Rest in Peace Muhammad Ali

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How many of those guys had four prime years taken away because they stood up for their political principles?
You don't want to go there. Michael Loewe retired undefeated (28-0) when forced to retire because of an injury. He could have won even more fights. Ricardo Lopez retired undefeated (51-0) and was stripped of his WBO title for saying he wanted to give the belt to his father.

Terry Marsh retired undefeated (26-0) forced to retire due to epilepsy. Dimitry Pirog was undefeated (20-0) and forced to retire due to a back injury. Harry Simon was undefeated (30-0) and forced to retire from injuries from a car accident.

Edwin Valero who won ALL of his fights by a knockout, was still the WBC lightweight champion when his career ended, when he committed suicide,

Ali (Clay) was a good boxer (and one of the best), but he wasn't even close to being "the greatest'

PS -Ali could have gone into the military in a non-combat role, no ?

Michael Loewe never fought Ali
Ricardo Lopez never fought Ali
Terry Marsh never fought Ali
Harry Simon never fought Ali
Dimitry Pirog never fought Ali
Edwin Valero never fought Ali

Because most of them were A) Born at, near or after the peak of Ali's boxing career, and B) never fought a heavyweight bout in their careers.

Sit down liar.
I agree , Protectionist ought to sit down and STFU while we lament the loss of a great man loved by millions.
I won't respond to him any more on this topic, he has shown his disdain for Muhammad Ali. We know where he stands.

TO you I say this: in response to your narrative above. I agree:The heavyweight division was the capstone of boxing during Ali's day. The heavyweight champion was bigger and represented the pinnacle of masculinity. He normally could beat any other champion from the smaller divisions.

Ss to his greatness, I have already commented on why I personally thought Ali was the greatest. Being a heavyweight, I will add this:

Ali overshadowed all the other smaller division champions over the years becasue none of them could have beat Ali in his prime. They just didn't have enough ass power. Even if they won all their fights, Ali was greater.

But to be real, " The Greatest"moniker was born when Ali was undefeated and in his prime. He called himself "The Greatest" and his adoring fans continued to call him that until the day he died. "The Greatest" is more a nick name that stuck than anything else.

I'll repeat my question here: having seen clips of Clay in his near stupor state, why doesn't boxing do more to prevent this outcome the way the NFL is being pressured to do? I figure a ruthless boxing audience wouldn't buy that product. But they may accept it over time.

He didn't necessarily contract Parkinson's because of boxing.
You have been reported for altering my expression of condolences and my avatar name.
Your "condolences" are not welcome here you racist son of a bitch. You don'tevenrespect the man enough to call him by his legally changed name. Fuck you!

JQPublic1 What a hateful fuckface you are. There is a thing called the 1st Amendment in the USA. Try reading all about it. I grew up with his name being Cassius Clay, which I always respected. Moohamed Ali is his stage name, not the one given to by his momma and daddy. Who the fuck are you to say it is racist to call him by his given name? Fuck you up the ass, asshole! I reported the alteration of my expression of condolences. Fuck off!

"Stage name"?

But to be real, " The Greatest"moniker was born when Ali was undefeated and in his prime. He called himself "The Greatest" and his adoring fans continued to call him that until the day he died. "The Greatest" is more a nick name that stuck than anything else.

Fair enough. But then again, he was and is the only man I know who could talk trash and almost always back it up. So I think "The Greatest" suits him anyway.
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I also don't think dodging military service deserves respect, and neither does calling yourself the greatest, when you're not.

This made him the Greatest for me,,,He was willing to give up fame and fortune to say NO to the Empire when it wanted him draft him. They would have found a cushy safe spot for Muhammad Ali far from the dangers BUT HE SAID NO..The Greatest of All Time ...No Question about it

When speaking about why he was refusing conscription Muhammad Ali :

“My conscience won’t let me go shoot my brother, or some darker people, or some poor hungry people in the mud for big powerful America. And shoot them for what? They never called me ******, they never lynched me, they didn’t put no dogs on me, they didn’t rob me of my nationality, rape and kill my mother and father. … Shoot them for what? How can I shoot them poor people? Just take me to jail.”
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He was good, but people mostly liked him because of his personality. Lennox Lewis would have beaten the crap out of him.
You have been reported for altering my expression of condolences and my avatar name.
Your "condolences" are not welcome here you racist son of a bitch. You don'tevenrespect the man enough to call him by his legally changed name. Fuck you!
quiz time: Who said,"Clay can keep that pretty little head of his, I'll hit him in the stomach where he lives?"

I also don't think dodging military service deserves respect, and neither does calling yourself the greatest, when you're not.

This made him the Greatest fro me,,,He was willing to give up fame aand fortune to say NO to the Empire when it wanted him draft him. They would have found a cushy safe spot for Muhammad Ali far from the dangers BUT HE SAID NO..The Greatest of All Time ...No Question about it

When speaking about why he was refusing conscription Muhammad Ali :

“My conscience won’t let me go shoot my brother, or some darker people, or some poor hungry people in the mud for big powerful America. And shoot them for what? They never called me ******, they never lynched me, they didn’t put no dogs on me, they didn’t rob me of my nationality, rape and kill my mother and father. … Shoot them for what? How can I shoot them poor people? Just take me to jail.”
. Wow, I bet that Ali regrets alot of the decisions he made over the years, and this would be just like so many decisions made by other Americans just as well over the years, and being anti-America while living it up as a free man here is probably one of the greatest American sins that had been running wild in America during those times. This shows how ignorant you or either his one specific opinion about his country was back then, because America wasn't fighting dark skinned people because they were poor or dark skinned, but it was fighting communism and the spread of communism that oppresses the people who live under communist rules in which makes them servants trapped in servitude forever, yet meanwhile the communist government elites thrive off of the backs of these servants that are being dictated to by their tyranical governments. He lived as a free man here, but wouldn't fight to free men elsewhere in the world ?

He used the
loop hole of religious belief in which he adopted in order to get out of his responsibilities to go and serve the nation like every other red blooded American had to do right ? I know this must have been a torment to him for most if not all of his life afterwards, because he probably lost good friends to that war in which he figured he might could have saved if he had gone with them. Hollywood has a way of coddling those who want to rebel against America, but then all of them including Hollywood are living right off of the backs of those who gave their blood in war to keep America free and open to creativity, enginuity, free speech, freedom of the many compatible American religious beliefs, freedom of opportunity, the ability for citizens to have an address of grievances towards their government, as well as having a free and humane government that has been created by the people, for the people.

If people hate this nation and it's founding so badly, then why don't they move to the very nations in which they Bragg about as being so much better than this one is ? They won't because they are cowards and liars looking out for their own self interest, and using every excuse they can to do it. I forgave Ali, and was a fan, but I always knew that he was not the American that he could have been in total of, but that was for him to settle within himself in life. You would think I didn't like Ali, but I really did like him, just not his actions during wartime in which he should have joined up as a volunteer, instead of waited to get drafted. I think the draft was a bad deal also, and I can understand his opposition to that as well. RIP Ali. May the good Lord show you the way now, and may he have mercy upon all our souls. I think he was a good man in his soul, and that makes him alright with me.
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I also don't think dodging military service deserves respect, and neither does calling yourself the greatest, when you're not.

This made him the Greatest fro me,,,He was willing to give up fame aand fortune to say NO to the Empire when it wanted him draft him. They would have found a cushy safe spot for Muhammad Ali far from the dangers BUT HE SAID NO..The Greatest of All Time ...No Question about it

When speaking about why he was refusing conscription Muhammad Ali :

“My conscience won’t let me go shoot my brother, or some darker people, or some poor hungry people in the mud for big powerful America. And shoot them for what? They never called me ******, they never lynched me, they didn’t put no dogs on me, they didn’t rob me of my nationality, rape and kill my mother and father. … Shoot them for what? How can I shoot them poor people? Just take me to jail.”
. Wow, I bet that Ali regrets alot of the decisions he made over the years, and this would be just like so many decisions made by other Americans just as well over the years, and being anti-America while living it up as a free man here is probably one of the greatest American sins that had been running wild in America during those times. This shows how ignorant you or either his one specific opinion about his country was back then, because America wasn't fighting dark skinned people because they were poor or dark skinned, but it was fighting communism and the spread of communism that oppresses the people who live under communist rules in which makes them servants trapped in servitude forever, yet meanwhile the communist government elites thrive off of the backs of these servants that are being dictated to by their tyranical governments. He lived as a free man here, but wouldn't fight to free men elsewhere in the world ?

He used the
loop hole of religious belief in which he adopted in order to get out of his responsibilities to go and serve the nation like every other red blooded American had to do right ? I know this must have been a torment to him for most if not all of his life afterwards, because he probably lost good friends to that war in which he figured he might could have saved if he had gone with them. Hollywood has a way of coddling those who want to rebel against America, but then all of them including Hollywood are living right off of the backs of those who gave their blood in war to keep America free and open to creativity, enginuity, free speech, freedom of the many compatible American religious beliefs, freedom of opportunity, the ability for citizens to have an address of grievances towards their government, as well as having a free and humane government that has been created by the people, for the people.

If people hate this nation and it's founding so badly, then why don't they move to the very nations in which they Bragg about as being so much better than this one is ? They won't because they are cowards and liars looking out for their own self interest, and using every excuse they can to do it. I forgave Ali, and was a fan, but I always knew that he was not the American that he could have been in total of, but that was for him to settle within himself in life. You would think I didn't like Ali, but I really did like him, just not his actions during wartime in which he should have joined up as a volunteer, instead of waited to get drafted. I think the draft was a bad deal also, and I can understand his opposition to that as well. RIP Ali. May the good Lord show you the way now, and may he have mercy upon all our souls. I think he was a good man in his soul, and that makes him alright with me.

Defying the authorities, when the authorities are wrong, does not make one unAmerican. In fact, I would say it makes them MORE of an American.

I also don't think dodging military service deserves respect, and neither does calling yourself the greatest, when you're not.

This made him the Greatest fro me,,,He was willing to give up fame aand fortune to say NO to the Empire when it wanted him draft him. They would have found a cushy safe spot for Muhammad Ali far from the dangers BUT HE SAID NO..The Greatest of All Time ...No Question about it

When speaking about why he was refusing conscription Muhammad Ali :

“My conscience won’t let me go shoot my brother, or some darker people, or some poor hungry people in the mud for big powerful America. And shoot them for what? They never called me ******, they never lynched me, they didn’t put no dogs on me, they didn’t rob me of my nationality, rape and kill my mother and father. … Shoot them for what? How can I shoot them poor people? Just take me to jail.”
. Wow, I bet that Ali regrets alot of the decisions he made over the years, and this would be just like so many decisions made by other Americans just as well over the years, and being anti-America while living it up as a free man here is probably one of the greatest American sins that had been running wild in America during those times. This shows how ignorant you or either his one specific opinion about his country was back then, because America wasn't fighting dark skinned people because they were poor or dark skinned, but it was fighting communism and the spread of communism that oppresses the people who live under communist rules in which makes them servants trapped in servitude forever, yet meanwhile the communist government elites thrive off of the backs of these servants that are being dictated to by their tyranical governments. He lived as a free man here, but wouldn't fight to free men elsewhere in the world ?

He used the
loop hole of religious belief in which he adopted in order to get out of his responsibilities to go and serve the nation like every other red blooded American had to do right ? I know this must have been a torment to him for most if not all of his life afterwards, because he probably lost good friends to that war in which he figured he might could have saved if he had gone with them. Hollywood has a way of coddling those who want to rebel against America, but then all of them including Hollywood are living right off of the backs of those who gave their blood in war to keep America free and open to creativity, enginuity, free speech, freedom of the many compatible American religious beliefs, freedom of opportunity, the ability for citizens to have an address of grievances towards their government, as well as having a free and humane government that has been created by the people, for the people.

If people hate this nation and it's founding so badly, then why don't they move to the very nations in which they Bragg about as being so much better than this one is ? They won't because they are cowards and liars looking out for their own self interest, and using every excuse they can to do it. I forgave Ali, and was a fan, but I always knew that he was not the American that he could have been in total of, but that was for him to settle within himself in life. You would think I didn't like Ali, but I really did like him, just not his actions during wartime in which he should have joined up as a volunteer, instead of waited to get drafted. I think the draft was a bad deal also, and I can understand his opposition to that as well. RIP Ali. May the good Lord show you the way now, and may he have mercy upon all our souls. I think he was a good man in his soul, and that makes him alright with me.

Defying the authorities, when the authorities are wrong, does not make one unAmerican. In fact, I would say it makes them MORE of an American.
He was a draft dodger. He wouldn't have been in combat anyway, he would have been boxing.

I also don't think dodging military service deserves respect, and neither does calling yourself the greatest, when you're not.

This made him the Greatest fro me,,,He was willing to give up fame aand fortune to say NO to the Empire when it wanted him draft him. They would have found a cushy safe spot for Muhammad Ali far from the dangers BUT HE SAID NO..The Greatest of All Time ...No Question about it

When speaking about why he was refusing conscription Muhammad Ali :

“My conscience won’t let me go shoot my brother, or some darker people, or some poor hungry people in the mud for big powerful America. And shoot them for what? They never called me ******, they never lynched me, they didn’t put no dogs on me, they didn’t rob me of my nationality, rape and kill my mother and father. … Shoot them for what? How can I shoot them poor people? Just take me to jail.”
. Wow, I bet that Ali regrets alot of the decisions he made over the years, and this would be just like so many decisions made by other Americans just as well over the years, and being anti-America while living it up as a free man here is probably one of the greatest American sins that had been running wild in America during those times. This shows how ignorant you or either his one specific opinion about his country was back then, because America wasn't fighting dark skinned people because they were poor or dark skinned, but it was fighting communism and the spread of communism that oppresses the people who live under communist rules in which makes them servants trapped in servitude forever, yet meanwhile the communist government elites thrive off of the backs of these servants that are being dictated to by their tyranical governments. He lived as a free man here, but wouldn't fight to free men elsewhere in the world ?

He used the
loop hole of religious belief in which he adopted in order to get out of his responsibilities to go and serve the nation like every other red blooded American had to do right ? I know this must have been a torment to him for most if not all of his life afterwards, because he probably lost good friends to that war in which he figured he might could have saved if he had gone with them. Hollywood has a way of coddling those who want to rebel against America, but then all of them including Hollywood are living right off of the backs of those who gave their blood in war to keep America free and open to creativity, enginuity, free speech, freedom of the many compatible American religious beliefs, freedom of opportunity, the ability for citizens to have an address of grievances towards their government, as well as having a free and humane government that has been created by the people, for the people.

If people hate this nation and it's founding so badly, then why don't they move to the very nations in which they Bragg about as being so much better than this one is ? They won't because they are cowards and liars looking out for their own self interest, and using every excuse they can to do it. I forgave Ali, and was a fan, but I always knew that he was not the American that he could have been in total of, but that was for him to settle within himself in life. You would think I didn't like Ali, but I really did like him, just not his actions during wartime in which he should have joined up as a volunteer, instead of waited to get drafted. I think the draft was a bad deal also, and I can understand his opposition to that as well. RIP Ali. May the good Lord show you the way now, and may he have mercy upon all our souls. I think he was a good man in his soul, and that makes him alright with me.

Defying the authorities, when the authorities are wrong, does not make one unAmerican. In fact, I would say it makes them MORE of an American.
He was a draft dodger. He wouldn't have been in combat anyway, he would have been boxing.

Exactly. And I have no doubt he knew that. He objected to the entire war. And he was willing to forfeit prime years in his sport because of his beliefs.

I also don't think dodging military service deserves respect, and neither does calling yourself the greatest, when you're not.

This made him the Greatest fro me,,,He was willing to give up fame aand fortune to say NO to the Empire when it wanted him draft him. They would have found a cushy safe spot for Muhammad Ali far from the dangers BUT HE SAID NO..The Greatest of All Time ...No Question about it

When speaking about why he was refusing conscription Muhammad Ali :

“My conscience won’t let me go shoot my brother, or some darker people, or some poor hungry people in the mud for big powerful America. And shoot them for what? They never called me ******, they never lynched me, they didn’t put no dogs on me, they didn’t rob me of my nationality, rape and kill my mother and father. … Shoot them for what? How can I shoot them poor people? Just take me to jail.”
. Wow, I bet that Ali regrets alot of the decisions he made over the years, and this would be just like so many decisions made by other Americans just as well over the years, and being anti-America while living it up as a free man here is probably one of the greatest American sins that had been running wild in America during those times. This shows how ignorant you or either his one specific opinion about his country was back then, because America wasn't fighting dark skinned people because they were poor or dark skinned, but it was fighting communism and the spread of communism that oppresses the people who live under communist rules in which makes them servants trapped in servitude forever, yet meanwhile the communist government elites thrive off of the backs of these servants that are being dictated to by their tyranical governments. He lived as a free man here, but wouldn't fight to free men elsewhere in the world ?

He used the
loop hole of religious belief in which he adopted in order to get out of his responsibilities to go and serve the nation like every other red blooded American had to do right ? I know this must have been a torment to him for most if not all of his life afterwards, because he probably lost good friends to that war in which he figured he might could have saved if he had gone with them. Hollywood has a way of coddling those who want to rebel against America, but then all of them including Hollywood are living right off of the backs of those who gave their blood in war to keep America free and open to creativity, enginuity, free speech, freedom of the many compatible American religious beliefs, freedom of opportunity, the ability for citizens to have an address of grievances towards their government, as well as having a free and humane government that has been created by the people, for the people.

If people hate this nation and it's founding so badly, then why don't they move to the very nations in which they Bragg about as being so much better than this one is ? They won't because they are cowards and liars looking out for their own self interest, and using every excuse they can to do it. I forgave Ali, and was a fan, but I always knew that he was not the American that he could have been in total of, but that was for him to settle within himself in life. You would think I didn't like Ali, but I really did like him, just not his actions during wartime in which he should have joined up as a volunteer, instead of waited to get drafted. I think the draft was a bad deal also, and I can understand his opposition to that as well. RIP Ali. May the good Lord show you the way now, and may he have mercy upon all our souls. I think he was a good man in his soul, and that makes him alright with me.

Defying the authorities, when the authorities are wrong, does not make one unAmerican. In fact, I would say it makes them MORE of an American.
He was a draft dodger. He wouldn't have been in combat anyway, he would have been boxing.

Exactly. And I have no doubt he knew that. He objected to the entire war. And he was willing to forfeit prime years in his sport because of his beliefs.
Or maybe he just thought he was special and didn't have to live by the same rules everybody else did.
This made him the Greatest fro me,,,He was willing to give up fame aand fortune to say NO to the Empire when it wanted him draft him. They would have found a cushy safe spot for Muhammad Ali far from the dangers BUT HE SAID NO..The Greatest of All Time ...No Question about it

When speaking about why he was refusing conscription Muhammad Ali :

“My conscience won’t let me go shoot my brother, or some darker people, or some poor hungry people in the mud for big powerful America. And shoot them for what? They never called me ******, they never lynched me, they didn’t put no dogs on me, they didn’t rob me of my nationality, rape and kill my mother and father. … Shoot them for what? How can I shoot them poor people? Just take me to jail.”
. Wow, I bet that Ali regrets alot of the decisions he made over the years, and this would be just like so many decisions made by other Americans just as well over the years, and being anti-America while living it up as a free man here is probably one of the greatest American sins that had been running wild in America during those times. This shows how ignorant you or either his one specific opinion about his country was back then, because America wasn't fighting dark skinned people because they were poor or dark skinned, but it was fighting communism and the spread of communism that oppresses the people who live under communist rules in which makes them servants trapped in servitude forever, yet meanwhile the communist government elites thrive off of the backs of these servants that are being dictated to by their tyranical governments. He lived as a free man here, but wouldn't fight to free men elsewhere in the world ?

He used the
loop hole of religious belief in which he adopted in order to get out of his responsibilities to go and serve the nation like every other red blooded American had to do right ? I know this must have been a torment to him for most if not all of his life afterwards, because he probably lost good friends to that war in which he figured he might could have saved if he had gone with them. Hollywood has a way of coddling those who want to rebel against America, but then all of them including Hollywood are living right off of the backs of those who gave their blood in war to keep America free and open to creativity, enginuity, free speech, freedom of the many compatible American religious beliefs, freedom of opportunity, the ability for citizens to have an address of grievances towards their government, as well as having a free and humane government that has been created by the people, for the people.

If people hate this nation and it's founding so badly, then why don't they move to the very nations in which they Bragg about as being so much better than this one is ? They won't because they are cowards and liars looking out for their own self interest, and using every excuse they can to do it. I forgave Ali, and was a fan, but I always knew that he was not the American that he could have been in total of, but that was for him to settle within himself in life. You would think I didn't like Ali, but I really did like him, just not his actions during wartime in which he should have joined up as a volunteer, instead of waited to get drafted. I think the draft was a bad deal also, and I can understand his opposition to that as well. RIP Ali. May the good Lord show you the way now, and may he have mercy upon all our souls. I think he was a good man in his soul, and that makes him alright with me.

Defying the authorities, when the authorities are wrong, does not make one unAmerican. In fact, I would say it makes them MORE of an American.
He was a draft dodger. He wouldn't have been in combat anyway, he would have been boxing.

Exactly. And I have no doubt he knew that. He objected to the entire war. And he was willing to forfeit prime years in his sport because of his beliefs.
Or maybe he just thought he was special and didn't have to live by the same rules everybody else did.

If that is what you want to believe, have at it.
Watch Obama try to capitalize off Ali legacy to make himself be in the same category.

There is no doubt the MSM is going to work this and other angles like crazy. Muhammad Ali's public persona, "the greatest," "being pretty," etc. was a direct rip-off of Gorgeous George the pro wrestler. The ironic thing that they want to hide is The Donald is today's "greatest" in terms of most of his financial endeavors being successful and him wanting to win for those of us who are US taxpaying citizens and thus make us all the "greatest!"
Condolences to all in the Ali family. Sad ti see a guy pass away at only 74. Nowadays that is a young age for someone to die. Look a Bernie Sanders. He's 74 and he's a bundle of energy. Same with Ringo Starr and Mick Jagger, who tour the world and dance all over stages.

Something does need to be said about this "greatest" title we keep seeing and hearing so much, though. Muhammad Ali (AKA Cassius Clay) was perhaps "the greatest" at showmanship and self-promotion. As a boxer, he was a very good one, but he was far from being the greatest at that.

He lost a few fights, and there are other boxers (Rocky Marciano, Floyd Mayweather, Joe Calzaghe, Ricardo Lopez, Sven Ottke, Edwin Valero, and others) who fought dozens of fights, and still went UNDEFEATED. Valero won all 27 of his fights, all of them by knockouts. Not fair to these guys to call Ali "the greatest".

List of undefeated boxing world champions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many of those guys had four prime years taken away because they stood up for their political principles?
You show respect for the man by calling him by the name he gave himself. By using the other name, you are disrespecting him, and if anyone deserves respect at this time it is Muhammed Ali. He was more than an athlete, he was a good man.
I'd say abandoning an American (and Christian) name to adopt a Muslim one, most certainly DOES deserve disrespect. You give respect where it is due. You give disrespect where IT is due.

I also don't think dodging military service deserves respect, and neither does calling yourself the greatest, when you're not.
Says the flag worshiping meathead with the Nazi avatar who would also agree that Cassius Clay ( who gave duhmurrka the Gold) wasn't allowed to eat at a restaurant in Mississippi whole travelling ?
YEA murrykunt !
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