Restaurant Owner Wants The Right To Refuse Service

Hurry up and repeal the Civil Rights Act. I don't want to have to provide accommodation to Christians! How awesome to kick all the sick cross wearers out of my establishment!

That would be your choice. No skin off my nose.
Hurry up and repeal the Civil Rights Act. I don't want to have to provide accommodation to Christians! How awesome to kick all the sick cross wearers out of my establishment!

That would be your choice. No skin off my nose.

I don't want the law repealed, you do...I would just capitalize on it.

Hurry up...I want to expand but don't want to have to cater to the crips.
Your property your rules.

Why do you assume that using the term christians would get a rise out of anyone here?

Hey, give her credit. At least she's willing to admit that she's a bigot.

Of course, that's required of the PC Police.


Is it bigotry? Call someone that doesn't want to serve me a bigot and you get a freak out.

We like to think we are "post racial" and don't need these laws. How often will the "mooslems" be refused service one wonders...

You can call anyone you want a bigot.

Tell me why would you want to patronize any business that was forced to serve you over one that wanted your business?
Hey, give her credit. At least she's willing to admit that she's a bigot.

Of course, that's required of the PC Police.


Is it bigotry? Call someone that doesn't want to serve me a bigot and you get a freak out.

We like to think we are "post racial" and don't need these laws. How often will the "mooslems" be refused service one wonders...

You can call anyone you want a bigot.

Tell me why would you want to patronize any business that was forced to serve you over one that wanted your business?

To see them turn red in the face?
Again. Yet its still here. What are you going to do about it but whine?

So you think pointing out violations of the Constitution and government abuse of its powers is "whining?" Hitler thought the Jews were whiners, I'll bet.

Are homosexuals "whining" when they insist they have the right to marry? Were blacks "whining" when they complained that their kids had the right to go to the same schools as white children?

Thats because those are clear and legal rights. Your assumption that whites cannot attend HBCUs is stupid and uninformed. You are whining. Go dry your eyes and realize you have reading comprehension issues.

This entire thread is about whether they should be legal rights. All you said is that they are legal rights because they are legal rights. In reality they aren't legal because the Constitution doesn't grant the federal government authority to regulate hotels or restaurants.

Also, I never claimed white students couldn't attend HBCU schools. I researched the issue on the internet and I never found a clear answer to that question.

Apparently you can't even read a thread. So who is stupid and uniformed?
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So you think pointing out violations of the Constitution and government abuse of its powers is "whining?" Hitler thought the Jews were whiners, I'll bet.

Are homosexuals "whining" when they insist they have the right to marry? Were blacks "whining" when they complained that their kids had the right to go to the same schools as white children?

Thats because those are clear and legal rights. Your assumption that whites cannot attend HBCUs is stupid and uninformed. You are whining. Go dry your eyes and realize you have reading comprehension issues.

This entire thread is about whether they should be legal rights. All you said is that they are legal rights because they are legal rights. In reality they aren't legal because the Constitution doesn't grant the federal government authority to regulate hotels or restaurants.

I already told you about your reading problem. The owner wants to do away with an amendment that forbids racial/etc discrimination. Its not that hard or difficult to grasp this concept. I have a legal right to go into any place I want to that provides public access. You as a owner of that institution cannot discriminate against me. You can call your store "white people only" if you choose but i can still come in. Stop crying. Learn how the constitution allows amendments to that same constitution. Until you do those things a 2 year old will find it easy to over come you in a battle of wits.
Thats because those are clear and legal rights. Your assumption that whites cannot attend HBCUs is stupid and uninformed. You are whining. Go dry your eyes and realize you have reading comprehension issues.

This entire thread is about whether they should be legal rights. All you said is that they are legal rights because they are legal rights. In reality they aren't legal because the Constitution doesn't grant the federal government authority to regulate hotels or restaurants.

I already told you about your reading problem. The owner wants to do away with an amendment that forbids racial/etc discrimination. Its not that hard or difficult to grasp this concept. I have a legal right to go into any place I want to that provides public access. You as a owner of that institution cannot discriminate against me. You can call your store "white people only" if you choose but i can still come in. Stop crying. Learn how the constitution allows amendments to that same constitution. Until you do those things a 2 year old will find it easy to over come you in a battle of wits.

Yes, you told as again that it's against the law because it's against the law. In other words, you told us nothing.

I've pointed out at least a dozen times that Congress has no authority to regulate restaurants and hotels. You continue to dance around that by stupidly claiming that discrimination is against the law, as if anyone disagrees.

If there were an Amendment to the Constitution that allows Congress to regulate restaurants and businesses, then you might have a point. So far, there isn't, so you simply look like an imbecile.

If you don't like abortions, don't get one.

If you don't like bigots, don't patronize their business.

Not good enough for the PC Police, I know.


not if my tax dollars are being spent to provide roads to their business, provide them with water and electricity, provide police and fire protection, and so on.

No, it isn't.

Sweet Evil Jesus, man, we had this discussion 50 years ago over lunch counters.

Your side lost.

Why are we having it again?

What exactly is "my side", Joe?

Go ahead, let me have it.

Your specialty is lying, let's see you do it, yet again.


You know, the one that 50 years ago talked about "States Rights".

Now you all talk about "political correctness" and "Freedom".

Same shit, different assholes.
So you think pointing out violations of the Constitution and government abuse of its powers is "whining?" Hitler thought the Jews were whiners, I'll bet.

Are homosexuals "whining" when they insist they have the right to marry? Were blacks "whining" when they complained that their kids had the right to go to the same schools as white children?

Thats because those are clear and legal rights. Your assumption that whites cannot attend HBCUs is stupid and uninformed. You are whining. Go dry your eyes and realize you have reading comprehension issues.

This entire thread is about whether they should be legal rights. All you said is that they are legal rights because they are legal rights. In reality they aren't legal because the Constitution doesn't grant the federal government authority to regulate hotels or restaurants.

What do you care about the Constitution? You hate this country. Why the hell are you still here?
Is it bigotry? Call someone that doesn't want to serve me a bigot and you get a freak out.

We like to think we are "post racial" and don't need these laws. How often will the "mooslems" be refused service one wonders...

You can call anyone you want a bigot.

Tell me why would you want to patronize any business that was forced to serve you over one that wanted your business?

To see them turn red in the face?

Pretty petty and not much of a reward for what would be inferior service compared to a business that treated you as a valued customer.

Hey [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION], I'm curious.

I notice that you think that you have to protect blacks from some folks. Why is that? Do you think they're so weak that they can't take care of themselves? Do you think that they're so feeble and stupid and unskilled that they can't survive without your help? What do you think they'll do, wither away and die without your hand?

Why do you think so little of blacks, Joe?

Why do you hate blacks, Joe? What did they ever do to you, Joe?

Tell me: Are you now, or ever have you been, a member of the Ku Klux Klan? I think it's time you confessed.

See Joe, I can play your little game too. I think I will from now on.

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Hey [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION], I'm curious.

I notice that you think that you have to protect blacks from some folks. Why is that? Do you think they're so weak that they can't take care of themselves? Do you think that they're so feeble and stupid and unskilled that they can't survive without your help? What do you think they'll do, wither away and die without your hand?

Why do you think so little of blacks, Joe?

Why do you hate blacks, Joe? What did they ever do to you, Joe?

Tell me: Are you now, or ever have you been, a member of the Ku Klux Klan? I think it's time you confessed.

See Joe, I can play your little game too. I think I will from now on.


Yeah, you can try it, but you'll kind of sound like a retard.

I think that it was a law that we put on the books because a long time ago, folks like you who flew Confederate Flags and sputtered about state's rights tried to discriminate. And everyone agreed, Public Accommedation Rules made sense.

Now, if you really want to charge up that hill and say, "I'm fighting for Cleetus' right to not serve black folks," have at it.
You can call anyone you want a bigot.

Tell me why would you want to patronize any business that was forced to serve you over one that wanted your business?

To see them turn red in the face?

Pretty petty and not much of a reward for what would be inferior service compared to a business that treated you as a valued customer.

I'm human. Sometimes I can be petty. I dont care about the service. I already said I would not give the owner a cent of my money. I would take 1 taste of the food, spit it out, call it unacceptable pig slop, and leave. How would I ever think I was a valued customer if the owner wants to discriminate? Fuck him and all the other bigots and racists like him.

Hey [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION], I'm curious.

I notice that you think that you have to protect blacks from some folks. Why is that? Do you think they're so weak that they can't take care of themselves? Do you think that they're so feeble and stupid and unskilled that they can't survive without your help? What do you think they'll do, wither away and die without your hand?

Why do you think so little of blacks, Joe?

Why do you hate blacks, Joe? What did they ever do to you, Joe?

Tell me: Are you now, or ever have you been, a member of the Ku Klux Klan? I think it's time you confessed.

See Joe, I can play your little game too. I think I will from now on.


Yeah, you can try it, but you'll kind of sound like a retard.

I think that it was a law that we put on the books because a long time ago, folks like you who flew Confederate Flags and sputtered about state's rights tried to discriminate. And everyone agreed, Public Accommedation Rules made sense.

Now, if you really want to charge up that hill and say, "I'm fighting for Cleetus' right to not serve black folks," have at it.

You didn't answer my question, Joe, and I think that says it all.

I think blacks are as able as anyone, unlike you racists.

Shame on you.


Hey [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION], I'm curious.

I notice that you think that you have to protect blacks from some folks. Why is that? Do you think they're so weak that they can't take care of themselves? Do you think that they're so feeble and stupid and unskilled that they can't survive without your help? What do you think they'll do, wither away and die without your hand?

Why do you think so little of blacks, Joe?

Why do you hate blacks, Joe? What did they ever do to you, Joe?

Tell me: Are you now, or ever have you been, a member of the Ku Klux Klan? I think it's time you confessed.

See Joe, I can play your little game too. I think I will from now on.


Yeah, you can try it, but you'll kind of sound like a retard.

I think that it was a law that we put on the books because a long time ago, folks like you who flew Confederate Flags and sputtered about state's rights tried to discriminate. And everyone agreed, Public Accommedation Rules made sense.

Now, if you really want to charge up that hill and say, "I'm fighting for Cleetus' right to not serve black folks," have at it.

You didn't answer my question, Joe, and I think that says it all.

I think blacks are as able as anyone, unlike you racists.

Shame on you.


Actually, I did. I'm sorry you didn't understand the answer.

Would it help if I used smaller words.

Here's one.

Been there. Done that. Fixed the country.
Thats because those are clear and legal rights. Your assumption that whites cannot attend HBCUs is stupid and uninformed. You are whining. Go dry your eyes and realize you have reading comprehension issues.

This entire thread is about whether they should be legal rights. All you said is that they are legal rights because they are legal rights. In reality they aren't legal because the Constitution doesn't grant the federal government authority to regulate hotels or restaurants.

What do you care about the Constitution? You hate this country. Why the hell are you still here?

Are you still crying? If you care about the Constitution, then why aren't you defending it? No one trashes the Constitution more than the goose-stepping assholes who worship Lincoln and call themselves patriots.
Is it bigotry? Call someone that doesn't want to serve me a bigot and you get a freak out.

We like to think we are "post racial" and don't need these laws. How often will the "mooslems" be refused service one wonders...

You can call anyone you want a bigot.

Tell me why would you want to patronize any business that was forced to serve you over one that wanted your business?

To see them turn red in the face?

In a true free society this man would be able to exercise his freedom of association, but we have not lived in such a place for a century.

And that doesn't say whether this man's opinions are right or wrong by my standards or anyone else's standards, the point is, they are his standards and to think government would disallow said is beyond reproach, it's patently un-American.

the freedom of racists ends at the nose of the people against whom they want to discriminate.

in their personal associations, they have every right to do what they want.

in their professional life, they can keep their disgusting bigotry to themselves because their freedom doesn't trump others.

see how freedom works? it doesn't mean you stamp your feet and tantrum to do whatever you want. THAT is what is un-American.

Correct. May I remind you that also applies to liberals.
This entire thread is about whether they should be legal rights. All you said is that they are legal rights because they are legal rights. In reality they aren't legal because the Constitution doesn't grant the federal government authority to regulate hotels or restaurants.

I already told you about your reading problem. The owner wants to do away with an amendment that forbids racial/etc discrimination. Its not that hard or difficult to grasp this concept. I have a legal right to go into any place I want to that provides public access. You as a owner of that institution cannot discriminate against me. You can call your store "white people only" if you choose but i can still come in. Stop crying. Learn how the constitution allows amendments to that same constitution. Until you do those things a 2 year old will find it easy to over come you in a battle of wits.

Yes, you told as again that it's against the law because it's against the law. In other words, you told us nothing.

I've pointed out at least a dozen times that Congress has no authority to regulate restaurants and hotels. You continue to dance around that by stupidly claiming that discrimination is against the law, as if anyone disagrees.

If there were an Amendment to the Constitution that allows Congress to regulate restaurants and businesses, then you might have a point. So far, there isn't, so you simply look like an imbecile.

I told you plenty. You claimed that it was unconstitutional without realizing the constitution allows amendments. You are a dumbass for that. You better thank me for clearing that up for you. You can point, gesture, sing a rally song, and do cartwheels for all I care. There is a law that the owner will abide by or be dealt with. It cracks me up when retards like you cant accept that simple fact of reality.

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