Restaraunt gives discount for praying

I pray every night that Alesandra Ambrossio is lying next to me when I wake up. Is that a wrong reason ?
It hasn't worked by the way.

Maybe this Alesandra Ambrossio person is praying, too. :D: :scared1:

Ale is a multi-million dollar supermodel. If she's praying, she's praying when she wakes up, the beauty, the money, the life, is not all gone.

Wow -- what is she, thirteen?

TMI dood. Way TMI.
Great news for the small but enthusiastic Muslim community in NC! -- Or would prayers to Allah be excluded? :dunno:

Personally, I'd probably belt out some very loud satanic-sounding incantations, and then raise a stink over any religious discrimination that may ensue. :laugh:

if you start yelling in any diner you will be asked to leave.

but then people like you like shitting on other people for fun.
NC Diner Offers 15 Percent Discount For ?Praying In Public? Over Meal « CBS Charlotte

"After a receipt showing a 15 percent discount for “Praying in Public” hit social media, a Winston-Salem restaurant says it gives the discount all the time for customers who pray over their meals."

A laudable gesture by the owner of the restaurant. There is more than enough in society to encourage selfishness, narcissism, and the glorification of criminal or criminal-like behavior. Good to see something good once in a while.

How about a discount for being helpful to the disabled, elderly, and very young? ....

You want to offer that in your restaurant? Go for it. Sounds like a fine idea.

Of course not. If they were doing those things, they wouldn't be buying their food. Then the store would be closed, and the discount wouldn't exist again.

But since when has logic mattered when you were criticizing something?

From my very first post in this thread:

...Or would prayers to Allah be excluded? :dunno:

I know how you feel about that now, but it's still unclear as to how the restaurant owner and many patrons would feel about it.

...Are you desperately hoping for some shocked "oh no, not them!" response? Sorry champ, no sale. Christians pray, Muslims pray, Buddhists pray, etc. Did you really think you were on to some 'clever' notion here, brainless?

I take it that Satanists would be covered by the "etc.", then?

If so, I'll simply draw your attention back to this question:

...Which gives rise to the question as to how the restaurant staff could differentiate between a sincere believer of an alternative religion ...and a "smirking little douchebag" like me. :D

Religion haters are too stoopid and blinded with hate to just go in there and fake a fuckin' prayer for the discount!

That's great advice coming from a Christian. LOL! Just lie!!! :D

Christians differ in their views on issues:SURPRISE! I got cussed by two who claim to be Christians today. There may be a good aspect of this........just a chance, some may go in this restaurant, pray, and some of their hate will be removed. At least, I hope so.
Idiots get offended.

The debate over officials praying in government meetings has raged in the past few years, but one restaurant claims to be supporting the religious rights of individuals, by offering a discount for praying in public. While many find the move a positive thing, others say it’s religious discrimination, and that the practice should be stopped.
An image that shows a receipt including a 15% discount for praying in public has been going viral since an Orland, Florida radio station posted it yesterday. Z88.3 shared the image on its Facebook page, saying,
A friend of ours just shared her receipt from lunch where she got a discount for praying in public!!! How cool is that?
When some people expressed doubt that anyone anywhere was getting a discount for praying in public, even calling the image photoshopped, they were directed to a North Carolina restaurant, Mary’s Gourmet Diner. On that restaurant’s Facebook page, the rumor was confirmed:
Yes, if we see you praying, you get 15% off your bill.
While this produced a spate of support, it also returned some anger, and accusations of discrimination. One poster asked,
Just a question, because it has come up in some comments sections. Would a Muslim still enjoy a discount for praying at your restaurant? As a Christian. I would hope you are respectful of all religions that worship.

Restaurant's 'Praying In Public' Discount Returns Praise, Ire; Religious Freedom Or Discrimination?

Matthew 6:5-6New International Version (NIV)

5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

I love telling Christian's what's in their Bible. :D
Great news for the small but enthusiastic Muslim community in NC! -- Or would prayers to Allah be excluded? :dunno:

Personally, I'd probably belt out some very loud satanic-sounding incantations, and then raise a stink over any religious discrimination that may ensue. :laugh:

if you start yelling in any diner you will be asked to leave.

but then people like you like shitting on other people for fun.

If by "other people" you mean Christian Fundamentalists from the Bible Belt, I stand guilty as charged.
Religion haters are too stoopid and blinded with hate to just go in there and fake a fuckin' prayer for the discount!

That's great advice coming from a Christian. LOL! Just lie!!! :D

Christians differ in their views on issues:SURPRISE! I got cussed by two who claim to be Christians today. There may be a good aspect of this........just a chance, some may go in this restaurant, pray, and some of their hate will be removed. At least, I hope so.

I don't think you can pray hate away. But hey, if it works for others....more power!
Great news for the small but enthusiastic Muslim community in NC! -- Or would prayers to Allah be excluded? :dunno:

Personally, I'd probably belt out some very loud satanic-sounding incantations, and then raise a stink over any religious discrimination that may ensue. :laugh:

if you start yelling in any diner you will be asked to leave.

but then people like you like shitting on other people for fun.

If by "other people" you mean Christian Fundamentalists from the Bible Belt, I stand guilty as charged.

I know some decent, kind, and caring fundamentalists, thus I disagree.
God encourages us to pray to Him in private if my Bible reading memory serves me, not to put your prayers on 'display' just for others to see and hear..., no?

Yes, but it is EASIER to sit & pray than actually follow the teachings of God, and give to the poor, injured, and helpless.

It's also easier to assume that it's an either/or scenario, rather than making the effort to get to know people before judging them.

"You're praying in public. OBVIOUSLY, that's the only manifestation of your Christianity, and you ignore the poor and helpless, you bastard!"

Does your knee hurt any from jerking so hard? :eusa_hand:
Idiots get offended.

The debate over officials praying in government meetings has raged in the past few years, but one restaurant claims to be supporting the religious rights of individuals, by offering a discount for praying in public. While many find the move a positive thing, others say it’s religious discrimination, and that the practice should be stopped.
An image that shows a receipt including a 15% discount for praying in public has been going viral since an Orland, Florida radio station posted it yesterday. Z88.3 shared the image on its Facebook page, saying,
A friend of ours just shared her receipt from lunch where she got a discount for praying in public!!! How cool is that?
When some people expressed doubt that anyone anywhere was getting a discount for praying in public, even calling the image photoshopped, they were directed to a North Carolina restaurant, Mary’s Gourmet Diner. On that restaurant’s Facebook page, the rumor was confirmed:
Yes, if we see you praying, you get 15% off your bill.
While this produced a spate of support, it also returned some anger, and accusations of discrimination. One poster asked,
Just a question, because it has come up in some comments sections. Would a Muslim still enjoy a discount for praying at your restaurant? As a Christian. I would hope you are respectful of all religions that worship.

Restaurant's 'Praying In Public' Discount Returns Praise, Ire; Religious Freedom Or Discrimination?

Great idea. And I'm pretty much atheist. Be interesting to see who's actually read the Bible where saying grace is mentioned. ;) You're supposed to say it AFTER, not before :)

10 When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good land he has given you. 11 Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day. 12 Otherwise, when you eat and are satisfied, when you build fine houses and settle down, 13 and when your herds and flocks grow large and your silver and gold increase and all you have is multiplied, 14 then your heart will become proud and you will forget the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
- Deuteronomy 8

Can you also provide us the quote for, "And thou shalt then receive thy religious instruction from people who loudly proclaim their lack of faith"?

Or, to dumb it down for you so you'll understand:

Your first sentence told us you were "pretty much an atheist". You then proceeded to lecture people on the correct way to be Christians. The irony is so staggering that I don't even have words to adequately express it. Basically, this means you're too droolingly stupid to realize how droolingly stupid you are.
Idiots get offended.

The debate over officials praying in government meetings has raged in the past few years, but one restaurant claims to be supporting the religious rights of individuals, by offering a discount for praying in public. While many find the move a positive thing, others say it’s religious discrimination, and that the practice should be stopped.
An image that shows a receipt including a 15% discount for praying in public has been going viral since an Orland, Florida radio station posted it yesterday. Z88.3 shared the image on its Facebook page, saying,
A friend of ours just shared her receipt from lunch where she got a discount for praying in public!!! How cool is that?
When some people expressed doubt that anyone anywhere was getting a discount for praying in public, even calling the image photoshopped, they were directed to a North Carolina restaurant, Mary’s Gourmet Diner. On that restaurant’s Facebook page, the rumor was confirmed:
Yes, if we see you praying, you get 15% off your bill.
While this produced a spate of support, it also returned some anger, and accusations of discrimination. One poster asked,
Just a question, because it has come up in some comments sections. Would a Muslim still enjoy a discount for praying at your restaurant? As a Christian. I would hope you are respectful of all religions that worship.

Restaurant's 'Praying In Public' Discount Returns Praise, Ire; Religious Freedom Or Discrimination?

Does the prayer has to be directed to a specific god? If you slam your head into the counter and scream, from the top of your lungs, that you beg Mighty Odin to grant me a place in Valhalla when I'm slain - would that count?

If they want it to. If they don't, fuck off.

Ain't personal freedom grand?
Great news for the small but enthusiastic Muslim community in NC! -- Or would prayers to Allah be excluded? :dunno:

Personally, I'd probably belt out some very loud satanic-sounding incantations, and then raise a stink over any religious discrimination that may ensue. :laugh:

if you start yelling in any diner you will be asked to leave.

but then people like you like shitting on other people for fun.

If by "other people" you mean Christian Fundamentalists from the Bible Belt, I stand guilty as charged.

Color me surprised that you are full of hate.

You are doing an outstanding job of representing atheism.

Keep up the good work! :thup:

Great idea. And I'm pretty much atheist. Be interesting to see who's actually read the Bible where saying grace is mentioned. ;) You're supposed to say it AFTER, not before :)

10 When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good land he has given you. 11 Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day. 12 Otherwise, when you eat and are satisfied, when you build fine houses and settle down, 13 and when your herds and flocks grow large and your silver and gold increase and all you have is multiplied, 14 then your heart will become proud and you will forget the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
- Deuteronomy 8

Can you also provide us the quote for, "And thou shalt then receive thy religious instruction from people who loudly proclaim their lack of faith"?

Or, to dumb it down for you so you'll understand:

Your first sentence told us you were "pretty much an atheist". You then proceeded to lecture people on the correct way to be Christians. The irony is so staggering that I don't even have words to adequately express it. Basically, this means you're too droolingly stupid to realize how droolingly stupid you are.

Suppose another restaurant did the opposite and charged 15% extra if they saw you praying. What then?

That would not be the same circumstance at all, but I suppose I would simply not take my business to that restaurant.

How would it be significantly different?

There's a difference between taking someone's money, and giving your own money away.

Which is not to say that they can't charge for anything they want, so long as it's posted and people are aware of incurring that charge beforehand. I believe it's actually illegal in every state to charge people for something you didn't tell them you were going to charge for ahead of time.
Idiots get offended.

The debate over officials praying in government meetings has raged in the past few years, but one restaurant claims to be supporting the religious rights of individuals, by offering a discount for praying in public. While many find the move a positive thing, others say it’s religious discrimination, and that the practice should be stopped.
An image that shows a receipt including a 15% discount for praying in public has been going viral since an Orland, Florida radio station posted it yesterday. Z88.3 shared the image on its Facebook page, saying,
A friend of ours just shared her receipt from lunch where she got a discount for praying in public!!! How cool is that?
When some people expressed doubt that anyone anywhere was getting a discount for praying in public, even calling the image photoshopped, they were directed to a North Carolina restaurant, Mary’s Gourmet Diner. On that restaurant’s Facebook page, the rumor was confirmed:
Yes, if we see you praying, you get 15% off your bill.
While this produced a spate of support, it also returned some anger, and accusations of discrimination. One poster asked,
Just a question, because it has come up in some comments sections. Would a Muslim still enjoy a discount for praying at your restaurant? As a Christian. I would hope you are respectful of all religions that worship.

Restaurant's 'Praying In Public' Discount Returns Praise, Ire; Religious Freedom Or Discrimination?

Would a out loud prayer to Odin count?

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