Restaurant Owner Wants The Right To Refuse Service

Hurry up and repeal the Civil Rights Act. I don't want to have to provide accommodation to Christians! How awesome to kick all the sick cross wearers out of my establishment!
There are. My town is one of them. Only one store, only one septic service. Imagine if they refuse to serve me because I'm gay. With septic, there is no "one town over".

Then move off the island.

The notion of forcing American citizens to move from a given jurisdiction as a 'remedy' to discrimination is both unconstitutional and un-American.

The notion of staying in a place define by bigotry and intolerance is ridiculous. No one would have to "force" me to move from a place like that.

And there is no remedy for discrimination. People do it all day every day.
Hurry up and repeal the Civil Rights Act. I don't want to have to provide accommodation to Christians! How awesome to kick all the sick cross wearers out of my establishment!

Your property your rules.

Why do you assume that using the term christians would get a rise out of anyone here?
Maybe he wants the space reserved for people who leave tips and don't try to skip out without paying for their meals. I'm just sayin'.

Then he should learn how to cook and treat his customers better.

Just sayin.
Blacks are notorious for not leaving tips.

Do you have a link or is that something you heard in your inner circles? I've heard from waiters and waitresses that Christians, on Sunday, after church are the worst tippers....and that's a shame, and that includes all races. That's why I like to tip big....
Hurry up and repeal the Civil Rights Act. I don't want to have to provide accommodation to Christians! How awesome to kick all the sick cross wearers out of my establishment!

Your property your rules.

Why do you assume that using the term christians would get a rise out of anyone here?

Hey, give her credit. At least she's willing to admit that she's a bigot.

Of course, that's required of the PC Police.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub.L. 88–352, 78 Stat. 241, enacted July 2, 1964) is a landmark piece of civil rights legislation in the United States[4] that outlawed major forms of discrimination against racial, ethnic, national and religious minorities, and women.[5] It ended unequal application of voter registration requirements and racial segregation in schools, at the workplace and by facilities that served the general public (known as "public accommodations").


Except for voting and segregation in public schools, nothing in the Constitution gives Congress the authority to enact such a law. Congress definitely has no authority over "public accommodations."

You are so just post what "you think" or do you ever research your beliefs?

When and Where to File a Complaint -- Public Accommodations and Facilities

Federal law prohibits privately owned facilities that offer food, lodging, gasoline or entertainment to the public from discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin. If you think that you have been discriminated against in using such a facility, you may file a complaint with the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, or with the United States attorney in your area. You may also file suit in the U.S. district court.

- See more at: Discrimination in Public Accommodations: Government Enforcement - FindLaw

In a true free society this man would be able to exercise his freedom of association, but we have not lived in such a place for a century.

Too bad, America wasn't able to naturally evolve in a free-market economy, you know, winners and losers, and now it has come to this:

[ame=]Obama: If You've Got a Business, You Didn't Build That ... - YouTube[/ame]

I'm sure that if you were black, or some other minority you wouldn't want to wait around until all racist, homophobic people changed or died.....even with Civil Right Laws they still manage to exist and act hateful, so yes, it sounds like something that should have happened on its own, but the hate of some people runs and flows deeper than one generation.
I wonder how this business owner would feel if he was driving in the desert, was almost about to run out of gas, pulled up to a gas station owned by a black man, and was told no gasoline is sold to white people.

He'd probably feel even more justified in his beliefs.

Yep...that's exactly how most racists think. And then you wonder why some blacks are full of anger toward white people?
Then he should learn how to cook and treat his customers better.

Just sayin.
Blacks are notorious for not leaving tips.

Do you have a link or is that something you heard in your inner circles? I've heard from waiters and waitresses that Christians, on Sunday, after church are the worst tippers....and that's a shame, and that includes all races. That's why I like to tip big....
Do you have a link?
Where's your link, S. J. You made the affirmation so it is on your racist ass to produce one.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub.L. 88–352, 78 Stat. 241, enacted July 2, 1964) is a landmark piece of civil rights legislation in the United States[4] that outlawed major forms of discrimination against racial, ethnic, national and religious minorities, and women.[5] It ended unequal application of voter registration requirements and racial segregation in schools, at the workplace and by facilities that served the general public (known as "public accommodations").


Except for voting and segregation in public schools, nothing in the Constitution gives Congress the authority to enact such a law. Congress definitely has no authority over "public accommodations."

You are so just post what "you think" or do you ever research your beliefs?

When and Where to File a Complaint -- Public Accommodations and Facilities

Federal law prohibits privately owned facilities that offer food, lodging, gasoline or entertainment to the public from discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin. If you think that you have been discriminated against in using such a facility, you may file a complaint with the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, or with the United States attorney in your area. You may also file suit in the U.S. district court.

- See more at: Discrimination in Public Accommodations: Government Enforcement - FindLaw

I can honestly say he is one of the few that literally believe their ignorant rants. He really thinks that laws cannot be made for public accommodation.
Blacks are notorious for not leaving tips.

Do you have a link or is that something you heard in your inner circles? I've heard from waiters and waitresses that Christians, on Sunday, after church are the worst tippers....and that's a shame, and that includes all races. That's why I like to tip big....
Do you have a link?

No, but I admitted that I've only heard it from waiters and waitresses, which may just be their opinion, so what is your defense? That it is just your opinion? I'll be waiting for your ansswer....:eusa_whistle:
Except for voting and segregation in public schools, nothing in the Constitution gives Congress the authority to enact such a law. Congress definitely has no authority over "public accommodations."

You are so just post what "you think" or do you ever research your beliefs?

When and Where to File a Complaint -- Public Accommodations and Facilities

Federal law prohibits privately owned facilities that offer food, lodging, gasoline or entertainment to the public from discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin. If you think that you have been discriminated against in using such a facility, you may file a complaint with the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, or with the United States attorney in your area. You may also file suit in the U.S. district court.

- See more at: Discrimination in Public Accommodations: Government Enforcement - FindLaw

I can honestly say he is one of the few that literally believe their ignorant rants. He really thinks that laws cannot be made for public accommodation.

It's no wonder when I see his username it reminds me of who was always making up stories.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub.L. 88–352, 78 Stat. 241, enacted July 2, 1964) is a landmark piece of civil rights legislation in the United States[4] that outlawed major forms of discrimination against racial, ethnic, national and religious minorities, and women.[5] It ended unequal application of voter registration requirements and racial segregation in schools, at the workplace and by facilities that served the general public (known as "public accommodations").


Except for voting and segregation in public schools, nothing in the Constitution gives Congress the authority to enact such a law. Congress definitely has no authority over "public accommodations."

You are so just post what "you think" or do you ever research your beliefs?

When and Where to File a Complaint -- Public Accommodations and Facilities

Federal law prohibits privately owned facilities that offer food, lodging, gasoline or entertainment to the public from discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin. If you think that you have been discriminated against in using such a facility, you may file a complaint with the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, or with the United States attorney in your area. You may also file suit in the U.S. district court.

- See more at: Discrimination in Public Accommodations: Government Enforcement - FindLaw

I already posted the evidence that the commerce clause does not give Congress the authority to regulate hotels and restaurants.
Then move. Isn't that what all you libturds say whenever someone complains about all your oppressive social engineering?

Sorry, like was stated previously - YOUR side already tried this shit and they were resoundingly beaten. Fuck anyone who doesn't want to serve people because of race or any other reason than they were already banned for bad behavior.

Bigots are the ones that can move if they don't like it and good fucking riddance.

We don't that type of crap in America. Go live in some t3liban ran society and celebrate the lack of freedom.

"Fuck them" is not an argument. Neither is "We don't [sic] that type of crap in America."

Sorry, asshole, but the Bill of Rights protects your right to be a bigot. It also protects your right to post fascist idiocies like the stuff you spew into this forum.
There are. My town is one of them. Only one store, only one septic service. Imagine if they refuse to serve me because I'm gay. With septic, there is no "one town over".

Then move off the island.

The notion of forcing American citizens to move from a given jurisdiction as a 'remedy' to discrimination is both unconstitutional and un-American.

Wrong. Discrimination by private individuals and businesses is perfectly Constitutional. In fact, it's protected by the First Amendment.
Again. Yet its still here. What are you going to do about it but whine?

So you think pointing out violations of the Constitution and government abuse of its powers is "whining?" Hitler thought the Jews were whiners, I'll bet.

Are homosexuals "whining" when they insist they have the right to marry? Were blacks "whining" when they complained that their kids had the right to go to the same schools as white children?

Thats because those are clear and legal rights. Your assumption that whites cannot attend HBCUs is stupid and uninformed. You are whining. Go dry your eyes and realize you have reading comprehension issues.

Pointing out the fact that you're a lying hypocrite isn't "whining."
So you think pointing out violations of the Constitution and government abuse of its powers is "whining?" Hitler thought the Jews were whiners, I'll bet.

Are homosexuals "whining" when they insist they have the right to marry? Were blacks "whining" when they complained that their kids had the right to go to the same schools as white children?

Thats because those are clear and legal rights. Your assumption that whites cannot attend HBCUs is stupid and uninformed. You are whining. Go dry your eyes and realize you have reading comprehension issues.

Pointing out the fact that you're a lying hypocrite isn't "whining."

Have someone read it for you since you have trouble. Pointing out that whites cannot attend HBCU's is a retarded and debilitatingly stupid assumption. You are a whiny little pussy besides being ignorant. When are you going to leave your bunker and see 1950 is no longer around?
Hurry up and repeal the Civil Rights Act. I don't want to have to provide accommodation to Christians! How awesome to kick all the sick cross wearers out of my establishment!

Your property your rules.

Why do you assume that using the term christians would get a rise out of anyone here?

Hey, give her credit. At least she's willing to admit that she's a bigot.

Of course, that's required of the PC Police.


Is it bigotry? Call someone that doesn't want to serve me a bigot and you get a freak out.

We like to think we are "post racial" and don't need these laws. How often will the "mooslems" be refused service one wonders...

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