Restaurant posts "GUNS ARE WELCOME" is BOOMING!!!

That's the second time in a row that you have cherry picked from my quote, and cut off the part that I typed that you preferred not to address.
That's because it doesn't matter to me why you have your irrational fear -- your argument is based in emotion and is therefore unsound.

Your action, to immediately assume that someone carrying a gun w/o a badge is a nut case that is about to go off the handle at any moment, based in your fear, is irrational.

You may not like that characterization, but that's on you.

It's not "irrationality" when it's either (a) going on all around you or (b) happened to you personally. Or as here, both.

If you walk out the door and see dark clouds and hear thunder, is it "irrational" to expect rain? If you knock a glass over and watch it fall, it is "irrational" to expect it will break?

Sorry but your obsession with one-upmanship by dropping the "argument based on emotion" bullshit brings you to stretches worthy of a yoga class. That you edited out the background is a dead giveaway. That's an irrational fear of being confronted by it.

The problem is, to continue your analogy, is that you don't always hear thunder before it rains. And I choose to carry an umbrella in order to be prepared. I don't want my umbrella taken by someone who insists I do not need it, despite the obvious facts.
That's because it doesn't matter to me why you have your irrational fear -- your argument is based in emotion and is therefore unsound.

Your action, to immediately assume that someone carrying a gun w/o a badge is a nut case that is about to go off the handle at any moment, based in your fear, is irrational.

You may not like that characterization, but that's on you.

It's not "irrationality" when it's either (a) going on all around you or (b) happened to you personally. Or as here, both.

If you walk out the door and see dark clouds and hear thunder, is it "irrational" to expect rain? If you knock a glass over and watch it fall, it is "irrational" to expect it will break?

Sorry but your obsession with one-upmanship by dropping the "argument based on emotion" bullshit brings you to stretches worthy of a yoga class. That you edited out the background is a dead giveaway. That's an irrational fear of being confronted by it.

The problem is, to continue your analogy, is that you don't always hear thunder before it rains. And I choose to carry an umbrella in order to be prepared. I don't want my umbrella taken by someone who insists I do not need it, despite the obvious facts.
Further, thunder + clouds = rain is a common, everyday personal occurrence, while seeing man w/ gun and almost die is not - thus, to use the former to illustrate the rationality of the latter is, well, poor reasoning.
It's not "irrationality" when it's either (a) going on all around you or (b) happened to you personally. Or as here, both.

If you walk out the door and see dark clouds and hear thunder, is it "irrational" to expect rain? If you knock a glass over and watch it fall, it is "irrational" to expect it will break?

Sorry but your obsession with one-upmanship by dropping the "argument based on emotion" bullshit brings you to stretches worthy of a yoga class. That you edited out the background is a dead giveaway. That's an irrational fear of being confronted by it.

The problem is, to continue your analogy, is that you don't always hear thunder before it rains. And I choose to carry an umbrella in order to be prepared. I don't want my umbrella taken by someone who insists I do not need it, despite the obvious facts.
Further, thunder + clouds = rain is a common, everyday personal occurrence, while seeing man w/ gun and almost die is not - thus, to use the former to illustrate the rationality of the latter is, well, poor reasoning.

Exactly. It's the same thing. What you're trying to do is cherrypick reasoning here and put the same reasoning down there.

Having it both ways: priceless.
The problem is, to continue your analogy, is that you don't always hear thunder before it rains. And I choose to carry an umbrella in order to be prepared. I don't want my umbrella taken by someone who insists I do not need it, despite the obvious facts.
Further, thunder + clouds = rain is a common, everyday personal occurrence, while seeing man w/ gun and almost die is not - thus, to use the former to illustrate the rationality of the latter is, well, poor reasoning.
Exactly. It's the same thing. What you're trying to do is cherrypick reasoning here and put the same reasoning down there.
No. Its not. Its not even close.

Her assumption with regard to people carrying a gun is no more or less rational than a rape victim assuming that every man she sees will rape her; most people would agree that any such rape victim is in dire need of therapy.
That's because it doesn't matter to me why you have your irrational fear -- your argument is based in emotion and is therefore unsound.

Your action, to immediately assume that someone carrying a gun w/o a badge is a nut case that is about to go off the handle at any moment, based in your fear, is irrational.

You may not like that characterization, but that's on you.

It's not "irrationality" when it's either (a) going on all around you or (b) happened to you personally. Or as here, both.

If you walk out the door and see dark clouds and hear thunder, is it "irrational" to expect rain? If you knock a glass over and watch it fall, it is "irrational" to expect it will break?

Sorry but your obsession with one-upmanship by dropping the "argument based on emotion" bullshit brings you to stretches worthy of a yoga class. That you edited out the background is a dead giveaway. That's an irrational fear of being confronted by it.

The problem is, to continue your analogy, is that you don't always hear thunder before it rains. And I choose to carry an umbrella in order to be prepared. I don't want my umbrella taken by someone who insists I do not need it, despite the obvious facts.

That's not continuing the same analogy, and nobody brought up "taking your umbrella away". The analogy is of analyzing circumstances and their expected results. The unexpected doesn't even apply here; the point is about how one reacts to what one sees in his immediate environment -- not what comes out of left field. Vandal's point referred to what the immediate stimuli mean. Not what pops up out of the bushes. So you're in effect moving the goalposts as well as introducing a non sequitur.
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Further, thunder + clouds = rain is a common, everyday personal occurrence, while seeing man w/ gun and almost die is not - thus, to use the former to illustrate the rationality of the latter is, well, poor reasoning.
Exactly. It's the same thing. What you're trying to do is cherrypick reasoning here and put the same reasoning down there.
No. Its not. Its not even close.

Her assumption with regard to people carrying a gun is no more or less rational than a rape victim assuming that every man she sees will rape her; most people would agree that any such rape victim is in dire need of therapy.

Ah good, the old "everybody knows" fallacy. Check that off the daily list.

Who is "her"?
Exactly. It's the same thing. What you're trying to do is cherrypick reasoning here and put the same reasoning down there.
No. Its not. Its not even close.
Her assumption with regard to people carrying a gun is no more or less rational than a rape victim assuming that every man she sees will rape her; most people would agree that any such rape victim is in dire need of therapy.
Ah good, the old "everybody knows" fallacy. Check that off the daily list.
What's that? No effective response? I thought not.
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I do not want every crazy human being to carry guns. 40 people were killed, 250 were wounded in July up to date. And these figures are only for Chicago...

I agree. Just reading here is enough to scare the bejeezus out of me. I don't want these nutters showing off how rave they are around my family.

Chicago's murder rate isn't as high as the nutters like [MENTION=6581]M14 Shooter[/MENTION] want us to believe.

18.5 per100K puts them at 21st in the nation.

National average is 4.7 but there are 20 more cities (with no gun laws) who have more murders, per capita, than Chicago.

Besides which, the way Chicago's gun laws work is that they're against law until you walk across the street to buy. They have no real gun laws that matter.

Have a nice day y'all and don't get shot.
Restaurant Owner: ?Guns Are Welcome? Signs Have Helped Boost Business « CBS Charlotte

Hmmmm.....another kick to the nut sacks of the gun grabbers, and aren't we seeing it on almost a daily basis?

Im still laughing as I post this thread up!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

This comes on the heels of a recent Gallup poll showing that 3 out of every 4 Americans are AGAINST any kind of gun ban!!! Last time it was that high???

Ready for this............


Carrying firearms into places where they serve alcohol seems like a really smart idea.......what could go wrong?

I live near Tombstone, AZ. They have had some unpleasant experiences with that. They now have signs on all the bar doors barring guns from the premise's. That even includes the ones filled with blanks that the street actors use for their street theater shootouts.

Of course these new gun laws only apply to white people. Not hard to figure out what would happen if some black guy walked in carrying a piece.
In the world of the gun grabber assholes, there are no bad guys.......this is the makey-uppey reality they live in. They want everybody to talk their way out of a home invasion, "Just let the people have your belongings!!". Really.

More than anything......the gun grabber assholes just cant get past this obsession of trying to control anything and everything in their environment. For these people, they wake up every morning of their lives seeking solutions to every single problem in life......they are obsessed with it. Its the way their minds work. For example, somebody in the ENVIRONMENT forum posted a thread seriously advocating for us building 1,000 foot high walls over the country to stop tornado's.:eek:. Its a thought processing fuck up thing with these people......cannot weigh necessary tradeoff stuff in their minds ( see Gun Free Zones). Indeed.......when one cant think on the margin ( most people can and do ) THIS is the shit you end up with >>>

Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube

Not an intelligence thing ^^^ but the thought processing of these gun grabbers is not fluid.
You have a false perception of the motivation of gun safety advocates. We just don't see the cost benefit relationship of putting more guns on the streets while gun violence is the problem. We understand that the gun lovers have had marvelous experiences with guns. All those targets shot, all that testosterone used, all those fantasies of being Dirty Harry in some faux cinematic scene where you and you alone can not only shoot, but kill and then be lauded as the great hero. Heady stuff for someone with no regard to public safety other than those fantasies played out on a small patch of real estate.

But some of us have had tragic experiences with guns. As it turns out, guns CAN and DO kill people and quite often in this crazy gun culture of contemporary America. You can dismiss us as fear laden, squirmy chicken little types. But that only serves to give you cover as you ignore the plague of gun violence.

It's not an "intelligence thing"., It's an experience thing.

That same nonsense (in bold) yet again?

News Flash for you. I, and the gun owners I know, are not trying to play "Dirty Harry". I understand that you feel the need to belittle and insult those of us who enjoy shootuing, but at least TRY to stay in the ball park of reality.

I carry a gun most of the time. I have a permit, and I use it. But I am not trying to be a hero. I am taking responsibility for my own safety and for the safety of those unable to do it themselves. I am a fairly large male. Most of the time a criminal looks for victims that will be an easy mark. I don't typically look the part. But I am perfectly willing to use my firearm, my skill and my knowledge to protect someone else too.

As for all those targets shot, I have honed my shooting skills. Whether it be with a hunting rifle, a shotgun or a handgun, the more I practice the better shot I will be. That you ridicule that shows your own ignorance.

And any gun owner worth his salt will practice. Any gun owner worth his salt will store his firearms safely. And any gun owner worth his salt understands that they are not the only one armed and that there will likely be return fire (unless the gun owner is able to get the first shot off).
New Sheriff in town? Once you pull that piece, all bets are off. You are not trained in police procedures, the law or public safety.

Why have so many of your fellow vigilantes shot themselves while monkeying around with loaded guns? I realize that you consider yourself competent, but please answer for the yahoos. Please tell us why and how all manner of citizens carrying loaded weapons makes for safer streets, schools, restaurants and theaters.

Bear in mind, your fellow citizens have not always shown the greatest regard for safety. Be it their own or others. The same guy you just saw leaving a restroom without washing his hands thinks of himself in glowing terms so far as responsibility goes.
You have a false perception of the motivation of gun safety advocates. We just don't see the cost benefit relationship of putting more guns on the streets while gun violence is the problem. We understand that the gun lovers have had marvelous experiences with guns. All those targets shot, all that testosterone used, all those fantasies of being Dirty Harry in some faux cinematic scene where you and you alone can not only shoot, but kill and then be lauded as the great hero. Heady stuff for someone with no regard to public safety other than those fantasies played out on a small patch of real estate.

But some of us have had tragic experiences with guns. As it turns out, guns CAN and DO kill people and quite often in this crazy gun culture of contemporary America. You can dismiss us as fear laden, squirmy chicken little types. But that only serves to give you cover as you ignore the plague of gun violence.

It's not an "intelligence thing"., It's an experience thing.

That same nonsense (in bold) yet again?

News Flash for you. I, and the gun owners I know, are not trying to play "Dirty Harry". I understand that you feel the need to belittle and insult those of us who enjoy shootuing, but at least TRY to stay in the ball park of reality.

I carry a gun most of the time. I have a permit, and I use it. But I am not trying to be a hero. I am taking responsibility for my own safety and for the safety of those unable to do it themselves. I am a fairly large male. Most of the time a criminal looks for victims that will be an easy mark. I don't typically look the part. But I am perfectly willing to use my firearm, my skill and my knowledge to protect someone else too.

As for all those targets shot, I have honed my shooting skills. Whether it be with a hunting rifle, a shotgun or a handgun, the more I practice the better shot I will be. That you ridicule that shows your own ignorance.

And any gun owner worth his salt will practice. Any gun owner worth his salt will store his firearms safely. And any gun owner worth his salt understands that they are not the only one armed and that there will likely be return fire (unless the gun owner is able to get the first shot off).
New Sheriff in town? Once you pull that piece, all bets are off. You are not trained in police procedures, the law or public safety.

Why have so many of your fellow vigilantes shot themselves while monkeying around with loaded guns? I realize that you consider yourself competent, but please answer for the yahoos. Please tell us why and how all manner of citizens carrying loaded weapons makes for safer streets, schools, restaurants and theaters.

Bear in mind, your fellow citizens have not always shown the greatest regard for safety. Be it their own or others. The same guy you just saw leaving a restroom without washing his hands thinks of himself in glowing terms so far as responsibility goes.
Says the anti-gun loon trying to pass himself off as a "gun safety advocate".
That same nonsense (in bold) yet again?

News Flash for you. I, and the gun owners I know, are not trying to play "Dirty Harry". I understand that you feel the need to belittle and insult those of us who enjoy shootuing, but at least TRY to stay in the ball park of reality.

I carry a gun most of the time. I have a permit, and I use it. But I am not trying to be a hero. I am taking responsibility for my own safety and for the safety of those unable to do it themselves. I am a fairly large male. Most of the time a criminal looks for victims that will be an easy mark. I don't typically look the part. But I am perfectly willing to use my firearm, my skill and my knowledge to protect someone else too.

As for all those targets shot, I have honed my shooting skills. Whether it be with a hunting rifle, a shotgun or a handgun, the more I practice the better shot I will be. That you ridicule that shows your own ignorance.

And any gun owner worth his salt will practice. Any gun owner worth his salt will store his firearms safely. And any gun owner worth his salt understands that they are not the only one armed and that there will likely be return fire (unless the gun owner is able to get the first shot off).
New Sheriff in town? Once you pull that piece, all bets are off. You are not trained in police procedures, the law or public safety.

Why have so many of your fellow vigilantes shot themselves while monkeying around with loaded guns? I realize that you consider yourself competent, but please answer for the yahoos. Please tell us why and how all manner of citizens carrying loaded weapons makes for safer streets, schools, restaurants and theaters.

Bear in mind, your fellow citizens have not always shown the greatest regard for safety. Be it their own or others. The same guy you just saw leaving a restroom without washing his hands thinks of himself in glowing terms so far as responsibility goes.
Says the anti-gun loon trying to pass himself off as a "gun safety advocate".
It's safer to sit on the sidelines and offer up back handed criticism in the face of life and death, isn't it? Can you offer anything like a cogent response, or are you afraid you might get 'emotional'? Step up little man. Put down your piece and speak one.
New Sheriff in town? Once you pull that piece, all bets are off. You are not trained in police procedures, the law or public safety.

Why have so many of your fellow vigilantes shot themselves while monkeying around with loaded guns? I realize that you consider yourself competent, but please answer for the yahoos. Please tell us why and how all manner of citizens carrying loaded weapons makes for safer streets, schools, restaurants and theaters.

Bear in mind, your fellow citizens have not always shown the greatest regard for safety. Be it their own or others. The same guy you just saw leaving a restroom without washing his hands thinks of himself in glowing terms so far as responsibility goes.
Says the anti-gun loon trying to pass himself off as a "gun safety advocate".
It's safer to sit on the sidelines and offer up back handed criticism in the face of life and death, isn't it? Can you offer anything like a cogent response, or are you afraid you might get 'emotional'? Step up little man. Put down your piece and speak one.
I did. You chose to ignore it because you know you do not have a coherent reply.

Post # 164

As I said:

You aren't an advocate of gun safety - you're an advocate of further restricting the rights of the law abiding by increasing the limitations on the exercise of the right to arms that will do nothing to prevent further gun violence; to this end, you present arguments based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

That makes you an anti-gun loon.
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I do own guns. Six of them. But, I do not feel it necessary to wear them to the 7/11 to buy a Slurpee, while trying to look like John Wayne.

Ok, you don't feel it is necessary. But if someone else does, that is frightening?

I don't open carry. If someone else does, it's no skin off my nose.

Do you simply assume someone who open carries is doing it to intimidate you?

Is it possible that they are open carrying in an attempt to protect themselves, you and others?

Bad guys who see a gun are FAR less likely to commit a crime anywhere in the vicinity of the person wearing it.

I don't understand why you need this explained to you over and over again. Are you that obtuse? I repeat. If I see someone carrying a gun around who is not wearing a badge, I will assume that he is a nut case that is about to go off the handle at any moment. I am not going to wait around to find out if he is just an out of work character actor in a B movie, or somebody who always wanted to be Clint Eastwood, but just didn't make the grade. I am going to avoid this person, rather than assume that he is a guardian angel looking to save me from John Dillinger.

Twice in my life, I have been a near witness to mass random shootings. Once, while in a traffic jam it Atlanta, I watched a scrummy looking guy run out of a bar, followed soon after bu cop cars responding to the scene. I saw on the news that night that he had been thrown out of the bar, and had returned and shot and killed 5 men. Then, a second time, when I was buying a house in Dallas, my realtor did not show up for our appointment on Saturday morning. I found out that she had been sitting at a bar at happy hour on Friday night and a Mideast foreign guy had been rebuffed by on of the ladies sitting with her. he went to his car, got his gun, and shot 6 women in the head, killing them all.

In my book, you are carrying a gun because you are a lawman, or a nut. if I am wrong about that, I will worry about that on another day. I'm not going to hang out with you and test that theory.

In my book, your book is childish.

But it's your book, enjoy the pop-ups.

Don't get me wrong, I think you are a good dude, but I can't understand your "I soil my undergarments if a see a gun" attitude.
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I do own guns. Six of them. But, I do not feel it necessary to wear them to the 7/11 to buy a Slurpee, while trying to look like John Wayne.

Ok, you don't feel it is necessary. But if someone else does, that is frightening?

I don't open carry. If someone else does, it's no skin off my nose.

Do you simply assume someone who open carries is doing it to intimidate you?

Is it possible that they are open carrying in an attempt to protect themselves, you and others?

Bad guys who see a gun are FAR less likely to commit a crime anywhere in the vicinity of the person wearing it.

I don't understand why you need this explained to you over and over again. Are you that obtuse? I repeat. If I see someone carrying a gun around who is not wearing a badge, I will assume that he is a nut case that is about to go off the handle at any moment. I am not going to wait around to find out if he is just an out of work character actor in a B movie, or somebody who always wanted to be Clint Eastwood, but just didn't make the grade. I am going to avoid this person, rather than assume that he is a guardian angel looking to save me from John Dillinger.

You should probably see a mental health professional to deal with your paranoia!

Note: you could be sitting next to my wife or my uncle...if they were both armed, you would never know it!
Restaurant Owner: ?Guns Are Welcome? Signs Have Helped Boost Business « CBS Charlotte

Hmmmm.....another kick to the nut sacks of the gun grabbers, and aren't we seeing it on almost a daily basis?

Im still laughing as I post this thread up!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

This comes on the heels of a recent Gallup poll showing that 3 out of every 4 Americans are AGAINST any kind of gun ban!!! Last time it was that high???

Ready for this............


Carrying firearms into places where they serve alcohol seems like a really smart idea.......what could go wrong?

My wife had her Beretta with her at Pizza Hut a couple weeks big deal. (Like most pizzarias, PH serves alcohol!)
Ok, you don't feel it is necessary. But if someone else does, that is frightening?

I don't open carry. If someone else does, it's no skin off my nose.

Do you simply assume someone who open carries is doing it to intimidate you?

Is it possible that they are open carrying in an attempt to protect themselves, you and others?

Bad guys who see a gun are FAR less likely to commit a crime anywhere in the vicinity of the person wearing it.

I don't understand why you need this explained to you over and over again. Are you that obtuse? I repeat. If I see someone carrying a gun around who is not wearing a badge, I will assume that he is a nut case that is about to go off the handle at any moment. I am not going to wait around to find out if he is just an out of work character actor in a B movie, or somebody who always wanted to be Clint Eastwood, but just didn't make the grade. I am going to avoid this person, rather than assume that he is a guardian angel looking to save me from John Dillinger.

Twice in my life, I have been a near witness to mass random shootings. Once, while in a traffic jam it Atlanta, I watched a scrummy looking guy run out of a bar, followed soon after bu cop cars responding to the scene. I saw on the news that night that he had been thrown out of the bar, and had returned and shot and killed 5 men. Then, a second time, when I was buying a house in Dallas, my realtor did not show up for our appointment on Saturday morning. I found out that she had been sitting at a bar at happy hour on Friday night and a Mideast foreign guy had been rebuffed by on of the ladies sitting with her. he went to his car, got his gun, and shot 6 women in the head, killing them all.

In my book, you are carrying a gun because you are a lawman, or a nut. if I am wrong about that, I will worry about that on another day. I'm not going to hang out with you and test that theory.

In my book, your book is childish.

But it's your book, enjoy the pop-ups.

Don't get me wrong, I think you are a good dude, but I can't understand your "I soil my undergarments if a see a gun" attitude.

Except that [MENTION=42404]Vandalshandle[/MENTION] described just about every single nutter who has gone off the deep end and taken lives.

I'll bet they all said they were safe shooters too.

Childish is not taking care of your own life and the lives of your family. Why should I (or you) trust the self-assessment of all the crazies out there who are scared to leave their house without their gun?
Restaurant Owner: ?Guns Are Welcome? Signs Have Helped Boost Business « CBS Charlotte

Hmmmm.....another kick to the nut sacks of the gun grabbers, and aren't we seeing it on almost a daily basis?

Im still laughing as I post this thread up!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

This comes on the heels of a recent Gallup poll showing that 3 out of every 4 Americans are AGAINST any kind of gun ban!!! Last time it was that high???

Ready for this............


Carrying firearms into places where they serve alcohol seems like a really smart idea.......what could go wrong?

My wife had her Beretta with her at Pizza Hut a couple weeks big deal. (Like most pizzarias, PH serves alcohol!)

I know a woman who carries this big bag full of junk and down in the bottom of it, she carries a little pistol. She's a loon, says she's ready for whatever comes along. Damn fool can't even write a check without help.

According to you nutters, I'm supposed to sit in a Pizza Hut (no, I would never eat there - its garbage) with that ditzy broad at the next table.

I don't understand why you need this explained to you over and over again. Are you that obtuse? I repeat. If I see someone carrying a gun around who is not wearing a badge, I will assume that he is a nut case that is about to go off the handle at any moment. I am not going to wait around to find out if he is just an out of work character actor in a B movie, or somebody who always wanted to be Clint Eastwood, but just didn't make the grade. I am going to avoid this person, rather than assume that he is a guardian angel looking to save me from John Dillinger.

Twice in my life, I have been a near witness to mass random shootings. Once, while in a traffic jam it Atlanta, I watched a scrummy looking guy run out of a bar, followed soon after bu cop cars responding to the scene. I saw on the news that night that he had been thrown out of the bar, and had returned and shot and killed 5 men. Then, a second time, when I was buying a house in Dallas, my realtor did not show up for our appointment on Saturday morning. I found out that she had been sitting at a bar at happy hour on Friday night and a Mideast foreign guy had been rebuffed by on of the ladies sitting with her. he went to his car, got his gun, and shot 6 women in the head, killing them all.

In my book, you are carrying a gun because you are a lawman, or a nut. if I am wrong about that, I will worry about that on another day. I'm not going to hang out with you and test that theory.

In my book, your book is childish.

But it's your book, enjoy the pop-ups.

Don't get me wrong, I think you are a good dude, but I can't understand your "I soil my undergarments if a see a gun" attitude.

Except that [MENTION=42404]Vandalshandle[/MENTION] described just about every single nutter who has gone off the deep end and taken lives.

I'll bet they all said they were safe shooters too.

Childish is not taking care of your own life and the lives of your family. Why should I (or you) trust the self-assessment of all the crazies out there who are scared to leave their house without their gun?

s0n......hate to break it to you but when somebody is in the extreme majority, nobody labels them as nutter except for the hyper k00k partisan assholes. Just the standard bar. 3 out of every 4 people in America are very cool with folks owning guns. Translation? A % of the 1 out of 4 that doesn't........well, therein one will find the crazies. By any measure s0n!!

And you know you're an oddball too s0n......a social invalid who has been forced to embrace extreme positions so as to be able to matter SOMEWHERE on this earth. Do I hit the nail on the head s0n or do I hit the nail on the head??:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Carrying firearms into places where they serve alcohol seems like a really smart idea.......what could go wrong?

My wife had her Beretta with her at Pizza Hut a couple weeks big deal. (Like most pizzarias, PH serves alcohol!)

I know a woman who carries this big bag full of junk and down in the bottom of it, she carries a little pistol. She's a loon, says she's ready for whatever comes along. Damn fool can't even write a check without help.

According to you nutters, I'm supposed to sit in a Pizza Hut (no, I would never eat there - its garbage) with that ditzy broad at the next table.


My wife wears her Beretta in a holster. Were you trying to stumble on a POINT, dude?

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