Restaurant Owner Wants The Right To Refuse Service

If someone doesn't want my business there are plenty of others who do.

I don't see the big deal in all this.

Right...we don't need these Public Accommodation laws. If you own the only grocery in town, you should be able to tell those black folks to suck it. If I own the only septic service in town, those fags can pump their own shit, right?

Yeah because there are sooo many towns with one mom and pop grocery store or one mom and pop septic truck. And what's stopping the guy in the next town over increasing his business by taking customers that a bigot won't?

Like I said it's no big deal.

There are. My town is one of them. Only one store, only one septic service. Imagine if they refuse to serve me because I'm gay. With septic, there is no "one town over".

Let's do a little research, utilizing Google, Mapquest and

This bigot's restaurant is located at 3030 North Grand St., Enid OK 73701.

Other "public accommodations" (snicker) in his neighborhood:

  • Taco Bandito, 205 W. Willow Road
  • Lot-A-Burger, 310 W. Willow Road
  • Dis Amazing Barbeque, 2931 N. 4th Street
  • Phil's Slow Smoked BBQ, 2209 N. Grand Street
  • Holiday Motel, 2712 Rock Island Boulevard
  • Enid Cemetery (!), 212 W. Willow Road
  • Willow County Store, 215 W. Willow Road
  • K-Store, 3205 N. 4th Street
  • The Ok Store, 602 W. Main Avenue
  • Grand Central Station, 2305 N. Grand Street
That's just a start. Plenty of options. This "public accommodation" farce is pure bullshit, an excuse for the PC Police to exercise their control.


If you don't like abortions, don't get one.

If you don't like bigots, don't patronize their business.

Not good enough for the PC Police, I know.


not if my tax dollars are being spent to provide roads to their business, provide them with water and electricity, provide police and fire protection, and so on.

No, it isn't.

Sweet Evil Jesus, man, we had this discussion 50 years ago over lunch counters.

Your side lost.

Why are we having it again?

What exactly is "my side", Joe?

Go ahead, let me have it.

Your specialty is lying, let's see you do it, yet again.


If you don't like abortions, don't get one.

If you don't like bigots, don't patronize their business.

Not good enough for the PC Police, I know.


not if my tax dollars are being spent to provide roads to their business, provide them with water and electricity, provide police and fire protection, and so on.

No, it isn't.

Sweet Evil Jesus, man, we had this discussion 50 years ago over lunch counters.

Your side lost.

Why are we having it again?

The roads aren't built to their businesses. Chances are the road already existed before the business was even open.

And btw that bigot pays taxes too probably more than you.

There is no side anymore. If a guy doesn't want your business there are plenty of others who do.
Right...we don't need these Public Accommodation laws. If you own the only grocery in town, you should be able to tell those black folks to suck it. If I own the only septic service in town, those fags can pump their own shit, right?

Yeah because there are sooo many towns with one mom and pop grocery store or one mom and pop septic truck. And what's stopping the guy in the next town over increasing his business by taking customers that a bigot won't?

Like I said it's no big deal.

There are. My town is one of them. Only one store, only one septic service. Imagine if they refuse to serve me because I'm gay. With septic, there is no "one town over".
Don't worry, guys like lesbians, IT'S HOT!!!! :D
If someone doesn't want my business there are plenty of others who do.

I don't see the big deal in all this.

Right...we don't need these Public Accommodation laws. If you own the only grocery in town, you should be able to tell those black folks to suck it. If I own the only septic service in town, those fags can pump their own shit, right?

What are the odds of such scenarios occurring? Pretty close to 0.000000001.

Freedom means being able to tell people to go suck it if that's what you want to do.

Tyranny is when you have to do what other people tell you.
If someone doesn't want my business there are plenty of others who do.

I don't see the big deal in all this.

Right...we don't need these Public Accommodation laws. If you own the only grocery in town, you should be able to tell those black folks to suck it. If I own the only septic service in town, those fags can pump their own shit, right?

Yeah because there are sooo many towns with one mom and pop grocery store or one mom and pop septic truck. And what's stopping the guy in the next town over increasing his business by taking customers that a bigot won't?

Like I said it's no big deal.

I was in a town once that had only one grocery store: Baggs Wyoming - population 163. Of course, there was a town about 20 miles down the road that also had a grocery store. And then you could always drive about 50 to Rawlins where they had a Walmart store.

Liberal justifications for their social engineering schemes are always based on the idea that people are helpless.

If you don't like abortions, don't get one.

If you don't like bigots, don't patronize their business.

Not good enough for the PC Police, I know.


not if my tax dollars are being spent to provide roads to their business, provide them with water and electricity, provide police and fire protection, and so on.

No, it isn't.

Sweet Evil Jesus, man, we had this discussion 50 years ago over lunch counters.

Your side lost.

Why are we having it again?

So that gives the government the authority to order you to do whatever it likes? Does government also have the right to tell you how many children you can have and what kind of food you can eat as well? That's exactly the reason government shouldn't be providing roads, fire protection or any other service.

BTW, numbnuts, government doesn't supply your house with water and electricity in most cities. A private corporation does that.

If you scratch a liberal, you'll find a fascist underneath every time.
Yeah because there are sooo many towns with one mom and pop grocery store or one mom and pop septic truck. And what's stopping the guy in the next town over increasing his business by taking customers that a bigot won't?

Like I said it's no big deal.

The "public accommodation" thing is the only argument they have, as if someone will die if this bigot doesn't let them in to his crappy restaurant.

The PC Police are about control, regardless of how they try to hide it.


No, you see, here's the thing.

He can't refuse blacks service.

And a mob of angry blacks can't loot his store and burn it to the ground.

That's called "Living in a civilized society". We all have to follow the rules a little bit. .

No, that later is the reason we live in so-called "civilized society." The former is just liberal PC horseshit. The First Amendment guarantees your right of free association. That means free of government interference.

[What you conservatives want is selective anarchy. You want to make sure that big bad old government is looking out for your interests without really requiring anything from you in return.

At least not without some greivence.

Libturds have a thousand different pejoratives they use to refer to the concept they find so utterly loathsome: freedom.

Now, if you don't like the Public Accommedations Laws, get out there and advocate rewriting them.

that's exactly what is going on in this thread, you dumb fucking moron.

And then whine about "Political Correctiness" when people openly speculate what kind of bigot you are.

No, we just call you an imbecile and an asshole.
Right...we don't need these Public Accommodation laws. If you own the only grocery in town, you should be able to tell those black folks to suck it. If I own the only septic service in town, those fags can pump their own shit, right?

Yeah because there are sooo many towns with one mom and pop grocery store or one mom and pop septic truck. And what's stopping the guy in the next town over increasing his business by taking customers that a bigot won't?

Like I said it's no big deal.

There are. My town is one of them. Only one store, only one septic service. Imagine if they refuse to serve me because I'm gay. With septic, there is no "one town over".

Then move. Isn't that what all you libturds say whenever someone complains about all your oppressive social engineering?
Then move. Isn't that what all you libturds say whenever someone complains about all your oppressive social engineering?

Sorry, like was stated previously - YOUR side already tried this shit and they were resoundingly beaten. Fuck anyone who doesn't want to serve people because of race or any other reason than they were already banned for bad behavior.

Bigots are the ones that can move if they don't like it and good fucking riddance.

We don't that type of crap in America. Go live in some t3liban ran society and celebrate the lack of freedom.
Yeah because there are sooo many towns with one mom and pop grocery store or one mom and pop septic truck. And what's stopping the guy in the next town over increasing his business by taking customers that a bigot won't?

Like I said it's no big deal.

There are. My town is one of them. Only one store, only one septic service. Imagine if they refuse to serve me because I'm gay. With septic, there is no "one town over".
Don't worry, guys like lesbians, IT'S HOT!!!! :D

You have never seen real lesbians then. They are never hot. They look like men and most are fat with facial hair

tapatalk post
Right...we don't need these Public Accommodation laws. If you own the only grocery in town, you should be able to tell those black folks to suck it. If I own the only septic service in town, those fags can pump their own shit, right?

Yeah because there are sooo many towns with one mom and pop grocery store or one mom and pop septic truck. And what's stopping the guy in the next town over increasing his business by taking customers that a bigot won't?

Like I said it's no big deal.

There are. My town is one of them. Only one store, only one septic service. Imagine if they refuse to serve me because I'm gay. With septic, there is no "one town over".

Then move off the island.
Yeah because there are sooo many towns with one mom and pop grocery store or one mom and pop septic truck. And what's stopping the guy in the next town over increasing his business by taking customers that a bigot won't?

Like I said it's no big deal.

There are. My town is one of them. Only one store, only one septic service. Imagine if they refuse to serve me because I'm gay. With septic, there is no "one town over".

Then move off the island.

The notion of forcing American citizens to move from a given jurisdiction as a 'remedy' to discrimination is both unconstitutional and un-American.
We have many laws that are clear violations of the Constitution. Obamacare is currently the most famous example.

Again. Yet its still here. What are you going to do about it but whine?

So you think pointing out violations of the Constitution and government abuse of its powers is "whining?" Hitler thought the Jews were whiners, I'll bet.

Are homosexuals "whining" when they insist they have the right to marry? Were blacks "whining" when they complained that their kids had the right to go to the same schools as white children?

Thats because those are clear and legal rights. Your assumption that whites cannot attend HBCUs is stupid and uninformed. You are whining. Go dry your eyes and realize you have reading comprehension issues.

If you don't like abortions, don't get one.

If you don't like bigots, don't patronize their business.

Not good enough for the PC Police, I know.


Abortions are legal. Discriminating in a place that serves the public is not. if you want to discriminate then be legal about it and reorg into a private club.
Right...we don't need these Public Accommodation laws. If you own the only grocery in town, you should be able to tell those black folks to suck it. If I own the only septic service in town, those fags can pump their own shit, right?

Yeah because there are sooo many towns with one mom and pop grocery store or one mom and pop septic truck. And what's stopping the guy in the next town over increasing his business by taking customers that a bigot won't?

Like I said it's no big deal.

The "public accommodation" thing is the only argument they have, as if someone will die if this bigot doesn't let them in to his crappy restaurant.

The PC Police are about control, regardless of how they try to hide it.


Its fun forcing bigots and redneck racists to conform to the law regardless of how much they cant stand it. I wouldnt eat at the shit hole but if someone else wants to then thats their right. The owner needs to be taught that their personal beliefs have nothing to do with the law.

Let's do a little research, utilizing Google, Mapquest and

This bigot's restaurant is located at 3030 North Grand St., Enid OK 73701.

Other "public accommodations" (snicker) in his neighborhood:

  • Taco Bandito, 205 W. Willow Road
  • Lot-A-Burger, 310 W. Willow Road
  • Dis Amazing Barbeque, 2931 N. 4th Street
  • Phil's Slow Smoked BBQ, 2209 N. Grand Street
  • Holiday Motel, 2712 Rock Island Boulevard
  • Enid Cemetery (!), 212 W. Willow Road
  • Willow County Store, 215 W. Willow Road
  • K-Store, 3205 N. 4th Street
  • The Ok Store, 602 W. Main Avenue
  • Grand Central Station, 2305 N. Grand Street
That's just a start. Plenty of options. This "public accommodation" farce is pure bullshit, an excuse for the PC Police to exercise their control.


JoeB explained it clearly to you above. If you don't get it, tough, because the owner will obey the law or pay the price.

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