Restauarant getting heat for "Black Olives Matter" shirt.

You know it's funny how Black & Mild smokes have become a black culture identity trend. It's funny because those Middleton boys who make them and have for over a century are very white indeed, most likely the descendants of plantation owners. To see blacks adopt them as a black man's cigarette is ironic, hilarious even.
Never heard of them but then again I dont smoke. All I have ever heard of was Newports. However, none of that is copying. Whites were taught how to smoke plants long before cigarettes were made into cancer sticks. Even your people smoked long before whites came here. Your post was a retarded deflection.
More proof you are an oreo and not authentically black. If you deigned to mingle among your fellow primates, you would know about the Black & Mild trend. You're like Obama, raised in white privilege and tone deaf to the struggles of your people. It explains why you so desperately gyrate to prove how black you are, because inside, you really don't believe it yourself.
You really think I was raised around whites? :laugh:
I think you just outed yourself as an oreo. I readily admit being raised among whites.

My family calls me Radish.
I'm glad i wasnt raised around whites. Who knows? I could have been embarrassed of being Black like you are embarrassed of being indian.

But you were raised among whites, as you proved today. At least I have no problem admitting it and don't sit on the internet all day screaming about how NA I am and how much I hate white people.

Pathetic. Oreo.
But black olives do matter.

Not really. Theyre just like white people that want to be Black. They have to go through a process to get their Black color. Its not natural.
Is that like blacks want to be White and the not natural straightener they put on their hair so it pokes out all over but straight and weird looking? I have seen black ladies with straightened hair and when they bend their heads, the hair is stiff and looks like an arrow instead of hanging down their backs and neck. It looks dumb. So do blonde blacks.

Kinda like that?
Nobody wants to be white..not even white people. Thats why they tan and white women are always trying to have Black babies. I dont know what kind of Black people you are talking about but Black women face job discrimination when they wear their natural hairstyles. In the interest of making money they have look the part. What is the excuse with all those white people that are trying to wear Black hairstyles?
My point goes two ways. Yes, whites like to be tan. They also "borrow" braided hairstyles. And blacks try like hell to straighten their naturally curly hair by borrowing from whites.

Women trying to have black babies is just too ludicrous to even argue over as well as job discrimination due to curly hair styles.
Yeah but I pointed out that the only reason Blacks do it is so they can hold a job. Black women have even been fired over this. Why do whites copy someone supposedly so low in their eyes?

Hairstyles of Black Women: Cases of Discrimination | DiversityInc

According to CBCNews, McNickle said her manager reprimanded her in front of fellow employees saying her hairstyle was not acceptable.

“I obviously wanted to know what it was she didn’t like specifically about the hairstyle, so the [next] day I asked her, ‘What is it that’s wrong with my hair?’ And she said, ‘We don’t want that kind of look here at the restaurant,'” McNickle said on CBC Daybreak."
Never heard of them but then again I dont smoke. All I have ever heard of was Newports. However, none of that is copying. Whites were taught how to smoke plants long before cigarettes were made into cancer sticks. Even your people smoked long before whites came here. Your post was a retarded deflection.
More proof you are an oreo and not authentically black. If you deigned to mingle among your fellow primates, you would know about the Black & Mild trend. You're like Obama, raised in white privilege and tone deaf to the struggles of your people. It explains why you so desperately gyrate to prove how black you are, because inside, you really don't believe it yourself.
You really think I was raised around whites? :laugh:
I think you just outed yourself as an oreo. I readily admit being raised among whites.

My family calls me Radish.
I'm glad i wasnt raised around whites. Who knows? I could have been embarrassed of being Black like you are embarrassed of being indian.

But you were raised among whites, as you proved today. At least I have no problem admitting it and don't sit on the internet all day screaming about how NA I am and how much I hate white people.

Pathetic. Oreo.

Now youre just being silly because you admittedly lick the white mans boots. I'm not an uncle tonto like you.
But black olives do matter.

Not really. Theyre just like white people that want to be Black. They have to go through a process to get their Black color. Its not natural.
Is that like blacks want to be White and the not natural straightener they put on their hair so it pokes out all over but straight and weird looking? I have seen black ladies with straightened hair and when they bend their heads, the hair is stiff and looks like an arrow instead of hanging down their backs and neck. It looks dumb. So do blonde blacks.

Kinda like that?
Nobody wants to be white..not even white people. Thats why they tan and white women are always trying to have Black babies. I dont know what kind of Black people you are talking about but Black women face job discrimination when they wear their natural hairstyles. In the interest of making money they have look the part. What is the excuse with all those white people that are trying to wear Black hairstyles?
My point goes two ways. Yes, whites like to be tan. They also "borrow" braided hairstyles. And blacks try like hell to straighten their naturally curly hair by borrowing from whites.

Women trying to have black babies is just too ludicrous to even argue over as well as job discrimination due to curly hair styles.
Don't let Oreo fool you. It's been recently discovered that among blacks, lighter hues are seen as more attractive and are given better treatment than darker blacks.

Oh and walking around with hair picks stuck in their fros like they did in the 90's? They came up with that dumb shit all by themselves.
Thanks for the fake history lesson. Meanwhile, Africa is a third world continent.
Whites made up fake history. Thats why they have been caught in so many lies. Africa was a 1rst world continent until whites fucked it up.

A country can only be fucked up from within first. Even if you want to call whites the hatchet men, it was blacks selling out other blacks that allowed it to happen.
Bullshit. Africa was fine until whites invaded. Whats your excuse now?

If by fine, you mean warring uncivilized tribes, then I agree.
Sounds like europe before Black people taught them civilization....once again.

Europe installed systems, albeit unfair. Africans by and large ran around like heathens, tbh. That's why Muslims were able to enslave millions of them so easily.
More proof you are an oreo and not authentically black. If you deigned to mingle among your fellow primates, you would know about the Black & Mild trend. You're like Obama, raised in white privilege and tone deaf to the struggles of your people. It explains why you so desperately gyrate to prove how black you are, because inside, you really don't believe it yourself.
You really think I was raised around whites? :laugh:
I think you just outed yourself as an oreo. I readily admit being raised among whites.

My family calls me Radish.
I'm glad i wasnt raised around whites. Who knows? I could have been embarrassed of being Black like you are embarrassed of being indian.

But you were raised among whites, as you proved today. At least I have no problem admitting it and don't sit on the internet all day screaming about how NA I am and how much I hate white people.

Pathetic. Oreo.

Now youre just being silly because you admittedly lick the white mans boots. I'm not an uncle tonto like you.

Just one little twist and we all find out that you're filled with silly white stuff. Oreo.
But black olives do matter.

Not really. Theyre just like white people that want to be Black. They have to go through a process to get their Black color. Its not natural.
Is that like blacks want to be White and the not natural straightener they put on their hair so it pokes out all over but straight and weird looking? I have seen black ladies with straightened hair and when they bend their heads, the hair is stiff and looks like an arrow instead of hanging down their backs and neck. It looks dumb. So do blonde blacks.

Kinda like that?
Nobody wants to be white..not even white people. Thats why they tan and white women are always trying to have Black babies. I dont know what kind of Black people you are talking about but Black women face job discrimination when they wear their natural hairstyles. In the interest of making money they have look the part. What is the excuse with all those white people that are trying to wear Black hairstyles?
My point goes two ways. Yes, whites like to be tan. They also "borrow" braided hairstyles. And blacks try like hell to straighten their naturally curly hair by borrowing from whites.

Women trying to have black babies is just too ludicrous to even argue over as well as job discrimination due to curly hair styles.
Don't let Oreo fool you. It's been recently discovered that among blacks, lighter hues are seen as more attractive and are given better treatment than darker blacks.

Oh and walking around with hair picks stuck in their fros like they did in the 90's? They came up with that dumb shit all by themselves.
That was the case among some Blacks. Those Black people have awakened to the brain washing whites have obviously been successful with on you as well. Now no real Black person would want to be white. They know melanin goes for about $560 a gram.
Whites made up fake history. Thats why they have been caught in so many lies. Africa was a 1rst world continent until whites fucked it up.

A country can only be fucked up from within first. Even if you want to call whites the hatchet men, it was blacks selling out other blacks that allowed it to happen.
Bullshit. Africa was fine until whites invaded. Whats your excuse now?

If by fine, you mean warring uncivilized tribes, then I agree.
Sounds like europe before Black people taught them civilization....once again.

Europe installed systems, albeit unfair. Africans by and large ran around like heathens, tbh. That's why Muslims were able to enslave millions of them so easily.
Blacks installed systems in europe. If they had never came...europe would have reverted to a purely neanderthal stage. Your silly white propaganda doesnt work on me. I know the history of Africa, what they did and what they are doing now. Try harder with someone that has less knowledge than me.
You really think I was raised around whites? :laugh:
I think you just outed yourself as an oreo. I readily admit being raised among whites.

My family calls me Radish.
I'm glad i wasnt raised around whites. Who knows? I could have been embarrassed of being Black like you are embarrassed of being indian.

But you were raised among whites, as you proved today. At least I have no problem admitting it and don't sit on the internet all day screaming about how NA I am and how much I hate white people.

Pathetic. Oreo.

Now youre just being silly because you admittedly lick the white mans boots. I'm not an uncle tonto like you.

Just one little twist and we all find out that you're filled with silly white stuff. Oreo.

Sorry radish. Not in anyway like you. If you need a friend go talk to Clarence Thomas.
Not really. Theyre just like white people that want to be Black. They have to go through a process to get their Black color. Its not natural.
Is that like blacks want to be White and the not natural straightener they put on their hair so it pokes out all over but straight and weird looking? I have seen black ladies with straightened hair and when they bend their heads, the hair is stiff and looks like an arrow instead of hanging down their backs and neck. It looks dumb. So do blonde blacks.

Kinda like that?
Nobody wants to be white..not even white people. Thats why they tan and white women are always trying to have Black babies. I dont know what kind of Black people you are talking about but Black women face job discrimination when they wear their natural hairstyles. In the interest of making money they have look the part. What is the excuse with all those white people that are trying to wear Black hairstyles?
My point goes two ways. Yes, whites like to be tan. They also "borrow" braided hairstyles. And blacks try like hell to straighten their naturally curly hair by borrowing from whites.

Women trying to have black babies is just too ludicrous to even argue over as well as job discrimination due to curly hair styles.
Don't let Oreo fool you. It's been recently discovered that among blacks, lighter hues are seen as more attractive and are given better treatment than darker blacks.

Oh and walking around with hair picks stuck in their fros like they did in the 90's? They came up with that dumb shit all by themselves.
That was the case among some Blacks. Those Black people have awakened to the brain washing whites have obviously been successful with on you as well. Now no real Black person would want to be white. They know melanin goes for about $560 a gram.
A country can only be fucked up from within first. Even if you want to call whites the hatchet men, it was blacks selling out other blacks that allowed it to happen.
Bullshit. Africa was fine until whites invaded. Whats your excuse now?

If by fine, you mean warring uncivilized tribes, then I agree.
Sounds like europe before Black people taught them civilization....once again.

Europe installed systems, albeit unfair. Africans by and large ran around like heathens, tbh. That's why Muslims were able to enslave millions of them so easily.
Blacks installed systems in europe. If they had never came...europe would have reverted to a purely neanderthal stage. Your silly white propaganda doesnt work on me. I know the history of Africa, what they did and what they are doing now. Try harder with someone that has less knowledge than me.

Dude, you live in your own world. Anyhow, maybe you should join Islam as a sign of your bitchdom. Make that sh** come full circle. :lmao:
Bullshit. Africa was fine until whites invaded. Whats your excuse now?

If by fine, you mean warring uncivilized tribes, then I agree.
Sounds like europe before Black people taught them civilization....once again.

Europe installed systems, albeit unfair. Africans by and large ran around like heathens, tbh. That's why Muslims were able to enslave millions of them so easily.
Blacks installed systems in europe. If they had never came...europe would have reverted to a purely neanderthal stage. Your silly white propaganda doesnt work on me. I know the history of Africa, what they did and what they are doing now. Try harder with someone that has less knowledge than me.

Dude, you live in your own world. Anyhow, maybe you should join Islam as a sign of your bitchdom. Make that sh** come full circle. :lmao:
Most people live in their own world. Mine is just vastly more realistic than yours and most whites due to your inferiority complex about being recessive. Islam is a knock off of the true religions that Black people brought to the world. Like most knock offs they will be exposed.

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