Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

A livable wage is a salary that allows to eat and pay rent without government assistance or force to get a second job.

$8.25 doesn't allow for that.

I agree, it doesn't allow if you eat steaks or baby back ribs every day.

If you want to eat that anyways, you need be able to get career job that pays more.

Anyways, what's wrong with getting a second job?
Not always convenient.

Neither is having kids that you have to feed and clothe, but we do it anyways.
ok. some people advocate for equal protection of the law. money is not every thing.

What equal protection of the law has to do with what we discussing here?
Labor should not have to care how incompetent Capitalists are; and should be able to "bail" at the earliest and most convenient opportunity; regardless of job market conditions.
Boot 10 million illegal aliens, low skill Americans would earn more.
You new to our New World economy?

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

You need New World excuses not Old World excuses.

5.8 million job openings.

Why do we have so many on unemployment, welfare and food stamps?
The number on unemployment compensation is the lowest it has been since the 1970's. Most of the people on welfare and food stamps are working in crappy jobs that don't pay enough to feed a family. There is no shortage of jobs. We have plenty of crappy jobs. We just need jobs that pay s decent wage.
You new to our New World economy?

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

You need New World excuses not Old World excuses.

If we have so many job openings, and with official unemployment rate of 4.6%, why number of unemployed is still the same, around 90 million?
Our Ux system and U3 in particular, is merely political; not the most useful.

Even the "hard money" crowd of the right isn't making any drama regarding the market distorting, "funny money of EBT and means tested welfare"
Yes, I do. It is Congress that needs laws regarding, Truth in Legislative Advertising.

It doesn't mean what you think it means.
I know what, right to work, means; I also know, that is not what the legislative intent means.

By reading your gems, one after another, I don't think you do.

"Right to Work" means something. Legislation does not necessarily mean the same as those terms. Do we need, "Truth in legislative advertising" laws?

It means "something". LOL

You got no clue what "right to work" is.
What is a right to any Thing? only gun lovers on the right wing, are that clueless and that Causeless.
Except the US is intent on making sure there aren't any jobs for them there.

Except the US is intent on making sure there aren't any jobs for them there.

The US is supposed to make sure there are jobs for them in their home country?

Damn, that's hilarious!

Let's try explaining this in a way you should be able to grasp.

Ever heard of the Marshall Plan? Post WW2 and many countries were in serious need of rebuilding. The US helped certain allies to rebuild, like Japan, who had been an enemy, and the Japanese came strongly to the forefront of the Cold War in the Pacific. West Germany was also very strong along with France, they were staunch allies in the Cold War. They benefited the US greatly, it was money well spent for the US.

At the end of the Cold War the US again helped countries that had formerly been their enemies. Many Warsaw Pact countries, but not Russia. America still feared the power of Russia. So, during the 1990s while many Warsaw Pact countries were doing well, Russia wasn't. So Russia then went and elected Putin who has been a thorn in the side of America ever since. Had the US helped Russia, showed the Russians that democracy can work, then maybe someone like Putin wouldn't have found it easy to come to the fore in politics. But it didn't work like that.

For Mexico there seem to be a few problems, crime and drugs, and illegal workers. Neither of these are a problem for the US-Canadian border. There's no call for a wall on the US-Canadian border.

Canada has a GDP of $46,000 per capita, Mexico has $19,000 per capita.

The border is going to cost Americans billions of dollars all because of this. If Mexico has jobs, and Mexico increases its GDP then it's more able to fight the drugs and the crime, saving the US money, and the border will be less crossed, saving the US money.

Got it?

What a load of crap.

How many jobs left US for Mexico since NAFTA and how much that really help them?

Mexico GDP before NAFTA was cca $8000 per capita and today is around $9500 per capita. LINK
Counting inflation, nothing has changed. Except, we're hurting, since nice chunk of our production moved south.

By the way, some of the former Warshaw Pact countries are doing much better, not because of "our money" but because they got rid of communism, take Poland, Slovakia, Hungary. The others, with the same communist mindset as during the Pact, are still shitholes, take Romania, Bulgaria, Albania. They're doing bit better, only due to the charity money from EU.
Mexico is our third largest trading partner; but the right wing prefers to blame poor Mexicans for expatriating money, instead of the rich, who do it for tax evasion.

Great, lets stop building stuff there and bring it back here.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.
It is all you have. The left is working on, fullsense.
Keep working on it, because you're not doing a great job yet. Put the bong down, get out of your mom's basement, and get a job.
Fallacy is all the right wing has; it is not very difficult to compete; no wonder y'all think I am a lousy socialist.
Oh, no, you're a great socialist, just not good at communicating coherent thoughts. Like I've advised you multiple times, put the bong down, get out of your mom's basement, and get a job.

Get a job? It's easier to freeload and envy what others have.
Class envy? I don't complain about taxes. :p
Maybe they should not pass the wage increase on to the consumer. Sooner or later these business owners need to take the hit.

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?

No , just let them pay a decent wage. If they can't run a efficient restaurant they should close.
I find that attitude almost sickening. Think about it, you have a restaurant that's hanging in there, no one getting rich but everyone making a living. Enter the govt. Everyone loses their job. Watch the leftists celebrate.

So you want slave labor. Great, the truth is now known. Bad management, close the door.
Bad management? A 43% increase in labor costs? Do yourself a favor don't go into business, you'd last about 2 minutes.
Good versus Bad? Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages.

Only Bad capitalists complain.
Only lousy capitalists, say that.

Economics....lib morons just don't get it.
Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages; only the right complains about a lack of capital opportunities; but blame the poor.

Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages

He was a Good capitalist, unlike the whiners on the right wing.

He was a Good capitalist

Why does doubling wages make him a good capitalist?
Why do you think I am a bad capitalist for wanting equal protection of the law, for unemployment compensation?
By reading your gems, one after another, I don't think you do.

"Right to Work" means something. Legislation does not necessarily mean the same as those terms. Do we need, "Truth in legislative advertising" laws?

"Right to Work" means something.

Explain what it means.
Include links to relevant laws/regulations.
Right to work, right to keep and bear Arms; ring a bell, right wingers.

Explain what it means.
Include links to relevant laws/regulations.
Right equals right, right, right wingers?

Explain what it means.
Include links to relevant laws/regulations.
Economics....lib morons just don't get it.
Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages; only the right complains about a lack of capital opportunities; but blame the poor.

Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages

He was a Good capitalist, unlike the whiners on the right wing.

He was a Good capitalist

Why does doubling wages make him a good capitalist?
Why do you think I am a bad capitalist for wanting equal protection of the law, for unemployment compensation?

You're a bad capitalist for wanting to be paid for not working.
You're an idiot for claiming not getting paid means you're not getting equal protection.
Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?

No , just let them pay a decent wage. If they can't run a efficient restaurant they should close.
I find that attitude almost sickening. Think about it, you have a restaurant that's hanging in there, no one getting rich but everyone making a living. Enter the govt. Everyone loses their job. Watch the leftists celebrate.

So you want slave labor. Great, the truth is now known. Bad management, close the door.
Bad management? A 43% increase in labor costs? Do yourself a favor don't go into business, you'd last about 2 minutes.
Good versus Bad? Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages.

Only Bad capitalists complain.
Well good for Henry. You do realize that was 100yrs ago. I've been in business for 28yrs and if the govt or I decided to increase my labor costs by 43% over 2 years I'd go out of business. It seems to be a leftist idea that anyone that owns a business has money to burn. The reality is that the vast majority of business owners in this country are middle class and have about as much money to throw around as the rest of the middle class.

I said it earlier, the restaurant business is brutal, I have a sister and brother in law that have owned restaurants for going on 40 years, I wouldn't want that life for anything.
"Right to Work" means something. Legislation does not necessarily mean the same as those terms. Do we need, "Truth in legislative advertising" laws?

"Right to Work" means something.

Explain what it means.
Include links to relevant laws/regulations.
Right to work, right to keep and bear Arms; ring a bell, right wingers.

Explain what it means.
Include links to relevant laws/regulations.
Right equals right, right, right wingers?

Explain what it means.
Include links to relevant laws/regulations.
What is a right?
Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages; only the right complains about a lack of capital opportunities; but blame the poor.

Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages

He was a Good capitalist, unlike the whiners on the right wing.

He was a Good capitalist

Why does doubling wages make him a good capitalist?
Why do you think I am a bad capitalist for wanting equal protection of the law, for unemployment compensation?

You're a bad capitalist for wanting to be paid for not working.
You're an idiot for claiming not getting paid means you're not getting equal protection.
I am a Good capitalist for wanting to use capital, for all of its worth.

Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.
No , just let them pay a decent wage. If they can't run a efficient restaurant they should close.
I find that attitude almost sickening. Think about it, you have a restaurant that's hanging in there, no one getting rich but everyone making a living. Enter the govt. Everyone loses their job. Watch the leftists celebrate.

So you want slave labor. Great, the truth is now known. Bad management, close the door.
Bad management? A 43% increase in labor costs? Do yourself a favor don't go into business, you'd last about 2 minutes.
Good versus Bad? Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages.

Only Bad capitalists complain.
Well good for Henry. You do realize that was 100yrs ago. I've been in business for 28yrs and if the govt or I decided to increase my labor costs by 43% over 2 years I'd go out of business. It seems to be a leftist idea that anyone that owns a business has money to burn. The reality is that the vast majority of business owners in this country are middle class and have about as much money to throw around as the rest of the middle class.

I said it earlier, the restaurant business is brutal, I have a sister and brother in law that have owned restaurants for going on 40 years, I wouldn't want that life for anything.
Only Bad capitalists complain and make excuses, instead of get results.
It doesn't mean what you think it means.
I know what, right to work, means; I also know, that is not what the legislative intent means.

By reading your gems, one after another, I don't think you do.

"Right to Work" means something. Legislation does not necessarily mean the same as those terms. Do we need, "Truth in legislative advertising" laws?

"Right to Work" means something.

Explain what it means.
Include links to relevant laws/regulations.
Right to work, right to keep and bear Arms; ring a bell, right wingers.

Nope, you're still clueless.
I know what, right to work, means; I also know, that is not what the legislative intent means.

By reading your gems, one after another, I don't think you do.

"Right to Work" means something. Legislation does not necessarily mean the same as those terms. Do we need, "Truth in legislative advertising" laws?

"Right to Work" means something.

Explain what it means.
Include links to relevant laws/regulations.
Right to work, right to keep and bear Arms; ring a bell, right wingers.

Explain what it means.
Include links to relevant laws/regulations.

You're gonna retire before you get an answer to that one.
By reading your gems, one after another, I don't think you do.

"Right to Work" means something. Legislation does not necessarily mean the same as those terms. Do we need, "Truth in legislative advertising" laws?

"Right to Work" means something.

Explain what it means.
Include links to relevant laws/regulations.
Right to work, right to keep and bear Arms; ring a bell, right wingers.

Explain what it means.
Include links to relevant laws/regulations.
Right equals right, right, right wingers?

Nope, still clueless.
It doesn't mean what you think it means.
I know what, right to work, means; I also know, that is not what the legislative intent means.

By reading your gems, one after another, I don't think you do.

"Right to Work" means something. Legislation does not necessarily mean the same as those terms. Do we need, "Truth in legislative advertising" laws?

It means "something". LOL

You got no clue what "right to work" is.
What is a right to any Thing? only gun lovers on the right wing, are that clueless and that Causeless.

There is constitutional right to bear arms.
I find that attitude almost sickening. Think about it, you have a restaurant that's hanging in there, no one getting rich but everyone making a living. Enter the govt. Everyone loses their job. Watch the leftists celebrate.

So you want slave labor. Great, the truth is now known. Bad management, close the door.
Bad management? A 43% increase in labor costs? Do yourself a favor don't go into business, you'd last about 2 minutes.
Good versus Bad? Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages.

Only Bad capitalists complain.
Well good for Henry. You do realize that was 100yrs ago. I've been in business for 28yrs and if the govt or I decided to increase my labor costs by 43% over 2 years I'd go out of business. It seems to be a leftist idea that anyone that owns a business has money to burn. The reality is that the vast majority of business owners in this country are middle class and have about as much money to throw around as the rest of the middle class.

I said it earlier, the restaurant business is brutal, I have a sister and brother in law that have owned restaurants for going on 40 years, I wouldn't want that life for anything.
Only Bad capitalists complain and make excuses, instead of get results.
And only people that have no knowledge of being in business spout such uneducated drivel.
It is all you have. The left is working on, fullsense.
Keep working on it, because you're not doing a great job yet. Put the bong down, get out of your mom's basement, and get a job.
Fallacy is all the right wing has; it is not very difficult to compete; no wonder y'all think I am a lousy socialist.
Oh, no, you're a great socialist, just not good at communicating coherent thoughts. Like I've advised you multiple times, put the bong down, get out of your mom's basement, and get a job.

Get a job? It's easier to freeload and envy what others have.
Class envy? I don't complain about taxes. :p

Nope, I'm not talking about class envy.

You just want free stuff, that you didn't earn, someone else did.
Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?

No , just let them pay a decent wage. If they can't run a efficient restaurant they should close.
I find that attitude almost sickening. Think about it, you have a restaurant that's hanging in there, no one getting rich but everyone making a living. Enter the govt. Everyone loses their job. Watch the leftists celebrate.

So you want slave labor. Great, the truth is now known. Bad management, close the door.
Bad management? A 43% increase in labor costs? Do yourself a favor don't go into business, you'd last about 2 minutes.
Good versus Bad? Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages.

Only Bad capitalists complain.

So why are you crying about minimum wage?

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