Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

Economics....lib morons just don't get it.
Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages; only the right complains about a lack of capital opportunities; but blame the poor.

Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages

He was a Good capitalist, unlike the whiners on the right wing.

He was a Good capitalist

Why does doubling wages make him a good capitalist?
Why do you think I am a bad capitalist for wanting equal protection of the law, for unemployment compensation?

You're not capitalist. You are communist.
"Right to Work" means something.

Explain what it means.
Include links to relevant laws/regulations.
Right to work, right to keep and bear Arms; ring a bell, right wingers.

Explain what it means.
Include links to relevant laws/regulations.
Right equals right, right, right wingers?

Explain what it means.
Include links to relevant laws/regulations.
What is a right?

Something you don't have as far as UE benefits for never working or for quitting.
Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages

He was a Good capitalist, unlike the whiners on the right wing.

He was a Good capitalist

Why does doubling wages make him a good capitalist?
Why do you think I am a bad capitalist for wanting equal protection of the law, for unemployment compensation?

You're a bad capitalist for wanting to be paid for not working.
You're an idiot for claiming not getting paid means you're not getting equal protection.
I am a Good capitalist for wanting to use capital, for all of its worth.

Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

Nah. You're a stoner clown. Earn your own capital.
Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages

He was a Good capitalist, unlike the whiners on the right wing.

He was a Good capitalist

Why does doubling wages make him a good capitalist?
Why do you think I am a bad capitalist for wanting equal protection of the law, for unemployment compensation?

You're a bad capitalist for wanting to be paid for not working.
You're an idiot for claiming not getting paid means you're not getting equal protection.
I am a Good capitalist for wanting to use capital, for all of its worth.

Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

You want to use someone else capital.

If you're so good at it, use yours.

Oh wait, never mind.
No stupid, business models vary and Ford's business model then may not work today and in many places it doesn't.

Please learn before you post stupidity.
Only lousy Capitalists, say that, according to Herr Say.

No only stupid idiots like yourself post stupid nonsense that can't possibly fit every business model. You notice I don't accuse you of being left or right wing. Calling you either is an insult to the left or the right. Let me know when you have ran a successful business and get back to me on your silly comment.
Herr Say, says you don't know what you are talking about because you are full of fallacy.

Again, please apply your "Ford" theory to the fast food industry and tell be how that will work. Remembering that Ford needed specialized workers and training. Then explain why you don't own a business that practices what you preach.
Increasing the cost of labor requires capital to seek gains from efficiency; Henry Ford was, proactive, that was his, competitive advantage.

Just tell me you can't apply your theory to the fast food industry.
Oh, no, you're a great socialist, just not good at communicating coherent thoughts. Like I've advised you multiple times, put the bong down, get out of your mom's basement, and get a job.
y'all having nothing but fallacy, used to annoy me. Now, I know that means I am "winning".
That might be valid if I were posting fallacies. I am not. You are terrible at communicating coherent thoughts, at least in English.

He doesn't speak English, he speaks stoner.

I think he was dropped on his head when he was a kid.
I also smoke pot and don't make excuses; unlike the "dopeless wonders" on the "fantastical" right wing.

Oh wow, you smoke pot? Who would've thought, you act like are on meth.
Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

In a pair of affluent coastal California counties, the canary in the mineshaft has gotten splayed, spatchcocked and plated over a bed of unintended consequences, garnished with sprigs of locally sourced economic distortion and non-GMO, “What the heck were they thinking?”

The result of one early experiment in a citywide $15 minimum wage is an ominous sign for the state’s poorer inland counties as the statewide wage floor creeps toward the mark.

Consider San Francisco, an early adopter of the $15 wage. It’s now experiencing a restaurant die-off, minting jobless hash-slingers, cashiers, busboys, scullery engineers and line cooks as they get pink-slipped in increasing numbers. And the wage there hasn’t yet hit $15.

As the East Bay Times reported in January, at least 60 restaurants around the Bay Area had closed since September alone.

A recent study by Michael Luca at Harvard Business School and Dara Lee Luca at Mathematica Policy Research found that every $1 hike in the minimum wage brings a 14 percent increase in the likelihood of a 3.5-star restaurant on Yelp! closing.

Another telltale is San Diego, where voters approved increasing the city’s minimum wage to $11.50 per hour from $10.50, this after the minimum wage was increased from $8 an hour in 2015 – meaning hourly costs have risen 43 percent in two years.

The cost increases have pushed San Diego restaurants to the brink, Stephen Zolezzi, president of the Food and Beverage Association of San Diego County, told the San Diego Business Journal. Watch for the next mass die-off there...

Luckily, I live in the central coast area between L.A. and San Francisco, so this area hasn't gone as extreme left as those parts of California.


McDonald’s is replacing at least 2500 cashiers with robotic kiosks as part of a grand strategy to stay competitive.

The embattled fast food giant, which recently flirted with the possibility of shutting down hundreds of stores, hopes its “Experience of the Future” program will reverse stagnant sales.

McDonald’s Replacing Cashiers with Robot Kiosks
No stupid, business models vary and Ford's business model then may not work today and in many places it doesn't.

Please learn before you post stupidity.
Only lousy Capitalists, say that, according to Herr Say.

No only stupid idiots like yourself post stupid nonsense that can't possibly fit every business model. You notice I don't accuse you of being left or right wing. Calling you either is an insult to the left or the right. Let me know when you have ran a successful business and get back to me on your silly comment.
Herr Say, says you don't know what you are talking about because you are full of fallacy.

Again, please apply your "Ford" theory to the fast food industry and tell be how that will work. Remembering that Ford needed specialized workers and training. Then explain why you don't own a business that practices what you preach.
Increasing the cost of labor requires capital to seek gains from efficiency; Henry Ford was, proactive, that was his, competitive advantage.

Ford was hiring 52,000 men a year for 14,000 positions. He raised the pay to cut his turnover. That is the only real reason he went to $5 a day.
Keep working on it, because you're not doing a great job yet. Put the bong down, get out of your mom's basement, and get a job.
Fallacy is all the right wing has; it is not very difficult to compete; no wonder y'all think I am a lousy socialist.
Oh, no, you're a great socialist, just not good at communicating coherent thoughts. Like I've advised you multiple times, put the bong down, get out of your mom's basement, and get a job.
y'all having nothing but fallacy, used to annoy me. Now, I know that means I am "winning".
That might be valid if I were posting fallacies. I am not. You are terrible at communicating coherent thoughts, at least in English.
Why should Labor as the least wealthy in our Republic, be denied and disparaged equal protection of the law for the purposes of employment at will?
Because it is morally and ethically wrong to pay someone who voluntarily does nothing to earn it. This is in contrast to those who literally cannot do anything.
I know what, right to work, means; I also know, that is not what the legislative intent means.

By reading your gems, one after another, I don't think you do.

"Right to Work" means something. Legislation does not necessarily mean the same as those terms. Do we need, "Truth in legislative advertising" laws?

It means "something". LOL

You got no clue what "right to work" is.
What is a right to any Thing? only gun lovers on the right wing, are that clueless and that Causeless.

There is constitutional right to bear arms.
That means, statutes must conform to "right to keep and bear Arms" States?

Doesn't that mean, that "right to work" States should require something similar to the words they employ.
Only Bad capitalists complain and make excuses, instead of get results.
And only people that have no knowledge of being in business spout such uneducated drivel.
dude; Henry Ford was a good capitalist. He doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages, because he had a plan to achieve gains from efficiency; the lousy capitalists on the right wing, only learned how to "fish and complain".

WRONG!! More lefty lies, you are getting good at lying and spreading misinformation. The real reason for Ford doubling the wages because his turnover was almost four times as many jobs as he had available. When you have that high of a turnover rate it is impossible to have a consistent and high quality workmanship.
turnover was a "bottleneck"; he gained from efficiency to make a profit and paid double the going rate for autoworkers, not minimum wage workers. That is how, competition works; only the right wing, never gets it.

First off there was no minimum wage, in 1914, so that is just a dumb lie you toss out there. Secondly if your turnover rate in one year was 54,000 when you employed just 14,000, then you need to stop the bleeding because quality, consistency and training costs. He had to double the wage to save his business. Funny that You think it worked out so well, because Ford never came close again to doubling his wages. All you have is silly stories and lies.

Keep the lies coming cupcake, you are actually very funny entertainment.
Lousy at history as well? Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages. Minimum wages are entry level. Only the right wing likes to fish for red herrings instead of better arguments.

Minimum wages for labor were around, thirty to fifty dollars a month, around 1914.
And only people that have no knowledge of being in business spout such uneducated drivel.
dude; Henry Ford was a good capitalist. He doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages, because he had a plan to achieve gains from efficiency; the lousy capitalists on the right wing, only learned how to "fish and complain".

WRONG!! More lefty lies, you are getting good at lying and spreading misinformation. The real reason for Ford doubling the wages because his turnover was almost four times as many jobs as he had available. When you have that high of a turnover rate it is impossible to have a consistent and high quality workmanship.
turnover was a "bottleneck"; he gained from efficiency to make a profit and paid double the going rate for autoworkers, not minimum wage workers. That is how, competition works; only the right wing, never gets it.

First off there was no minimum wage, in 1914, so that is just a dumb lie you toss out there. Secondly if your turnover rate in one year was 54,000 when you employed just 14,000, then you need to stop the bleeding because quality, consistency and training costs. He had to double the wage to save his business. Funny that You think it worked out so well, because Ford never came close again to doubling his wages. All you have is silly stories and lies.

Keep the lies coming cupcake, you are actually very funny entertainment.
Lousy at history as well? Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages. Minimum wages are entry level. Only the right wing likes to fish for red herrings instead of better arguments.

Minimum wages for labor were around, thirty to fifty dollars a month, around 1914.

The lies of the left try to continue. There was NO minimum wage. Free would have worked at that time. So, again with no minimum wage he could surpass it, pretty easily.

Ford never doubled his wages ever again...wonder why? :)
because he had a plan to achieve gains from efficiency;

Paying you to not work does not add to efficiency.
lol. All I need do is circulate capital in a euphoric manner to engender, a positive multiplier effect; silly right wingers.

Derpity derp derp derp.
lousy at political debate, as well? even Ogres have better arguments.

He gave you the appropriate response for your silly left wing hate argument.
only for the totally irrational and emotional, right wing.

Totally rational response when having to respond to a left wing up job.

So the response was perfect, only the left wing bigots would think otherwise.
dude; Henry Ford was a good capitalist. He doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages, because he had a plan to achieve gains from efficiency; the lousy capitalists on the right wing, only learned how to "fish and complain".

WRONG!! More lefty lies, you are getting good at lying and spreading misinformation. The real reason for Ford doubling the wages because his turnover was almost four times as many jobs as he had available. When you have that high of a turnover rate it is impossible to have a consistent and high quality workmanship.
turnover was a "bottleneck"; he gained from efficiency to make a profit and paid double the going rate for autoworkers, not minimum wage workers. That is how, competition works; only the right wing, never gets it.

First off there was no minimum wage, in 1914, so that is just a dumb lie you toss out there. Secondly if your turnover rate in one year was 54,000 when you employed just 14,000, then you need to stop the bleeding because quality, consistency and training costs. He had to double the wage to save his business. Funny that You think it worked out so well, because Ford never came close again to doubling his wages. All you have is silly stories and lies.

Keep the lies coming cupcake, you are actually very funny entertainment.
Lousy at history as well? Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages. Minimum wages are entry level. Only the right wing likes to fish for red herrings instead of better arguments.

Minimum wages for labor were around, thirty to fifty dollars a month, around 1914.

The lies of the left try to continue. There was NO minimum wage. Free would have worked at that time. So, again with no minimum wage he could surpass it, pretty easily.

Ford never doubled his wages ever again...wonder why? :)
No statutory minimum wages; but, autoworker wages were no where near the minimum, entry level.
WRONG!! More lefty lies, you are getting good at lying and spreading misinformation. The real reason for Ford doubling the wages because his turnover was almost four times as many jobs as he had available. When you have that high of a turnover rate it is impossible to have a consistent and high quality workmanship.
turnover was a "bottleneck"; he gained from efficiency to make a profit and paid double the going rate for autoworkers, not minimum wage workers. That is how, competition works; only the right wing, never gets it.

First off there was no minimum wage, in 1914, so that is just a dumb lie you toss out there. Secondly if your turnover rate in one year was 54,000 when you employed just 14,000, then you need to stop the bleeding because quality, consistency and training costs. He had to double the wage to save his business. Funny that You think it worked out so well, because Ford never came close again to doubling his wages. All you have is silly stories and lies.

Keep the lies coming cupcake, you are actually very funny entertainment.
Lousy at history as well? Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages. Minimum wages are entry level. Only the right wing likes to fish for red herrings instead of better arguments.

Minimum wages for labor were around, thirty to fifty dollars a month, around 1914.

The lies of the left try to continue. There was NO minimum wage. Free would have worked at that time. So, again with no minimum wage he could surpass it, pretty easily.

Ford never doubled his wages ever again...wonder why? :)
No statutory minimum wages; but, autoworker wages were no where near the minimum, entry level.

Ford never doubled wages again...wonder why, looks like you fail yet again.
First off there was no minimum wage, in 1914, so that is just a dumb lie you toss out there. Secondly if your turnover rate in one year was 54,000 when you employed just 14,000, then you need to stop the bleeding because quality, consistency and training costs. He had to double the wage to save his business. Funny that You think it worked out so well, because Ford never came close again to doubling his wages. All you have is silly stories and lies.

Keep the lies coming cupcake, you are actually very funny entertainment.
Lousy at history as well? Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages. Minimum wages are entry level. Only the right wing likes to fish for red herrings instead of better arguments.

Minimum wages for labor were around, thirty to fifty dollars a month, around 1914.

The lies of the left try to continue. There was NO minimum wage. Free would have worked at that time. So, again with no minimum wage he could surpass it, pretty easily.

Ford never doubled his wages ever again...wonder why? :)
No statutory minimum wages; but, autoworker wages were no where near the minimum, entry level.

Ford never doubled wages again...wonder why, looks like you fail yet again.
Yes, he did. You cannot claim that the minimum wage enacted by statute later on, was not lower than no minimum wage by statute but only by the market.

When did he double wages again? Name the year and the reason.
He gave you the appropriate response for your silly left wing hate argument.
only for the totally irrational and emotional, right wing.

Totally rational response when having to respond to a left wing up job.

So the response was perfect, only the left wing bigots would think otherwise.
Like I said; just the cognitive dissonance of the right wing, to blame the left for being what they allegedly, perceive.

Thank you for confirming what we already knew, hateful bigot.
Just right wing projection, like usual.

The minimum wage in 1938 was twenty-five cents. You cannot claim Henry Ford did not double autoworker wages and not any form of minimum wages.

What was the minimum wage in 1914?
Lousy at history as well? Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages. Minimum wages are entry level. Only the right wing likes to fish for red herrings instead of better arguments.

Minimum wages for labor were around, thirty to fifty dollars a month, around 1914.

The lies of the left try to continue. There was NO minimum wage. Free would have worked at that time. So, again with no minimum wage he could surpass it, pretty easily.

Ford never doubled his wages ever again...wonder why? :)
No statutory minimum wages; but, autoworker wages were no where near the minimum, entry level.

Ford never doubled wages again...wonder why, looks like you fail yet again.
Yes, he did. You cannot claim that the minimum wage enacted by statute later on, was not lower than no minimum wage by statute but only by the market.

When did he double wages again? Name the year and the reason.
He doubled the going rate for autoworkers not minimum wage workers.
only for the totally irrational and emotional, right wing.

Totally rational response when having to respond to a left wing up job.

So the response was perfect, only the left wing bigots would think otherwise.
Like I said; just the cognitive dissonance of the right wing, to blame the left for being what they allegedly, perceive.

Thank you for confirming what we already knew, hateful bigot.
Just right wing projection, like usual.

The minimum wage in 1938 was twenty-five cents. You cannot claim Henry Ford did not double autoworker wages and not any form of minimum wages.

What was the minimum wage in 1914?
Lower in 1914 than in 1938.
The lies of the left try to continue. There was NO minimum wage. Free would have worked at that time. So, again with no minimum wage he could surpass it, pretty easily.

Ford never doubled his wages ever again...wonder why? :)
No statutory minimum wages; but, autoworker wages were no where near the minimum, entry level.

Ford never doubled wages again...wonder why, looks like you fail yet again.
Yes, he did. You cannot claim that the minimum wage enacted by statute later on, was not lower than no minimum wage by statute but only by the market.

When did he double wages again? Name the year and the reason.
He doubled the going rate for autoworkers not minimum wage workers.

Since there was no minimum wage that was pretty easy, wasn't it? Did he every double wages again? Name the year and the reason he doubled the wage again. That is your claim, back it up or again, you are a liar. Which you seem to be very good at.

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