse for refusing to go to Vietnam. He's lucky he only lost four years, the poor sap who took Ali's place probably died.

Nevertheless, RIP. Both of them.
. It wasn't just ghetto warriors that were drafted was it ? And as I recall they sure weren't all dark skinned or black right ? He was definitely known as a draft dodger, but he paid for that with his boxing career that sadly destroyed his life anyway. Cruel unforgivable world we all live in, but the reward is the forgiveness for our sins. Amen.
Looking back, it was interesting how, out of all the great athletes of the era, only Ali managed to get drafted
The others either got deferments or a cushy National Guard gig where they only did weekends
Some poor schmuck in the ghetto had to take Clay's place because he changed his name as an excuse for refusing to go to Vietnam. He's lucky he only lost four years, the poor sap who took Ali's place probably died.

Fuck you I blame the Government assholes sending our boys overseas to kill farmers for no reason...Ali was never going to face danger ...the Military wanted to use him for propaganda
. Kill famers for no reason eh ? Why are you so naieve ? Any war could be made excuses for in why we shouldn't go, but in the end if we don't go, then that war soon comes here. The only thing that going nuclear in the world did, was allow for cowards here to be coddled and held up as tough guy's because the world is fearful of nuclear war with each other. The world is catching up, and the fear is subsiding more and more, so what will the cowards do when there is no longer a nuclear umbrella to hide up under, and an attack on our beaches finally comes after being softened up by a first strike that had finally come from a nation who has overcome it's fears of nuclear war ? Our nuclear deterrent over the years or decades, has led to the protections of the devils within, who are pure evil trying to overcome this nation from within, as the world is held back by the threat of nuclear war if they attack from without. All the world has to do is wait and we will be destroyed from within, and that probably has been the strategy all along or ever since we went full blown nuclear. It's likened to a king who prayed " Father please let thine enemies be that of a stranger for whom I can see coming for me, and not of my brother for whom I can not see coming for me".
Condolences to all in the Ali family. Sad ti see a guy pass away at only 74. Nowadays that is a young age for someone to die. Look a Bernie Sanders. He's 74 and he's a bundle of energy. Same with Ringo Starr and Mick Jagger, who tour the world and dance all over stages.

Something does need to be said about this "greatest" title we keep seeing and hearing so much, though. Muhammad Ali (AKA Cassius Clay) was perhaps "the greatest" at showmanship and self-promotion. As a boxer, he was a very good one, but he was far from being the greatest at that.

He lost a few fights, and there are other boxers (Rocky Marciano, Floyd Mayweather, Joe Calzaghe, Ricardo Lopez, Sven Ottke, Edwin Valero, and others) who fought dozens of fights, and still went UNDEFEATED. Valero won all 27 of his fights, all of them by knockouts. Not fair to these guys to call Ali "the greatest".

List of undefeated boxing world champions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many of those guys had four prime years taken away because they stood up for their political principles?
Some poor schmuck in the ghetto had to take Clay's place because he changed his name as an excuse for refusing to go to Vietnam. He's lucky he only lost four years, the poor sap who took Ali's place probably died.

Nevertheless, RIP. Both of them.
. It wasn't just ghetto warriors that were drafted was it ? And as I recall they sure weren't all dark skinned or black right ? He was definitely known as a draft dodger, but he paid for that with his boxing career that sadly destroyed his life anyway. Cruel unforgivable world we all live in, but the reward is the forgiveness for our sins. Amen.
Looking back, it was interesting how, out of all the great athletes of the era, only Ali managed to get drafted
The others either got deferments or a cushy National Guard gig where they only did weekends
. Like some have said here, it probably was for moral purposes for the troops just like Elvis was during world war two or Prince William during Afghanistan. Wasn't that the conflict Prince William was a part of ? I don't believe it was for reasons of trying to get rid of him (Ali) or anything like that.
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As much as I respect Ali as a fighter, I still think he was an asshole for how he treated Joe Frazier.
It went beyond hyping a fight. He dehumanized Frazier, called him a gorilla and an Uncle Tom. Frazier was a champ, he earned it in the ring, and Ali took it away from him
You may question his politics, but his boxing ability is unquestioned. In his prime, he was the greatest. Those fights with Smokin' Joe were say nothing of his knockout of Foreman.
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