Restaurant Owner Wants The Right To Refuse Service

We have many laws that are clear violations of the Constitution. Obamacare is currently the most famous example.


Fortunately the Supreme Court disagrees with you.

You and most others on the right are hostile to Commerce Clause jurisprudence because you see it as a barrier to pursuing discriminatory measures and policies, having nothing to do with the Framers’ ‘original intent.’
A white woman can be in the Black pageant.
Looks like you're right:


Dont know who that one is but here is the real one. Damn she is fine.

Miss Black America 2010 Osas Ighodaro at the NAACP Image Awards - National pageant |

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At the club I used to work at, we had hip hop night every Thursday. The way we kept out the riff raff was by instituting a dress code. No dew rags, no baseball hats and no sports jersys. That cut out the majority of the troublesome type of black patrons. That's not to say that everyone wearing that stuff is bad, but most of the bad ones wore that stuff.
So it's not OK for some businesses to hire only blacks or only women?

Which businesses are you talking about, specifically. Or is this something you read on Stormfront?

what about black colleges which cater to black students exclusively?

Don't get all racistloon. They may cater more but none of them refuse white students. But the answer is the same reason there is no WET television. There is a double standard in society.
Yet its still a law. Go figure?

We have many laws that are clear violations of the Constitution. Obamacare is currently the most famous example.

Again. Yet its still here. What are you going to do about it but whine?

So you think pointing out violations of the Constitution and government abuse of its powers is "whining?" Hitler thought the Jews were whiners, I'll bet.

Are homosexuals "whining" when they insist they have the right to marry? Were blacks "whining" when they complained that their kids had the right to go to the same schools as white children?
We have many laws that are clear violations of the Constitution. Obamacare is currently the most famous example.


Fortunately the Supreme Court disagrees with you.

Yeah, right, and every politician caught taking bribes denies that he's doing anything illegal. Every left-wing justice on the Supreme Court was put there specifically for the purpose of greasing the wheels for scumbags like Obama and Harry Reid to wipe their asses on the Constitution. They idea that anyone should take their opinions as some kind of gospel is utterly ridiculous.

[You and most others on the right are hostile to Commerce Clause jurisprudence because you see it as a barrier to pursuing discriminatory measures and policies, having nothing to do with the Framers’ ‘original intent.’

"Commerce clause jurisprudence" is a colossal fraud. Of course I'm hostile to fraud. Every intelligent person is. You are simply announcing that you were proud to be hoodwinked and bamboozled. I posted the meaning of the term "commerce" as it was understood in the 18th century. Running a restaurant or a hotel doesn't qualify. Leasing property doesn't qualify.
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Let the guy discriminate. He'll go out of business soon enough.

Try to legislatively prevent the guy from discriminating. He'll be forced to let all those people he doesn't like in, but then treat them like shit, give them lesser service, etc. He'll stay in business and continue to do this for years.

Yep, and that's the beauty of freedom of expression. It points out the crazies, loud and clear. How cool it would be to watch this guy have to hang an "Out of Business" sign on his door.

It's a shame so many people are so afraid of freedom of expression, that so many people have a need for such control.



Nonsense. This guy is free to be a bigot to his heart's content.

But once he uses public facilities to open a business that is a public accommedation, then he has to make it available to all comers, within reason.

Obviously, "No shoes, no shirt, no service" is within reason. I don't like you because you are black isn't.

If you don't like abortions, don't get one.

If you don't like bigots, don't patronize their business.

Not good enough for the PC Police, I know.


If you don't like abortions, don't get one.

If you don't like bigots, don't patronize their business.

Not good enough for the PC Police, I know.


How will I know they are bigots Mac? Will they have a "whites only" sign on the door?
Which businesses are you talking about, specifically. Or is this something you read on Stormfront?

what about black colleges which cater to black students exclusively?

Don't get all racistloon. They may cater more but none of them refuse white students. But the answer is the same reason there is no WET television. There is a double standard in society.

Well....there's CMT. That which we call a rose....

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